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Functional Behavioral Assessment/Behavior Intervention Plan Report 1 Student Information Student Name: Z.C. Parent Name(s): Mr.

& Mrs. William White School: The Mystery School Teacher: Mrs. Black rade: !th "rade #ate o$ Birth: %une &'rd( &))* +"e (years,months): ** years and ' months old -.aminer: +shley Sack /e0ort #ate: 1,*!,&)*'

1 Reason for FBA/BIP: General Background Z.C. smiled se2eral times durin" the time that 3 s0ent o4ser2in" his classroom each 5eek. 6e lau"hed 7uite o$ten and 2er4ally claimed that he 5as a $riend to a 2ariety o$ students in the classroom throu"hout many o$ the mornin"s in 5hich 3 o4ser2ed. 6e seemed to 4e easily distracted and his attention seemed to 4e easily directed to5ard se2eral as0ects o$ the classroom at once( as e2ident 5hen Z.C. 5as constantly lookin" around the room and not at the teacher( 5hen he 5as talkin" to 0eers a4out su48ects not related to the instructional content( or 5hen he 5as shu$$lin" throu"h his desk lookin" $or o48ects not related to the instructional content at that time. Z.C9s desk 5as 7uite o$ten 2ery or"ani:ed and 5ell ordered 5ith only a $e5 0a0ers out o$ 0lace at its most disor"ani:ed moments. Z.C. seemed to desire cleanliness and order around him( as he had 4een seen se2eral times 5i0in" do5n the sur$ace o$ his desk and reor"ani:in" the contents o$ his desk throu"hout one instructional hal$;hour 0eriod. 3n addition( he occasionally reor"ani:ed the su00lies on the teacher9s 5orkta4le ne.t to him as the teacher 5as "i2in" instruction or durin" inde0endent 5ork time. Z.C. also seemed to 4e 2ery $ocused on the teacher9s "i2en tasks 5hen the room 5as 7uieter and other students 5ere not talkin"( as o4ser2ed 5hile collectin" data on &;!;*' and &;**;*'. #urin" the student and teacher inter2ie5s on &;!;*'( Z.C. and Mrs. Black claimed that his 0arents 5ere in the middle o$ the di2orce 0rocess. #urin" these inter2ie5s( Z.C. also claimed that he li2es in a house 5ith his mother( $ather( 4rother( sister( and 0u00y. +ccordin" to the document re2ie5( Z.C.9s educational history consists o$ his M-+P scores indicatin" he is <0ro$icient= in M-+P materials. +ccordin" to my inter2ie5 5ith Mrs. Black( Z.C. stru""les in -n"lish and readin"( yet thri2es in math and science. 6e does not currently recei2e any s0ecial education ser2ices. 6is medical history indicated

that he has Tourette9s syndrome and is currently takin" a medication $or Tourette9s. 6is medical records also indicated that he has >4sessi2e Com0ulsi2e #isorder and is currently on medication $or >4sessi2e Com0ulsi2e #isorder as 5ell. 6is hearin" tests on ?e4ruary **th( &)*) indicated a 0assin" score and that his le$t ear is a stron"er ear. 6is 2ision tests on ?e4ruary &@th( &)*& indicated a 0assin" score. This 0articular ?B+ ori"inated in order to assist Z.C. (as 5ell as other students conse7uently) in 4ein" a4le to $ocus more in the classroom and to 4e a4le to 0ositi2ely and a00ro0riately interact durin" the instructional time in the classroom. Be$ore this ?B+( Mrs. Black claimed durin" her inter2ie5 that much o$ the instructional time durin" the school day 5as interru0ted $or not only Z.C and Mrs. Black( 4ut also $or other students as 5ell 4ecause o$ Z.C.9s interru0tions. She claimed that there 5ere many 0auses and 4reaks 5ithin the instructional time due to interru0tions 4y Z.C. Mrs. Black stated that these interru0tions ne"ati2ely a$$ected not only the students9 understandin" o$ the materials and a4ility to accom0lish assi"nments( 4ut also inhi4ited the a4ility o$ other students to learn and 0ay attention to the instruction as 5ell. +ccordin" to Mrs. Black( Z.C.9s interru0tions durin" instructional time 4e"an to ne"ati2ely a$$ect ho5 much content he 5as a4le to e.tract $rom instructional time. With this 4eha2ior 4ecomin" a lar"e reason $or im0ro0er use o$ instructional time( the teacher $ound it 2ery im0ortant to address the issue o$ Z.C9s interru0tions durin" instruction. There$ore( the choice 5as made to 4e"in the ?B+ and to continue into the B3P 0rocess 5ith Z.C. Be$ore im0lementin" the 4eha2ior 0lan( Z.C9s "rade "eneral education teacher( Mrs. Black( e.0ressed concern durin" an inter2ie5 on ?e4ruary !th( &)*' that Z.C. 2er4ally interru0ts classroom instruction multi0le times throu"hout the school day 4y s0eakin" or lau"hin" <in a loud( disru0ti2e 5ay= 5hile she (the teacher) or his 0eers are s0eakin" durin" instruction. This 5as ha2in" an ad2erse e$$ect on <Z.C.9s o5n learnin"( the learnin" o$ the 0eers around him=( and the teacher9s a4ility to maintain a sense o$ $lo5 throu"hout her instruction. >n ?e4ruary !th( &)*'( Z.C. e.0ressed durin" his student inter2ie5 that he <can9t concentrate= and sometimes he interru0ts 4ecause he 8ust <$eels like it= 5hen the <teacher is talkin"=. ?urthermore( Mrs. Black attri4uted the tar"et 4eha2ior to the $act that Z.C. has lost attention in the 5hole;"rou0 or small;"rou0 settin". She also con$irmed 5hat Z.C. claimed durin" his inter2ie5 that the 4eha2ior is most likely to occur 5hen <0articular students call his name or talk to him=. Aastly( Mrs. Black 2alidated that this 4eha2ior does not occur durin" <one;on;one con2ersations 5ith the teacher or 5hen the student is secluded and inde0endently 5orkin"=. 3t also does not ha00en <i$ the child is en"a"ed in the content=. There$ore( it 5as $ound to 4e 2alid to 0er$orm a $unctional 4eha2ior analysis on Z.C. to determine the true $unction o$ this 4eha2ior and to e2entually im0lement a Beha2ior 3nter2ention Plan to correct this tar"eted 4eha2ior. " efinition of !arget Behavior Z.C. 5ill decrease the num4er o$ interru0tions durin" instruction. 3nterru0tions are de$ined as s0eakin" or lau"hin" 5hen the teacher or a 0eer is talkin" durin" 5hole;class and small "rou0 acti2ities or instruction. Functional Behavioral Assessment # Sources of ata:

