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Pathophysiology of Cerebrovascular Accident

Predisposing factors: - Age (76 yrs. old) - Heredity (hx of hypertension) - Gender - Race (Asian)

Precipitating factors: - Sedentary lifestyle/physical inactivity - Poor diet (high fat, high cholesterol) - Hypertension


Transient Ischemic Attack

Build up of plaque deposits in walls of blood vessels



Blocked blood vessel

Cerebral hypoperfusion

Impaired oxygen and nutrient delivery to brain

Tissue Hypoxia and cellular starvation

Cerebral Ischemia (stroke)

Signs and symptoms (patient) - Body Weakness (Hemiparesis) - Slurred speech

Signs and symptoms (Book based) - Hemiparesis - Memory loss - Hemiplegia

- Possible decreased LOC = compromised cough reflex - Difficulty chewing

- Impaired bladder/bowel control - Loss of sensation - Ataxia - Homonymous Hemianopsia



Aspiration Pneumonia

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