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Second Year Second Term B.B.A. (Honors) Examination 2001 Management Course # (!

""ice Management and Business Communication) #u$$ Mar%s& '0 Time& #our Hours ().B. A$$ *uestions are o" e*ua$ +a$ue. )um,ers on t-e rig-t margin indicates t-e "u$$ mar%s. Ans.er an/ five o" t-e "o$$o.ing0 1. a. ,. c. a. ,. c. 2. a. ,. c. d. a. ,. c. d. 5. a. ,. c. 1e"ine !""ice and !""ice Management. As an executi+e3 .-at s-ou$d ,e /our suggestions "or managing a modern o""ice 4-at are t-e duties o" an o""ice manager 4-at is !rgani6ationa$ Structure 1istinguis- ,et.een $ine 7eo7$e and sta"" 7eo7$e. State in ,rie" t-e "actors to ,e considered in 7ro+iding !""ice Accommodations. 4-/ t-e se$ection o" o""ice $ocation is so im7ortant 1e"ine !""ice 8a/out. 1iscuss its im7ortance. 1iscuss t-e ste7s in $a/out. 4-at are t-e errors t-at /ou .ou$d a+oid in case o" o""ice $a/out Ma%e a $ist o" essentia$ *ua$ities o" good communication. <Trust ,et.een sender and recei+er is an im7ortant 7re=re*uisites in a$$ communication>= 1o /ou agree 1iscuss 1iscuss in ,rie" t-e "o$$o.ing mode$s? a) Ber$or@s S=M=C=A Mode$? ,) #eed,ac% Mode$ 4-at are t-e di""erences ,et.een communication 7rocess and t-e communication mode$ 4-at is meant ,/ c-anne$ o" communication Hig-$ig-t t-e im7ortant di""erentiating 7oints ,et.een ora$ communication and .ritten communication. !" t-e t.o communications3 .-ic- one is ,etter a77$ica,$e 4-/ Ex7$ain .-at t/7e o" communications /ou .ou$d use in eac- communication "o$$o.ing situation a) Bn+ite /our "riends in /our o""ice. ,) Bn"orming em7$o/ees a,out o""ice situation. S-o. t-e di""erence ,et.een "orma$ and in"orma$ communication. <Bn"orma$ communication s7reads rumor3 untrue and distorted in"ormation +er/ "ast>. Ex7$ain. 4-at is do.n.ard communication 1iscuss its uses3 ad+antages and dra.,ac%s. 2 10 5 5 10 2 2 2 9 : ; 2 : 5 5 : 9




a. ,. c.

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a. ,. c.

1iscuss di""erent ,arriers to communication Ex7$ain -o. t-e e""ects o" t-ese ,arriers ma/ ,e minimi6ed. 4-at is in"ormation o+er$oad ##########

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