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DTE Student Name & ID No: Joseph Keane, G00248478

Subject: MTW List of Topics: Helicopter Project st Pupil Yea G oup: 1 Year !o" of Pupils: 2 !o" of Lessons: 1 Dou!le" 2 Sin#les Len#th $f Lessons: Sin#les & mins" Wee$l% %ate: (t) *anuar% 2 1+ Dou!les ' mins Ti&e of Lesson: Tuesda% Period 2&+ Wednesda% Period 1 ,rida% Period &


Since students )a7e co7ered a num!er o8 processes I t)in$ it is critical to put t)ese into practice o7er t)e si9 :ee$ !% completin# t)is projectM% co;ordinatin# teac)er Mr / <onnor in8ormed me t)at t)is particular #roup o8 )ad a #ood :or$ et)ic and t)at t)e #roup :ere at a )i#) le7el o8 a!ilit% and lin$ed up :ell as a #roup- I :as also told t)at t)e students )a7e a #ood $no:led#e o8 !asic )and tools- I :as encoura#ed to do more :or$ :it) t)eir )and tool usa#e and s$ills as t)eir minds mi#)t !e rust% a8ter t)e <)ristmas !rea$- .lso t)e students )a7e a #ood $no:led#e o8 t)e la%out o8

t)e room- T)e% are a:are o8 :)ere items are located and t)e rules and procedures o8 t)e class- In sa%in# t)is I !elie7e t)at rules and procedures :ill need re8res)in#- T)e #roup )as complete projects earlier in t)e %ear t)at in7ol7ed t)e use o8 di88erent joints and also t)e use o8 7arious )and tools- T)ese tools include tennon Sa:" c)isels" tri;s=uare" mallet" copin# sa: and t)e mar$in# #au#es- I am !uildin# t)e project :it) t)e students lin$in# pre7ious learnin#2s !ut :ill also incorporate ne: learnin#2s to e7er% lesson to 8urt)er de7elop t)eir s$ills- T)e students :ill use pre7ious learnin#2s 8or e9ample mar$in# out and jointin# s$ills to create a solid project !aseStudents :ill )a7e co7ered trenc)in#" parin#" sa:in# and drillin# usin# t)e pillar drill 8or do:ellin#- T)e% :ill !e learnin# spo$e;s)a7in# !ut t)e% :ill $no: #rain directions and #rain patterns 8rom trenc)in# and parin#" t)is :ill aid students in learnin# t)e properties o8 t)e spo$e s)a7e and )o: it :or$s- Pupils :ill !e learnin# to use t)e scroll sa: 8or t)is project- T)eir pre7ious $no:led#e o8 t)e copin# sa: :ill )elp t)em learn to use t)e scroll sa:- Pupils :ill )a7e limited $no:led#e o8 t)e desi#n process- T)e% :ill )a7e co7ered plannin# :)ic) :ill !e o8 use to t)em i8 t)e% decide to 7ar% desi#ns in t)e project 8inis)/7erall t)e class is :ell capa!le o8 producin# a lon# lastin#" :ell desi#ned and 8inis)ed project2- 3.TI/N.1E ,/3 THE SE1E<TI/N & ST30<T03IN6 /, S0>*E<T M.TTE3 .ND ,/3 THE METH/D/1/6Y

I )a7e desi#ned a simple )elicopter project :)ic) incorporates a num!er o8 !asic jointsT)is :ill #i7e t)e students practice usin# t)e mar$in# out e=uipment and !asic tools- It :ill also #i7e t)e students a sense o8 sel8 ac)ie7ement :)en 8inis)edI c)ose t)is project 8or t)is #roup !ecause it incorporated a desi#n element 8or t)e pupils and also man% processes so t)at pupils :ill de7elop desi#n and process s$ills in t)is project- I 8elt t)is project :as c)allen#in# 8or t)is #roup- I also 8elt t)at ma$in# a model li$e t)is :it) desi#n element pupils :ill !e moti7ated to 8inis) t)is project to t)e !est o8 t)eir a!ilit%- I :ant t)e students to en)ance t)eir :ood:or$in# a!ilities in a sa8e and

