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Fpohrvest 2s " “EXPLOSIVE . . - = : “ORDNANCE | : (ARMY. AMMUNITION 4 g R ae NAVY inmate cal) Mate thc en lad PRON ae He yk Bort “DEPARTMENTS OF THR ARMY- BT am AND, THE AIR FORCE. | -- Wasmivaton 25, D. C., 16 March 1953 ~ TM 9-1985-5/70 308-14, is publiohed for the information and guidance of all concerned. AG 471 26 Fob 53)} eH ‘ © By onpen or vax Secruraniss or tax Amy Axo rme Atm Fénce eer Bro 7 7 ee ane fo . oe a . oe r Ovrrctat: ‘ 7 seEAWTON COLL : WM. B. wthany aH ee, Chief of Sta, United Stale Army +* Major General, USA . y < 3. The Adjutant’ Ggnerél | Orrrcrat:” an HOYT S. VANDENBERG = * +0 KE, TEOEBAUD eee J Ohief of Staff, United States Air Force Air Adjutant General Disramézion: Actice Army. =. @); MDW (1)7 A @)5 CQ (2); Div (2); Sch () except 8 (), 9 ‘ay; Dep § @); POF (), OSD () PRER 0 6); ‘Ars 0 (1); Proc Dist 9 (1); T/0 & Es 6-800 FA, FB, FO, FE, FF (1). NG: No ie 8 Army RescMe: None. : For explanation of distribution formula, see SR 310-90-1. Baie fe CONTENTS Og "VOLUME: 8 - = Chapter 4. Army Ammunition: - "1's Seetion 1: Arty Projectites. . + ~ Section 3. Army Rockets -- ‘Section 3.’ Army Mortars... * Section"4. “Army Project Ib Picea Ghoprér 5. Novy Ammunition “"Seetion 1. Navy ee Section 2. Navy Rockets Section 3. Navy Morthrs .- Sention 4. Navy Projectile Fates : kr i G. JAPANESE AMMUNITION—EXPLANATORY NOTES E ‘sid mark (or type) and modification number. Japaneg#Weapons non 1, The bore diameter of Japanese Army weap-, ona _measyres an even number ‘of millimeters (metric syftem). However, the guns are ‘decig.) nated heir “nominal izes, gunually to. the nearest yes centimeter. a 2. The“bore diameter of Jupantse Navy weap-~ fons quite often measures to. an even inch in keeping with. the English system, though some common Navy guns are designed ‘witha bore diameter in am even number of millimeters. The , Navy also designates its guns by néminal sizes, ‘ vusually to tie nearest even centimeter. 3. Tor avoid. corifusion, ammunition is classified in this book by the nominal ‘ore size of the weapon according to the Japanese nomenclature with the actual’ size given in parenthesis. In 2 {Navy ammunition, above 5-em, the actiial sizé is given in both metric and English FBeasurement. 4. Both services designate: the size of guns under 5-cm by the actual ize in millimeters, e. g. 47-mm, 40-mm, 30-mm, 20-mm. cs Clastificction of Projectiles Army Projectiles ‘The Japantse nomenclature ‘for projectiles is, followed as far as practicable. The Japanese Army, terminology ia self-explanatory and con-__ forms fatrly well with U: 8. custom. Needing some explanation are the terms A. P, and.A P-H.E, ¥ : ? A. P- inidicates « projectile handed fof piercing heavy armor, for example, artior plate of-thick- * ‘nese equal to or greater than the caliber sf the “projectile. These Projectiles have an H. E. bursting charge, 0 ‘ : A. PH. E. ‘indicates a solid-nosed’ projectile “in general similar to the A. P. but designed for * goueh lighter penotrasion. These.carry an #1. E. charge approaching that of a standard H. E. projectile. Hence,. the term A. P.~H. E. is - intended ‘to indicate” ite: intermediate status det an H, E, projéptile and a*heavy Navy Projectiles » ~ The classification and designation of Navy pro- jectiles by ‘the Japancee is: highly: irregular and * cumbersome. Complete and schurate identifies tion of‘ projectile requires identification of the gun, descriptive nomenclature of the projectile, wv " : . ¢ fe ge armor- pi projectile. A. P.-H. E. projectiles taf paifited like H. E. projectiles but obyiously may be differentiated by’ their form: Example: 14'em/50 Ordinary i (Gun) (Geperal type of For projectile) ‘Type 0 . + (Design number) : this reason an arbitrary system of nomen- clature is used in this book. Japanese Navy nomenclature is given as sub-title where known, + In Jepancos Navy nomenclature all projectiles light armor-piercing typgs) are designdted with a relatively high “op charge (iricluding s) TSUJODAN, which may/be translated eifher “Ordinary “ Projéetile” or “Conimon Projectie” Since this is a composite group incliding standard high explosive projectiles 3 well as light pene- trating types, the translation “Ordinary” is used in this book for Japanese designations and the term “Common” is reserved for specific use aa @ descriptive title for light wengtrating -types of projectile (solid nose, base-fuzed) in accordance with the U. 8. meaning of “Common . jectiles having a point detonating fuze are devig- Pro: nated “High Explosive” to, conform with U. S. terminology. ° Abbreviatjons ee The following abbreviations will be used in this section: * : A.A.M.G. Antiaircraft Machine Gun. AC Aircraft Cannon A.C.M.G. Aircraft Machine Gua. ALP. Armor-Piercing. . ATP.I. ) Armor-Piercing Incendiary. AUP.T.° Armor-Piercing Tracer A. TK. Anti-tank : ¥ gE. High*Explosive. HE A.T., High-Explosive Anti-tank 4 Glollow Charge) EEL High-Explosive Incendiary. HLEWLT. High-Explosive incendiary HLE.T. — Bigh-Explosive Tracer. H.M.G. Heavy Machine Gun. 1 “Incendiary. LT. Incondiary"Tracer: 7 L.M.G. Light Macaine Gun. MK Mark. * 8 MOD Modification. 8:D. Self-Detroying. TK. Tank. : W. P- White Phosphorus. . ( Japanese Army. weapons are generally copies of INTRODUCTION * 7 : ‘ TION oy * -German or French designs or are developed follow- . ing their customs. Japanese weapona ineffective, . . | This is particularly true in considéring amall ‘arms for if the Japaneso ever mada any serious Attentpt to standardize small arms and smell arm, ammunition there is little evidence of it in the many differenit calibers and types in uso by them. The standard Weapon prior to-1930 was 6.5 mn, “but shortly therosfter this was superseded by 7.7 mm weapons. However, ‘this change was “never complete and 6.5,mra weapons wer used extensively in the last war. The foreign itifluence is apparent’ particularly after 1939 when aircraft machine guns of German and Italian design were copied. ty tp ON The earlier sircraft machine guns and aircraft canhon’ were either modifications of Japanese ground mounts or copies of foreign guns: ‘In more recent years, however, the Japanese designed air- craft cannon as large as 120 mm,” but nothing or than 57 mun was ever put in servicd uso. > “Most Japanese, artillery weapons were charac. terized by their immobility aa very-few of them were designed for rapid motor’ transport. Al. though 105 mm and 150 mm weapons were frequently encountered, the standard field piece was 75 mm. reece + t vlery pieces and @ 1054 - Tn compatison with weapons ° ‘used by other-countries in the past fow years, the ‘*sppeer to be outmoded’ and One outstanding characteristic of Jepanced’: Army ammunition is the large variety of types ‘and sizes of mortars which were in use. Mortars were'used not only os infantry support weapons but also es artillery pieces. "They ranged in size from the 50-mm Grenade. Discharger to ~the - 820-mm Spigot Mortar. » ‘The standard Antiairerdft Gun was @°75-min, gun but there was also an 88-miiAntiaireraft Gun which was one of theif most effective ertil- A. A, gun. The Japancae has designed a 150-mm Antiaireraft Gun for the defense of the home islands’ but this was used only in the last few mohths of the war. , The nowest trend in’ research and development in “ammunition was algng the line of rockets, Very, fow types during the war but there were many experimental models of antitank and artillery rockets in develop- ment, raging in size from 75 may to 60.can. Revedroh was also’ being’ conducted on smooth- . bore.and recoilless weapons but this. was @ rela- tively new program ‘and none of thase weapous * was ever developed beyond the experimental stage, a Ef 265 * of Japanese rockets were used. * JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE 266, ARMY—OLD COLOR SYSTEM RED ~ "FILLED BLACK BODY FELLING IDENTIFICATION “BAND, YELLOW BAND - #.E. PRESENT ~ WO BAND ~ BLACK POWDER WHEN 7 RED-T1 PRED, WEIGHT VARIATION MARK OATA PROJECTILE FILLED ae SYMBOL: OF PLACE FILLED METAL {DENTIFICATION BAND: "WHITE BAND = HiGH GRADE STEEY GREEN BAND - LOW GRADE STEEL. NO BAN CAST IRON * “DATE ‘PROPELLANT MANUFACTURED Common Explosive Types Japanese characters giving the type number of the projectile (painted on. projectile) and type number of the gun. (painted on the case) appear only when there is chance of confusion with similar projectiles or cases. & \ * Special-Purpose Projectiles ey “Projectiles designed’ for: special purposes aye: painted black oyer ‘all: and are, identified by ‘special symbol stenciled viear the’ idle’ of the body... For a list of thesé projectiles and symbols, 1 Toler to:the-new.¢olor system. iv “YELLOW - Lister’ UE cwowe sac ¢ apn dancin: RED + vou “The variation of- individual projectiles from standard weight is important. in the’ ballistics ‘problem and. can be corrected for ingetting’ sight ‘The: varintjon is therefore indicated by plus > minus signs painted on ‘ JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE & EE i: 7 "ARMY—NEW COLOR SYSTEM he new aybtem is besed on the old system, bub ‘designed as @ simplification in which fewer color bands are uéed. Body color of projectiles distinguishes broad groups, Color bands designate moro specific features. The use of accessorf markings such as tyge numbers, weight: marks, x dates, and arsenal symbols is the same in both s ystems. : RED ~ “FILLED BLACK BODY COLOR YELLOW - H.€,-HIGH GRADE STEEL GREEN ~ H.€.~SEMI-STEEL REO > SHRAPNEL OR CANNISTER WHITE .- ARWOR-PIERCENG ‘ . YELLOW . GREEN” H€-TRACER’ WHITE * 7 GREEN” PoP -~TRACER: * A.» *THE PRESENCE OF A TRACER 1S HOT ALWAYS INDICATED. e Common Explosive Types : Hollow chargé ammunition is distinguished: from other types in the H. E. high grade steel Gellow band) group by, the presence of tho symbol od 9 Pa ‘ EEE INTRODUCTION TO ARMY AMMUNITION Chemical (Gas or Liquid Filled) Projectiles = oe b. i eo *FULeo" ~ EXPLOSIVE coMPonEATS © BLUE "FILLED? ~ L1QUID COMPONENTS s YELLOW BLISTER BLUE =" CHOKE % BROWN ~ BLOOD AND NERVE. RED * = VOMIT. GREEN, ~ TEAR ; > @ Special PuroyePrietles ie 1g Projectiles designed. for special purposes as listed below are identified by the over-all: body color and by a special syigbol stenciled near the ae midge of the body. «fat Projectile Celer of bedy’ Symbol « ” i 7 Sano (igual o screen White ya : ; ae Inenniasy (nonliquid)...” Yellow..2° A - _ Mluminatin : Fey sow : Target = : Sa . : eS Sandefilled Zz ae i oe 8 c 269 COPPER sacKET tit Leao cone W000 . i. 270 ad : ca ye * ets : : ‘Chapter 4+Section 1 i : ee . 4 H . ARMY PROJECTILES : as le = Wooden 2" 2s inches. | 2 inches. 3 eo Projectile & CaN or te. ar : 7 “Panto ofwood. 2 * Projectile of paper. ' x * ‘Type 96 L. M.G. > * Mype'38 carbine, ae BEEP ae : 1). Type 44 carbines 7%,” > * eee eee eee eee . *~ “. Remirka: Ammunition’ when used in rifies and. “ri@e to launch the rifle smoke grenade,” The Et light machisje ‘guns’ will be found in* clips of 5: paper bullet round is used to.launch rifle grenades. 7 “rounds each. When used in the heavy tmaehine * , ‘The propelling powder used in the blank.rounds is © -"Fuba it will be fourid in, feeder stripe of 30.rounds ‘nitrocellulose whilé in the other rdunds it, ia each.”Tho wooden bullet round is used with the ‘erphitcontad nit ellos 7 Reo 7 —— LEAD. ei cece fa oa o ac mk Ban ‘ 7 ¢ “ : - : @ £ y : s a 7 a x Figure 202—Type 99 (Rimless) 7.7-mm Ammunition. " Von dee ae ‘ ww we | “oF Wn Ammunition me ‘Ay P. (Inch) ‘Tracer (neh) Wooden » Length of projectile ‘Weight of projecti ‘Type 92 HM. G, > ‘Type 1H. M.G. Type 97 TK. MG. “Type 99 modified rifle. Type 2 rifle. . " ‘Color aid maggings: | ot Bs Eye : , we, Remintkas: The, hoary, machine guns use feed °° : , “os. | tripe of 30 rounds. ‘Wha ed in ight mnaljne SS : > ‘guns and tho rifle, {hia ammunition is packed! in tie valet 94 Geotind clipes : 7 Be iSE Eg In'ad eth ual ra cre cao, . me : 7 PA Bes ‘ammunition with a’steel ‘case, hai boot found. ve os JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE ‘ - 274 ~~ = RUG, PIERCING INCENDIARY we STEEL CUPRO-NICKEL a i BLACK BAND) AGENTA BAND Pink gan Figuie 203—Type 92 (Semirinined) 7.7-mm Ammunition. Weapons in which used: ‘Type 89 Flexible A. C. ‘Type 89 Flexible A. C. ‘Type 89 Fixed A.C. M. ‘Type 92 H. M. G. Color and markings: ‘Tee Remake: Tho type 02 heavy machine gun inses feed strips of 30 rounds. When used for aircraft flexible machine guns, this ammunition is packed in S-round clips in « manner corresponding to the Packing ‘of rimless, rile ammunition; but the ARMY PROJECTILES . Type 92 CSemisimmed) ai-nm Ammunition a ar Ter asada Over-all length he 3K 3K Whe BM, Length of case’ 2% 2% 2% ey Ihe Kel oR ls Kk Weight of projes 203 162 155 162. +. 