$%servations: #irect data o4ser2ations on &;!;*' durin" -n"lish( readin"( and math. #irect data o4ser2ations on &;**;*' in science( -n"lish( and readin". #irect data o4ser2ations on &;&B;*' in math. Intervie&s: Student 3nter2ie5 on &;!;*' Student Sentence Com0letion 3nter2ie5 on &;!;*' Second Student 3nter2ie5 on &;!;*' Teacher 3nter2ie5 on &;!;*' 3m0ortance o$ Classroom Beha2iors Teacher /atin" ?orm on &;!;*' Classroom Mana"ement Checklist on &;!;*' Best Practice Classroom Mana"ement Checklist on &;!;*' Conse7uence Caria4les +ssessment ?orm on &;!;*'( &;**;*' and &;&B;*' 3ndi2idual Caria4les +ssessment ?orm on &;!;*'( &;**;*'( and &;&B;*' +ntecedent Caria4les +ssessment ?orm on &;!;*'( &;**;*'( and &;&B;*'. ocument Revie&: Student $ile re2ie5ed on &;!;*' $%servations escription: >4ser2ations 5ere conducted on three di$$erent dates (&;!;*'( &;**; *' and &;&B;*') and durin" $our total se0arate su48ects (math( science( -n"lish( and readin") in order to "ather the most accurate data a4out the $re7uency( antecedents( and conse7uences o$ Z.C.9s interru0tions. S0annin" 4et5een the times o$ Dam and *&0m( these one;hal$ hour lon" se0arate o4ser2ations 2aried accordin" to su48ect. +ccordin" to $re7uency data( certain su48ects such as readin" and -n"lish sho5ed more instances o$ interru0tions. +ccordin" to $re7uency data( certain su48ects such as math and science elicited $e5er interru0tions $rom Z.C. Most o$ the time durin" o4ser2ations( Z.C. 5as seated at his o5n 0ersonal desk in the classroom. 6e 5as surrounded 4y students on his le$t side( his ri"ht side( and in the 4ack o$ him. Z.C.9s desk $aced $or5ard to5ard the middle or 4ack o$ the classroom (as all other desks 5ere lined u0 similarly in ro5s). 6is desk 5as also sometimes 0laced ne.t to the teacher9s desk and teacher9s 5orks0ace to5ard the $ront o$ the room. Based on o4ser2ations on &;!;*'( &;**;*'( and &;&B; *'( Z.C. interru0ted durin" se2eral scenarios: either the teacher 5as s0eakin" and "i2in" instruction or another student 5as s0eakin" as 0art o$ 0artici0ation in the instruction. +s the teacher tau"ht( "a2e instruction( or other 0eers 0artici0ated in the instruction( Z.C. lau"hed or made a comment a4out 5hat 5as 4ein" said or tau"ht. +ccordin" to +BC analysis( Z.C. interru0ted throu"h makin" comments 5ithout raisin" his hand( talkin" or 5his0erin" to 0eers around him a4out other to0ics( and yellin" out or sayin" ans5ers 5ithout raisin" his hand. +lso accordin" to +BC analysis( most interru0tions a00eared to 4e tri""ered 4y teacher9s direction $or an acti2ity or 4y the need $or 0eer interaction. +BC analysis also indicated that( most times( Z.C.9s 4eha2iors 5ere $ollo5ed 4y "ained attention( 5hether it 5as 0ositi2e or ne"ati2e( $rom the teacher or 4y a 0eer. 3n addition( this analysis also indicated that Z.C.9s 4eha2iors resulted in interaction 5ith a 0eer or teacher as 5ell. Intervie&s escription: + student intervie& 5as conducted on &;!;*&. The entire inter2ie5 continued $or $orty;$i2e minutes and 5as 4ased on the <Student 3nter2ie5 ?orm=( <Sentence Com0letion 3nter2ie5 ?orm=( and <Student 3nter2ie5 ?unctional Beha2ioral +nalysis ?orm=. The 5hole inter2ie5 5as conducted in the school li4rary 4et5een Z.C and mysel$ in a 7uiet( calm( and non;threatenin" settin". The 0ur0ose o$ this inter2ie5 5as to esta4lish a connection 5ith the student and to learn more a4out the student as a 5hole. Enderstandin" the student9s li$e( $amily( u04rin"in"( home;li$e( school;li$e( 4elie$s( $ears( desires( likes( and dislikes 5as e.tremely 4ene$icial in understandin" more a4out the student9s 4eha2ioral traits and 7ualities in the classroom. 3nterru0tin" the teacher and other 0eers durin" instruction 5as the tar"et