enjo%a!le manner- I )ope 8or t)e pupils to 8ind t)is project somet)in# 8un and di88erent 8rom :)at t)e% are used to in t)eir MTW classesT)ere :ill !e a co#niti7e structure to t)e sc)eme- Students :ill su##est t)eir o:n se=uence to mar$in# out and processin#- T)e% :ill !ac$ up t)eir selections and t)e appropriate s%stem selected and stated :)% it is t)e !est met)od.s :it) all m% classes I :ill tr% to $eep t)em as pupils centred as possi!le" I )ope to complete t)is :it) a lar#e use o8 di88erent resources- Ho:e7er in all classes t)ere :ill !e teac)er led demonstrations o8 t)e topic- T)ese teac)er demonstrations :ill !e also used as an appropriate time 8or pupil discussion- T)e teac)er demonstrations 8ollo:ed !% pupil initiation and intensi7e practice o8 e9ample dra:in# and e9ercises6roup teac)in# :ill !e used in t)e e7ent o8 pupil di88iculties- ?uestionin#" o!ser7ation" #roup and one to one discussions :ill !e conducted to 8ind out t)e pupils understandin# o8 t)e ne: concepts and material !een tau#)t.lso e7en t)ou#) t)e 7ast majorit% o8 t)e class are !o%s I )ope to en#a#e !ot) t)e !o%s and t)e #irls and t)at t)is project appeals to all mem!ers o8 t)e class- E7en t)ou#) t)is project seems simple in relation to :ood:or$in# s$ills I !elie7e I )a7e le8t a lot o8 di88icult parts o8 t)e project open 8or desi#n- T)e desi#n element is :)at I !elie7e to !e t)e most di88icult aspect o8 t)e project- I :ill accommodate stron# and :ea$ students !% allo:in# t)em desi#n di88erent parts o8 t)e project in 7arious :a%s suited to t)eir o:n a!ilit%- I !elie7e t)at t)e pupils :ill !e 7er% moti7ated to complete t)is project !ecause t)is is t)e 8irst tec)nical su!ject t)e% )a7e !een allo:ed to appl% t)eir o:n ideas and see t)em ta$e s)ape and i8 success8ul I t)in$ it :ould !e a )u#e con8idence !ooster 8or t)e pupil :)en tac$lin# 8uture projectsT)rou#)out t)e ma$in# o8 t)ese projects )ealt) and sa8et% and correct tool and po:er tool procedures :ill )a7e to !e demonstrated and rein8orcedStudents are a:are o8 t)e dan#ers o8 t)e room and I :ill ma$e sure t)e students are sa8e t)rou#)out t)e duration o8 m% lesson-

+- .IMS

T)e aims o8 t)is sc)eme are to: Introduce pupils to t)e desi#n processEn#a#e pupils in acti7ities to impro7e t)eir processin# s$illsDe7elop pupil <ra8t s$illsIncorporate colla!orati7e learnin# !% )a7in# #roup #ames and acti7ities :)ere e7er%one can learn 8rom eac) ot)erEncoura#e sel8;!elie8" stron# :or$ et)ic" and reac)in# #oals<onstruct positi7it% to:ards sol7in# pro!lemsIncrease a:areness in relation to classroom sa8et% and pupil :el8areNe#otiate rules and procedures :it) students 8airl%<reate a 8un;learnin# en7ironment :)ere students :ill prosper and de7elop/88er #uidance and encoura#e :)ile t)e class :or$s to:ards t)is #oalStimulate t)e de7elopment a ran#e o8 social s$ills t)rou#) t)e ma$in# o8 t)e project-

&- 1E.3NIN6 /0T</MES & </33ESP/NDIN6 .SSESSMENTS @T)e 1/s correspond to t)e aims a!o7e" !rea$in# t)em do:n into smaller tas$sA

Lea nin# $utco&es 'L$s(

)t the en* of this sche&e the stu*ents +ill be enable* to,

)ssess&ent of L$s

0nderstand t)at t)e :ood:or$ room is a 7er% dan#erous classroom and needs to !e treated :it) respect-