162 Consiruetion: : : a Prabrteore Lead. “+ Hard steel. .@ W. P. nd lead, P. ELT. N. and Iead. .& clip is of larger size to accommodate the larger bore offthe semirimmed type. ‘The P. E. T. N. in the H. E. round is set off by the heat of impact. iH e 275 lcenouay sapuoR PIERCING ~ SH i ee cat rs a * Figure 104-72 Ant ri in Amin. oa Aircraft’ Machine Gun ‘Ammunition. ‘Constrivetion: ‘Type. Projectile jacket — Prdjectile'core ea cetee = 7 Gilling metal. Lead. pat CuNi TD Hard ateet Overall length (inch). BXa.—3¥ oun WP. ad lead Length 2% Cunt PET N. and Length of projee- do.. 1K... ceric head. ' i teeetetcen . Weapons in which used: Bren type I. M,C, Weight of pro-(grams). 180. 182... a2... ‘Type 98 flexible A. C. MG. ject. oy ‘Type 100 flexible A. C. M..G. Color and markings: > ‘Type Bands ALP Baek “ Incendiary...” Magentar HEL.) White Remarks: The Bren type L. M. G. uses @ box- type magazine similar to the U.S. B.A. R. The type 8 arid type 100 A. C. M. G. use a saddle type magazine. 8-mm Pistol Ammunition & ‘ : Over-all length: 1% inches. . | Length of case? "%s inch. 7 Length of projectile: +% inch, Weight of projectile: 102 grams. Construction: Type: Ball. 5 : Projectile jacket; CuNi, Projectile core: Lead. Figure 205—8-mm Pistol Ammunition. f ARMY PROJECTILES Weapons in.which used: Nambu pistol. 7 Type 14 pistol : “Type .94 pistol. “Solothurn” submachine gun. “Bren Type” submachine gun Type 100 submachine gun. “Remarks: The propelling case is rimless and made of: brass. There is a teae-ges round, but specifications indicate that this is a relatively large missile and it is probably Inunched trem the pistol somewhat in the manner of launcifing grenades from a rifle. - 9-mmm Pistol Antmunition Over-all length: 1 inches. Length of case: "%s inch : Length of projectile: inch. Weight of projectile: 150 grams. Figure 206—9-mm Pistol Ammunition. 277, ~ | foe 7 e JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE. = Congtruction: . pe: Ball. Projectile jacket: ‘CuNi, Projectile core: Lead, Weapons in which used: ‘Type 26 revolver (Webley type). Smith and Wesson pistol, Remarks: Tho’ propelling case is rimless and mado of brass. Thero is a tear-gas round, similar _ to thet mentioned for,the 8-mm pistol. func — siee IE oars ri i i ET (tata) Ae. Bhs. Weight of projectile. - Construction: zi z ' 4 t Ball. «GUN: ! ence P, B./P-N. incendiary aiid steal P.E,'T. N. incendiary und ste P. BTN. incenuitry and std. Steel!” Lead tip, stecl core. ne Brass - Brass: “HH 1 (fazed Tealian) HL Bal. (fuzelese).. “Tracer. ALP» (Ltalian)” Weapons int which us = Color and markings: Gilding metal! OM.G.., ‘or greéni and white, White. ‘ Purple. wg Rea, biue, or green body. Green. Black tip, on nose. Remarks: ‘This ammunition was copied by the - fuzed differs from the Italian round in ‘that the fuze ‘Jopancee from the Talians. OF the two H. TE. I. used is ‘of two-piece constructién- instead ‘of o: fuzed ‘rounds, ojie is Ttaliati-and the other isa This ammunition is packed in-10-round cartons Tapancae’ copy, of it. The Japanese’ H."E. I. “nd is reloaded into meta link bolts for use. 279 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE x 7 ql SWE G7 aN tanK Set atreRarT Gi, & Hod AIRCRAFT GN TYPE ge ani -anecaart 2 att TN cok Figure 208—Type 97 anid Fyse 98 20-mm Ammunition. * Type 97 and Type 98 20-mm Ammunition There are four Army 20-mm guns using similar projectiles and three of these guns use the same cartridge case. The guns using the small size cartridge case are the type 97 antitank gun, the - Ho 1 (fexible)-and Ho 3 (fixed) aircraft. guns. ‘The type 98. antiaircraft/antitenk gun uses the large size cartridge case. Small Large Propellant: ‘The propellant is graphited smoke- . be ry hey leas powder made in single perforated cylindrical 129.9 208.3 grains approximately 1% mm in diameter and 3 Both coses are made of drawn brass and aro “mm in length. ‘The weight of the propellant in of the rimless type. ‘The case is crimped to the erie apie projectile by three long crimps and sealed by a ’ thi small 35.8 grams and, in the large ease, clear lacquer. | 58.0 grams. 280 ; : eee see ARMY PROJECTILES . ' 20-mm High-Explosive Tracer Projectile Remarks: This projectile is made of steel with : . two cavities separated by @ septum. ‘The round Over-al] length: 8%« inches. is characterized by a sharp bourrelet., Length of projectile: 3'% inches. Weight of projectile: 4.54 ounces. 7 He Filling: Cyclonite, tracer composition, Type 98'20-mm High-Explosive Tracer Color end markings: Biack body with yellow Projectil band just aft of bourrelet and white band for- ward of rotating band Over-all length: 72%, inches. Fuzing: Type 93 small instantaneous fuze. ' Length of projectile: 2'%4, inches. ** “Weapons in which used: Type 08 antiaircraft/- 8 antitank gun. aces yun : x0 r : : i sercnste . 7 | Pt ctcionte : ue : . satin + | { & i YELION, I ‘| tect TE cen Ye : te Figure 209-20-mm ee Tracer Projectile Figure 210—Type 98 20 -mm High-Explosive Trocer ijectile. > eae « ‘ 3 28! JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE : 7 Filling: Cyclonite, tracer-composition, Type 100 20-mm H. E. T. (Self-Destroying) Fuzing: Type 93 small instantaneous fuze. ~ Project Color and markings: Black body with red band if ea “type 97 A/TKC Type 98 AAJA/TIC * Over-all length... 7K inches... 8's inches. forward’ of rotating bend. « AWK Tength of projec: 8%uinches,-. 8% inches ipst aft of bourrelet, green, and yellow bands (Type 98) is stenciled on the body. Weight of projec- 4.7 grams... 4.7 grams. Weapons in which used: Type 97 antitank gun. tile. Remarks: This projectile is made of steel, with Filling: Cyclonite, tracer, composition two cavities separated bysp septum. + Fuzing: Type 100 experimental projectile used - @ type 93. small instantaneous fuze; other iw Projectiles use type 100 small instantancous fuze. , Color and’ markings: Black body with red band just aft of bourrelet, green and yellow bande . forward of rotating band. Type 100 has Eee -_ oO ox stenciled on body, type 100 7 experimental be = QOH St stenciled on ‘body, and type 100 Mod 1 haa at : -oost HE stenciled on body, Weapons in which used: ‘Type 97 antitank gun. = i seus sTagr ne Type 98 ae : yeu: Remarks: The projectile is made of steel wilf——~ + two cavities separated by a septum. Leading aut roroee through the septum and into the explosive cavity is a black powder lead-in, When the Laver bas burned out it will ignite the Jeed-in win‘el will detonbte the explosive Ailing. Phere is an earlier model of this projectile, designated type 100 Experimental which does not have # self-destroying feature ‘There is also a type 100 Mod 1 which ditfers from this projectile in that it id tilled with black powder instead of eyclonite 20-mm High Explosive Incendiary Projectile Over-All length: 7'%,inebes. Length of case: 4% inches. Length of projectile: 3%¢ inches. ‘Weight of projectile: 4.48 ounces. > Figure 211—Type 100 20-mm High-Explosive Tracer Filling: Cyclonite, incendiary compositien, (Self-Destroying) Projectile, Fuzing: Type 93 small instantaneous fuze. A 282 : ‘ FE . y : i : & ARMY PROJECTILES” oe Remarks: The projectile is mado’ gf steel. ‘Tt contains two pelléts, the forward one, surrounding 2 the fuze gaine, is cyclonite while the after pellét is an incendiary mixture, -y 20-mm High-Expitotive Incendiary (Ma 201) 7 * Projectile Over-All length: 7% inches. Length of,case: 4% inches. | excuse ——rewon * ctnbiany ic | "Figure 212—20-mm High:Explosive Incendiary Projectile. Qblor and matkings: Black body with red band “just abeft bourélet, yellow band forward of rotating ban 1@ characters 7 ee (fixed or flexible machine cannon) aro stenciled down the body. ’ DARE ; _ ‘Weapéns in which used: Ho-I- (flexible) and Ho-8 Figur 213-20-mm High-Explosive licendiory,” (Gixed) aireraft-cannon, (MA 201) Projectile. . - eee "283 4 ‘ an ; “ . é JAPARESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Length of projectile: 31%, inches Weight of projectile: 3.85 ounées. Filling: P. T. . N., incendiary composition, Fuzing:, Fwzeless Coli and markings: Black body with red band abaft bogrelet. Characters SQ — (201) arg stencilled on the body. A Weapons in which used: Ho-1 (flexible) and Ho-3 (fixedy aireraft easinon. Remarks: The projectile is mado of ptecl. “A brass nose piece filled with P. E. T. N. threads into the incendiary filled projectile. “Detonation of the, projectile is accomplished hy the Grushing action of the P. E. T. N. filled"nose piece, 20-mim High- plonve Incendiary Trac rojectile Over-All Tength: 7 '% inches. * Lengih of projectile: 4% inches, Length of case: 4% ine Filling: Cycloniye, incendiary composition, tracer composition. Fusing: Type 100 smell instantaneous fuze, Color tind markings: Black body with red band just ubaft bourrelet, green and yellow bands before . rotating band. ‘ Characters” SE B Fie (flexible or fixed machine cannon) itenciled on body. a fapons., in. which used: Hog (flexible) and ° Ho- (fixed) aireraft cannon. “+: Remarks: The projectile ig made of stecl and “has two cavities, a main charge cavity anda racer cavity, separated bya septum. The main charge’ cavity contains two pellets, the forward one, fisting around ‘the fuze" gaine, is cyclonite while the after one js aa incendiary mixture. A+ sass shoe y ritce oeay : . Figure 214-20. -mem bok cplosive Incendiary Tracer Proje ‘ i i ; ARMY PROJECTILES Color and inirkings: Bluek body with re bad f just abeft bourrelet, green and yellow’ bande before rotating band, Characters -ooxk = FE (type 100 Mod 2) are stenciled on body. Weapons in which used: ‘Type 98 ‘antiaircraft/ antitank gun. . Remarks: This i¢ tho same projectile’ as the type,100.and type 100 Mod ‘1 H. E. ‘T., but uitwe is“no high explosive ‘other than that used in the gaine: - S0-0m)AimorPorcis Tracer Projectile _ Type STA/TH + “Ho-t and Hot” < Overall length... “7% inches... 7 vices. Length of case... 4% inches... 4% iuctivg. Length of projec- 3%: inches... 3M; iuches. tile, Weight of projec- 6.5 ounces.__ 5.5 ounces. Type 98 AL. A/T Over-all length 88 inches Lerigth of ease. 5K inches, 7 Length of projectile 3%: inches. / Weight of projectile 22 8.6 ounces, Filling: Tracer composition. | a ° Color and marking: Hard round (type 100): black Figure 215~Type: 100 Mod 2 20-mm'l, T: body, green and white bands before rotating ; (Self-Destroving) Projectile. : beind medium-round (typo 97): hae . & ferret : 7 00 at Type 100 Mod 2 20-mm it. (Self Desnoyinig) (type 100) fieectat c stenciled on the bouy, black body; green band _ ‘Over-All length: 8'%, inches. * ” before rotating band soft. round (type 97 wub- ‘Length of projectile: 3% inched. |. stitute): .black over-all. Filing: Incendiary’ composition, tracer ‘compési- Weapons in which used: Type ¥7 antitank gua, tion, _ Ho-i (Gexible) and Ho-3 (fixed) aircraft « Fuzing: Type 100 small iistantaneous faz’, < « on, type 98 antisircreft/entivank gun . BEEee ra eee a) - ‘ JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE. Figure 216—20-mm Armor-Piercing Tracer Projectile. : Ne . « Remarks: This,projectile is a solid: steel: shot with a tracér cavity drilled into the base, .This prejectile, with different colored tracers and mark: ings, is used in three guns. ‘There are-three types. ‘of rounds differing in grades of hardness’ of steel. “Ho-5 20-1 Ammonition ‘The latest Army 20-mm gun developed is tlie Ho- ajroraft gun' which is of excellent design and ahs * : representa, considerable improvement over pre- vious Army 20-inm aircraft machine guuis, Case: Length: 3*%s inches. Diameter of base: "fs inches Material; Brass, . Weight (empty): 11.5 grams.” ‘The case is of the rimlesé type'and has « slight taper toward the neck. ae Propellant: The propellant is 21.4 grams of graphited smokeless powder in fine cylindrical grains. 