MS201 Homework 1: Regular Tetrahedron Centered On The Carbon Atom. Sketch It. What Is The Angle Between

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MS201 Home w ork 1

Reading: Chapters 1 - 2 Questions 1 - 5 are review questions o materia! rom "hemistr#$ %ou wi!! need to !ook up data in the te&t 'ook$ Consu!t a Chemistr# te&t i #ou have trou'!e$ Questions () * and + are e&er"ises in geometr#,trig$ M-./ S0R/ %10 C-2 31 4H/M$ Solutions will NOT be posted$ 1$ 2$ 6$ :$ 5$ ($ *$ How man# atoms are in 1$00g o tungsten5 How man# mo!es is this5 How man# atoms are in 1$00 "m6 o !ead5 7n 1$00 m6 o si!i"on5 - "u'e o a!uminum "ontains 1$0&1021 atoms$ How !ong is its edge 8in mm95 How man# e!e"trons are in the outer she!! o the o!!owing neutra! atoms5 8a9 kr#pton 8'9 o&#gen 8"9 magnesium 8d9 potassium ;hat kind o 'onding is present in 8a9 methane 8gas9 8'9 sodium 'romide 8"9 a!uminum o&ide) 8d9 a!uminum meta!) 8e9 ro<en 8so!id9 argon$ Sket"h a "u'e$ How man# verti"es does it have5 How man# edges5 How man# a"es5 Mark our verti"es o the "u'e that are a!so verti"es o a regular tetrahedron. 7n a methane mo!e"u!e CH: the our h#drogen atoms are arranged as i at the verti"es o a regular tetrahedron "entered on the "ar'on atom$ Sket"h it$ ;hat is the ang!e 'etween the C-H 'onds in methane5 Prove it by calculation$ 4hree spheres) -) = and C) ea"h 1 in"h in diameter) are arranged on a hori<onta! !at sur a"e so that the# tou"h ea"h other and their "enters orm an equi!atera! triang!e$ ourth sphere 3) a!so 1 in"h in diameter) is p!a"ed on top o the other three so as to orm a regular tetrahedral "on iguration 8it tou"hes ea"h o the other three spheres9$ 8a9 Make a sket"h o the our spheres arranged as des"ri'ed a'ove$ 8'9 ;hat is the distan"e 'etween the "enters o the spheres5 8"9 How ar a'ove the !at sur a"e is the "enter o sphere -5 8d9 How ar 8verti"a! distan"e9 a'ove the "enter o sphere - is the "enter o sphere 35 8Hint: i #ou "an>t visua!i<e this) use poo! 'a!!s or ping-pong 'a!!s to he!p #ou$ 4his pro'!em ma# 'e so!ved using on!# the ?#thagorean theorem i #ou are good at geometr#) 'ut it is mu"h easier with trig$9$


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