Term 1 Presenting

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Senior Primary Planning Template

Curriculum Area: Information Technology Strand: Presenting

Term 1

Duration 11 weeks

Year Level: 6

Global Learning Outcomes Students will understand how to use a range of IT applications, skills and tools to define, locate, select, organise present, assess and evaluate information in a variety of forms. Specific Learning Intentions Students will understand how to use and apply tools effectively from the following applications: Microsoft ord Pu!lisher Power point "#cel Cross Curricular Lin s !ssential Learning Areas $ll curricula Specific "ocabular# Su!%ect Terminology print, save, copy, paste, folder, application, delete, pu!lish, icon, font, italic, %ustify, insert $abits of %ind Striving for accuracy Remaining open to continuous learning Flexibility Listening with Understanding and Empathy Awareness of own thinking uestioning and !roblem Solving !recision of language and thought "aking responsible risks !ersistence #reating$ imagining$ innovating %onderment$ in&uisitiveness "hinking interdependently 'rawing on past knowledge (athering data through all the senses )anaging impulsivity Finding humour

1 Nathan Janes Year 0-8 Sports Co-ordinator 2011

Senior Primary Planning Template

&ormative Assessment Students can: &se a range of IT skills from the following applications: MI'()S)*T )(+

Summative Assessment Students can: produce an e portfolio of work for a range of su!%ects 1Power Point2 Produce a 3ui4 in the style of 5 ho wants to !e a Millionaire6 1Power Point2 produce a class timeta!le 1"#cel2 produce a postcard of $uckland 1Pu!lisher2 produce an auto!iography 1 ord2

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2 Nathan Janes Year 0-8 Sports Co-ordinator 2011

Senior Primary Planning Template

Learning !'periences Students (ill: &nderstand the !asic tools of )(+, Pu!lisher, Power Point and "#cel &nderstand how to create a new page7 slide7 add and change te#t7 add images and drawing tools &nderstand how to create and change designs7 !ackground7 pu!lication types &nderstand how to create transitions and add action !uttons7 hyperlinks &nderstand how to animate te#t and add sound &nderstand how to import videos7 use 8ou tu!e effectively &nderstand how to save, create a new folder, print, organise and manage information

)esources IT applications e!site search engines (ange of primary and secondary sources to support e portfolio hat worked, what didn9t, what resources are needed in future.

&nit evaluation:

3 Nathan Janes Year 0-8 Sports Co-ordinator 2011

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