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DTE Student Name & ID No: Joseph Keane G00248478

Subject: Construction Studies #up $ %ea& G&oup: 5th Year )esson No: 1 of 18 Date: !" #anuar$ 2014

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Building No' o( #up $s: 24 )en*th +( )esson: 40 Mins T me o( )esson: %&40a'

1& S!(!)M)*! +, !") P-P./S0 P1)2.+-S 3*+4/)D5) (*D S3.//S !he co6o7erating teacher has infor'ed 'e that the a8ilit$ in the class is 'i9ed& (lso that this class is relia8le and good :hen it co'es to classroo' safet$ and tool handling& !heir ca7a8ilities :ith chiselling; sa:ing and 8asic 7o:er tool use is of a strong standard& !his class has undergone a range of 7ro<ects 8ut none as advanced as the 7ro<ect . :ill ho7e to get the' to co'7lete& ,inall$ ever$ class has rules and 7rocedures; . ai' to revie: these rules and allo: the students co'e u7 :ith their o:n rules that . :ill agree on& !his :ill then 7ut the e'7hasis on the students to a8ide these rules and :or= in a 7ositive classroo' environ'ent& !he class has an in6de7th =no:ledge of traditional 8uilding 'ethods 8ut . ho7e to revise these 8$ teaching 7assive house design 'ethods of 8uilding to the'; :hich are si'ilar 8ut slanted to:ards sustaina8le 'aterials&

2& 1(!.+*(/) ,+1 !") S)/)C!.+* & S!1-C!-1.*5 +, S-B#)C! M(!!)1 (*D ,+1 !") M)!"+D+/+5Y !he 'ain ideas for toda$0s lesson is to revise the 8asic classroo' 7rocedures 'ainl$ 8ecause infor'ation :ill have gone stale in the 'ind of the students over Christ'as and that :ould lead to co'7lacenc$ a'ong the grou7& . ai' to discover the de7th of =no:ledge the class has fro' 7revious learning0s& 1evision of rules; 7rocedures and tool safet$ are '$ 'ain ai' for toda$0s lesson& .t is i'7ortant in the first class that $ou get to =no: $our students na'es and create a rela9ed and u78eat cli'ate :ithin the classroo'& !herefore . thin= it is a77ro7riate to start the class :ith a fun ice8rea=er ga'e :here each student tells the class one thing the$ didn0t =no: a8out the' 8efore& .t is also essential as . said that there are rules and 8oundaries set in 7lace :ithin the classroo' so that students =no: if the$ 8rea= the' there :ill 8e 7unish'ents& So to achieve this . :ill 7ut a 7oster :ith the rules of the classroo' on the :all& . :ill introduce the class to the design 7rocess . :ent through :hen designing 'odel 7assive house section& !his :ill 8e the students first ti'e to 8e introduced to the design 7rocess& .t is i'7ortant that students are introduced at an earl$ stage; as design is a 8ig 7art of the /eaving Certificate 7ro<ect& . :ill then introduce the students to the 7ro<ect 8rief and :ill de'onstrate ho: :e :ill 8egin the 'ain 8od$& +nce the de'onstration is finished students :ill have the understanding to 8egin 'ar=ing out the 'ain 8od$ the ne9t da$ in dou8le 7ractical class& . thin= revision of hand tool safet$ is e9tre'el$ i'7ortant 8ecause . noticed so'e students have different :a$s :hich are incorrect :a$s of 'anaging tools& . :ant to have ever$ student :or=ing safel$ and 7roducing >ualit$ :or= in a safe do'ineer& . :ant to e'7hasise to the students the areas in the classroo' that student0s cannot enter :ithout authorised 7er'ission& . :ill 'a=e the students a:are that the 7rocessing of a 7ro<ect is to 8e ta=ing seriousl$ and done :ith a high >ualit$& +f course there is a 'argin for 'ista=es and error& !he 7ro<ect 'a=ing is e97ected to 8e high >ualit$& . a' loo=ing for >ualit$ not >uantit$ 'eaning so'ething done :ell instead of in a rush& . :ill incor7orate a 4+4 factor :here . sho: different 'odels . 'ade ?@DA in college in :hich . :ill 7ass around to the class& !his :ill allo: a sco7e for the 7u7ils to design additional features the$ 'ight li=e to add to their 'odels& . :ill also hold a class discussion on 7assive design lin=ing it to their 7revious learning of traditional 'ethods of 8uilding the$ done 8efore Christ'as& . ai' to 'a=e '$ first lesson and ever$ lesson as colourful and creative as 7ossi8le to encourage self68elief :ithin the class&