4eha2ior o$ concern that 5as continually re$erred to durin" the inter2ie5. #urin" the inter2ie5( Z.C. re0eatedly discussed that he has a 4etter relationshi0 5ith his mother than 5ith his $ather and 5as 2ery <stressed and de0ressed 5hen he 5as at home and sometimes at school=. 6e stated that he 5as t5o youn"er 4rothers and a 0u00y also li2in" in his home. Z.C. also claimed that 5hen he is home( he usually has to do all the chores and then "oes into his room to listen to music or do home5ork. Z.C. 2er4ali:ed that he likes math and science yet least likes readin" and 5ritin" in school. Z.C. stated that the hardest su48ect in school is readin". Z.C. also 4elie2es that he is out"oin" and can easily make $riends in school. Z.C. also e.0lained that he interru0ts 4ecause <it 8ust ha00ens= and usually $ollo5s 5hen <kids are callin" my name and then 3 start con2ersatin"=. Z.C. shared that most o$ his conse7uences are <0uttin" my name on the 4oard= and that other students 5ho are also interru0tin" are not re0rimanded. 3n addition( Z.C. also re2ealed that he is easily stressed 5ith messes( disor"ani:ation( and disorder. 6e claims that he likes his 5orks0ace as 5ell as the classroom to 4e or"ani:ed( neat( and clean. Z.C. also shared that his 4eha2ior <8ust ha00ens= and sometimes he is <4ored=. + teacher intervie& 5as conducted on &;!;*'. This inter2ie5 5as 4ased on a <Teacher 3nter2ie5 ?unctional Beha2ioral +nalysis=( <?unctional +ssessment 3nter2ie5 ?orm=( and <3m0ortance o$ Classroom Beha2iors ?orm=. This inter2ie5 5as conducted 4e$ore school in a 7uiet classroom settin" 4et5een the student9s teacher and mysel$. The 0ur0ose o$ this inter2ie5 5as to "ain as much insi"ht a4out the tar"et student( the relationshi0 4et5een the tar"et student and the teacher( and the relationshi0 4et5een the tar"et student and the 0ro4lem 4eha2ior as 0ossi4le. Enderstandin" the teacher9s inter0retation o$ the situation and o$ the student9s 4eha2ior 0ro2ided insi"ht into the ?B+ and B3P 0rocesses. Mrs. Black stated that she 5as concerned 5ith Z.C.9s talkin" out o$ turn and interru0tions 5hile she 5as teachin" and 5hile other students 5ere talkin" durin" a lesson 4ecause the interru0tions 4roke u0 the $lo5 o$ learnin" and instruction. She claimed that the $unction o$ his 4eha2ior is "ainin" attention $rom the teacher and other 0eers 4ecause he usually sto0s interru0tin" once he has "ained any sort o$ attention $or that time 4ein". Mrs. Black stated that the le2el o$ interru0tions 5as 2ery hi"h( 4et5een t5enty;thirty times in an hour( and that they are 2ery loud and disru0ti2e. She also included that the 4eha2ior 5as most likely to occur a$ter the $irst hour o$ school and that it continued into the rest o$ the day. 3$ other 0eers around him 5ere talkin"( his interru0tions increased. She also declared that the 4eha2ior 5as most likely to occur 5ith any student( not 8ust one 0articular student( i$ others 5ere talkin" around him. ?ollo5in" the 4eha2ior( Mrs. Black admitted to most likely re5ardin" Z.C. 5ith ne"ati2e $eed4ack such as hand si"nals( eye contact( and 2er4al cues. She also declared that the $unction o$ the 4eha2ior 5as attention seekin"( 4oredom( and loss o$ attention. Mrs. Black also clari$ied that the 4eha2ior did not occur durin" one on one time 5ith the teacher or 5hen he 5as secluded and inde0endently 5orkin". Mrs. Black commented that Z.C.9s home li$e 5as stress$ul and that he 5as dealin" 5ith many stressors related to his 0arent9s di2orce as 5ell as his relationshi0 5ith his $ather. She su""ested that a 0ositi2e re0lacement 4eha2ior $or the classroom interru0tions 5as <reducin" the num4er o$ interru0tions= as teachers and other students 5ere talkin" durin" instruction. ocument Revie& escription: >n ?e4ruary !th( &)*'( Z.C.9s student $ile 5as re2ie5ed in the main o$$ice under the su0er2ision o$ the secretary o$ the school. Z.C.9s $ile indicated that he 5as 4orn on %une &'rd( &))* and is currently ele2en years old. The $ile also indicated that Z.C. is in "rade at Mystery -lementary School in Mrs. Black9s "rade "eneral education classroom. ?urthermore( Z.C.9s $ile indicated that his shots records are $ully com0leted u0;to;date. 3n addition( Z.C.9s medical $ile indicated that he has 4een dia"nosed 5ith Tourette9s Syndrome and >4sessi2e Com0ulsi2e #isorder( 4oth o$ 5hich he takes unkno5n medications $or. Z.C9s last 2ision test 5as conducted on &;&@;*& and he recei2ed a 0assin" score. 6is last hearin" test 5as conducted on &;**;*) and he recei2ed a 0assin" score as 5ell as a note claimin" his let ear 5as stron"er than his ri"ht ear. Z.C9s $i$th "rade M-+P test scores 5ere la4eled <0ro$icient=. +ll o$ this data 5as collected $rom Z.C.9s school $ile in order to "ain more understandin" and insi"ht a4out his medical(

educational( and $amilial 4ack"round. Aearnin" these ty0es o$ as0ects o$ a student9s li$e 5as 2ery 4ene$icial in understandin" the student more dee0ly in an educational settin". 1 escription of Behavior +ccordin" to an inter2ie5 5ith the teacher( Z.C. interru0ted his $ello5 0eers as 5ell as his classroom teacher durin" instruction time throu"hout each su48ect o$ the school day. Mrs. Black also claimed that he interru0ted 2er4ally throu"h lau"hin" and talkin" 5hile the teacher 5as instructin" or other 0eers 5ere 0artici0atin" in the instruction. She stated that his interru0tions usually included turnin" to a $riend to talk( yellin" across the room( 0artici0atin" 5ithout raisin" his hand( askin" 7uestions 5ithout raisin" his hand( yellin" out the teacher9s or other students9 names to "et their attention durin" classroom instruction. +n +BC analysis o$ the 4eha2ior indicated that antecedents o$ this 4eha2ior 5ere usually teacher instruction and 5hole;class learnin" discussions. +BC analysis o$ this 4eha2ior also indicated that conse7uences o$ this 4eha2ior 5ere teacher reactions such as stern looks( comments to 4e 7uiet( and 5ritin" name on the 4oard. 3n addition( this analysis 0ro2ided in$ormation that 0eer conse7uences 5ere usually lau"hin"( 0artici0atin" in discussion 5ith the student( or any ty0e o$ 0eer attention. +ccordin" to $re7uency data( this 4eha2ior occurred more $re7uently durin" su48ects such as -n"lish and readin" and less $re7uently durin" su48ects such as math and science. +ccordin" to o4ser2ations on &;!;*'( &;**;*'( and &;&B;*'( the 4eha2ior seemed to decrease and 5as limited as the student 5as se0arated $rom close 0eer interaction or 0ro.imity and as the student 5as 0ro2ided 5ith acti2ities to 4e en"a"ed and a4le to interact 0roducti2ely in the instruction time. 1 Fre'uenc(/ uration/Intensit( of Behavior Z.C. 5as o4ser2ed $or $re7uency o$ interru0tions o2er the course o$ one;hal$ hour instruction 0eriods durin" math( science( readin"( and -n"lish on &;!;*'( &;**;*'( and &;&B;*'. +ccordin" to these o4ser2ations( Z.C. interru0ted an a2era"e o$ ei"ht times 0er one;hal$ hour o$ instruction time in the classroom. ?re7uency data indicates that Z.C. interru0ted an a2era"e o$ $i2e to si. times durin" math or science yet interru0ted an a2era"e o$ se2en to t5el2e times durin" -n"lish or readin". +ccordin" to the scatter 0lot( Z.C. e.hi4ited interru0tions a total o$ nineteen times durin" -n"lish and nineteen times durin" readin"( yet only si. times durin" science and only ele2en times durin" math. The $re7uency o$ interru0tions sho5ed no correlation 4et5een time o$ mornin" and num4er o$ interru0tions( 4ut sho5ed a sli"htly stron" correlation 4et5een su48ect matter and $re7uency o$ interru0tions. >n &;!;*'( Z.C. interru0ted t5enty;t5o times durin" -n"lish( readin"( and math instruction com4ined. >n &;**;*'( Z.C. interru0ted t5enty;se2en times durin" science( -n"lish( and readin" instruction com4ined. >n &;&B;*'( Z.C. interru0ted si. times durin" math instruction. " )nvironment Issues and Situational *aria%les Related to Behavior ?actors o$ the student9s en2ironment and settin" that a00eared to 4e related to the 4eha2ior 5ere his location in the classroom( the 0eers 4y 5hich he 5as 0laced in the seatin" chart( and the ty0es o$ instructional content and acti2ities he e.0erienced. +ccordin" to his student inter2ie5( Z.C. stron"ly

