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An acropolis (akros, akron = highest, + polis = city), is a settlement built upon an area of elevated ground.

Inside the acropolis there are palaces, temples, statues, altars. The word acropolis literally means in Greek "upper city," The most famous example is the Acropolis of Athens, which, by reason of its historical associations and the several famous buildings erected upon it (most notably the Parthenon), is known without qualification as the Acropolis. Although originating in the mainland of Greece, use of the acropolis model quickly spread to Greek colonies such as the Dorian Lato on Crete during the Archaic Period. Some of the most famous fortresses of the Greek mainland: Some of the most famous fortresses of the Greek mainland: 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Acropolis of Athens Citadel Argos Acropolis of Gortyn Acropolis of Glas Fortress Diminiou Acropolis of Thebes Acropolis of Mycenae Acropolis of Mystras Acropolis of Midea Acropolis of Lindos Acropolis of Sparta

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