Teac)er o!ser7ation t)rou#)out t)e ma$in# o8 t)e project-

,eel com8orta!le and sa8e in t)eir :or$in# en7ironmentE9plore )ealt) and sa8et% )aBards in t)e classroom and #i7e a clear" precise solution to pre7entin# suc) )aBards arisin#-

4er!al 8eed!ac$ 8rom students-

Wor$s)eet :)ere!% students matc) t)e )aBard to t)e tool and must come up :it) a pre7ention met)od.lso students :ill !e accessed on t)e Po:erPoint t)e% loo$ed at t)rou#) )i#)er order =uestionsI-e- ?- W)% do :e PPE #ear and :)ere do :e :ear itC

<)oose and use t)e appropriate P-P-E in di88erent situations.nal%se and spea$ in detail a!out rules in t)e classroom and t)e

/!ser7ation !% c)ec$in# i8 students are :earin# appropriate P-P-EQuestioning and investigating

reason :)% eac) rule is put in place- 5no:in# t)e penalties i8 t)ese rules are to !e !ro$en-

knowledge of the rules, question students on why they believe such a rule is important in a classroom. I.e. Worksheet where you match :ill the rule to !e assessed the

Name t)e di88erent tools and t)eir parts

reason. T)is durin# demonstrations- E9ample pic$in# up a tool and as$in# t)e student

0se t)e tools in an appropriate and sa8e manner" e-#- copin# sa:" c)isel" tennon sa: etc

:)at it isDurin# m% practical demonstrations o8 t)e tools I :ill as$ di88erent students to use t)e tool and let t)e ot)er student peer e7aluate-

0nderstand desi#nin#-



o8 <lass Wor$s)eet-

Ta$e responsi!ilit% 8or t)eir o:n des$" ensurin# t)at it is $ept neat and de;cluttered to pre7ent an% accidents <)ec$in# t)at t)e students are a!idin# !% t)e rules and routines o8 t)e class room Durin# m% practical demonstrations o8 t)e tools I :ill as$ di88erent students to use t)e tool and let t)e

Mar$ out t)e piece o8 :ood correctl% usin# t)e mar$in# tools-

Desi#n aspects o8 an% project and !e a!le to discuss :)% t)e% desi#ned t)e project in t)e manner

ot)er student peer e7aluate/!ser7ation o8 pupils :or$ durin#

t)e% did and to e9plain )o: t)e% decided on proportion 8or t)e )elicopter-






=ualit% and accurac% o8 :or$ )anded up-

D- N0ME3.<Y & 1ITE3.<Y ST3.TE6Y 1iterac% and numerac% are amon# t)e most important li8e s$ills t)at :e as teac)ers can de7elop :it)in a student- /ur aim s)ould !e t)at e7er% student !e e=uipped :it) t)e s$ills o8 literac% & Numerac% lea7in# sc)ool- T)ese s$ills are essential to a person #oin# 8or:ard to 8ace t)e c)allen#es in li8eTo de7elop t)ese s$ills :e must allo: students de7elop: 1istenin# s$ills :)ic) t)e% :ill do durin# class time6uided readin# s$ills o8 t)eir su!ject !oo$sIndependent readin# s$ills durin# class on a particular topicWritin# s$ills as t)e% :rite do:n notes and )ome:or$Numerac% s$ills t)rou#) addin#" su!tractin# etc--- to #et e9act measurements o8 items needed to construct a project Scalin# do:n projects to model siBe scales3eadin# measurements on tapes and rulers measures :ill impro7e t)eir numerac% s$illsIn m% lesson plannin# I plan to interact and en#a#e :it) sta88 mem!ers 8or ad7ice and #uidance to:ards en)ancin# t)e literac% & numerac% s$ills o8 all t)e pupils I :ill !e teac)in# durin# m% teac)in# practice-