e.0ressed that he liked math and science and thou"ht that he did 4etter in math and science com0ared to the $act that he 2ery much disliked readin" and 5ritin" 4ecause he 5as not 2ery "ood at it. +ccordin" to $re7uency data( Z.C. interru0ted less durin" his desired su48ects o$ math and science( yet interru0ted more durin" his undesired su48ects o$ readin" and -n"lish. 3n addition( Z.C. e.0ressed concern durin" his inter2ie5 that kids call his name or try to talk to him durin" class( so he ans5ers 4ack and is 4lamed $or the entire occurrence. +s seatin" charts chan"ed throu"hout o4ser2ation time( an +BC analysis indicated that Z.C. interru0ted less around students he 5as not usually $riends 5ith and interru0ted more around students he had stron"er relationshi0s 5ith. Aastly( the +BC analysis also indicated that Z.C. interru0ted more as the teacher lectured or s0oke $or lon" 0eriods o$ time 5ithout elicitin" student interaction or $eed4ack. 3n addition( +BC analysis sho5ed that Z.C. interru0ted less 5hen there 5ere 0arts 4uilt into the lesson $or 0artner talk( class discussion( interacti2e 4oard 5ork( and,or interacti2e readin" and note takin". " Settings and Situations &here Behavior is +ost/,east a -oncern +ccordin" to o4ser2ations on &;!;*'( &;**;*'( and &;&B;*'( the location that the 4eha2ior 5as most challen"in" 5as 5hen the student9s desk 5as ne.t to or 5ithin arms len"th o$ other 0eers9 desks in the classroom. These same o4ser2ations indicated that the location that 4eha2ior 5as least challen"in" 5as 5hen the student9s desk 5as secluded in a 0art o$ the classroom not surrounded 4y or ne.t to other students9 desks. 3n addition( durin" these o4ser2ations( the student seemed to interru0t less $re7uently 5hen his desk 5as not $acin" other student9s desks either( 4ut 5as $acin" a 5all( 4ookcase( or other ty0e o$ lar"e o48ect. +ccordin" to $re7uency o4ser2ations on &;!;*'( &;**;*'( and &;&B;*'( the time o$ day that the 4eha2ior 5as most challen"in" 5as durin" readin" and 5ritin" instruction or acti2ities that include a lar"er 0ortion o$ readin" and 5ritin". This same $re7uency data also indicated that the time o$ day the 4eha2ior 5as least challen"in" 5as durin" math and science instruction or 5hen the student 5as en"a"ed in content;related interacti2e instructional acti2ities. " Specific !riggers and Relevant Antecedents/-onse'uences +ccordin" to o4ser2ations on &;!;*'( &;**;*'( and &;&B;*'( s0eci$ic tri""ers to the 4eha2ior seemed to 4e 4oredom or disinterest in the "i2en acti2ity or content (student 2er4ally claimed content 5as <stu0id=( an an.iety a4out the di$$iculty o$ the content (student 2er4ally com0lained content 5as too di$$icult)( 2er4al distractions 4y other 0eers( and a need $or interaction 5ith either 0eers or the teacher. +ntecedents to the 4eha2ior noted in +BC analysis 5ere 0eers surroundin" Z.C. 5ho 5ere talkin" either to each other or elicitin" res0onses $rom Z.C.( teacher "i2in" directions $or an acti2ity( Z.C. 5as in close 0ro.imity to other 0eers( or Z.C. needed the attention o$ the teacher 5hether it 5as to ask a 7uestion or to make a comment. Conse7uences o4ser2ed durin" +BC analysis 5ere that the teacher i"nored Z.C. and continued instructin"( teacher looked at Z.C.( teacher commented on Z.C.9s interru0tin"( students ans5ered Z.C.( or students lau"hed 5ith Z.C. +ccordin" to the teacher inter2ie5( Mrs. Black admitted to most likely <rein$orcin" throu"h ne"ati2e $eed4ack( hand si"nals( eye contact( and 2er4al cues= Z.C. throu"h her conse7uences 4ut attri4uted much o$ his 4eha2iors to <attention seekin"=. 1 Academic Factors +ccordin" to $re7uency data on &;!;*'( &;**;*'( and &;&B;*'( s0eci$ic class su48ects the 4eha2ior ha00ened more o$ten durin" 5ere readin"( 5ritin"( and -n"lish. S0eci$ic class su48ects that the 4eha2ior

ha00ened less durin" 5ere math and science. 3n the student inter2ie5( the student disclosed a dislike $or and stru""le durin" readin"( 5ritin"( and -n"lish. 3n the student inter2ie5( the student disclosed that he liked math and science and did not think that those su48ects 5ere 2ery di$$icult. +ccordin" to the teacher inter2ie5( the student seemed to ha2e skill de$icits in readin" and 5ritin". +ccordin" to the teacher inter2ie5( the ty0e o$ instruction that seemed to match the needs o$ the student 5as interacti2e( in2ol2ed( and acti2e 0artici0ation o00ortunities in instruction 4ecause the student9s interru0tin" seemed to occur durin" <7uiet( unstructured time in instruction= 5here the student is <4ored( lost attention( or is 0art o$ 5hole;class instruction=. 1 Social . )motional Factors +ccordin" to the teacher inter2ie5( the student did not ha2e social or relationshi0 issues at school. The student had a 5ide 2ariety o$ $riends and talked to anyone 5ho 5ould react( listen to( and talk to him. +ccordin" to the student inter2ie5( the student 4elie2ed that he had <"ood= relationshi0s 5ith $riends at school( he 5as <"ood at makin" $riends( out"oin"( and not shy=. +ccordin" to the student inter2ie5( the student $elt that his mother 5as <nice= and his $ather 5as <mean= to the 0oint that he <hated his $ather sometimes=. The student 0ercei2ed his home li$e to 4e <stress$ul and de0ressin"= 4ecause his 0arents ar"ued a lot( 5ere in the middle o$ a di2orce( and he did not ha2e a <relationshi0 5ith his dad=. $ther Related Factors /if relevant0 +ccordin" to the document re2ie5 and a 4rie$ inter2ie5 5ith the school 0rinci0al to clari$y in$ormation $ound durin" the document re2ie5( the student 5as $ound to 4e on medications $or his dia"nosis o$ Tourette9s Syndrome as 5ell is his >4sessi2e Com0ulsi2e #isorder. # 1(pothesi2ed Function of Behavior The $unction o$ Z.C9s interru0tions durin" instruction a00ears to 4e to "ain attention and interaction. Z.C9s 4eha2ior a00ears to 4e tri""ered 4y close 0ro.imity to 0eers durin" structured instruction and 4y teachers9 directions (thirty;$our out o$ the $i$ty;$i2e o4ser2ed interru0tions $ollo5ed instructor9s acti2ity directions or elicited 0eer interaction durin" instruction time). Z.C9s 4eha2ior a00ears to 4e rein$orced and maintained 4y "ainin" an interaction 5ith a 0eer or a reaction $rom the instructor (e.".( 0eer interactin" 5ith a 8oke or con2ersation 5ith student and instructor res0ondin" to student 5ith a look or a comment. In summary, when Z.C desires to gain attention and interaction, he interrupts instruction.

