Exam p2 f1

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Solve (25 12) + (55 20) ( 6 14).

2. Diagram 1 shows the locations of A, B, C an D.


#he istance from A to D $sing the ro$te given a%ove is 65 &ilometers. 'f AB is 15 &ilometers( an CD is 22 &ilometers( calc$late the istance from B to C.

). *in the s$m of all the +rime factors of 55.

4. *in the lowest common m$lti+le of )( 10 an 12.

5. Determine the highest common factor of 12 an 20.

6 ) 14 11 ,

. 22

6. Solve

2 ,

,. /amlah ha /0,0. She s+ent of the mone1 on inner an gave /0)6 to her sister. !alc$late the fraction of the mone1 left.

4 -

2. 'f of x is 20( etermine the val$e of x.

-. 3val$ate 1 000 0.)5 100 2.2.

10. #he 4ang Seng "$il ing is 400.5 m tall( an the Scottish "an& "$il ing is half the height of the 4ang Seng "$il ing. !alc$late the s$m of the heights of %oth %$il ings.

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