5 7 practice Posecrice j——-— Pore air aucins OURGE , Figure 217—HO-5 20-mm Ammunition. ‘ ' ARMY PROJECTILES -cvcuow te w a rio ( cen an TT eats ew ! i Le ‘ Au Figure 218—Type 2 ond Type 2 Modified 20-mm High-Explosive Incendiary Projectile. Type 2 and Type 2 Modified 20-mm H. E. I. 5 » Projectile Overall length: 5% inches. Length of projectile: 2% inches (fuzed). ‘Weight of projectile: 77.4 grams (fuzed): . - Weight of filling: “. Cyclonite, type 2 modified: 3.4 grams. Cyclofite, type 2: 0.4 grams, Incendiary composition: 3.7 grams. Filling: Cyclonite and incendiary composition Puxing: ‘Type 2: Type 2 Small Tnstuntanvous or type 2 sinall instaritancous modified fuze Type 2 Modified: Type 4 superdetorating fuze. Color and markings The type 2 projectile is painted Suck over alll and in some cases has & yellow bund aroused body. Type 2 modified projectile is painted silvere ‘gray over all. Remarks: The differenve between the type 2 and the type 2 modified is in the fuze” The type 2 projectile uses a fuze that has an external gaine and thus has less explosive filling than che type 2 modified projectile which uses & fuze with the gaine built into the fuze body. : . Type.4 20-mm H. E. T. (Ma 209) Projectile Over-all length: 5% inches. * Length of projectile: 2s inches. ‘Weight of projectile: 78.2 grams (fuzed). Weight of filling: OPE. T. Ni: 3.2 grams Incendiary composition: 8.7 grams Filling: P. B. T. N, and incendiary composition (barium nitrate, aluminum powder, magnesium powder, and wax). Fuzin, ‘ Color and markings: Black over all with charac- tors = Q se (202) stenciled ov ule body. Fuzeless. Remarks: ‘The projectile is made of steel with a brass nose piece threaded to it, The nose piece is filled with P. B. T.N. and is designed to explode by the crushing action of impact. An 287 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE bias nose piece PET e FECT ea. Fre 219—Type 4 20-mm High-Explosive Incendiary (MA 202)| Projectile, incendiary mixtute contained in-the steal body is separatéd from the high explosive bye fat + pad and a threaded brass dise, This disc two lead-in holes, Type 2 20-mm Armor-Piercing Tracer Projectile. Over-All length: 5% inches, - a “Length of projectile: 24 inches, 288 Weight, of projectile: Soft round: 112. 7 grams, Medium round: 116.7 grams: Hord round: 119.5 grams, Weight, of filling: 7.0 grams. Filling: Tracer composition Color tind markings: F “Soft round: black over-all. Medium round: black with green band around body. Figure 220—Type 2 neon eimai Tracer - Hard round:, Black with a green and a white ‘band around body. Characters xt (type 2) are stenciled on the body. Remarks: Thoro are threo different models of this projectile differing in the grades of hardness of the.steol. This difference is indicated by the color markings. +_ARMY PROJECTILES 20-mm Practice Projectile Over-Alll length: 5% inches. Length of projectile: 2% inches Weight 6f projectile: 61.0 grams, Filling: None, Color and markings? Black over-all Remarks: ‘The projectile approximates the shapo.of the type 2 HELL. projectile, It is unfilled and closed at the base by # threaded plug. 37-mm High-Explosive Incendiary Projectile Over-all length of projectile: 89 mm (3% inches) without fuze, Length of complete round: 197mm (7% inches) fused. ‘Diameter at bourrelet: 87-4nm (+tol.). 1 Width of rotating band: 10 mm (#4, inch). Weight of projectile Slled: 436.2 grams. Filling: Cyclonite and incendiary mixture * Weapons in which used: Ho-203 aircraft cannoh. Case: Length: 111.5 mm. Diameter at base: 47.0 mun. Weight, (empty): 226.5 grams: ‘The case is comparatively short, made of brass, end is slightly necked. Propellant: Graphited sinokeless “powder in flat 4-nim squares poured loosely into the case and sealed in with a cardboard disc. .The weight of the propellant is 50.8 grams. Color and markings: Black body, red nose band, yellow body band: Characters GroO= “(Ho 203) are stenciled on’ the body. 7 Fung: Type 100 0 gmall instantaneous fuze. Remarks: This projectile is constructed in two pieces. . It has’ a nearly straight-sided main body ‘and an ogivel-shaped nose piece which threads into-the main body. ‘The main charge is cyclonite and an incendiary mixture. The inceidiary mix- ture is pressed into the base of the cavity, with the cyclonite filling the remainggr of the cavity andthe nose piece. =. 289 : JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Figure 222—37-mm High-Explotive Incendiary * Projectile. ‘There, is also an empty practice. projectile similar‘in appearance to the H. B. I. but having the nose piece and dummy, fuze constructed: in one piece. ‘The projectile is painted black over- all and. has Fa O S_ Ho 20s) and stenciled on the body. 290 37-mm High-Explosive Incendiary Projectile Over-all length of projectile: .89 aim (3% inches) without fuze. Length of complete round: 246 mmm (9*Ks inches) tured, : Diameter at bourrelet: 37 mm (<. tol.), Width of rotating band: 10 mm. Weight of projectile empty: 398.3 grams, Filling: Mixture of eyclonite and -wax and in- cendiary composition. venion | ———incenoranr conten T10H }———— orci Te - Figure 293—37-mih High-Explosive Incendiary Projectile. Cope SA ian ene iether “only one cavity into which both the. incendiary Nw . “ARMY PROJECTILES Weapons in which used: Ho 204 aireraft cannon. Case: : , Lengths 144.0 mm, see Diameter at base: 43.5 mm. ‘Weight-(empty): 381.2 grams, : ‘Tho case is of tho rimless type and is slightly necked. Propellant: Graphited sthokeless powder in flat 4mm squares poured loosely into the case and sealed in with a cardboard-disk. ‘The weight” of the propellant is 75.1 grams. Color and markings; Black body, red nose tip, yellow body band. "Characters ¥=¢qB (Ho 204) are stenciled on the body. 4 Fuzing: Type 4 super-detonating fuze. F Sea Lace bey. Remarks: ‘The ammunition for the Ho 204 . | uses the same projectile as the Ho 203 ammunition, but the caso is longer. The projectile is constructed in two pieces: a straight sided main body and an ogival-shaped nose which screws into the maig body. ‘There is and high-explosive filling are preased. : 37-mm Practice Projectile” Over-all length of projectile: 124 mm (4% inches). ‘Length of case: 144 mm (5*%s itches). Length of complete round: 247 min (9'%, inches.) Diameter at bourrelet: 37 mm (+ tol). Width of rotating band: 8 mm. ease rus 1 Fillings Sawdust. : ‘Weapons in which used: Ho 204zaireraft cannon. ‘ ‘ Color and markings: pesaeniatsaia all. Figure 224—37-mm Practice Projectile. Fuzing: None. Remarks: This projectile has the appearance of o an A. P. projectile. It ia sawdust filled apd has . ~ = the cavity closed by a base plug. 29 SISSIES te JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE - 292 : i : ( ARMY PROJECTILES 37-mm Ammupition ‘There are gight 37-mm antitank and tank guns, all sizes of which use the same projectiles but have different cartridge ‘cases. Presented below is in- formation on the cases and the’ propellant, Cases: : u Gun Mitinse (omni) beth Markings ditehes) (canter) (inches) ‘Type 11th year isfan- i iy tie u rene ettcet rok OEE ‘Typo 94 tan a4 |. 5% x a Be 7 + ‘Type 94 antitank’. 2K 13.0 6h ee Ba ( : Mm 130° OK Be A et Lo eo ee oom: > : ; : ek ‘Type 97 antitank** 2 151 o% : ‘Type | antitank**. he 22.7 9% : Ihe (227. O% ~ Bx ‘Binee the iype 94 antitank, type 98 tank, aid type 100 tank guna sise tha same eartridge case, canes will be found i". “marked for individual guns or for all three guts. ‘The cases for thé. type 97 and’type 1 sotitenk guns oan he distinguished by the faot:that the typé 97 is almost straight, whereas the type 1 has 4 pronounced tieck... The type I tank and type 1 antitank guns use the seme case. Propellant: : Type 1th year infantry gun: 1.85 oz. of ‘graphited smokeless powder inthe form of flakes poured into the case and sealed with a cardboard closing aise. ‘Type 94 tank gun: 2.7 oz. of graphited amoke- lesa) powder: in the form of rectangular ‘flakes. : ~] ‘Type 94 antitank gun, type 08 gun, and type 100 tank gun: 4.3 ounces’ of graphited smokeless powder in the form of unitubular grains contained ine silk bag, ‘Type 97 antitank gun; 5.0 ounces of graphited smokeless powder in the form of short, cylindrical grains contained in a silk bug. : 293 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE gee 4630, Figure 226—37-min Type 94 High-Explosive: >, Figure 297—Type 94 37-mm Armot-Pievcing ” oe Projectile, i : HighExplosive Projectile. if ARMY. PROHECTILES > : | Type 94 37-ma High-Explosive Projectile 7 7) os Type L Al. + 73 an whfix ‘skh, “ethic TRB ett eis 125 .mm 125. nim 9125 mm 125 mm 125 mm i w/o fuze. -wjo ftize. w/o tuze:*-w/o fuze." _ w/o fone, 349 mm 266 “mm. 223. mm’ 349 fam 221 mm’. e fused, tured, fuzed. ~ ftized “fuged Diameter at bourrelet_ 37 mm__ 37 mm_ 37mm, Width of rotating bind. 2° 8mm &.mg. 8 mm Simm. Weight f projectile filled: S98--gramis . \ , Over-all length of proje Length of complete ro ‘Weapons isi whichiused: AN'3; 5 Color and markings: Black body, ri noee'band, yellow Body band (some round my heve white bady bund added). E Bo Fuzing: Type 93 inal instantaneous fuze. E 7 ‘ ee Remarks: This steel projectile ig filled with ‘ TNG and picric acid. -'The after two-thirds of — : : a the' projectile cavity is filled-with high gradé-east ENT. Tho forward one-third of -the. projectile eee ‘ - cavity isefilled with pictic agid. ‘The entire burst. : fe * * ~~ ing charge is encloged in‘a heavy waxed paper : sy Heed = “ casing with » double. thickness between the ‘TNT ee qe and picrig acid charge. 2 af : woe aia Type 94 37-mm Armor-Piercing High-Explosive Projectile = pace ) Snype 94TH Type 94 ATK Type s7arR HE Overall length of proj af rim 114 mms 114 mm Lm, : w/o.fuze. w/o fuze” —_w/o,fuze. _@ w/o Ture. Length of complete round... 228 mm 262° mm = $45- mm * 228 min ha fuzed. fused. + fuzed, fuze Diameter at hourrelet . 37 mm_.-. 37 mm_ +37 mm. S)Wideh of rotating band. 9.0'mm>. 8.5mm." jpons jn-whieh used: : eae ‘i i * ', Typé 11th year Infantry gun. i ra ‘Type 9s TK gun, Z aoe Ei ‘Ty pe 94 arititank gun, ut : “Type 97 antitank gun. aoe ® : ‘Type 98 TK gun. 9 - \ + : +. ‘Type 100 TK gun. * see . Color aud markings: Black body, red idee tip, ns whiie body band,“ , Fuzing: Type 94 small-delay Bane fuse. ae : Remaiks; ‘This projectile is made'of high grade ee ee ~ : ateel.’: The main charge cavity contains’ a small i » wooderi plug in the forward portion and a paper 4 ae covered pieric acid charge aft of the wooden nose”. is .: plug. ‘The Type 94 small delay base fuze screws a ten [> fale the base’ of the projectile, ‘sao seting exe y ‘ 7 (295 JAPANESE: EXPLOSIVE, ORDNANCE ae tHe Calor wud umarkings: Black-body, red none tip, white body ( 9 Paring: Small Me Iobase fuze Remarks: This projectile is constructed of high grade steel. It has no sharply defined bourrelet. Tt uses.a smatkMk 1 base fuze which also acts as bade plug. 40-mm Ho-301 High-Explasive Proje | Projectile Dimensions: * Length of yrjectite (fuged): 129 mun (5X inches) ° Tuzed.. + Length of projectile (without fuze) 108 mm (4¥ inches) » Type t 37-mm Hig! ela Prete Eee a hee Over-all length of pproigetil, 104-mm ‘w/o Fuse, * sts fuse. Length of complete round...~ 250% tse fused. fuzed, ingicter at bourrelet.. 7 mn, Wridth of routing band mu Mea of protect: 1 pou Timm uno lib Sapo. Mean i hh oe ep. Figute 229--40-mm HO-301 High-Explosive Type ot antvaak pu, : Projectile. - 296 “a : Distance base to rotating band (lower edge 415 mm ('%s inch). Width of rotating band: 8'mmp (. inch), Diameter of rotating band: 41mm (1X inches). ‘ Diameter af body: 39 mm ns inches). Diameter of bourrelét: 39.5 mm (1% inches). +, Width, of bourrelet: 6 mm (% inch). Distance base to bourrelet (lower edge): 91 mim + 3%: inches). +” Wall “thickness (propellant chamber): 5 mm CX eineh). Wall thickness (HE. chamber): 4 sam (Keine. + Length: 9 mm (i, inch); Diameter (thread): 12 mm (‘sine TPL: MLA ‘Weapon in which used: (H0,301 ) craft cannon): This isan unusual‘wéapon sintilar in’ design. to an Oerlikon’. blow-back operated eannon, but with the head of the bolt machined 3° ml Ciereauela ARMY PROJECTILES ton which closes the breech at the forward | end of ite stroke, Filling: Tho filling consists of TNT with « for- ward pellet of pieric acid or TNT.’ ? Propellant: ‘The propellant consieté of small, gteenish-gray, square flakes of smokeless powder (eppresimately 1 mm square) enclosed. in « sill bag which is inserted in the efter cavity of the projectile. A. éealing ig, of thin ayasinum. around the te end ofthe propellant bag and the charge and cup arp held’in by a perforated base, plate which screws (L.. H.) into the base of - the cavity, ‘The base plate hae an outer. ring of twelvé Xinch holes and a central hole, threaded (L:. H.