Behavior Intervention Plan !arget Behavior efinition /!B 0 Z.C. 5ill decrease the num4er o$ interru0tions durin" instruction. 3nterru0tions are de$ined as s0eakin" or lau"hin" 5hen the teacher or a 0eer is talkin" durin" 5hole;class and small "rou0 acti2ities or instruction. # 1(pothesi2ed Function of Behavior

The $unction o$ Z.C9s interru0tions durin" instruction a00ears to 4e to "ain attention and interaction. Z.C9s 4eha2ior a00ears to 4e tri""ered 4y close 0ro.imity to 0eers durin" structured instruction and 4y teachers9 directions (thirty;$our out o$ the $i$ty;$i2e o4ser2ed interru0tions $ollo5ed instructor9s acti2ity directions or elicited 0eer interaction durin" instruction time). Z.C9s 4eha2ior a00ears to 4e rein$orced and maintained 4y "ainin" an interaction 5ith a 0eer or a reaction $rom the instructor (e.".( 0eer interactin" 5ith a 8oke or con2ersation 5ith student and instructor res0ondin" to student 5ith a look or a comment. 3n summary( 5hen Z.C desires to "ain attention and interaction( he interru0ts instruction. 4 Replacement Behavior /e0lacement Beha2ior: Z.C. 5ill silently raise his hand 2ertically in the air to s0eak or interact durin" instruction. 6e 5ill 5ait $or his name to 4e called on 4y the instructor or 4y a 0eer (i$ durin" a student;led class discussion) durin" instruction. Silently is de$ined as not callin" out the teacher9s name as he raises his hand and not makin" any sounds to elicit interaction or attention $rom the teacher or any 0eers. This re0lacement 4eha2ior does ser2e the same $unction as the TB 4ecause it is a 5ay o$ "ainin" attention and interaction durin" instruction 5hile a2oidin" un5anted and distractin" interru0tions to the teacher9s instruction and 0eers9 learnin" 0rocess. 5 Intervention )3planation The re0lacement 4eha2ior 5as as $ollo5s: Z.C. will silently raise his hand vertically in the air to speak or interact during instruction. He will wait for his name to be called on by the instructor or by a peer (if during a student-led class discussion during instruction. !ilently is defined as not calling out the teacher"s name as he raises his hand and not making any sounds to elicit interaction or attention from the teacher or any peers. This re0lacement 4eha2ior ser2ed the same $unction as the TB 4ecause it 5as a 5ay o$ "ainin" attention and interaction durin" instruction 5hile a2oidin" un5anted and distractin" interru0tions to the teacher9s instruction and 0eers9 learnin" 0rocess. The rationale 4ehind teachin" this skill 5as to 0ro2ide a 0roducti2e 5ay $or Z.C. to "ain attention and interaction $rom 0eers and his teacher durin" instruction and throu"hout the school day 5ithout interru0tin" the teachin" 0rocess $or his teacher and the learnin" 0rocess $or other students. 3n addition( Z.C. 5as not a4le to interru0t i$ he 5as doin" the re0lacement 4eha2ior 4ecause they 5ere o00osite 4eha2iors endin" in the same results o$ "ainin"

