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Northern Michigan University 2014 Kelli Walsh

To provide an affective, effective, and cognitive academic foundation which meets professional standards in leisure studies and outdoor recreation, including: Development of outdoor technical skills Development of leadership competencies Development of teaching skills in outdoor settings Understanding and promotion of a leisure-valued lifestyle Advocacy for outdoor recreation opportunities

These goals are accomplished through:

Integration of classroom and experiential education Field experiences Interdisciplinary learning Personal and professional growth and development

The staff for the ORLM major are very involved with each student They know your name and care about how youre doing You may very well develop a lasting relationship with them Very helpful!

The classes introduce you to different aspects of the major Outdoor living skills Pedagogy Interpretation/New Media Program Design Management Research and evaluation

Outdoor living skills camp out Stewardship course Teaching of canoeing/rock climbing Getting to teach an actual classroom Wilderness First Responder certification Scuba certification

There are many opportunities for ORLM graduates General jobs one can acquire are: Outdoor leaders/guides Manage a company Work for the many government agencies such as NPS, BLM, FWS, and many more.

Be an interpreter Open your own business The list goes on If you can think of it I bet they have a job in it.

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