} to receive the amall fish primer: ‘The aluminum sealing cup is’ perforated by 9. single hole in the'center to permit the fash fro tie .primer to reach the propéllant. “The force ofthe propellant gases blows through the alumi. num cup to ‘open the main. series of holes. simple direct-acting nose fuze ‘with a central axial striker held in .the unarmed condition by». slotted, safety block which in turfi is held, by two spring-loaded detenis. «apart: ‘There’'ig aléo a practice. projectile ‘hich has the same dimensions and appesrence te the HE, projectlo. Ils painted bisck over « all and has a nose plug instead of a fuze. - eos cs ; Type 1 47-nyn High-Explosive. Projectile ‘Weight ot round: 2.44 kg.'(6.4 pounds). ~ «Weight of, projectile (without fuze): 1.15:kg. (2.6 pounds). Weight of 0.087 kg. (0.2 pound). - : Filling: Tae papér-wrapped blocks * a taped together and waxed. The forward block 7 consista of two. pellste of ‘picric: acid—-w ring © *.- pellet around the guine and a solid’pellet be- Beat the gui, The after block is one piece of cast, TNT. © : ~ Diameter of base of case: Man (2%« inches). 140 mm.” Weapons if which used: is Z ‘Type 1 antitank gin. Length of propillaat éaee: ‘283 mm (11¥ inches). ‘Type 1 tank gun. “Length. of ‘aseeinbled | ‘round (without fuze): 389... Fusing: ‘Type 88 Inst. Nose fuze (guy type), type 88 short-delay nose fuze (gun tyme). JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE “ORDNANCE : seauins o1se { oaorEQUaNT i case ass on STEEL neo veer wir Figure 230—-Type 1 47-mm High-Explosive Projectile. Weight of propellant: 0:388 kg: (0.9 pound). Propellant Single perforated cylindrical grains ‘| , (a inch Jong, %+ inch diameter) of » graph- “ited double-base powder . of. the following : a EE composition: » Type 1 47-mm Armoi-Piercing Projectile ‘Weight of complete round: 2.75 kg. (6.1 pounds). ‘Weight of projectile, fuzed: 1.38 kg. (3.0 pounds). i (without, fuze): 1.27 kg. 0.018 kg. (0.04 pound). Filling: RDX, 90 percent; paraffin, 10 percent. Diameter at bourrelet: 47 mm. (minus tol.). Length of projectile (without fuze): 143 mm" “(GK inches).’ Length, of propellant cage: 283 min-(11} inched) Lengih’of assembled round: 398 mun (15% wba Diameter of base of case: 72 mtn (2'Ks inches) Width of rotating band: 12mm. ‘Weapons in which used Type 3 antifaak gun, type 1 tank gun. Fuzing: Small Mk 2 base fuze.(short-delay). “‘fracer: Yellow, 5 grams eight, of propellant: 0.398-kg. (0.9 pound); ‘Propellasit: Single~‘perforated cylindrical grains (Ke inich long, ¥s inch in diameter) of a graphited dopble-base powder of the following’ composition: ‘Nibrocellulose: 60.0 percent; Nitroglycerine; 34.5,percent. - . “Ethyl centralite: 3.0 percent. . = Dipheasl formamide: 2.5 poyeant, Figure 231—Type. 1 47-mm Armor Percog west Projectile. @ _ JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE ‘ . 7 ' a an i « eo TENE 8 soavrer ser sent SEALING CF ofp eur to buacr seb, suite case SEALING o1Se uo couoR systew Figure 232-Type 90 5. I en High-Explosive Projectile. Length of propellant ease: 121 mim (4% inché&) Length of assembled round (without fuzo and Type 90 5.7 em (57-mm) High-Explorive Projectile Weight of complete round: 2.91 kg. (6.40 pounds). ‘Weight of projectile, filled (fuzed): 2.36 kgs (5.18 pounds). Weight of filling: 0.25 kg. Filling: TNT. Diameter at bourrelet: 57 mm (minus tol.). Length of projectile (without fuze): 181 mm 7% inches). 7 3000 \ adapter): 280-mm (11 inches). Width of totating band; 9.5 mm. "Weapons in which used: Typé 90 tank gun, type 97 tank gun. Fusing: Type 88 short-delay fuze. Propellant: Mk 1 square grain (med.), 113"grams. t wy ARMY PROJECTILES Figure 233-—Type 90 '5.7:cm Substitute Projectile. Type 90 5.7-cm (57-mm) Substitute Projectile © ‘Weight of complete round: 3.04 kg. (6.70. pounds). “Weight of projectile, filled: 2:23 kg. (4.91 pounds). Weight of filling: 0.07 kg. Filling: Black powder. i Diameter at bourrelet: 57 mm. (2} inches). Length of projectile (without fuze): 183mm (7% inches). ~ Length of propgbiant case: 121 mm (4¥, inches). Length of assembled round (without fuze): 272 mm (10 ‘is inchés). Width of rotating band: 9.5 mm. ‘Weapons in which used: Type 90 tank gun, type 97 tank gun. fr Puring: Type 88 short-delay fuset Propellant: MK 1 sq. grain (med), 113 grams. Remarks: This projectile is made of cast iron and has very thick walls, 301 Type 99 5.J-em (57-nttn) Armor-Piercing Protestile” Weight of eomplete rourid: 3.13 kg" (9.69 pounds): Weight of projectile, filled. ¢fuzed); 2.58 kg. (5.68 * pounds). ‘Weight of filling: 0.10 kg. Filling: Two sections, of atMosives sdaividunly ‘whapped in'paper: Upper section, pressed picrie acid and waxzlower section, cast TNT. Diameter at bourrelet: 57 im (ninus tol.). 302 t “ ASE FUE (0-THACER) Seeing 0i8c Figure 234—Type 92 5.7-cm Armor-Piercing Projectile. aio, coun sesteu? oe Langth of projctle (without fuze sdapter): 1 mm (7% inches). * Length,pf propellant case: 12) mm (4% inches). Length of assembled round: 280 mim , (11M ‘imches). Width of rotatifig band:\10 mm. 4 Weapons in which used: Type 90 tank gun; type + 97 tank guri,. + Fuzing: Type 92 small ase fuze. Propellawt: Mk 1'sq. grain (med.), 113 grams. Figure 235—S7-mm HO-401. High-Explosive Proje 57-mm Ho-401 High-Explosive Projectile Weight of complete round: 2.15 kg. (4:75 pounds). Weight of projectile, filled (fuzed); 2.58 kg. (3.25 pounds). Weight of filling: No date. ~~ Filling: No date. Diameter at bourrelet: 57 mm (2% inches). . i ARMY PROJECTILES EXPLOSIVE CHERGE «Length of projectile (without fuze): 163 mm (6%. inches). Length of propellant case: 121mm (4% inches) Length of assembled round: 270 mm (10% inches), Width of rotating band:' 11 mm. ‘Weapons in which used: Ho-401 aircraft, cannon. Fuzing: No data. Propellant: ‘No data. 303 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Assen Ker sone cae I Ti ante aac Ht DLs £C10R 5 57H sexuin he 4 Figure 236—Type 92 7-cm High-Explosive Prd ile. Type 92 T-cm (70-mm) High- Explosive rojectile Weight of complete round: 4.48 kg. (9.90 pounds). Weight of projectile fuzed: 3.81 kg. (8.38 pounds). - Weight of filling: 0.59 kg. 7 : - +, Length -of projectile (without fuze): 234 (9% Standard, cast TNT. inches). Alternate, pressed mixture of RDX afid am- © Length of propellant case: 101 mm (4 inches) monium nitrate. Length of aisembled round (without fuze): 306 mm Diameter at bourrelet: 70 mm (minus tal): (12K inchee). 304 ; . : ae Diameter of base of case: 81 mm (3X1 inches) Width of rotating band: 10 mmn. Weapons in which used: Type 92 (howitzer). Fuzing: ‘Type 88 instantaneous nose, fuze (howitzer, ‘mortar type) ‘Type, 88 short-delay nose fuze (howitzer, mortar type). : Propellant: 50 grams of smokeless powder in 0.5 mm square flakes. This powder is contained in four pads made by sewing portions of the powder between two dark blue silk discs. The dises are not of uniform size, holding 5.4, 8.9; 16.8, and 18.7 grams of powder each. A fifth disc, light blue in color, contains a 3.1 “gram black powder ignition charge. ‘The propellant cases are of two designs, ‘The newer type, designated “B” (OTSU) dy the Japanese, is one piece and ‘lips off of the projec tile to change the propellant charge. An-older design, presuniably “A” has a threaded base which may be unscrewed to vary the charge. Remarks: ‘This projectile is the same as the high-expiosive, type 92, used in the type 94 tank gun, : infantry gun Type 92 T-cm (70-mm) Substitute Projectile Weight of complete round: No data. Weight of projectile fazed: No data. : Weight of filling: No data. Filling; Black powder. Diameter at bourrelet: 70 mr (minus tol.). Length of projectile (without fuze): 187 mm (7% inches). : ‘Length of. propellant case: 101 mm (4 inches). Length of assembled round (without fuze): 259 mm (10%, inches). si Diameter of base of case: 81 mm (3X inches). Width of rotating band: 10 mm. . » Weapons in which used: Type 92 infantry gun (Howitzer). Fusing: : ‘Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze (howitzer, mortar type).: ‘Type 88 shortclay nose fuze (howitzer, mortar type). Propellant: Refer to the type 92 high-explosive projectile. : : “Weight of complete round: No data. ARMY PROJECTILES "Figure 237—Type 92 7-cm Substitute Projectile, Type 37-cm (70-mm) Hollow-Charge Projectile Weight of projectile (without fuze): (2.80 kg.) 6 pounds, 4.75 ounces. ‘Weight of filling: (0.99 kg.) 1 pound. Filling: A cast mixture of ‘TNT’ snd, Gyclonite (RDX) wrapped in varnished paper Diameter at, bourrelet: 69.5 mun (24%, inches) 305 acy eco awit CONICAL STEEL LINC * tay Fase cen a re eso ane cxguente Poe sTaNs case "at Figure 238—Type 3 7-cm Hollow-Charge Projectile. Length over all (without fuze): 229 mm (@ inches). Length protruding’ from case: 186 mm. (7"%. inches). Length of projectile body without nose cap: 170 » mm (6*%. inches). Width of rotating band: 10 mm. Weapons in which used: ‘Type 92 infantry gun (howitzer). Fuzing: Type. 88 instantaneous fuze (howitzer, mortar\ type). Operation and Employment: ‘This robnd is used principally as an anti-tank ‘weapon, 306 Y Remarks: ‘The use of « white band above « yellow bund to idéntify hollow charge projectiles is assumed ta be a combination of thie ase of awhile band for armor-piercing and yellow band for" hits explosive in the new color system, Both Danes are near the middle of the projectile ‘This arrangement is not to be comfused with the combination of yellow band above white band to identify high explosive projectiles in the old color system, in which case the yellow band is at the bourrelet and the white band just above the rotating band. ~ Type 95 7-em (70-mm) Illuminating Projectile Weight of complete round: 4.20kg. (9:24 pounds). Weight of projectile, fuzed: 3.50 kg. (7.79 pounds). Weight of filling: No data. Filling: Ejection charge: Black powder. Tlumminating composition: Not known. 1t is probably a mixture of magnesium, alumi- Thum, ‘and barium nitrate which is used commonly by the Japanese for illuminut- ing charges. Diameter at bourrelet: 70 mm (minus tol.) Length of projectile (without fuze): No data. ‘Length of propellant case: 101 mmi (4, inches). Length of assembled round (without fuze): 292 mim (11% inches). Diameter of base of case: 81 mm (3%. inches). Width of rotating band: No date. Weapons in which used: Type 92 infantry gun (howitzer) Fuzing: Type 89 small time fuze. Propellant: 0.6-mm' square flakes (50 grains) Bither of the propellant cases discussed for the HE. found may be used for this round Remarks: The ijluminating charge burns for approximately 20‘ecohds with an intensity of * about 90,000 tandlepower. ac ARMY PROJECTILES * » a Lack sopy : 4 sos! SET SCREW EJECTION CHARGE, REINFORCING WIRE ULLUMENATING CHARGE PARACHUTE PROPELLING CHARGE INCREMENTS» "| EALING DISC 4 * OW COLOR srsTEM * Figure'239—Type. 95. 7- Strip 600g. 174g). $008. No data... Mk 1 Flat Mk 3 Med. vole Mk 2 Flat. : Strip Fiat Sirip Sip 600g. * 260 : cee Mkt Flat 7 Strip 075 6. - Nodate... Mk 1 Fat” Strip 600 g. - Nodata.... Mk 1 Fat’... ‘Strip : i 600 8. : < . HB, (conv'’a) ‘Type No data... Nottate.<. 98 (Moain. ig J Noidate... Mk 1 Flat, = Grain 7 Strip ise 5 p LE. Bemi,§t. Type HR, “Semi-8t Tee Mkt 8a, Undet.:... + Grain ‘ e - It ; - - z He "ARMY PROJECTILES Sl + ARMY 7-CM (75-MM) COMPLETE ROUNDS—Continued : ee Propellant charge used for various guns ‘Type 90 tela “Mic 1 Flat Me 1 Flat Strip Burlp 00g. 655.8, Shrapnel Type 90 "Smoke (W. P) Type ‘Undet. * smoke (W.P) Type 00. “Mk 1 84. (Sq. Giain Mk 1 Flat -Mk 1 Flat : Grain 320g) Strip ‘Siip : 265 g. a 600 g.. 655 ¢. ot BEEEe No date... No data... No data. Incendiary (Non-liquid) No data. “Type 90. Ue : Muminasing Type 90.. Mk 1 Sq: No data... Mic 1 Med, cee | Gmins Flat. Steip 28g, _ 135 6. “ Mk 1 Med. Bu. Gran > "Target Type 11¥r (- i sae : 1608 Incendiary (Liquid) © (Sq. Grain ‘Type Undet. 