attention and interaction. The rationale 4ehind the inter2ention 5as that Z.C. 5ould learn to elicit attention and interaction in a 0roducti2e and systematic 5ay that does not take a5ay $rom his o5n learnin" and the learnin" o$ others around him. The re0lacement 4eha2ior and inter2ention techni7ues 5ere tau"ht 4y +shley Sack (MSE teachin" intern). + t5enty;minute meetin" on ';*@;*' 5as conducted 4et5een Z.C. and +shley Sack in order to e.0lain the re0lacement 4eha2ior( rationales( e.am0les( non; e.am0les( recordin" techni7ues( re5ard 0ro"ram( and conse7uence 0ro"ram $or this 4eha2ior inter2ention 0lan. Z.C. 5as tau"ht to sel$;re"ulate the $re7uency o$ his interru0tions. -ach time Z.C. raised his hand( the teacher res0onded 4y sayin" <thank you( Z.C.= and then allo5ed him to continue s0eakin" as needed. Z.C. also created a rein$orcer menu so that he could kee0 track o$ the $re7uency that he dis0layed the tar"et 4eha2ior and 5as re5arded 5ith a kno5n 0ositi2e re5ard i$ he did not dis0lay the tar"et 4eha2ior $or an e.cess o$ $i2e times $or each F hour instructional 0eriod $or three su48ects Dam;*&0m on Mondays. Z.C. chose a rein$orcer $rom the rein$orcer menu i$ he interru0ted $i2e times or less durin" each instructional 0eriod durin" Monday mornin"s $rom Dam;*&0m. #urin" instruction( i$ the teacher had to raise her hand or touch her hand to the <hand ima"e= on his desk to remind Z.C. o$ the re0lacement 4eha2ior( he 5as re7uired to make one tally on his sel$;re"ulation $re7uency chart. 3$ Z.C. e.ceeded $i2e interru0tions $or each F hour instructional 0eriod ($or any su48ect and $or a total o$ $i$teen interru0tions durin" the mornin") on Monday mornin"s( he 5as not a4le to choose a rein$orcer $rom the rein$orcer menu at *&0m 4e$ore lunch that day. 6 !eaching Plan The re0lacement 4eha2ior 5as tau"ht usin" 2isuals and re0etition. -2ery time Z.C. interru0ted( +shley Sack did not say anythin" 2er4ally. She res0onded 4y raisin" her o5n hand in the air to remind him o$ 5hat he should 4e doin" in order to s0eak or interact durin" instruction. She did this nonchalantly as she continued teachin" or callin" on other students. This method included a $orm o$ e.tinction 4ecause she did not ackno5led"e the 4eha2ior 5ith 2er4al comments or other 4ody lan"ua"e. She i"nored the interru0tions and 8ust silently raised her o5n hand as a reminder. When Z.C 5as interru0ted 4y in2ol2in" his closely 0laced 0eers( she used 0ro.imity control and 0ut her hand on his desk on a cut out o$ a <hand ima"e= as a reminder. +shley Sack told Z.C. ahead o$ time that these 5ere the si"nals $or him and that series o$ "estures 5as to remind him not to interru0t other s0eakers such as the teacher or other students durin" instructional time. The intern( +shley Sack( e.0lained and tau"ht the B3P and 0lan com0onents 4y takin" him to the li4rary to e.0lain 5hat ty0e o$ 4eha2ior she 5as no lon"er lookin" to see (interru0tin" other classmates or the teacher durin" instruction) and 5hat ty0es o$ 4eha2iors he could dis0lay instead (raisin" his hand to s0eak durin" instruction). She "a2e e.am0les and 0racticed 5ith anecdotal scenarios as e.am0les and non;e.am0les to hel0 the student understand 5hat 5as and 5hat 5as not a00ro0riate 4eha2ior as 5ell as 5hat 5as and 5hat 5as not considered an interru0tion so that Z.C. had 4een "i2en a clear e.0lanation o$ the 0rocess and re7uirements. She also introduced the student to the 0a0er he used to sel$;re"ulate the $re7uency o$ his interru0tions. The intern e.0lained ho5 to use this 0a0er( ho5 o$ten( and 5hen he needed to "et a ne5 sheet. She also e.0lained ho5 this sel$;re"ulation 0a0er 5orks in accordance 5ith the rein$orcers he could "ain. Ms. Sack reminded the student that he 5ould make a tally $or each interru0tion he creates throu"hout each F hour o$ instructional time $rom Dam;*&0m. Then( she e.0lained to the student that i$ at *&0m (lunchtime)( he had $i2e or less interru0tions $or each su48ect area on his sel$;re"ulation sheet( he 5ould recei2e a rein$orcer. Conse7uently( Ms. Sack also allo5ed the student to $ill out his o5n rein$orcer menu durin"

this meetin" time as 5ell. When the B3P 5as $irst im0lemented on ';*@;*'( the student checked in 5ith Ms. Sack on Monday mornin" at *&0m to com0are his $re7uency data to Ms. Sack9s $re7uency data o$ his interru0tions. Ms. Sack also ke0t track o$ the num4er o$ his interru0tions. +t this time( the student recei2ed his rein$orcer 4ecause he had $i2e or less interru0tions durin" each F hour o$ instructional time that day. Ms. Sack tau"ht the B3P 4y talkin" 5ith the student daily and "i2in" the student u0dates on his 4eha2iors as 5ell as e.am0les and non;e.am0les o$ the ne5 0ositi2e 4eha2ior he 5as to tar"et instead o$ the ne"ati2e 4eha2iors $rom 4e$ore. The rein$orcement system $or this B3P included Z.C.9s 0ersonally made rein$orcer menu. 3n addition( the student had his o5n sel$;re"ulation $orm on his desk in order to kee0 tallies o$ the $re7uency o$ his interru0tions. The student marked ho5 many times he interru0ted durin" each hal$;hour o$ instruction $rom Dam;*&0m on Mondays. The student 5as tau"ht that at noon on Mondays( he 5as to sho5 Ms. Sack his sel$;re"ulation sheet as he 5as linin" u0 5ith the other students $or lunch. 3$ that sel$;re"ulation sheet had the same data as the Ms. Sack9s sheet and that data sho5ed that he interru0ted less than $i2e times durin" the hal$ hour o$ instruction $or those three total instructional hours( the student recei2ed a rein$orcer $rom his rein$orcer menu. +$ter three consecuti2e Mondays o$ the student reachin" the "oal o$ under $i2e interru0tions total $or each F hour o$ instruction in each su48ect area( the amount o$ interru0tions allo5ed $or a rein$orce to 4e earned 5ould decrease 4y one and kee0 decreasin" until the student 5as no lon"er interru0tin" durin" each su48ect area. Ms. Sack e.0lained all o$ this to the student and hel0ed the student 4y "i2in" him the hand si"nal to remind him to mark his sel$;re"ulation sheet $or the $irst $e5 interru0tions. Miss +shley Sack (Classroom MSE student intern) 5as res0onsi4le $or im0lementin" the 0lan e2ery Monday $rom Dam;*&0m. She collected $re7uency data $or each hal$;hour increment o$ actual teacher instruction durin" the day $rom Dam;*&0m. +ntecedents that 5ere modi$ied 5ere: 5here the child 5as seated in the room( ho5 close the child 5as to his 0eers durin" instruction( 5hich 5ay the child 5as $acin" durin" instruction( and 5hat 5as re7uired o$ the student durin" instruction. The student9s desk 5as in $ront ri"ht corner 4y the teacher9s desk so 0ro.imity control could 4e used i$ necessary and so that he could easily see the teacher9s hand as it 5as raised $or a reminder. 6e 5as se0arated $rom the other students on the other side o$ the 5orkta4le in the $ront o$ the room in order to reduce the likelihood o$ him talkin" 5ith his 0eers.

