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AMBER ALERT for Republican Legislators

For the second time in less than a week this mornings Ho se !oters and Elections "ommittee is missing a #ew legislators $ e%ery Re& blican to be e'act( )ll #i%e Re& blican members o# the committee were missing in action when the committee met this morning( )#ter s&ending weeks com&laining that things in this short *+,day session were mo%ing too slowly- Re& blicans sim&ly collected their ta'&ayer,# nded &er diem and ski&&ed o t on their only .ob/ legislating(

)ltho gh re&resentati%es are not &aid a salary- ta'&ayers &aid each absent member a &er diem to be &resent and re&resent their constit ents and get work done( 0he missing members a%oided debate on a "onstit tional amendment to raise the minim m wage( 0he bill &assed the Senate last Friday( Fi%e days ago- all GOP members were M1) #or debate on bills to lower class si2es- moderni2e o r school # nding #orm las and ens re that the states ed cation chie# has ed cation e'&erience( 0hese are big iss es that New Me'icans want addressed( 1# yo see a missing member- &lease take a &ict re and share on 0witter sing the 3NM4EG hashtag(

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