265 g.). Voruit Gas'Type Undet. No data... No data... "MEY, Blank signifies that the indiated combination of projectile and propellant ease has either been recovered nor f 6 found Japanese documents. [No data” indlentes that this combination ia listed i docussenta or haa been rerovered, but that no infurnation on ‘he propellant in available, « @ Weg Neel ee peer . BIT, Pept . i Nae ce } ar Ht ste snes, eTemaron Figure 247—7:em High-Explosive Antiaircroft Projectile: T-cm (75-mm) H. EWA. A. Projectile ‘The drawing given here in basgd on « Japanese 1 Inbelled only “Circular-layered projectile.” The projectile n of apparent Tamm size and the body ap- pears to be made Up of numerous steel rings bolted together with sovers! bolts which are grooved at Intervals “to produce better fraguientation. This projectile is believed to be the same re- ferred to in other documents as “H. E-A. A. Projectile” for the eee lith-year field A. A, gun. 318: : 4 vee * the following applies only if this presumption is correct. Weight of projectile, filled (taza) (14.52 pounds). Filling: “ONA,” a mixture of picric acid apd dinitronaphthelene, Fuzing: Type 10-year A. A. powder time fuze. Weapons in which used: Type 11-year field. Av A. gun, 2 6.60 kg. . : ARMY PROJECTILES » “auxseusnr ewe Le japan rn scccres veut Vata cusege ae ‘uo ccuce syste! ‘ o losive Anti Loop Pointed Projectile, Type 90 7-cm (75-mm) H. E.-A. A. Long. “Lengthe projecting from case: de mm (7'% . Pointed Projectile -_inehes). ‘Width of forward rotating band: 9°5'mm. Weight. of projectile, filed CENT): 6.55 kg. Width of aftér rotating band? 8.5 mm. (14.37 pounds). Width of space between rotating bands: 6.4 mm. ‘Weight of filing: 0.385 kg. (0.85 pound). Width of copper bourrelets 14 mm. Filling: Standard, TNT cast directly into lncquer- “ Distance from base to after edge of .bourrelet: ed cavity (recovered); alternate, picric acid’ _ 140 mm. (documentary evidence). + Fuzing: Type 89 long:pointed powder time fuze’ Diameter at, bourrelet: 75 mm (minus tol.). fn nose. An auxiliary fuze armed by setback Length May (without fuze): 257 mm (10% - and centrifugal foree is used immediately below inches} the time fuze. 319 , : + JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORONANCE ee * Weapons in which used: * ie ( ‘Type Uth-year 7.5-0f field A. A. gub : ‘Type 88 7-cm field A. A. gun, case, 19% i inches, : : : > ‘Type 88 7~cm field A. A. gun (epecial), case, > 19% inches. — 7 | . ° : rotggns ATTEN 7 ai - miler vicocrTy | 0 smn sravee “hrae wanin . : ‘i ae = i : Figure 249—Type 90 7-cm High-Explosive Long-Pointed: Projectile. 320 . . is). Weight of filling: 049 Filling: “eovered).y Diasiieter st bourrele}: 75. mm {mints tol.).” Length ‘over: all Lsaphout fi fuse): ares arn aH + Indi ted by F ra patted on body. : imates i ‘ Jw) Ii my E. Long-Pointed (oithout fuze) (INT): 1.08, pounds). pi ard, TNT came diréetly into'a lacquered cs cavity, (documentary). Alternaté,’\“HEINED” caioplon die toe , 7 ARMY PROJECTILES iat-of the; type’ 90" long:pointed: Ay AA projectile, when the A.A.’ time fuze is installe x inches): ‘The. proje Also ‘used for other weapons, as Length’, protruding “from. “es rg mm. (10%, shawn below. : y inches). | Weapoas i Which Used: : Width of slating bands: "Type $8 field A.A” (special), -case,” T9Me inches:.* te ( _ “Type 8 delay (gun). “SOperation and eniployment: It ie bélieved this projectile was: designed ‘primarily to tadapt the ‘type 88, 75mm, high velocity: A. A: gu'to a duel- purpose field gun "G. e., for air and -ground’ tar- sels). The baie fri ofthis projectile sppro _ Type 38 field gun grdup (four wEapons), ease, 41% itiches, a Type 90 field gir ‘Type'94 mountain gun. , tase 168% inches.” - Remarks; Whtn this ‘projectile isensed, for ibe, ‘in the typo.88 field’ A\-A. gun ‘(special), “ “Type 94 Tem (78-mm) Hi Explore * eee rojectile pet pea : * Weight‘of projectile, filled, (TINT): 6.02 ie cc unds); an ’ Diameter at bourrelet: 15 mum (mina ioe ite ; ae Tata over-all ‘orlthons ‘tomy: 303. mm" (11'%e - af ing 081 hg. 0.78 jonas Mn E Wfeduced » propelling charge is used. - This’ reduced- charge is indicated “by a Roman numeral {1 the case. > neiled on. 32 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE: 6 Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous noie fuze (gun type); type 88 short-delay nose fuze (gun type): ‘Weapons in which used: ‘Type 41 mounlain gun (regimental gun): = Case,.7% inches. ‘Type 94 mountain gun: Case,11%s inches. ‘Type 38 field gun group: Case, 11s inches. ‘Type 88 field: A. A. gun: Case, 19% inches. Typo 88 field A. A. (epecial) gun: Case 19%e inches, ‘Type 90.field gun: Case, 164 inches. 322 po ft xs ooo marks: Two other designs. essentially the same as the type 94 are known: ~ 1. H. E,, type 10 year. 2. HE. , type 90. ‘These have the same over-all length as the type 94, and have the same external form and general construction except for the following fe 1. The explosive cavity does not taper in the base as in the type 4, but is suraight-sided. 2. The slight. boat-tail present on the type 94 is absent in the other designs, 1g: 3. Below the rotating’ band in the type 10-year design only, there is an annular groove into which the ease is erimped. T-cm (75-mm) Design “A” High-I Explosive Projectile Weight of projectile, filled: 6.46 kg. (14.2 pounds). Weight of filling: -0.625 kg. (1.38 pound). Filling: “ONA", a mixture of picric acid and dinitronaphthalene, in two preformed blocks. Diameter at bourrelet: 75 mm (minus tol.). Figure 251—7:¢m Design “A” High-Explesive Projectile. ARMY PROJECTILES 1 ate czrenates Length over all (without fuze): No data. Length protruding from case: No’ date, Width’of rotating band: No data. Fusing: Type d-year combination time and impact fuze. + Weapons in which used: aH ‘Type 41° mountain gun (regimental gun) Case, 74 inches. . ‘Type 94 mountain gun: Case,’ 11%« inches. Type 38 field gun group: Case, 11% inches. Remarks: ‘This is an old projectile and is now obsolete. Ete pp tee _oeronaton. aoserens | }———soosten we» soosren * fp—— way crane” Figure 252—7-m Design “B” : Th (15-mm) Design “B" High-Explotive Projectile - Weigne f projectile, filled: 6.61 kg. (14:6 pounds). Weight if filling: 1.24 pounds. Filling! ““ONA", a mixture of picric acid and dinitronaphthalene in two preformed blocks wrapped as a single unit, Diameter at bourrelet: 75 mm (minus tol.), Length over all (without fuze): 12% inches. Length protruding from case (without fuze): 10% inches. ‘ 324 ~ = tit . High-Explosive Projectile. *, Width of rotating band: No date. Fuzing: Type 88, instantaneous nose fuze (gun type); type 88, short-delay nose fuze (gun type). ‘Wegpons in which used: 2 Type 41 mountain, gun (regimental gun): Case, 7M inches. = Type 94 mountain gun*-Caso, 11% inches. ‘Type 38 field gun group: Case,-11%s inches., - Remarks; This is an old projectile and is now * obsolete. Type 98 Modified 7-cm (75-mm) High- Explosive Projectile * Weight of projectile, filled: 4.5 kg. (9.9 pounds). Weight of filling: 0.95 kg. (2.1 pounds) Filling: TNT cast directly into lacquered cavity, Diameter at bourrelet: 75 mim (minus tol.) Eength over all (without fuze): 279 mm (11 inches) Length protruding from case: 240 mm (0¥, inches). Width of rotating band: 10 myn. ARMY PROJECTILES Fusing: Type 88 instantaneous nose fui ty] type 88 ‘short-delay nose fu: type) : “Weapons in, which used: © ‘Type’ 41 mountain. gun (regimental guy): Case, 74 inches, ‘Type 38 field gun group: Case, 11%, inches. : Remarks: The body of this projectile was designed® for use as shrapnel projectile employ- ing a large combination fuze. In the convested form, the projectile is filled with TNT instead of deur (yun 3 ae 7 F fs ccaunc tir} fami jaune a : jase cots ; j———eeten Wit \ . ain oven pe, nee i 5 : ; Lt : r < . Cr PR MORAU SSE Sat, at 7 igure 253—Type 98 Modified 7- eate hollow-charge design. 3 In the earlcet rounds found, the projectiles ‘1 were marked by a yellow band around the middle of the body, indicating “High-Explosive” accord-_ * ing to the new color system: Later Teooveried ARMY PROJECTILES eco) indicate the adoption of the combination of. white band, used to indicate “ArmorPiercing,” to- gether with the yellow band. Both bands appear jear the middle af the body. This arrangement ia not to be confused with the use, in the old color system, of a yellow band above a white baad-for marking “High-Explosive” projectiles EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE 7 ee ee u‘\ JAPANESE x 9001 i x : vain cowie“ . © we “veuwow 7 ee Lh Figure 259—Trie 95 Tem Armot Piercing High-Explosive Projectile. Type $ Tem (75-1 mm) Agmor-Piercing “. Width of rotating band: No data. High-Explosive Projectile _ + Fuzing: Type 95-small. bese fuze. : Weapons in which’ used: Weight of projéttile, filled (fused): 6.21 kg. Type 41 mourtain gun (regimental gun) Case, 7 inches. (13.66 pounds). ‘Type 38 field gun group: Case, 11% inches Weight of filing: 0.46 kg. (1.01 pou Filling: “ONA” @ mixture of pieric acid dnd’ . ‘Type 90 field guut: Case, 161i inches ‘dinitronaphthalene. _ ‘Type 94 mountain gun: Cuse, 11 he inches Diameter at bourrelet; 75,0 mm (mipus tol.). Type 88 7 cm field A. A. gun (pecial) Length over all (without fuze): No data. , : ‘Case, 19%. inches. Length ‘protruding from case: 265.5 mm (10%« Penetrating power: When used in the type 41 inches) motintain gun this projectile is designed to pene> } trate 20 mm of stect plate at a:maximura range of 3,000 meters. wo Remarks: ,By. design, this projéctile is intended for a functidn intermediate between that of ARMY PROJECTILES + E. projectiles and true armor-picreing types. For this reason the Japanese designate it “A. P,- HED APB. E. Projects are painted like the H. E. rather than the A. P. class. ‘ Type 17cm (75-mm) ‘Armor-Pietcing Projectile Weight of projedtile, ‘filled (faded): (14.4 pounds). 6.56 kg. Weight of projectile, empty (without fuze and , ' gaine): 6.14 kg. (1335 pounds), Weight of filling: 0.053 kg. (0.12 Filling: junds), Ajgnixture of,90 percent cyeforiite (R D X) and 10 percent paraffin, coated with graphite e.: and packed in an akiminum foil wrapper. 331 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE » Dixmeter'at bourrelet: 75.0 mm (minus tol.). Length over all (without fuze): 240.0. mm (Gs inches). Length puptruding from case: 200.0 mm (7Ke! inches). Width of rotating band: 10.0 mm, Fuzing: Medium Mk I base fuze (short delay) with red tracer. a Operation and-employment: This projectile, was evidently developed to adapt the type 41 and type 94 guné for use as antitank weapons. Weapons in which used: ‘Type 94 mountain gun: Case, 11% inches. Type 41 mountain or reginiéntal gun: Case, 7H inches ‘Type 90 field'gun: Case, 161%, inches. ‘Type 38 field gun, group: Casey, 11%. inches. Remarks:, Identical projectiles; all with tracers have been’ found marked with either a single white band near the middle of the body or with white-and-green double band (green in conjunction with another band indicates presence of tracer). It is believed that this represents optional marking in the now system rather then old and new mark- ing. : * "Type 38 T-em (75-mm) Shrapnel Projectile ’ : Weight of projectile: 6,88 kg. (15.0 pounds). Bursting charge: 0.10 kg. (0.22 pound). Black powder contained in. the base of the projectile and ine central brass tube... « Diameter at bourrelet: 75 mm (minus tol.), Length over alll (without, fuze): 250 mm (0% <% inehés). © Length protruding from easc. (without fuze): 188 mm (7% inches). width’ f rotating band: No ate, soa Fuzing: 2 tute, “ew fuze. ‘Weapons in which use Case; 7% inches, eaters ._ Type th year eoimbination time and impact 7 ‘Type 3d year Cue tite and impact type 94 mountain gun: Case, tins inches. ‘Type 38 field gun group: Case ,11%s inches. + Type 90 field gun: Case, 16H inches.- Remarks: “All guns except type'90 field gun and type 94 mountain gun use the typa 3d year fuze ‘in thie projectile. Typé 90 field gun uses type . : */ either fuze, Sth your fuze only; type 9f mountain gun uses _ ; ARMY PROJECTILES iss oat ree ‘ ae no o inte Buistone HAGE (BACK PONDER) . . Figure 260—Type 38. 