# Arrange the )nvironment to Facilitate Success The likelihood o$ the re0lacement 4eha2ior occurrin" 5as increased in the en2ironment 4y 0ositi2ely rein$orcin" the student each time he 0er$ormed the re0lacement 4eha2ior and 4y allo5in" the student to sel$;re"ulate his interru0tions. 6e sel$;re"ulated the amount o$ times he s0oke out o$ turn 4y usin" Ms. Sack9s hand si"nal as a reminder to make a tally $or an interru0tion. 6e 5as tau"ht that each time her hand 5as raised in that 0articular 5ay( or her hand 5as 0laced on the <hand= 2isual on his desk corner( he 5as to make a tally 4ecause that meant he had interru0ted. 3$ at *&0mo( he 5as 4elo5 a certain num4er o$ interru0tions ($i2e 0er su48ect area $or the three di$$erent su48ect areas that mornin")( he recei2ed a rein$orcer. 6e made a rein$orcement menu $or these rein$orcers in order to con$irm that these rein$orcers 5ere actually desired and moti2atin". Ms. Sack made a tally mark on her hand or used ru44er 4ands to also re"ulate and kee0 $re7uency data o$ his interru0tions. +t the end o$ the mornin"

4e$ore Miss Sack le$t the classroom( and i$ Z.C. 5as 4elo5 $i2e interru0tions 0er each F hour o$ instruction time( he earned a rein$orcer $rom his rein$orcer menu. -ach time Z.C. 0er$ormed the re0lacement 4eha2ior( the intern said( <thank you( Z.C.= and then allo5ed him to 0roceed. 3$ the B3P 5ere to 4een im0lemented lon"er( the $re7uency o$ interru0tions allo5ed in order to "ain a rein$orcer 5ould ha2e decreased i$ Z.C. earned a rein$orcer three Mondays in a ro5. The student9s desk 5as also 0laced $acin" the teacher9s 5ork area in the $ront corner in the classroom a5ay $rom 0eers so he 5as 0ro2ided 5ith a location 5ith less distraction $rom 0eers. Z.C. 5as also "i2en a homemade 8ournal 5ith lined 0a0er inside to 5rite do5n notes $or each su48ect9s instructional time. This "a2e him somethin" to 4e 4usy 5orkin" on durin" content learnin" as 5ell as a reason to 4e closely listenin" to the teacher9s instruction. 6is notes 5ere checked at the end o$ each day to make sure he had com0leted them. # evelop -onse'uences for esired and 7ndesired Behaviors The 0lan $or the res0onse to the 0ro4lem 4eha2ior 5hen it occurred 5as that the intern raised her hand as a reminder to Z.C. to raise his hand to s0eak. The intern also 0laced her hand on his desk on the 2isual <hand= ima"e to remind him as 5ell (de0endin" on ho5 0ro.imal she is to Z.C. at the time o$ interru0tion). The en2ironment 5as altered so that the 0ro4lem 4eha2ior did not result in 0re2ious outcomes 4ecause Z.C. 5ould not recei2e 2er4al attention or interaction throu"h interru0tin" anymore. 6e recei2ed a silent hand si"nal instead. When it came to his 0eers( anyone around Z.C. 5ho 5as talkin" to Z.C. had their name 5ritten do5n on the 4oard $or interru0tin" learnin" as 5ell. The 0ro4lem 4eha2ior 5as not to 4e as e$$icient or result in attention or interaction $or any child. When the 0ro4lem 4eha2ior occurred( in order to 4reak the 4eha2ior;outcome cycle( Z.C. 5as i"nored and reminded to raise his hand throu"h the teacher raisin" her hand or 0uttin" her hand on Z.C.9s <hand ima"e= on his desk. She did not look at him 5ith 0ositi2e or ne"ati2e $acial e.0ressions and she did not s0eak to him. She sim0ly $ollo5ed the 0lan. When the re0lacement 4eha2ior occurred( the intern called on Z.C. 4y sayin"( <thank you( Z.C= and allo5ed Z.C. to 0roceed 5ith his 7uestion or comment. The re0lacement 4eha2ior 5as rein$orced throu"h 0ositi2e and 0u4lic 2er4al $eed4ack. The intern 5ill also used ru44er 4ands or tallies on her hands durin" teachin" to count the num4er o$ interru0tions each instruction hour. The re0lacement 4eha2ior 5as rein$orced 4y allo5in" the student to choose one rein$orcer he 5anted at the end o$ the mornin" (*&0m) i$ he had sho5n success$ul dis0lay o$ the re0lacement 4eha2ior and not interru0ted more than $i2e times 0er each su48ect area. +lthou"h this did not occur( the 0lan $or $urther conse7uences 5as as $ollo5s: 3$ he interru0ted more than $i2e times durin" any su48ect area9s F hour o$ instructional time 4et5een Dam; *&0m( he did recei2e a rein$orcer $rom his rein$orcer menu. 6e also had to ha2e a note sent home that he did not recei2e a rein$orcer that day. 3$ there 5ere a certain num4er o$ Mondays that he did not recei2e the rein$orcer( he recei2ed a note home on that Monday and it needed to 4e si"ned 4y his 0arents. The B3P 0lan 5as to 4e chan"ed i$ there 5ere three 5eeks in a ro5 that the child had a note sent home on Monday $or ha2in" too many interru0tions. # Specif( Behavioral $%8ectives Z.C. is to 0er$orm the tar"eted 4eha2ior $i2e or less times durin" each su48ect area9s F hour o$ instructional time durin" the three;hour 0eriod $rom Dam;*&0m on Mondays. >4ser2ations 5ill occur o2er $our consecuti2e o4ser2ation 0eriods ((';*@;*' (-n"lish)( ';*@;*' (readin")( ';&B;*' (math)( and '; &B;*' (-n"lish)).

