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es Downloader End User License Agreement

This download is free of charge.
Read and accept this license before installing and using the software. f !ou are a natural person" !ou should be an adult or ha#e the consent of !our parents. f !ou ac$uired the software for a compan!" !ou should ha#e the authorit! to formali%e this contract on its behalf. &hen !ou clic' the (Accept) *or e$ui#alent+ button at the bottom of this page" !ou will e,press the acceptance of this contract -ittalia nternet" S.L.U."a Spanish corporation registered at ./stoles *Spain+" A#. 0ie#es 12" 3" Esc 4" 354 67819" with :iscal dentification 0umber 4;<186=86= *hereinafter" - >>AL A+" grants a free" non;e,clusi#e and non;transferable license *hereinafter" the License+ for using this software" called &eb nstaller. 1. Objective and technical requirements &eb nstaller is an e,ecutable program that lets !ou download certain computer programs. 4! running &eb nstaller !ou accept the terms and conditions of this document" that !ou 'now &eb nstaller and that !ou run it under !our own responsibilit!. - >>AL A reser#es the right of updating and modif!ing the software license and an! attached reference documents" if necessar!. Additionall!" a toolbar will be offered" which will change the user?s homepage" default search options and the @=@ error page" in case the user selects these options. >he software will start the installation of the downloaded software products. >he software will not be installed on the user?s computer" and the user must manuall! delete the software?s e,ecutable file.

2. Copyright - >>AL A is the sole owner of the intellectual propert! rights of &eb nstaller. - >>AL A is the sole owner of the commercial name" cop!right and distribution rights of &eb nstaller. >he cop!right includes the loo' and st!le of the &eb nstaller software. >his contract is a license to use &eb nstaller and doesn?t impl! a propert! transfer of this program?s rights. Aou ma! not change" deconstruct" disassemble or decompile &eb nstaller. >his includes the use of an! current or future technolog!. >he breach of an! of this License?s terms and conditions will be interpreted as a breach of this Contract.


arranties and responsibilities

Aou must use &eb nstaller according to this document?s terms and conditions. - >>AL A will not be liable for an! damage arising from the use of &eb nstaller in a manner contrar! to this software License. E,cept as to the statutor! responsibilities established b! consumer protection laws" !ou e,onerate - >>AL A

from an! responsibilit! arising out of the use of &eb nstaller or of the incorrect wor'ing of &eb nstaller caused b! the wa! in which !ou run the software. >his e,oneration of responsibilit! will e,tend to - >>AL A emplo!ees and management. - >>AL A states that this License to use &eb nstaller infringes no pre#ious contract or current legislation. - >>AL A guarantees that &eb nstaller is not a sp!ware or adware program.- >>AL A also guarantees that &eb nstaller displa!s no popup messages" nor does it collect personal information from its users. - >>AL A does not guarantee the a#ailabilit!" the continuit! or the faultless operation of &eb nstaller. >herefore" to the e,tent permitted b! legislation" this guarantee doesn?t include the damages aroused from the lac' of a#ailabilit! or interruptions in the operation of &eb nstaller or an! ser#ices enabled b! it. - >>AL A assumes no responsibilit! in case of unforeseen circumstances or force maBeure. Li'ewise" - >>AL A will not assume responsibilit! of an! causes outside of a reasonable control" such as #iruses and interference b! third parties. Aou will e,empt - >>AL A from an! responsibilit! related to the intellectual propert! rights" the distribution rights" the integrit!" the $ualit! and the operation of the software downloaded with &eb nstaller. Aou assert that !ou are aware that - >>AL A ma! ha#e no 'ind of relationship with the owners of the computer programs !ou download. Aou e,empt - >>AL A from all responsibilit! from an! claims against !ou for the use or possession of the products downloaded with &eb nstaller" including" but without limiting to" claims for calumn!" #iolation of data protection rights or ad#ertisements" intellectual propert! laws" trademar' rights" and an! other claim or complaint related to the contents" the $ualit! and the operation of such software.

!. "alidity >he #alidit! of this contract begins upon acceptance. - >>AL A will ha#e the right to restrict" suspend or rescind this Contract at its own discretion" both in its entiret! and in part" at an! moment and for an! reason" without notice or responsibilit!. >his Contract" and therefore the License" will be rescinded the moment !ou incur in the breach of its terms and conditions. Aou must erase all copies of &eb nstaller in !our possession at the time this Contract ends.

#. $se of follow%up devices - >>AL A uses coo'ies and C address trac'ing. >he - >>AL A software and the - >>AL A site traffic anal!%er use coo'ies and C address trac'ing to collect data for statistical purposes" includingD date of the first #isit" number of #isits" date of the last #isit" URL and domain" browser and screen resolution. Ad#ertisements on - >>AL A sites include Google AdSense" a s!stem that uses coo'ies to displa! ad#ertising contents related to the pages the user has #isited. &hen a user accesses a site that uses Google AdSense" a coo'ie is introduced in his browserE this allows Google to gather information about the user?s acti#it!" with the purpose of managing and publishing ad#ertisements through the Google AdSense ad#ertising program. >he user can deacti#ate andFor eliminate the coo'ies freel!" following the instructions for his nternet

browser. - >>AL A also uses the 0ielsen measurement s!stem" which also uses coo'ies. 0ielsen pro#ides audience and nternet measurement indicators through the application of certain &eb technologies. &rivacy policy' 0ielsen 0et>ratingsD httpDFFwww.netratings.comFcorp.BspGsectionHlegIscsIesJna#H1 Google Anal!ticsD!polic!.html - >>AL A does not use spam and onl! manages data pro#ided b! the users through the electronic forms located on the website or through email messages. - >>AL A does a follow;up of the pseudon!m informationD the user D" which is a uni$ue identifier generated the first time &eb nstaller is runE the session identifier" which is a user D and the timestampE the file identifier" which is the program the user wants to downloadE the websiteE the &eb nstaller #ersionE the AC #ersionE the C addressE with the obBecti#e of #erif!ing the correct operation of the software and anal!%ing an! errors that ma! appear. >his information is stored in the computer?s Registr!. (. )pplicable law and jurisdiction >his software license and the running of &eb nstaller are go#erned b! the laws of Spain. n case there is a contro#ers! that arises on the basis of this software License or the running of Software Downloader" the parties" if legislation permits it" will be subBect to the Burisdiction of courts and tribunals of the cit! of 4arcelona. )ugust 23* 2+11

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