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Pinehurst Junior College Medium Term Plan Curriculum $rea

Physical Education:

Personal Body Care:

Kee ing Clean

Date Term 1

Curriculum Links Science, Literacy, Mathematics, Social Studies

Duration 8 sessions

Year Level

Curriculum Levels Time () minutes a session

English Curriculum PSHE NZC PE and Health Level 3/4

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Curriculum *"+ectives

Students should be able:

reflect on and evaluate their achievements and strengths in all areas of their lives and recognise their own worth. They demonstrate respect for differences between people. They can recognise some strong emotions and identify ways of managing these emotions positively. Students should be able to stay physically and mentally healthy (keeping keep and personal hygiene). They can make informed choices to maintain their health and well-being and can explain reasons for these choices. They should be able to assess the element of risk attached to making these choices about lifestyle and personal safety.

Pinehurst Junior College Medium Term Plan

Learning ,ntentions
Global (Real Life) Learning Intention: Personal !ody Care: Kee ing Clean Students will understand the messages of keeping clean. They will understand the importance of daily routines, habits and precautions that can be taken to ensure personal body care and to avoid infections and disease.

Learning ,ntentions
To understand: Students can Students will Specific Learning Intentions: The students will learn that we follow daily create a circle map to identify the seven key routines to keep show knowledge and messages from the "he students learn to: ourselves clean first impressions of Clean #s video what it means to be clean

To understand: the importance of washing hands after the toilet To understand: why it is vital to have a shower, bath or all over wash everyday

Students can identify the risks associated with poor hand washing Students can relate issues of personal hygiene to pubertal change and growth and identify common myths Students can identify the three key messages related to dental hygiene

Students will !lean "s #rogramme "ctivity "$%$! !lass &iscussion on 'ashing (ands pg )$* Students will !lean "s #rogramme "ctivity "$% !lass &iscussion on +eeping !lean pg , Students will !lean "s #rogramme "ctivity "$%$!$& !lass &iscussion on %rushing Teeth pg -$.$/

To understand: that it is necessary to brush teeth at least twice a day

Pinehurst Junior College Medium Term Plan

To understand: that clothes and personal items must be washed regularly To understand: why it is importance to keep coughs, colds and other germs to yourself Students can identify reasons for washing clothes regularly Students can identify ways to reduce transmission of infections through basic hygiene practices Students can identify the dangers associated with sharing spit and spitting Students can use appropriate hygiene practices when treating and caring for wounds, sores and other skin lesions Students will !lean "s #rogramme "ctivity "$% !lass &iscussion on different 0aundry #ractices pg 12$11 Students will !lean "s #rogramme "ctivity "$%$! !lass &iscussion on ways of keeping safe with coughs and colds pg 1)$1* Students will !lean "s #rogramme "ctivity "$%$! !lass &iscussion on sharing spit and spitting pg 13

To understand: the importance of not sharing spit

To understand: that cuts and sores need cleaning and covering

Students will !lean "s #rogramme "ctivity "$%$! 4xplore ways of healing wounds and sores pg 1-

-a"its o# Mind .ocus

Striving for accuracy Flexibility wareness of Own !hin"ing $recision of Language and !hought $ersistence 'onderment% &n(uisitiveness )rawing on $ast *nowledge ,anaging &mpulsivity Remaining Open to Continuous Learning Listening with Understanding and Empathy #uestioning and $roblem $osing !a"ing Responsible Ris"s Creating% &magining% &nnovating !hin"ing interdependently +athering )ata through all the senses Finding -umour

Pinehurst Junior College Medium Term Plan

Di##erentiated Learning /01eriences
Most students will
%e able to demonstrate a good understanding of the concepts of personal body care and keeping clean. Students will investigate the key messages related to cleanliness, washing hands, regularly showers, brushing teeth, washing clothes, coughs, spitting and dressing wounds thoroughly. Students will draw on part knowledge to explain their experiences and present their findings using a variety of thinking maps and habits of mind.

Learner E tension: So!e students will ha"e progressed further and will
%e able to demonstrate an excellent understanding of the concepts of personal body care and keeping clean. Students will investigate the key messages related to cleanliness, washing hands, regularly showers, brushing teeth, washing clothes, coughs, spitting and dressing wounds in greater detail. Students will draw on part knowledge to explain their experiences and present their findings using a variety of thinking maps and habits of mind. Students will ask higher or 5uestions to develop a deeper understanding.

Learner Support: So!e students will not ha"e progressed so far and will
%e able to demonstrate a reasonable understanding of the concepts of personal body care and keeping clean. Students will investigate a few key messages related to cleanliness, washing hands, regularly showers, brushing teeth, washing clothes, coughs, spitting and dressing wounds. Students will draw on some part knowledge to explain their experiences and present their findings using a few thinking maps and habits of mind.

S1eci#ic 2oca"ulary

'ashing !leanliness %rushing 6erms 8nfections "ntiseptic

#ersonal %ody !are (ygiene Scrubbing 7ingernails disease 0esions

S1eci#ic 3esources
!lean "s #rogramme 0eaflets #osters 4xemplars newspaper articles

,T Com1onent
9ultimedia presentation on the main themes on keeping clean 4ncarta !leanliness 'ebsites related to washing and how we can maintain personal hygiene

Pinehurst Junior College Medium Term Plan

Thinking Tools
Thinking (ats 9ind 9aps 8n5uiry #rocess Thinking 9aps

Goal Setting- efine-!ocate-Select-"rganise-#resent-$ssess-%eflect !ircle 9aps, %ubble 9aps

"he students $ill: %uestion and ans$er sessions related to the revious lessons Con&erencing during class time

"he students $ill: Com lete grou activities er session related to the 'ee ing clean and give a short resentation( Personal Hygiene #ssignment )Home$or'*

Teacher 3e#lection
(#onsider resources$ acti"ities$ deli"er%$ barriers etc)

Pinehurst Junior College Medium Term Plan

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