7-em Shropnel Projectile: Type 90 7-em (7! S-mm) Shrapnel Proj - Weight of projectile, filled: 7.00 kg. (15.4 pounds). : Bursting ‘charge: 0.100 kg. (0.22 pound). Black ia * ‘powder contained in base of the projectile and in.a central brass tube. Shrapné) filling: Approximately’ 272 lead bal (20.5 grams each) packed in a rosin matrix. ‘The balls are separated from the bursting chiarge in the basé by a steal disk which rests on a shoulder in the projectile cavity. a 333 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Figure 261—Typd 90 Diameter at bourrelet: 75 mm (minus tol.). ‘Length. over all (without fuze): 285, mm (0% inches). Length protrtiding from ease (without fuze): 197 mm (7% inches). Width of rotating band: 10 mm. Fuzing: Type 5th year combination time and impact fuze. 7 334 cura TURE (BLACK #CW0ER) 7-com Shrapnel Projectile. : Weapons in which used: Type 41 mountain gun (regimental gun): Case, 7% inches. ‘Typo 04 mountain gun: Case, 11%. inches. ‘Type 38 field gun group: Case, 11% inches. ‘Type 00 Beld gun: Case, 16%. inches. “eb ‘T-cm (75-mm) Smoke (W. P.) Projectile Weight of projectile, filled: No dutar Weight of bursting charge: No data, Bursting charges: Black powder in base, of pro™ jectile. Filling of* central exploder tube. is eprobably also black powder." Chemical agent: White phosphorus in a sealed ‘can which slips into the cavity of the projectile and through which passes te exploder tube f ARMY PROJECTILES Diameter at bourrelet: 73. man (anitues tol.) _ Longth over all (without fuze}: No data Length protruding fron ease (without fuze): Np data. Width of rotating band: No data. Fuzing: Type 3d ycar combination time and impact fuze ‘This projectile appears to be & con- verted type 90 shrapnel projectile!” Figure 262--7-cm Smoke (W. P.Wirojectile. ’ Tre Prespuots conranen” - cea. exreoit Tt « 335 ” - JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE __ 2 soAeEH SE Sega neab oF PROSE HAE Figure 263—Type 90 7m Smoke (W. P.) Projectile. Type 90 7-cm(75-mm) Smoke (W. P.) Projectile. ary ‘Weight of projectile, filled:'5.72 kg. (12.60 pounds) Bursting, charge: 0.10 kg. (0.22 pound). “ONA", ‘8 50-60 mixture of picric acid and dinitro- naphthalene, in a preformed, paper-wrapped block. Chemical agent: 700 grams. White phosphorus «sealed, in a soldered brass can which fitg into the lacquered cavity below the burating charge. Diameter at bourrelet: 75 mm (minus tol.). Length over all (without fuze): 202 mm (114" inches). Length projecting from case. (without faze) 253 u ‘mi (10 inches). “ : Width of rotating band: 10 mm. 5 Fuzing: Type 88. instantaneous hosp fuze (gun ‘type). Weapons in which used: Type 41 mountain gun (regigental gun): Case, 7% inches. ‘Type 94 mountain gun: Case, 11%. inches. ‘Type 38 field gun group: Case, 11% inehes ‘Type 90 field gun: Case, 16% inches Screening capacity (Japanese figures): + Height, 20 meters. Width, 20 meters. Duration, 1 to 2 minutes. Type 90, 7-cm (75-mm) Incendiary Projectile Waighit of projectile, filed (with fuse): 6.4 be (15.3 pounds). Weight of expelling charge: 20 gram Weight of incendiary composition: Expelling charge: Black powder. josition: Not determined. ‘5 min (minus tol.). Length of projectile (without fuze): No data. J Length protruding from cate (without fuze): 213° mm (8% inches.) Width of rotating band: No data, Euzing: Type 5th year modified combination fuze (gun). ‘Weapons'in which ‘used™, ‘Type 41 mountaitkgun: Case, 7¥%-inehes. Type 94 mountain Gun: Case, 11X¢ inches. Type 38 field gun group: Caso, 11X¢ inches. ‘Type 90 field gun: Case,.16*H, inches, Operation: After a preset time.or on impaci, the combination fuze fires the expelling charge. This forces the incendiary unit out the base of thé'pro- jectile and at the same time ignites it. Information pertaining to the ‘incendiary uit is lacking, but the burning compound is apparently. dry, com- position. 0 grams. ARMY proiechites Sows + fee we cote ot i como CENDIAY OMIT CADE INCENDIARY cou - Ser ScHeM Figure 264 Tie 90 Z-m Incendiary Projectile «Remarks: According to the néw marking sys tem, this projectile is painted gs follows: Yellow _ body with the symbol © stenciled near the middle. TT x Sree mate it | Figure 265—Type 90 7-cm Mluininating Projectile. Type 90 7-cm (75-mm) Illuminating Projectile, Weight. of projectile, filled (fuzed): 5.65 kg. (12.44 pounds). # Weight of illuminating. ; gompound: 0.25 kg. (0.55, pound). Filling: 4 Wxpeljing change, black powder. Tluminating compound, nof known. (A: . common illuminating compound used by the Japanese is a mixture of barium nitrate, magnesium and aluminum.) Diameter at bourrelet: 75.0 mm (minus tol.) Length over all (without fuze): No data. Length * protruding from case: 210.0 mm (8% inches). Width of rotating band: No data. i Fuzing: Type 5th year combination fuze. Weapons in whic! used: ’< ‘Type 41 mountain gun: Case, 7% inches, ‘Typp 38 field gun group: Caso, 11Xs inches. 90 field gun: Case, 16H inches. Type 94mountain gun: Case, 11% inchs. Remark#®1. Japanese figures state that this illuminating charge burné with gn intensity of approximately 90,000 candlepower, for « period of 20 seconds. * 2. Acgording to the'new marking system; this projéctile’is ‘painted as follows: Red body with the symbol @ stenciled near the middle. Under the old marking system, it was painted black over all-with the s#ine symbol stenciled on the body. ARMY PROJECTILES ~ Type’11 Year 7-cm (75-mm).Target Projectile Weight of projectile, filled (ized); 5.04 kg. (11.10 pounds): Filling: Folded ‘parachute and’shrouds in eard- ard cylinder. Diameter at bourrelet: 75.) mm (minus tol) Length over-all (without fuze): 271 mm (104 inches). . Length protriiding from case: No data. Width of rotating band: 10mm, Fuzing: Type 10th, year A.A. time (weak). © Weapons in which used: ‘Type-Ii-year fidld A. A. gua! Case" length ‘not known. ‘Type 88 field A. A. gun? Case; 10% inches. Remarks: Projectiles dosignated “Target” in Japanese Army nomenclature are believed to be actual parachute-suspended aerial targets for anti- aircraft practice, ‘Phe drawing and the dita given « here are from captured documents. ‘Though oper= ‘ation was nol described, it is presuined that the tine fuzgejects the parachute at the desiredaltitude and that the projectile body remains attached us a weight. The descenging parachute ther serves us? a target for A. A. fire. No ejection charge-oth -than thé magazine charge in the fuze is indicate the document, and the fuze is designated as "Tes assumed that this arrangement is intended to deayase,the force of explosion to the minimuin nécessary to eject the parachyte Color marking: ‘Black hody, no color bands, the symbol ©. siencilled near the. midile of ‘the body. | Tem (75-mm) Liquid incendiary Projectile Mited (tuted): 5.36 ky. (11.78 Weight of projectile pounds). Bursting charge: A standard. 40-gram booster (fine geanular picrie acid in paper container) serves as the only birsting chiatge. Incendiary filling: A solution of white phosphorus (W. P.) and.rubber pellets in carbon disulphide (C8). : Liquid: 0:30 kg. (0.66 pound). Rubber pellets: 0.32 kg. (0.70 pound), Diameter at bourrelet: 75 mm:(minus tol.). Length over-all without, fuze and adapter: 300 sam (11% inches)... 339 1.0 5p. SUTIOH Length protruding from case: 242 ‘mm (9% __~~ itiohes):, ‘Width of rotating-band: 10 mm. Fuzing: ‘Type 88 instantaneous fuze (gun type). ‘Weapons in which used: f “Type 41 mountain gun or regimental gun: ‘Case, 7% inches. is : ‘Type 94 mountain gun: Case, 11% inches. cee race PETS : ory" pont ' Petals Ng Figure 287—7-omLigeldlicendtory Projet. ‘type 36 field gun group: Case, 11%¢ inches. ‘Type 90 field gun: Case, 16%X, inches.” Rerarks:’ Because of the danger’ of loaking phosphorus solution, these projectiles are shipped with o bag of clay-like, diatomaceous earth tied ‘round the nose end. It is’ presumed that this is intended as ati absorbent should leakage occur. Tem (15-mm) Vomit.Gor Projectile ‘Weight of projectile, filjpd (without fuze): 0.00 kg. “(13.25 pounds.) “Bursting charge. A mixture of '70 percent, txini- : frothing and 2 péonnt naphthalene @Naph- sau Sbalane io probsbly wed ‘to.decrease sensitivity TNT): 46 kg. (1.02 Ibs.) ' filling: (Crude, ‘eben, our "he 831 pun os een Pe 34-7 Vot Co Pte. : i * inmate et bourrlets'78.0 xan (eit, l.) ‘Length éover all (without fuze): 300 mm (12 * inches.) Length froiruding from case? 265.0:mm cox “inobes.) Width of rotating bend: 6:0 fam (K inch.) Fuzing: Type 88 instantaneous fuze. . ‘Weapon int which used: Type. 41" Fgimental or | mountaifr gun: Case, 74 inch, a sarakese EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE i ~ Type 100 8-cn(88-mm) High-Explosive-A. A. Long-Pointed Projectile ‘ight of complete round: Not available “pounds (approximate). Weight of @upty projectile (with auxiliary fuze): 7A kg. (16.3 pounds), Veight of filling: 0.9 kg..(2 pounds). ing: TNT. i Disineter at hourrelet: 88 mm (minus tol. ). 342 « ae nt of complete projectile (vith fuze): 19:6. = shiver Figure 269—-Type 400 HightExplesive Antiaicratt Long-Polnted Projectile. Length of” projectile 298 mm ‘11'5{e inches), Length of propellant ease? 570 man (22% Length of assembled round (without fuze): 804 mam (31% inches) Diameter of buse of cusé: Width of rotating bid Forward: & min (fs inch) Aft: 8 mm (ie inch) ‘Distance between rotating bands; 6 mm (¥ inch). (without faze) ues 100 nim (4 inches “ease! aa ogg: 6 aH ARMY “PROJECTILES > Fusing: Type 100 mechanieu! “tints fude (come bisintion time and impact) with on wuxilisiey detonating fuze. "Phe auxiliary fuze is the _samg as that used in thé Tem (75mm) A. ALA. pr é type 90. 2 Wenpons used: Type 99 S-em “A. : gun, This is"a.gun modeled after ono. of 88. aim gus Length 567 mm (22% inches). / Diameter at base: 137 mm (4% inches). | is made’ of* drawn brass and is, ed for about 2% inches above the Fim: It is @ rimmed ease with , alight taper anda bottleneck Propellant: No. 16 cylindrical, 7930 grams (6.1 Pawids.) 9-gm (90-mm) High-Explosive Projectile Be | Weight of projectile, filled:,7.79 ie. (t7A3 | “pounds). Weight of filling:+0.59 kg. (1.3 pounds). Filling: Crude TNT. : Diameter at bourrelet: 90 mm (3/343 inches). > Lenigth over all (without fuze): 265.1 mm “(106 » inches), | - «-Leuigth’ of projectile, body -(without. nose piece}: 209.6 mm (8% inches). Length’ protruding from case + (without fuze) + Width of Rotating Band: No date Fuaing - ‘Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze (lowitzer- mortar type). mortar type). Weapon ii which uséd: This is an sntiquated +1.) ° Weapon classified as.a-mortar by the-Japanese by virtue of length of -tube, mbzale velocity, etc., buy bearing only @ remote resemblance to other Japanese: mortars. Tt is breech-loadinig, using an interrupted thread breechblick, and e1iiploys’ projectiles embodying the conventional features of design of edmmon, breech-loading artillery pieces. Remarkg: ‘The body of this projectile is painted black over-all. ‘There is, @ shallow groove im- mediately. below. ‘the bourrelet_ which : may be: Painted yellow or green, 4. . ey, ‘Bype 88° short-delay nose fuze Chowitaer- yeUion 9-cm (90-mm) High-Explosive Semisteel ° Projectile “Weight of projectile, filled: 7.86 kg. (17.3 pounds). © Weighs of fing: 0.65 kg. (1.42 pours) fine n bourree: 20 ro (3% inches). Length over all (without fuze): 263.5 mm "(10% inches). : 343 “ JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE ao ce) Figure 271—9-cm HishExplesive Serii-Steel Projectile. Length protruding from case’ (without ‘fuze): 246.1 mm (9X inches). Width of rotating band:.15.9 mm (% inch). Fusing: oo : ‘Type 88. instantaneous nose fuze (howitzer- “mortar type). 7 Type 88 short delay nose “mortar type). |, Weapon in which used: This is an antiquated weapon classified as a mortar by the Japanese “344 : c fuze (howitzer- oh by virtue of length of tube, muzzle velocity, etc., but bearing only @, remote resemblance to other Japanese mortars. It is breech-loading,. using ‘an interrupted thread breechblock, and em- ployingg projectiles embodying the conventional features of design of common _breecl-loading artillery, pieces. : : ~ Resharks: The'projectile is painted black over~ all) with a inch. green or yellow band before thé rotating band. The fuze adapter is painted red. : . There are three 105-mm howitzers and fout 105-mmv guns in use by the Japanese: Army, ‘Phese guns are’ designated 10-cm by the Japahese but have an sietual bore diameter of 105 mm. ‘The projectiles are in most, cages interchangeable for use in all these weapois and are assembled with, different size cases for use in the different ——- 40-em (105-mm) Ammunition weapons, Only one weapoh, the type 14-year A\.A. gun uses fixed ammunition, all. the other weapoiis using semifixed ammunition. fe In this section the,cases and projectiles will be trgated separately as, was done with 75min. ammunition” Figur’ 272—10-cm Amnivnition. 345 eo : ; : ; ' JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE . _ PROPELLANT CHARGES USED FOR VARIOUS WEAPONS. Welght of Number of | Welght of : 2. Weapow ‘Type of propellant propellant) Number of Weight of 7 wget s d ‘ke.) ‘+ ‘Type 14-year: howitzer... _° ‘Mk I square grain, Mic @ strip... 