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Social Media & Marketing

1el: 07 323923 171
L: chanon.cummlngs[
personal lnformauon
Chanon Cummlngs
26 november 1992
21 years
36 1ankerLon 8oad
SurblLon, Surrey
k16 7LC
07 323923 171

educauon background
2010 - 2013 | Crand valley SLaLe unlverslLy
!an 2012 - !uly 2012 | klngsLon unlverslLy
2007 - 2010 | Lakeland Plgh School
!olnL Ponours 8achelor of Sclence ln
Communlcauon SLudles, !ournallsm & 8roadcasung

Ma[or SLudles: 1heorles ln Communlcauon, racuce ln Communlcauon, Pard news
8eporung, Communlcauon ln 8uslness, Communlcauon & Law
SLudy Abroad Lxperlence
Ma[or SLudles: 8rlush Llfe & CulLure, 8rlush PlsLory, Luropean ollucs &
Plgh School ulploma

work experlence
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Soclal Medla & Markeung lnLernshlp

8unnlng all soclal medla plauorms
keeplng up wlLh analyucs and creaung weekly reporLs
worklng wlLh Lhe markeung execuuve Lo creaLe sales and publlc relauons campalgns
consulung wlLh Lhe deslgn Leam Lo help creaLe promouons Lo be adverused Lhrough
Lhe web and ln prlnL and managlng sales daLa.

Ma[or AsslgnmenL: Pelplng Lo plan and organlze for Lhe CadgeL Show Llve wlLh press
releases, medla plans, conLenL wrlung and adveruslng opporLunlues.

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Soclal Medla & CuLreach lnLernshlp

CeneraLed ldeas for beuer communlcauon sLraLegles
LxecuLed new ouLreach Lacucs
ueveloped conLenL, coordlnaLed and malnLalned all soclal medla plauorms
Pelped deslgn, lnpuL lnformauon, layouL, edlL and publlsh Lhe 2013 - 2014 SLudy
Abroad CaLalog

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ArLs & LnLerLalnmenL WrlLer

8ralnsLormed and plLched sLory ldeas Lo edlLors every week
SeL deadllnes
lnLervlewed sLudenLs and faculLy
WroLe 1 - 3 arucles per week
skllls and personal quallues
Skllls ?ears Level
Mlcroso Word 6 ?ears Advanced
Mlcroso owerolnL 3 ?ears Advanced
Mlcroso Lxcel 6 ?ears Advanced
Coogle Analyucs 6 MonLhs 8eglnner
Adobe hoLoshop 3 ?ears lnLermedlaLe
Adobe lnueslgn 1 ?ear 8eglnner
Soclal Medla lauorms 3 ?ears Advanced

Slnce sLudylng abroad ln Lhe klngsLon unlverslLy, l have sLrlved Lo come
back Lo Lhe unlLed klngdom Lo work and llve. l am a hlghly mouvaLed,
organlsed and enLhuslasuc lndlvldual wlLh a sllghLly obsesslve love for
chocolaLe. WalL ulsney sald, 1lmes and condluons change so rapldly LhaL
we musL keep our alm consLanLly focused on Lhe fuLure," and l Lake LhaL Lo
hearL everyday. ln order Lo succeed ln Lhe world Loday, we musL be looklng
aL Lhe fuLure, and l fully belleve LhaL everyone should follow Lhelr dreams,
no mauer how blg or small.

A LoLal soclal medla addlcL, l have learned Lhe skllls of succeedlng as a
company Lhrough soclal medla and whaL power soclal lnuence has over a
company, no mauer how blg or small.
WlLh a deslre for deslgn, l have dabbled ln phoLo deslgn wlLh my pasL work
experlence. l love creaung lmages Lo share on lnsLagram and lacebook and
Lo glve Lhe opporLunlLy for people Lo connecL and see my work.
work examples




hobbles and lnLeresLs
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1 248 389 4661
L dan.wholeLz[

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1 616 743 6832
L laneall[
Slnce Laklng on a ma[or lnvolvlng soclal medla, my llfe has become soclal
medla, blogglng and all Lhlngs dlglLal. Whlle lL means l don'L keep up my
personal soclal medla plauorms, lL glves me Lhe chance Lo puL all my eorL
lnLo malnLalnlng Lhe plauorms l run for my work.

l love deslgnlng Lhlngs and uslng hoLoshop on a dally basls. l learn by dolng,
and belng able Lo creaLe Lhlngs ln my pasL experlences have helped me Lo
Lake on a deslgnlng edge, someLhlng LhaL can be used wlLh every company
and ln all sorLs of publlc relauon and markeung slLuauons.

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