(- DI,,E3ENTI.TI/N ST3.TE6Y Wit)in m% classroom I am a:are t)at t)ere are students o8 mi9ed a!ilities- I must create a learnin# en7ironment t)at accommodates all students- Some students pre8er a learnin# en7ironment in :)ic) t)e% can discuss su!ject matter :it) t)eir peersE ot)er students :ould rat)er learn alone :)ic) is 8ine also- I must on TP pro7ide !ot) t%pes o8

en7ironments :it)in t)e same classroomI plan to di88erentiate !% incorporatin# classroom materials :it) a 7ariet% o8 )ome situations" cultures and li8e c)oices- T)is is m% :a% o8 lin$in# classroom acti7ities to real li8e e9amples :)ic) :ill en#a#e all students e=uall%I )a7e 8ound on TP1 t)at some students learn !etter t)rou#) direct instruction" :)ile ot)ers :ould rat)er read or loo$ at a picture :)ic) is $no:n as learnin# 7isuall%- In order 8or m% class to !e as producti7e as possi!le" I t)ere8ore must pro7ide options 8or t)e students- ,or e9ample" students ma% !e a!le to learn t)e same material !% readin# a !oo$" listenin# to an audio clip or completin# an interacti7e acti7it%Plannin# 8or Di88erentiation )as !ecome a )u#e 8actor in lesson plannin# in recent %earsE I )ope to adapt 7arious strate#ies t)at :ill create a !lend t)at suits m% class #roup as a :)ole-


'- WEE51Y /0T1INE /, 1ESS/N </NTENT & 3E?0I3ED 3ES/03ES WEE5 1 1ESS/N 1 GDou!leH P </NTENT Set Induction: G.s per e7er% class startH /rderl% entrance and introduce m%sel8 to t)e classS)o: :o: 8actor presentation on po:er point Set t)e sa8et% rules in t)e :or$ room- State t)e aims o8 t)e class 8or t)e si9 :ee$ period State :)at :or$ is #oin# to !e Po:erPoint o8 M-T-W 3ES/03<ES

done in class o7er t)e si9 :ee$s 3e;arran#e des$s i8 necessar%3e;cap rules and proceduresIn7esti#ation $no:led#eName #uessin# #ame" #ettin# to $no: t)eir namesPassin# around o8 models I made4ie: Mt: and H&S Po:erPointIntroduce ne: projectDesi#n element 8or students :it) mi9ed a!ilitiesHand out dra:in# o8 project>e#in s$etc)in# personal ideas on desi#n<lean up and closure o8 lessonSlides)o: on H&S Name #ame Model projects I made 3ules :or$s)eet HW assi#nment >lac$!oard Project dra:in# Data 7isualiBer Wo: 8actor o8 pre7ious

2 GSin#leH P 3e;cap on pre7ious class6i7e out :or$in# dra:in#s o8 )elicopter and tim!erPo:er point on mar$in# out e=uipment6i7e practical demonstration on t)e mar$in# out e=uipment and ,olders Tool sa8et% PP 4ideo on tool sa8et% <lass Hand;outs Project !rie8 Po:erPoint

)o: to use it correctl% T)e students :ill !e#in mar$in# out t)e projectHandin# out o8 card!oard 8olders 8or )ome:or$ to !e put in and su!mitted E9planation o8 project to !e made Demonstration on )and tool sa8et% <losure & <lass room clean;uppresentation on project Mar$in# out e=uipment Wor$in# dra:in#s Mar$in# out e=uipmentTim!er

+ GSin#leH P

3e;cap on last class learnin#2s Discussion re#ardin# t)e desi#n process and t)e constraints outlined- Pupils !e#in desi#nin# t)e )elicopter project t)rou#) s$etc)in#-

Paper 4ideo Spare pencils Hand tools Home:or$ )andout Demonstration Tim!er pieces Mar$in# out #uideline Wor$in# dra:in#Data 7isualiBer

Pupils must !e a!le to e9plain t)eir desi#n and complete a :or$in# dra:in#-

,un learnin# !% means o8 a 7ideo s)o:in# a )elicopter in 8li#)t and t)e di88erence !et:een a #ood and !ad desi#n

>e#in demonstrations on t)e correct use o8 )and tools- I-e-

mar$in# c)iselin#




6at)er class around me so I can see e7er%one clearl%- >e#in demonstration on mar$in# out-