@& (.MS Set a strong first i'7ression; air of authorit$ 8ut a77roacha8le 'anner& ,a'iliariBe '$self :ith the class fro' the outset& Present 7u7ils to the 7rocess of design& .nvite the students to 8e a 7art of a fun learning classroo'& 1einforce classroo' safet$ to all& (nal$Be 1ules and 1outines& De'onstrate to students the correct use of hand tools& Discover the 7revious =no:ledge of the grou7 8$ Cuestioning& "arvest a 4+4 factor to gras7 student0s i''ediate attention and a:areness& .ntroduce ne: learning in first lesson& 1einforce that this ne: learning is relevant to real life& htt7DEE:::&ne::orlddesigns&co&u=Ea'aBingE

4& /)(1*.*5 +-!C+M)S & C+11)SP+*D.*5 (SS)SSM)*!S

)ea&n n* +utcomes !)+s" enab$ed to.

,ssessment o( )+s /a& et0 o( t0pes'"

,t the end o( th s $esson the students - $$ be !Note: each )+ has an assessment' Inc$ude a






Cuestioned to designing a 7ro<ect :ith a 7ersonal touch on it& Class :or=sheet to test =no:ledge on classroo' rules& Class discussion held&

designing an ele'ent to a 7ro<ect& +utline the 'ain classroo' rules and 7rocedures as s7o=e a8out& Distinguish 8asic hand& 7o:er tools and their dangers&

Cuestioning circle ga'e; student :ith least a'ount of incorrect ans:ered >uestions on tool safet$ :ins&

Develo7 further 7rocessing and design s=ills&

Students ta=e notes on designing into their design s=etch8oo=s&

)97lain their design and reasons for choice&

S=etching out of design ideas&

5& P/(**.*5 ,+1 /.!)1(CY & *-M)1(CY /iterac$ and nu'erac$ are a'ong the 'ost i'7ortant life s=ills that :e as teachers can develo7 :ithin a student& +ur ai' should 8e that ever$ student 8e e>ui77ed :ith the s=ills of literac$ & *u'erac$ leaving school& !hese s=ills are essential to a 7erson going for:ard to face the challenges in life& !o develo7 these s=ills :e 'ust allo: students develo7D /istening s=ills :hich the$ :ill do during class ti'e& 5uided reading s=ills of their su8<ect 8oo=s& .nde7endent reading s=ills during class on a 7articular to7ic& 4riting s=ills as the$ :rite do:n notes and ho'e:or=& *u'erac$ s=ills through adding; su8tracting etc&&& to get e9act 'easure'ents of ite's needed to construct a 7ro<ect Scaling do:n 7ro<ects to 'odel siBe scales& 1eading 'easure'ents on ta7es and rulers 'easures :ill i'7rove their nu'erac$ s=ills& .n '$ lesson 7lanning . 7lan to interact and engage :ith staff 'e'8ers for advice and guidance to:ards enhancing the literac$ & nu'erac$ s=ills of all the 7u7ils . :ill 8e teaching during '$ teaching 7ractice&

