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1.Five on a Treasure Island (1942) GOT 2.Five Go Adventuring Again (1943) GOT 3.

Five Run Away Toget er (1944) GOT 4.Five Go to Smuggler's Top (1945)bidding 5.Five Go Off in a aravan (194!) bidding !.Five on "irrin #sland $gain (194%) GOT !.Five Go O"" to #a$% (194&) GOT &.Five Get Into Trou'le (1949) GOT 9.Five Fall Into Adventure (19()) GOT 1).Five on a *i+e Toget er (19(1) GOT 11.Five &ave a 'onderful Time (195() bidding 1(.Five Go )o*n To T+e Sea (195,) bidding 1,.Five Go To -.ster. -oor (1954)GOT 14.Five &ave /lent. Of Fun (1955)bidding 15.Five on a Se0ret Trail (195!) 1,.Five Go to -illy.o.+ *ill (19(!) GOT 1%.Five Get #nto a Fi1 (1952) 12.Five on Finniston Farm (1959)bidding 19.Five Go to )emon's 3o04s (19!5) (5.Five &ave a -.ster. To Solve (19!1) 21.Five Are Toget er Again (19,2 GOT /001 15.Five on a Se0ret Trail (195!) 1%.Five Get #nto a Fi1 (1952) 19.Five Go to )emon's 3o04s (19!5) (5.Five &ave a -.ster. To Solve (19!1)

1.Five on a Treasure #sland (194() (.Five Go $dventuring $gain (194,) ,.Five 3un $*a. Toget+er (1944) 4.Five Go to Smuggler's Top (1945) 5.Five Go Off in a aravan (194!) !.Five on "irrin #sland $gain (194%) %.Five Go Off to amp (1942) 2.Five Get #nto Trouble (1949) 9.Five Fall #nto $dventure (1955) 15.Five on a &i4e Toget+er (1951) 11.Five &ave a 'onderful Time (195() 1(.Five Go )o*n To T+e Sea (195,) 1,.Five Go To -.ster. -oor (1954) 14.Five &ave /lent. Of Fun (1955) 15.Five on a Se0ret Trail (195!)

1!.Five Go to 6ill.0o04 &ill (195%) 1%.Five Get #nto a Fi1 (1952) 12.Five on Finniston Farm (1959) 19.Five Go to )emon's 3o04s (19!5) (5.Five &ave a -.ster. To Solve (19!1) (1.Five $re Toget+er $gain (19!(

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