.llo: class to return to t)eir seats to carr% out :or$ I demonstrated-

& 2 GDou!leH P 2 D GSin#leH P

<lasses re;caps and clean upHome:or$ /rderl% e9itPo:er Point on t)e sa:" c)isel and mallet6i7e practical demonstration on t)e sa: and c)isel.t t)is sta#e t)e class t)e% )a7e t)eir pieces mar$ed out and are read% to !e#in ma$in# t)e jointHandout on t)e tools/rderl% e9it >e#in Helicopter project3e; cap :)at is re=uired. desi#n element :ill !e Po:erPoint presentation on tools Wor$in# dra:in#s Mar$in# out e=uipmentTim!er Sa: Mallet <)isels

incorporated in t)is project 8or students :it) mi9ed a!ilities Hand out material 8or projectDemonstration on 1st piece :e

:ill !e#in on- <lass is e9cited E9amine class desi#ns t)e% dre: on paper on )o: t)e% mi#)t c)an#e t)e appearance o8 t)e project >e#in :or$ on t)e !aseMaterial 8or project Demonstration <opin# sa:s PPE #ear Helicopter model I made m%sel8Sandpaper around t)e room ,un 7ideoGs)apin#H Demonstration o8 copin# sa:Students care8ull%/!ser7ation o8 student :or$ is 7ital- Sa8et% must !e num!er one Wal$ monitorin# t)eir pro#ress and )elp an%one :)o is )a7in# di88iculties <lean up and s)o: 7ideo o8 copin# sa: in action ( 2 GSin#leH P 3E;<.P on pre7ious lesson ?uiB teams o8 & on t)e copin# sa:,inis) o8 cuttin# t)e cur7e on t)e !aseSandin# do:n t)e !ase a8ter I demonstrate )o: to do so>e#in main !od% piece o8 t)e projectT)is piece is ?uiB !e#in cuttin#

c)allen#in# so ma% ta$e a num!er o8 classes in order to complete it correctl% <lass demonstration on mar$in# out?uestion t)e class to see does e7er%!od% understand :)ere to !e#in S)o: class )o: to use t)e compass to mar$ out<lass clean up.nnounce =uiB :inner and re:ard t)e #roup 8or t)eir e88orts :it) a pencil ruler and ru!!er + F GDou!leH P 3E;<.P on pre7ious lesson ?uiB class in teams o8 & on t)e copin# sa:,inis) o8 cuttin# t)e cur7e on t)e !aseSandin# do:n t)e !ase a8ter I demonstrate )o: to do so>e#in main !od% piece o8 t)e projectT)is piece is c)allen#in# so ma% ta$e a <lass cleanup E9it class<opin# sa:s Demonstrations on sandin# and mar$in# out <ompass 6roup re:ard ?uestion s)eet

num!er o8 classes in order to complete it correctl% <lass demonstration on mar$in# out?uestion t)e class to see does e7er%!od% understand :)ere to !e#in S)o: class )o: to use t)e compass to mar$ out<lass clean up.nnounce =uiB :inner and re:ard t)e #roup 8or t)eir e88orts :it) a pencil ruler and ru!!er <lass cleanup E9it class3ecap des$ Students s)o: o88 pre7ious 1earnin# and t)eir peers access t)eir learnin#2s <ontinue processin#S)apin# middle o8 project usin# drill to drill )oles 8irstl% a8ter demo Demo also on ri#)t and :ron# :a% to remo7e t)e :aste piece:it) project :it) peer learnin# Hand tools Cordless drill rief qui! "emonstration Homework Question "iscussion lackboard "ata visuali!er Chalk

around 8ront des$ teac)erIs

Emp)asise t)e importance o8 not !rea$in# t)e copin# sa: !lades- GPenalt% on occurrenceH-

#ower#oint $ideo %amples of wood &odel tree and parts Homework Q Whiteboard &arkers %ticky tape

3ecap :it) =uic$ =uestionin# #roups o8 &- Team :it) most ans:ers #ets o88 )ome:or$-

HW; name + reasons :)% it is important to use t)e copin# sa: correctl% and :)%C

<lass closure proceduresE9it in #ood manner-

+ ' GDou!leH P

'eturn to practical work and continuation of main body piece. "emonstration with correct on tennon and saw and bench hook along stance while techniques cutting

wood with any saw type. Quick pictures on slideshow of the ways of cutting I will get students to tell me which is right and wrong. Continue helping people to complete this part of the pro(ect.