0. 430 a A190. 3. . es i B 100g. eae ‘ + G90 6. 2, "Typé orhowiteer... ‘Mk 2 square grain.. 1.135 4 A426 6 ‘ duets 7 ’ B 105 g. 7 sth ite i Cite : 7 : 2 ot: Dae. con Adm” setts : tl B 108 g eee é Ciélg Type 92 gup-e- - 4.000 2 ADS kx . ae : 7 B15 ke. ‘Type t-year gin. 2. 535, 2 A2935 kg. ae : B 0.500 ke. Pyne 38 gun’ “1.740 14.740 . 3:075 1 3.076. {Type teyear A a 7 3 z & > = = < e Figure 273— Type 14th-Year Gun Cose. = POROER BAGS ARMY PROJECTILES JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Figure 276—10-em Ammunition. ARMY PROJECTILES: Py Type 91 10-em (105-mm) High-Explosive “Projectile a » Weight. of projectile, filled (without fuze): 15.9 kge (35.06 pounds). Weight of filling: 2.3 kg. (5 pounds). i Filling: Cast TNT. » Diameter at bourrelet: 104 mm (4% inches). Length over all’ (without. fuze): 427-mm (16%e inches), Length protruding from ‘case (without ffze) 389.7 mii (15's inches). nese teste or i connce — 8 =" cup cove syste Figure 277—Type 91 10-em High-Explosive Projectile. - Width of rotating band: 22.2 mm (% inch). Fuzing? “Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze. ‘Type 88 short-delay nose fuze. Weapons in which used: Type 91 howitzer: Case, 9} inches. Typer8 field gun: Case, 11 inches. ‘Type 92 field gun: Case, 29 inches + Type 14-year field gun! Case, 18 inches, 351 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE cco suet et veuce wate Go coon srstew ® Figure 278—Type 91 10-em High-Explesive Long-Pointed Projectile. Type 91 10-cm (105-mm) High-Exposilve Long- Diameter at copper Dbourrelet: 104.2 mm (4% Pointed Projectile * inches). * 2 Length over all (without fuze): 501.7 mm (19% Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze): 15.7 inches). : kg. (34.5 pounds). Length protruding from ease (without fuze): Weight of filling (white composition): 2.3 kg. 423.9 (16'}{« inches). i (5.2 pounds). Width of rotating band: 22:2 mm (i inch) Filling i Width of copper bourrelet: .20.6 mmm (?¥« inch). 1, Cast TNT. Fuzing . 2. White composition of ammonium nitrate, ‘Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze. eyclonite, and guanidine nitrate. Type 88 short delay nose fuze. 352 ett < ARMY. PROJECTILES PALA. gun (lixed anmunitiong > Weapons in whiel used ‘Pype Hl howitzs hes. “ guia your feld Type 92 field gain: Remarks: ‘This projectile has heen recovered with either a copper or u snuchined bourrelet 42-cm (120-mm) Shrapnel Projectile Weight of projectile, filled (without faze): 19.88 kg. (43.75 pounds). : =-\EA0 Batts ceuraae gua BLACK PoaDER 3 1® J s OO ele yy Lh] LTS @ @ cay Yh) 50.09 9 Figure 279—12 cm-Shropnel Projectile. 353. r JAPANESE’ EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE _ i * * Piecting charge: Black powder contain bbe” Case: Toop rchaay of,the projgctite and in a central brass tube. a Shrapnel filling-539 lead balls (12: eter of base: 128 mm (6% jnchos) packed in. rosin matrix, ~TPhe-balls até sepa- ° co apy) ‘3:pounds 4% ‘ounces, * Tated from the ejection chatgo-by a steel aise The bi i¢ is, Slraight sided wild of thie » {+ Which rest on a -shoulder in. the projectil "pte type 2 fe ity. : \- Propellant: The pr Deller i in two. incremen Diameter at bourrelot? 119 math Ge inches)... °” eachiedonsed in a sil beg with m amallipuiion > eLength: overall (vithoit fuze): S145 mm (12% | charge -sewed 6 nthe -bgttom of. ith bag. sinches) 2D. The first inérement, is nitrocellulose in §,rnich Length “protruding from -caao Gwithout: fuze): “ ‘squatelaked and: the second inérement is niirén “lo 293.1 mm “i0K'mehes):” +. séllulose int #s.ineh square, flakes, Width of rotating’ band; 5 mm°(¥ iitehes).”” _ Weight of Wopellant:+ - sa “Furing: Type, 88. 85-socond combination: fuze: gt ineretgent#,t- ounces. ‘Weapons ovhichned: ‘Type 38 Powitzon a oy 12.em (120. Armor PrercineHigh: : per aie Beer tee Weight’ of ‘projec ile, Aleit? fared) 20 Kg. et . “4° + pounds). : a i Weight, of filling: 13 ke @ pounk 7 rere ars Te: Picric acid...» “*) ees athe , . fo », Diameter-‘at bourrelet! 1ig mime inches) out ‘ : oc bo » Length, over-all:-379.4 mi (¥4'%« inahes), : ree Length protiudimg from tese: 330,7 min (13 inches). ee + Width of rotating band: 11.1 mi: Ge inch), 7 a « BusingsBype 89 gall bas fuxg (howitzer, mortar “7 Sit, cfer to the éhrapnel projgetile. 2 Propellant: Refer to: the, skrapnel:-projectile. Weapons it. which -used:’ Type 38 howitzer. ! ARMY PROJECTILES ~~ ~ “Figure 280—12-em Armor-Piercing High-Explasive Projectile. | “ - a : : é 355 fey ? gi Figure 281—15-cm Ammunition. “JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE 356 ARMY PROJECTILES. + 15-cm (150:mm) Ammunition There are three 150-mm ‘howitzers and four 150-mm guns in (use bythe Japanese «Army, ‘These wetpons vary greatly in design from a very short-range howitzer to long-range field guns. ‘The projectiles for 150-mm aminunition are not § Interchangeable as in the 7é-mm or 105;mm sizes.., Usually there is qne type .of projectile designed for use in the howitzers and another type _ sSesigned for use in the ‘guns. Even-when the ‘same projectile is use in both hewitzers:and guns, bee ery PROPELLANT CHARGES % ~ Weapon ‘Type 4-year howitzer. ‘Type 45 gun. ‘Type 7-year gun. Type 90-gun, 89 gun. ‘Type of propellant Noe Mi Pequare grain. will differ:in that it will have'a single rotating * band when it is used in a howitzer, but when used’ “ina gun it will havea double rotating band, ~ All the weapons with, the exception of the type 89'gun} Which ‘uses ‘@ beg charge, use semifixed ammunition, : , i ‘The. cases and projectilés. will ba treated’ sep- aralely, as was'done with 75-mm and 105-mm + amminition . USED. FOR VARIOUS WEAPONS ‘Weight of eopallant NunBer ot | Weleni of 1 ict) tac A865 g° B 235 g. 255. Dass 6. Ea g > = 825, 2 A 500 7 B 325 & 2.980 5 A080. : B 280g. C #40 g. i os BD bt08. > Eng # +1 ofA 5.50-k¢. B 5.50 kg. : » 1c 5.50 kg. ‘8, 700 2 A 8.00 ke. ‘JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE 7 2-5/8 POWDER. BAGS. TYPE 95 HOWITZER CASE. « : TYRE 38 HOWITZER CASE fetes «Figure 282—150-mm Type 38 Howitzer Care. ARMY PROJECTILES POADER BEGS Figure 283—15-cm Ammusition. 359 ’ JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE : 7 xe 110k age ower te . t wat Poait se tego af [ose ———| Figure 284—150-mm Powder Box, TREE siceT Powe wacs—t # Bee hate Log poms Bats . JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE est exsTee ast mate z Figure 286—Type oe 15-cm High-Explosive Projectile. Type 92 15-em_ m (i 50-mm) High- Explosive Width of roteting band: 20 mm (*H: inch). Projectile Puzing; Weight of projectile complete: 36 kg. (70.2 + Type 88 instantaneous nose fuze. pounds): Type 88 short-delay nose fuze, Weight of filligg: ‘No data. Filling: Angofaku (RDX and ammonium nitrate). _-Wespons in which used: Diameter at bourrelet: 149 mm (5% inches). eer Aion cae Lengtit over all (without, fuze): 563.6 mim (22K. ‘Type year’ howitzer, e486, A, Me inches; inches). case B, 8% inches. Length protruding’ from case (without fuze): a A Type.96 howitzer, case 12% inches. mm (197% inches). ‘Type 38 howitzer, case 4% inches. 2 “ adit it 362 ¥ . ARMY PROJECTILES Type 93 15-cm (150-mm) High-Explosive Projectile Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze); 40,29 kg. (88.8 pounds) Weight of filling: No data. Billing: Cast TNT. - Diameter at copper bourrelet: 149.3 mm (5% inches). Length over all (without fuze): 593.7 mm (23% inches). . Length protruding from case (without. fuse): 544 mm (21% inches). Width of rotating band: Forward: 25.4 mm. Aft: 19.1 mm. Width of copper bourrelet; 31.75 mm, Fuzing: Type 90 instantaneous short-delay fuze. , Weapons in which used Vy p6 89 gun. ‘Type 45 yun: Case, 48% inckies, ‘Type 7 year gun: Case, 48% inches, Type 90 gun: Case, 48! inches, e..oW 363 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE « Figute 288—Type 92 15-cm High-Explosive Long-Pointed Projectile. Type 92 15-cm (150-mm) High Explosive Logg Pointed Projectile. © Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze): 30.9 ke. (68-pounds). Weight of filling: 5.0 kg. (11 pounds). Filing: Cast TNT. Dinimeter at bourrele® 148 mm (5%z inches). Length over all (without fuze): 581 mm (22% inches). Length ‘protruding ‘from case: 492.1. mm (19% inches). - ‘ 364 Width of rotating band: 14.28 mm (Xs inch). ‘Width of copper bourrelet: 19.1 mm (% inch). Fusing: Type 88 in: ‘Type 88 short delay nose fuze. taneous nose fuze. Wenpons in, which used: ‘Type 4-year howitzer: Case A, 10%. inches; case B, 8% inches. ‘Type 96 howitzer: Case 12% inches. “Type 38 howitzer: Case 4% inches. ARMY PROJECTILES: Type 93 15-cm (150-mm) High-Explosive Length protruding froni cuse (without fase): 516 Long-Pointed Projectile na (20% imedses). > Width of rotating bund ni i Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze): 40.23 Korward: 25.4 ram (1 ine), * . kg. (88.5 pounds) : : Alt: 19.1 sam (% inch) | Weight of filling: No data, a of copper bourraet: oe us ine es), Paauedd veing: Type 90 instantancous shortdetay fuze. Filling: Cast TNT. z, Weapons in whieh used Diameter of copper bourrelet: 149.2 mm (5% Type 89 gun, inches). Type 45 gun; Case, 4844 inches Length over all (without fie): 620.2 mm (24%. + “Type 7-year gun: Case, 48K inches. finches}. ‘Type 90 gun: Case, 482 inches. x fm—— corner eounneter ry 7 tsetse . 7 + . . 3 365 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE acscen risk | Fiabe 260—Type 95 Anménblreing Hoh Esblosie Projectile. ~ “Tyee 95 15-cm (150-mm) Armor-f Piceing Width ‘of rotating barid: 20.6 mm €%s inch), “High-Explosive Projectile. - ° ~ -” Fyaing: Type 95 medium howitzersmortar base “+ Weight of projectile, filled (fuzed):"36.1 1 ke: (705 Weapons which ped: 7 pounds) + Type A-yesr howitzer: Case A, 10% inches; ‘Weight of filling: 2.3 kg. (6 pi cin : + case B,.8% inches.” & _ Filling: Two preformed ‘blocks of high pala ‘TNT. ‘Type 38 howitzer:'Case, 4% inches. - Diameter at boprrelet: 150 min (5*%¢ inches), 7. Type 96 howitzer: Case, 124i inches. “Length of projectile (without Taz): 449.3°mm_. —-, ‘Fype 45.gun: Case; 48H: ite 7 (17'He inches). ‘Type 7-year gun: Case, 48} inches. Length protriding “ron case: 406.4 mim (16- ‘Type O6 gun: Case, 484 inches. «Anes. © Type 89 gun: Beg charge. | wet ee ae Remarks: it is used in 15cm (150-mm) Atmor-Piercing Explosive Projectile Weiglit of projectile, filléd: 44.54 kg: (98 pounds), Weight of filling: 5.2 kg. (11.5 pounds). Filling: Pierie acid in two preformed, paper= wrapped blocks. Dinmneter at copper bourrelet: inches). > 149.2 mm (5% Lack 2009 nse Fue Figure 291—15.em Armor-Piercing High-Explosive Projectile.» = When this projectile is used in x howitzer, it hus a single rotating band, but when ns it has a double rotuting band. ARMY PROJECTILES Length over all: 584.2 mm (23 inches) Length protruding from case (withgut” fuze) 544.5 rm (21%e inches), . Width of rotating bands: = Forward: 25.4 mm (1 ineh). Aft: 19.1 mm (inch) Fuzing: Type 88 small base fuze Weaponsiin which used: ‘Type 89 gun. ‘Type 45 gun: Case, 484s inches Type 7-year gun: Case, 48%: inches Type 90 gun: Case, 48%: inches. ‘Type 4-year howitzer: Case A case B, 8% inches, , ‘Type 38 howitzer: Case, 4% inches. Type 96 howitzer: Case 12% inches 10% inches; Reniarks: When this projetile is used in a howitzer, it hus ® single rotating band; bul when it is used in guns it has « double rotating band Type 13-Year Smoke (W. P.) Projectile + Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze): 33.63 Rg, (74.25 pounds). « Bursting charge (cast pieric geid): } kg. (2 pounds) Chemical agent: 3.62 kg. (8 pounds) W. P. is contained in a brass cylinder fitted below the bursting charge. ‘To prevent movement within the projectile, the con= tainer is surrounded by wax Diameter at-bourrelet: 148.2 nia (5's inches ‘Length over all (without fuze): 4874 min (9% inches). Length protruding from case (without fuze) AT1.5 mm (18%e inches). Width of rotating bang: 15.0 inm (%, inch) Fuzing: Type 88 instentaneous nuse fuze (howit- zer, mortar). . 367 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE * . Figure 292—Type 13-Year Smake (W. P.) Projectile. Weapons in which used: © - 7 = Ath-year type howitzer: Case A, 10%¢ inches; i 7 case B, 8% inches. : Type 96 howitzer: Case 12% inches. ‘Type 38 howitzer: Case 4% inches. ARMY PROJECTILES sete : 30-cm (305-mm) Armor-Piercing High- - . Explosive Projectile : Weight of projectile: No duta, : 4 * Weight of-filling; No data. e Filling: No data. : Diarneter at, bourrelet: 305 mm (12 inches) Width of rotating band: 53 mm (2H, inches) Length over all: 1,071 mim (42%, inches) Fusing: ‘Type 95 Large Mk 2 Model 2 biase fu Length, protruding from case: 1,027 mm (40% Weapons in which used: Type 7-year 30-cm Snches).. 