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INT. BEDROOM. NIGHT. JAMES, young 20s, opens his eyes and blinks twice. Slowly.

He sits up and we see hes in his bedroom. Its bare and dorm-like. Austere and empty. Its a completely blue room. He looks over beside him. Hes alone in his bed. He reaches over to the bedside table and picks up a pair of CLEAR GLASSES. He puts them on and they "flicker" to life. We can see reflections of images and text in the lenses. BENIGN Good evening, James. How may I assist you? The voice is cool and male. Its the glasses OS. JAMES Please play recording number 6. A brief HUMM and then: WOMANS VOICE Hey, cant sleep? JAMES Not tonight. WOMANS VOICE You ok? JAMES ... no. Hes mouthing the words. Hes almost in sync. WOMANS VOICE Whats up? Whats happening? JAMES I dunno. I ... miss you. I miss holding you. I miss kissing you. I miss fucking you. I miss talking to you. WOMANS VOICE Youre talking to me right now. JAMES I miss seeing you.




WOMANS VOICE I miss seeing you too. (beat) Just one more month, right? JAMES Yeah, just one more month. (beat) Hey, Mary -BENIGN End of recording. Thank you for using your B9 service. Please rank your overall satisfaction with our service out of ten. JAMES Six. BENIGN Please rank your technical satisfaction with our service out of ten. JAMES Eight. BENIGN Please rank your emotional satisfaction with our service out of ten. JAMES Three. BENIGN You have submitted a response of less than five. Is this correct? JAMES Yes. BENIGN Is there anything we can do to make your experience better? JAMES ... No comment. BENIGN Thank you for using a B9 service. Have a good night.

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