)*planation of working plan for the week, demand full attendance to prevent people falling behind. )mphasis the importance of creativity when making a pro(ect. Quality not quantity.

Class clean up and e*it. >e#in to 8inis) o8 main !od% o8 t)e )elicopter" sandin# ed#es and sur8aces usin# PPE #ear-

J + GSin#leH P

Demonstration on t)e pillar drill.llo: students use pillar drill under m% super7ision one !% one<riti=ue t)em out o8 ten on a score card on t)eir per8ormanceS)o: 7ideo on t)e correct use o8 t)e pillar drill- .nimated 7ideoSand paper PPE #ear Demo on pillar drill Pillar drill )andout Scorecards 4ideo Home:or$

<lean;up and HW is assi#ned-

?- Descri!e t)e correct use o8 a pillar drillC 1 steps to success8ul :or$ & 1 GDou!leH P E9it class in a 8as)iona!le manner<ontinue :or$ on class project>e#in to attac) !ase to main

!od% i8 8inis)ed :it) scre:s Sand piece t)orou#)l%Students use pillar drill to drill )ole 8or t)e do:el s)a8t o8 t)e project I :ill put t)e steps in7ol7ed on t)e loop Po:erPoint so t)at students can loo$ at it as t)e% :or$ and I o!ser7e <ut do:els and as$ students to cut t)em to len#t) a8ter I demonstrate )o: Ensure e7er% student is up to date and on a le7el par.llo: scope 8or desi#n en)ancements t)is :ill allo: stron# students ad7ance Po:erPoint on do:ellin#3ecap class and clean up- 6i7e )ome:or$ :)ic) is to researc) desi#n elements & 11 GSin#leH P Practical )elicopterEmp)asis on classroom sa8et% 8or )al8 t)e class is important as people mi#)t )a7e !ecome continues on t)e E9it classSa8et% )andout Demonstration Home:or$ =uestion Data 7isualiBer Mar$in# tools Scre:s Drill Sandpaper Pillar drill Do:els 1oop Po:er point presentation<)isel Mallet Model Data 7isualiBer Po:erPoint Home:or$-

rust% re#ardin# rules Handout on sa8et%Wor$ !e#ins on t)e propeller part o8 t)e projectI :ill demonstrate )o: to mar$ t)is out care8ull%Students !e#in :or$<lass recap and tid% upTa$e do:n )ome:or$ :)ic) is to desi#n t)e propeller at )ome <ollection o8 )ome:or$ and puttin# it into 8olders pro7idedDemonstration on plannin# :it) t)e )and plane care8ull%Students practice on :aste Home:or$ 8olders Planes Demonstration is /!ser7ation o8 pro#ress ,astest )and up #ame >lac$!oard Mar$ers <leanin# e=uipment

pieces 8irst :it) plane12 & GSin#leH P T)en on t)e propeller pieceS)apin# smallI :ill circle t)e room to ensure producti7it% is ta$in# place<lass clean up and :e :ill pla% a =uic$ #ame called 8astest )and up :)en I as$ a =uestion D 1+ GDou!leH >e#in to attac) !ac$ o8 <lass e9ito8 t)e piece

important as it is sloped and

P4. #lue 4ideo

)elicopter to main !od% usin# #lue a8ter sandin# )as ta$en place Demonstrate #luin# propertiesS)o: 7ideo on #luin#