# Generali2ation and +aintenance #ue to the $act that the tar"et 4eha2ior 5as only kno5n to currently in Mrs. Black9s class at school( and 5as not kno5n to occur at home 5ith Z.C.9s 0arents( "enerali:ation across other settin"s 5as not addressed in the home. The re0lacement 4eha2ior could( ho5e2er( 4e "enerali:ed to other classroom settin"s such as in social studies class 5ith Mrs. Gello5 as 5ell as in music( "ym( and art class 5ith those res0ecti2e teachers durin" the school day. 3n order to su00ort the re0lacement 4eha2ior to "enerali:e to other settin"s such as social studies class( "ym( art( and music( each o$ Z.C.9s teachers 5ere tau"ht the 4eha2ior inter2ention 0lan and 4rou"ht into the 4eha2ior inter2ention 0lan to im0lement it identically 5ithin their o5n classrooms. 3n this 5ay( Z.C. 5as e.0eriencin" the same interactions 5ith all teachers he encountered throu"hout the school day. 3n addition( Z.C. continued to sel$;re"ulate his interru0tions throu"hout each classroom he entered durin" the school day in the same e.act 5ay that he had 4een doin" already. ?urthermore( all o$ Z.C.9s teachers 5ere trained to kee0 data o$ his interru0tions and to im0lement the rein$orcement and conse7uence 0ro"ram as 5ell. Hee0in" all o$ Z.C.9s teachers (social studies( music( art( and "ym) as 5ell as his "eneral education teacher on the same 0a"e and 5ell trained a4out his 4eha2ior inter2ention 0lan hel0ed Z.C. throu"h consistency throu"hout his day. 6e understood that the routines $or sel$;re"ulation( interaction durin" instruction( and rein$orcement 5ere identical in each classroom he entered in the school 5ith each teacher. 3n addition( each teacher 5as "i2en a <cheat sheet= to 0ost in their room to sho5 them ho5 to interact 5ith Z.C. durin" instruction and ho5 to react to his interru0tions (reminder that Z.C. has a notes sheet he is to 4e $illin" out $or each su48ect to stay on task and $ocused( reminder that his desk is to 4e 0laced a5ay $rom students and $acin" a <0lain= s0ace $or less distraction( reminder o$ Z.C.9s sel$; re"ulation document 0rotocol( reminder o$ ho5 to raise one9s hand silently or to 0lace one9s hand on Z.C.9s desk <hand ima"e= to remind Z.C. o$ a00ro0riate 4eha2iors( reminder to say <thank you( Z.C.= 5hen he does raise his hand to s0eak( and reminder o$ Z.C.9s rein$orcement menu and rein$orcement 0rotocol as 5ell as 0rotocol 5hen Z.C. does not meet re7uirements $or the day or $or the 5eek). -ach 5eek( Z.C. had the chance to edit his rein$orcer menu in order to u0date his rein$orcers to remain moti2atin" and desired rein$orcers. # -onclusion To 4e"in the B3P 0lan( a meetin" 5as conducted on ';*@;*' 5ith the student to e.0lain and teach the B3P 0lan. This included teachin" e.am0les and non;e.am0les o$ the tar"et 4eha2ior as 5ell as the ne5 re0lacement 4eha2ior that 5as to 4e e.0ected $rom no5 on. 3n addition( the sel$;re"ulation 0a0er5ork and 0rocedures 5ere e.0lained and 0racticed accordin" to a <mock= scenario durin" the meetin". ?urthermore( the student 5as a4le to make a rein$orcer menu and the rein$orcement 0rocedures 5ere e.0lained in de0th. The intern raised her hand and,or 0laced her hand on a <hand ima"e= on the student9s desk each time the student dis0layed the tar"et 4eha2ior. 3n addition( the intern 0raised the student each time he 0er$ormed the re0lacement 4eha2ior 4y sayin"( <thank you( Z.C= and continuin" on 5ith her instruction. The student 5as also 0laced in the $ront ri"ht corner o$ the room ne.t to and $acin" the teacher9s 5ork area so that he 5as not tem0ted 4y 0eer distraction or 0eer 0ro.imity. The B3P 5as conducted each Monday at Dam;*&0m on ';*@;*' and ';&B;*'. +t this time( the student9s sel$;re"ulation sheet 5as com0ared to the teacher9s data and re2ie5ed to determine 5hether or not he met the 4eha2ioral o48ecti2e. The student met the "oal o$ $i2e or less interru0tions durin" each F hour o$ content;area instruction and so the student 5as 0ro2ided a rein$orcer $rom his rein$orce menu on each o$ those days. The 4eha2ior inter2ention 0lan 5as im0lemented com0letely as 0lanned and carried out com0letely as 0lanned startin" on ';*@;*' (durin" -n"lish F and /eadin" F hour instructional times) and

a"ain on ';&B;*' (durin" math F and -n"lish F hour instructional times). >n these dates and durin" these F hour increments( the student 5as success$ul in com0letin" each F hour o$ instruction 5ith $i2e or less interru0tions. There$ore( the student 5as 0ro2ided 5ith a rein$orcer on each o$ those Mondays at *&0m. #urin" each interru0tion on those o4ser2ation days( the intern 5as success$ul in remem4erin" to silently raise her hand or use 0ro.imity 5ith her hand to remind the student to raise his o5n hand to interact. En$ortunately( the intern 5as not al5ays success$ul in 0raisin" the student $or raisin" his hand( 4ut 8ust called on him 5ithout 0raise instead on ';*@;*'. So( on ';&B;*'( the intern made it a 0oint to 0raise Z.C. each time he raised his hand to interact in instruction in order to $ul$ill the B3P and to maintain moti2ation and 0ositi2e 2er4al rein$orcement $or the student. 6o5e2er( 0re2entin" the student $rom s0eakin" 5ith his 0eers or 4ein" distracted 4y other 0eers 5ho 5ere s0eakin" a $e5 times durin" those instructional times 5as not *))I success$ul and 4ecame the source o$ se2eral o$ his interru0tions. -2en thou"h the interru0ted to "ain 0eer interaction and attention a $e5 times throu"hout the F hour instructional 0eriods( $re7uency data sho5s that he 5as o2erall much more success$ul in a2oidin" the tar"et 4eha2ior than he 5as durin" the ?B+ data o4ser2ations 0eriod. +ccordin" to ?B+ data( the student interru0ted an a2era"e o$ ei"ht times durin" each F hour o$ instructional time. #urin" the B3P( the student interru0ted an a2era"e o$ $our times durin" each F hour o$ instructional time. There$ore( the B3P seemed to 4e e$$ecti2e $or the short time that it 5as im0lemented and the "oals o$ the B3P seemed to 4e 0lanned at the le2el that the student 5as a4le to 4e success$ul. Get( the B3P has de$inite room $or 0ractice( solidi$ication( and im0ro2ement o2er time to make more concrete conclusions a4out the e$$ecti2eness o$ the teacher techni7ues( rein$orcement techni7ues( and sel$;re"ulation techni7ues. /ecommendations and ne.t ste0s that make sense 4ased on the data are to continue all o$ these 0rocesses and to continue to im0lement the B3P durin" "ym( music( art( and social studies in order to su00ort "enerali:ation into other classroom settin"s 5ith other classroom teachers. 3t is also recommended that creatin" a $older $or the student to kee0 his sel$;re"ulation sheets as 5ell as his home notes in (should he need the conse7uence o$ the home notes) could 4e 4ene$icial $or or"ani:ation. Hee0in" all o$ this to"ether in a $older that he can carry to each classroom he is in can kee0 thin"s 2ery consistent and routine $or the student. 3n addition( 3 recommend that the teacher analy:e alter her o5n techni7ues o$ classroom mana"ement $or other students 5ho are interru0tin" instruction or turnin" to talk to Z.C. to 0re2ent him $rom 4ein" unsuccess$ul durin" instructional F hours. Hee0in" a consistent routine 5ith all students can 4e hel0$ul $or all students to 4e trained in a 5ay that the 5hole class can 4e the same. + more solid a00roach to classroom mana"ement and a "eneral 0lan $or classroom mana"ement 5ill most likely increase Z.C.9s success 5ith the re0lacement 4eha2ior as 5ell 4ecause he 5ill see consistency across the classroom and 4e on the same 0a"e as his classmates.

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