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H! " A#AP $ontents

%&'!()*$'%(& + ,AP H! F*&$'%(&A- (./!.%/0 Basic Elements of HR HR Business Overview Why HR module is different from other modules? Enterprise Structure Personal Structure -(G%$A- )A'A #A,/ 1-)#2 How to Create L B? Components in L B How to use L B? Report Category/Report Class o !se of Report Cate"ory#Report Class o How to Search? o How to Create? )%FF/!/&' '3P/, (F )A'A %& H! M()*-/ What is Control ata and how it will create in S$P? What is %aster ata and how it will create in S$P? What is Cluster ata and how it will create in S$P? %&F('3P/, What is &nfotype? Structure of &nfotype &nfotype Ran"es in different modules Create &nfotype Enhancement of &nfotype MA,'/! )A'A $!/A'%(& How to H&RE an Employee How to %aintain %aster ata for Employee /4P-A&A'%(& (F 5P&6 ,'!*$'*!/ P!(.%)/ ,'A'/M/&' Why provide statement?

MA$!(, How to find %acros? How to use %acros? F*&$'%(& M()*-/, How to find 'unction %odules? !/P/'%'%./ ,'!*$'*!/, !se of Repetitive Structure and usa"e MA,'/! )A'A *P-(A), Ho7 to upload %n8o types data and 7hy it6s di88erent9 (./!.%/0 (F '%M/ MA&AG/M/&' $(out )ime data What is )ime Evaluation? )ime mana"ement Pro"rammin" 1Positi:e + &e;ati:e2 (./!.%/0 (F PA3!(- Payroll river pro"ram Country Specific Structures &nternational Structure ifferent Cluster ta(les isplay Payroll results of Employee ifferent types of payroll processin" Payroll Pro"rammin" Payroll Pro<essin; + 7or=in; 7ith real>time data /,, Pay slip de:elopment H!F(!M, H! Fun<tions + (perations usin; in ,<hema + P$!6s, de:elopment (!GA&%?A'%(&A- MA&AG/M/&' O% Pro"rammin" Relationships (M %n8otype <reation H! F(!M, and P/@A Adho< !eportin; /,, and M,, (:er:ie7 Pra<ti<e on !eal 'ime Pro;rams 7ith #usiness pro<ess eBplanation

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