& P/(**.*5 ,+1 D.,,)1)*!.(!.+*

4ithin '$ classroo' . a' a:are that there are students of 'i9ed a8ilities& . 'ust create a learning environ'ent that acco''odates all students& So'e students 7refer a learning environ'ent in :hich the$ can discuss su8<ect 'atter :ith their 7eersF other students :ould rather learn alone :hich is fine also& . 'ust on !P 7rovide 8oth t$7es of environ'ents :ithin the sa'e classroo'& . 7lan to differentiate 8$ incor7orating classroo' 'aterials :ith a variet$ of ho'e situations; cultures and life choices& !his is '$ :a$ of lin=ing classroo' activities to real life e9a'7les :hich :ill engage all students e>uall$& . have found on !P1 that so'e students learn 8etter through direct instruction; :hile others :ould rather read or loo= at a 7icture :hich is =no:n as learning visuall$& .n order for '$ class to 8e as 7roductive as 7ossi8le; . therefore 'ust 7rovide o7tions for the students& ,or e9a'7le; students 'a$ 8e a8le to learn the sa'e 'aterial 8$ reading a 8oo=; listening to an audio cli7 or co'7leting an interactive activit$ for e9a'7le 'odel 8uilding& Planning for Differentiation has 8eco'e a huge factor in lesson 7lanning in recent $earsF . ho7e to ada7t various strategies that :ill create a 8lend that suits '$ class grou7 as a :hole&

G& M.*D M(P

8& !") /)SS+* S)C-)*C) !.M) /.*) Set Induct on 0123 ns !)(C")1 (C!.2.!.)S P-P./ (C!.2.!.)S 5reet class at door:a$& 4elco'e Students enter class and are seated in an ever$one to the roo'& (s= class to 8e seated in a >uiet and orderl$ fashion 1oll call (ns:er accordingl$ to roll call orderl$ fashion

.ntroduce '$self to the class and (s= each student na'e and so'ething e97lain . :ill 8e teaching the' for the rest of class does not =no: a8out a nu'8er of :ee=s the' Students ta=e 7art in discussion; vie: 7ro<ects . 'ade and criti>ue the'& Students as= >uestions 2142 1e6ca7 rules :ith the 7u7ils& /earn student na'es >uestioningEga'e& .nvestigate 7revious =no:ledge& Students reveal 7revious =no:ledge&

through /isten to rules&

S7ea= a8out Construction Studies Students 7ass around 'odel& as a su8<ect and 7ass around so'e 'odels . 'ade as a student '$self& ?4o: factorA& 5ive infor'ation on these designs& 5' "o: :ould $ou design that 'odel differentl$H (& . :ould not have done the foundation la$out in that sha7e



Begin slidesho: on classroo' Class ans:er >uestions as=ed of the'& safet$& Sho: video on ho: not to Class :atches video :hich allo:s the' do so'ething in relation to a 'inute or t:o of a 8rea=& !a=ing Construction& ?"u'ourA& !ell class notes& correct :a$& .ntroduce *e: Pro<ect to class& Pu7ils are attentive to hear 'ore a8out

(s= 7u7ils to ta=e out their the 7ro<ect the$ :ill 8e 'a=ing& !a=ing <ournals and note their ho'e:or= do:n of ho'e:or= in ho'e:or= tas=& 1esearch Passive Design house to $ouH <ournals& Students ans:ered& 5' 4hen do :e 8egin the 7ro<ectH Pu7ils 'ust research Passive Pu7ils <ot do:n ho'e:or=& as= an$ >uestions >uestions regarding :ill 8e

5' 4here is the nearest 7assive ho'e:or=

design and s=etch their design ideas for the ne9t class& Pu7ils :ill not start 7rocessing until . have cleared their design and the$ have dra:n u7 a :or=ing dra:ing&


Pu7ils :ill 8e >uestioned on their Students ans:er >uestions& understanding of the tas= in hand& . :ill as= ra7id fire >uestions on

the content covered& 1e6ca7 661403 ns 7$osu&e o( 7$ass .nstructions to clean u7 and e9it Students clean u7; e9it class in a 7ro7er class in an orderl$; safe 'anner fashion >uietl$ and safel$& and than= the' for their attention&

8& !)(C".*5 1)S+-1C)S Class list 1oll 8oo= Safet$ 7osters .ntroducing 7o:er7oint a8out '$self & '$ 8ac=ground 4o: factor Po:er 7oint on safet$ in the classroo' 1ules & 1outines Model Section of 7assive house Passive house 7o:er7oint Clean u7 e>ui7'ent "o'e:or= >uestion +verhead 7ro<ector 2ideo on 8ad 7ractice & good 7ractice "igher and lo:er order Cuestions Chal=; 'ar=ers etc Classroo' la$out 7lanEseating 7lan

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