ad7anta#es and sa8e practiceScre: propeller to t)e do:el piece usin# a 2Dmm scre: 1 scre: eac) Wor$ in #roups care8ull% to speed up t)e process- T)in$ sa8et% at all timesP 1ea7e piece to dr% in 7ice o7erni#)tWor$ as a team to #et e7er%one up to speed- Team:or$ :ill !e promoted )ere 3ecap on :)at :e learnt toda% t)rou#) a simple =uiB on !est practice in relation to #luin# an%t)in# .ssi#n )ome:or$ :)ic) is to researc) + main #lue t%pes and t)eir propertiesD 1& GSin#leH P <lass closureTa$e up )ome:or$ pre7ious classPut in 8olders<ontinue :it) )elicopter 8rom Home:or$ ,olders 4ideos 6lo7es PPE#ear Scre:s <ordless 4ice ?uiB Home:or$ assi#nment >lac$!oard 1oop 7ideo Drill !its

project >e#in desi#nin# t)e top o8 )elicopterHal7in# joint demonstration as it is lin$ed to t)e ma$in# o8 t)e top piece Plannin# :it) plane also Desi#n s)eets Hal7in# joint made Hand tools Planes Data 7isualiBer

incorporated in t)is lesson3ecap and tid% up4ideo on a man ma$in# model airplanes<losure Students !e#in )al7in# joint usin# )and toolsDrillin# )ole 8or t)e do:el to enterDemonstration on t)e assem!l% o8 a )al7in# joint- I :ill #et a 1D D GSin#leH P ( 1( student to do it and I :ill tell t)e student )o: t)e% #ot onT)is :ill encoura#e sel8; con8idence.llo: 7arious students per8orm t)is tas$3eturn to assi#ned places to continue :it) :or$<lass closureToda% :e :ill complete a s$ills

Hand tools Demonstration Drill 1oop 7ideo

test :)ere!% I test )e students on t)eir a!ilit% and pro#ression in :ood:or$in# mainl% on joints and tool usa#e- T)is :ill !e 8or a sin#le class :)ere I :ill monitor t)em closel% and #rade t)eir :or$ GassessmentH-

,or t)e second class o8 t)is dou!le t)e class :ill continue :or$ on t)eir model )elicopters in :)ic) t)e% s)ould )a7e

GDou!leH P

nearl% completedSome students !e#in sandin# and 8inis)in#.ppl%in# 7arnis)Kpaint a8ter I demonstrate correct procedures/t)ers are still assem!lin# t)eir project care8ull%<learl% t)ere is mi9ed a!ilit% as I indicated so I )a7e le8t scope 8or ad7anced desi#n .ssi#n )ome:or$ :)ic) is to researc) t)e !est 8inis) one can appl% to a projectStudents e9it class in a #ood mannerMost people are 8inis)in# t)ere Pieces o8 :ood Hand tools Mar$in# tools Mar$in# sc)eme Sandpaper Data 7isualiBer >rus)esK7arnis) Demonstration 6lo7esKPPE #ear



models !% no: GDou!leH P .pplication o8 indi7idual Sandin# !loc$s Home:or$ 8olders S$ills test results 4isualiBerDanis) oil-

8inis)es and touc)esSandin# to #et t)e smoot)est 8inis)Home:or$ collected and :e correct t)e )ome:or$ !e8ore class ends 3esults on s$ills test )anded !ac$( 1' GDou!leH P <lass closure <ontinuation o8 sandin# :it) )ealt) and sa8et% rein8orcedPoster o8 t)e )elicopter to !e #i7en to t)e students to insert in 8older Most people appl%in# Danis) oil and 7arnis) and some paints1ast da% to 8inis) projects1a!el t)em :it) name ta#s and su!mit t)em to me to assess and #rade t)em Durin# t)e second )al8 o8 t)e dou!le people :ill #roup to#et)er and )elp ot)ers $indl% to reac) t)e deadline .ssi#n )ome:or$ :)ic) is to :rite one pa#e o8 on t)eir t)is e9perience ma$in#

Poster >rus)es PPE 6E.3 6lue /ilK7arnis)Name ta#s Home:or$ Educational PriBes 4ideo /n )url ma$in# GM% mini careerH

project" :)at t)e% li$ed and disli$ed Gre8lectionH Watc) Hands 7ideo on Hurle% ma$in# as a treat a8ter t)e e88ort t)e students )a7e put in Educational priBes 8or !est t)ree projects- GDra:in# $itKHurle%H

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