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From S.Srinivasan, AG Code 12A12639, 14/24, Ramatheertham st, Rasipuram -63 4!".


Re$ian%e Genera$ &nsuran%e %o. $td, 'rode-11.

This is S.Srinivasan with AG Code 12A12639 attached with your esteemed branch for General Insurance business.

Sir, sin%e m( residen%e is in )Rasipuram* +hi%h is appro, -!.ms /rom 'rode and 0e%ause o/ m( Health reasons . & am /indin1 it ver( di//i%u$t to 1ive m( 0usiness to the 0ran%h 0e%ause o/ the he%ti% trave$in1 invo$ved in visitin1 the 0ran%h. &t is /or this reason that & am no a0$e to per/orm and 1enerate an( ne+ 0usiness a$so.

2( sour%e o/ in%ome is pure$( 0ased on &nsuran%e A1en%( on$( and to over%ome the a0ove said pro0$em, & have de%ided to move m( A1en%( to m( 3ome #o+n on$( +here other &nsuran%e %ompan( is $o%ated i.e., in Rasipuram itse$/.

3en%e & re4uest (our 1ood se$ves to .ind$( $oo. into and issue me the NOC to trans/er m( a1en%( to other Genera$ &nsuran%e Compan( to move m( A1en%( to m( 3ome #o+n on$( +here other &nsuran%e %ompan( is $o%ated 5i nd$( o0$i1e.


S.Srinivasan +91 9 !" !!!"

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