7 howitzer. He 7 fo a 4 tive se nate Go ciuaa svete. qe » Figure 2993—3)-em Armor-Piercing High-Explosive Projectile... - i ®@ : nate 369 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORONANCE Bs! : Figure 294—30-cm Armor-Piercing Hh Projectile. Ww I i : f i 30-: Segui’ volatiles. Six long ‘aticks (4.0 cm., end of tke isotor: ‘The’ motor. weight i corre- by 5.8 oat, by 1.05 om.'spert:).’and two | spondingly: reduced: to 42.43. kg, Neither’ the “short sticks same diameter and perforation» head nor the motor and ¥ length Ya somé cases, cae of bak respective compotent jn’ the older round. - Ghopter 4—Secton 3, Cet ams MORTARS . : Weight coniplete round?1.6 pound, ‘Weight niain charge: 5.4 ounces. yon the other. The ap section has_an,opening in lio top,to tecsive the fuze: ses genérated blow:through the ‘the base housing, expaiiding’ the copper | into’ the, filing of the discharger “Remarks: The Ney Mv ‘of this shell is “| version; the’ only variation theme,. ‘Two! minor ‘nto @ of! construction * Number of sticka: 6 long, 2'shord.” » s Tenn jer: ‘The only launcher. recovered® for use ~eellilois, 0.45'peroeit graphite, 0.24 per- recovered, siinilar to the frst, but wlth the rocket percent diphenyl’formaiide, and 1.30 per- (7.44 inches),. giving 'e bourrelet ‘effect at each: intereliangeable with’ ite ‘exactly. the ggume: it ‘construction as ‘the- Army. - ing in’-the color ° getter ARMY MORTARS y | re SAL, TNSTARFENC Ou Fuse ore cur “aun abn Coupe te 4 8 : e = oD pre OFFER OTT NG BAND eee : FAPELCANT - Bs vie Figure 296—Type 89 58-mm High-Explosive Mortar. 1, The nose portion screws on (LH) the body i Pe directly below the bourrelets The base’ is solid instead of being closed with a base plate. 2, Similar to the’ first variation’ except the “ ‘jthroads are right hand. ’ eee | e : > ts eee : 373 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE, Type 95 50-mm Smoke Mortar Weight complete round: 1.9 pounds. Weight smoke filling: 3.7 ounces. Willer: : Smoke compound: Hexnchlorethane smoke mixture, Propellant: Nitrocellulose diphenylaimine Aiakgd powder. Over angi (without fuze): 4.33 inches. ‘Maximunk diameter: 1.97 inches (50 mm). Color: Black over ull with w red bund at the nose and two white bands, one immediately below the bourrelet and the other before the rotuting, band. Fuzing: Type 89 small, time fuze. : "Weapons in which used: Type 89 grenude dis- charger, pte Sui Tie AE a su cur ives eworecunt “Description: The projectile casing steel. ‘The nose screws onto the-mait point just’ behind the bourrelet. of forged bedyvar @ ‘The main body + ig joined to the base with a press-fit held by four screw shear pins. “The propellant base housing which’ serews onto the sholl base ia similar in cor struction and -operation,.to, that of the HE. ance a8 PORTS. FOIL COVER _Diamdter propellantycontaiver: 1.02 inches. + propellant. is contained in copper cup inside the No. Be i ARMY MORTARS: ~ shell. ‘The smoké mixture is held in a brass’can. inside the main body and has attached. to it by short cord # steel retarder cup, to slow its descent. Operation: Whien the-fuze ghine fifes, it rup- tures the thin plate in’ the base of the gaine, ignites the smoke mixture, and expels the smoke candle from the shell casing. Type 89 50-mm Incendiary Mortar ‘Weight complete tortnd: 1.25 pounds, Weight incendiary mixture: 10.7 ounce. Filling: Incendiary mixta Pptassium nitrate: 47.7 percent. . Aluminum: 21.7 percent. : Sulphur: 19.9 percent! ~ Antimony trisulphide: 6.1 percent. Wax: 2:8 percent, «Propellant: Nitrocellulose powder. . Over ‘all length: 6.25 inches: Length propellant containers: 1.25 inches. Maximum diameter, 1.97 inches (50 mai) ‘Color: Natural brass body’ with black ‘propellant container. . Fuzing: Powder délay train. Weapon in which used: Type 89 grenade dip- chaser Description: The shell. is,a cylindrical sheet~ metal tube with a hemispherical nose and is cov- ered with clear lacquer. Around the side of the casing are four silver-foil disks, each disc covering Seven ports in the shell cusing. The casing is crimped over the base, which contains two black- powiler delay trains and is-threaded vo, receive Ube propellant housing, ‘The propellant housing is of steal, with six gas-esenpe ports in the sides and Percussion cap set in the screwed-in base. - ‘The propellant housing. |, fe Operation: ‘The flash ffori the propellant ignites the delay Trains in the: base of the shell which in ‘turn ignite the incendiary filling. : . “ Remarks: Another incendiary ‘shell, the type: 10-year, is similar in appearance and operetion. : : * 375 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE he type 89 shel the.color of the body is natural brass; and the propellant. assembly is black, : . sete of perforations covered with silver-foil, disks. : The type 10-year shell is fired from the type 10- ~ , a ‘-__ year grenade discharger, an obsolete weapon that 5% ittches in length oe ‘here are)‘eight was the forerunner of the type 89 grenade dis- Q 7 charger. : Figure 299—-50-mm Pinned Bangolce Torpedo: Be Tg 7 50mm Finned Bangalore Torpedo Weight complete round: 17.89 pounds. Weight main charge: 6.34 pounds. Mai charge: Pieric, Over-all length (without fuze) : 78.37 inches. Base, section length: 33.2grjnches. ‘Length from after end of BRE to forward bearing surface of base section: 12.75 inches. Maximum diaineter of explosion tube: 1.97 inches (60 mm). at He Fins: He : ~ Length: 14.75 inches. “Maximum width: 3°5 inches. Minimum. width: 2.5- inches, Color: Fins thd bangelore section ‘are painted . tan with a red, band at the top of each sections: She modified pdefionotothe=bise “section is painted black, Fuzing: Instantaneous-delay fuze for bangalore % mortar. , Weapon in which used: Type 98 discharger. "Description! The projectile “is constructed: it two sections, ‘THe nose section is a standard bangalore length, while the. base section is.a bangalére length cut off and modified to fit into the barrel of the discharger. . ‘This section also has three spot-welded brackets to, which the sheet metal. fins are bolted. A cap, haying two'eireum- -. ferential grooves cut into it to divide the surface into three after bearjng surfaces, is welded around the after end .of the base section. A length of | ‘50-mm tubing is welded: to the base section and Serves as forward bearing surface. for the pro- jectile. A plate is welded to the bangalore base ‘section to prevent’ the bangelore,from sliding too “far down into the launcher tube: + ARMY MORTALS > +e 50-mm Stick’Charges . 77 Small bares Weight-complete round. _te = 15.62 pounds 17 pounds, Weight main charge... 7.0 pounds 4 10 pounds. Explosive components: i Main charg}. ----—- ~ Pieri 2 woe. Pic 7 .. Propeliant/.”...-- - Black powder. Black powder Over-all lengt ce ~ 27.85 inches. 2. 25.5 inches. * Length explosife container. . 6.75 inches_ : Be 4.5 inches. Width explosiv® container, = 4.5 inches... 229% _- 6.25 inches. Height explosive container _ 4.5 inches... 2222-2 6,25 inches _ Wall thickness. 0.05 ineh. wee. 625 inch. Diameter of stick _ 1.97 inches (50 mm)_-_- ~ 1,97 inahes (50 mm). Color: ‘The metil explosive container is painted black, while the wooden “stjek” is léft unpainted. The large model Kas a white stripe fore and aft around the explosive box. ‘ Pee ; 377, 4. JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Weupon in which fsed: Type 98 discharger Fuzing: Two pull igniters Description: The projec on a wooden pole 50 mm in diamet ire ngrennnccus 1 SHR OLAY WORTAR THEE Paine ———Pacpecant }——esvayst veue > : Figure’ 307—Type 11-Year’ 70-mm High? Explosive Mortar. tied to metal loops on exch side of the launcher tube collar igniters are initiated und will in torn set off the hursting charge after a short delay, propellant in silk bags is placed in the launcher tube below and independently of the projectile propellant is fired by a pull igniter inserted in the ignition aperlaire in the side of the launcher tube ists of » cast-iron box containing blocks of pierie acid mounted ‘Two pull igniters ore inserted’ in the bursting charge und are Whin the projectile is fired: these pull The bluckepowder The. Type 11-1. 70shm High-Explésive Mortar Weight*complete round: 4.28 pounds. Weight main charge: 15.2 ounces. Weight booster: 1.6 ounces. Explosive components: Main charge! TNT : Booster: Picric. Propellant: Nitrocellulose diphenylamine flaked powder Over-ail length (without fuze): 7.12 inches. Maximum diametgr: 2.75 inchest(69.8 mm) Color: Black over-all with « red band around the nose, A yellow band is painted below the dourrelet and a white band forward of the rotating band. Fuzing: Type 93 instantaneous short delay mortar fuze : eH Weapon in which used: Type I-year 70mm rifled mortar. i Description: This projectile is simjlar in con- struction and, operation to the type 89 50.4um HE. mortar shell, 70-mm High-Explosive-Antiaircraft Banase ee Mortar Weight complete round: 5.19 pounds, = Weight main charge (H. E- cylinders): 12.84), grams Explosive components Main cherge: RDX. «Booster: Lead azide Over-all-length of Sell: 11.38 inches. Maximum diameter of shell: 2.76 inches (70 mm) Length of canisters: 5 inches Diameter of canisters:| 0.75 inch. Length of H. E. eylindsrs: 3.12 inches, Diameter of H. B. cylinders: 0.69 inches. “ARMY MORTARS BI STER 6. Sclnoee PARACHUTE Lager ok onbece ELA e ESECTHCS Cnt — Pecreuant Figure 302—70-mm High-Explosive Antiaircraft Barrage Mortar. ° Color: Shell, black over-all with a-% inch red band ‘at nose. - Canisters, zine coated (grey). HE. cylinders: Black over-all with 8 % inch red band at forward end. Weapon in which used: 70-mm A. A. barrage morter. ate Description: This mortar shell consists of an outer shell containing seven canisters in each of which is an H..E. cylinder and parachute. “A turned steel base is welded to the outer shell, and provisiin is made for reception: of a delay train Jplder, @ shell propellant container, end cover. Thé delay train leads to a black-powder charge which ejects the canisters from the shell. ‘The end cover is fitted over the propellant cou- tainer and is sealed against moisture and held in position by adhesive tape. A wouder plug in # pressed steel cap closes the forward end of the . shell. @ 7 “The canisters contain a wooden plug in the bored to receive a delay elemet und a “mall black powder’ charge to®eject the HE. gylinder ffom the canister. The sted) H. E. ‘eylinders ‘are closed at the base and threaded at eee 379 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE . S screwed a,fgiction cap. The explosive content’is in: three paper carton, : iy Zartchutis azo attached to the outer shell, nose dhp, and cach of the seven canisters ‘and H. E. yhute cords rs) to 66. it cylinders. The length of the varies from 19 inches ‘(ct ware attached to a friction cord which passes ‘through the friction cep. ‘Thus, this shell, when fired, pute sixteen s¢parate objects suspended by. parachutes in the way of low-flying aircrefg, seven of which will explode if hit. veg 02-nsianimens ~ ST DELAY mTOR FL, eset cnt SEALING COP cee 00StEh WELL = oosreR FIERIC vary CHARGE THT the forward. end’ to receive a plug into which is) Jocks each wrapped. in’ a’ Waterproof hea + “igylinders). ‘The H. E. cylindar parachute lines * Operation: The delay tréin to the first ejection charge is ignited by the shell propellant charge, and ‘the first -charge in turn’ ignites the deliy trains to the second ejection charges in each of the ° canisters. The parachutes attached tg the nose cap, outer shell, and canisters ali open when the eénisters are, ejected and the H. E. cylinder, parachutes open when they. are. ejected from the canisters. A plane hitting the parechute cord.of any of the H. E. cylinders would cause the friction wire to be pulled thréugh the friction cap initiat- ing the ‘explosive train. * | Type 97 81-mm High:Explosive Mortar * Weight complete round: 7.35 pounds. Weight main charge: 1,19 pounds. Explosive components: * Main charge: TNT. Booster: Picric. Propellant: miei \ "Nitrocellulose and. graphite: 58.0. per cent. . Nitroglycerine: 7.1 percent, Dinitrotoluene: 25.7 percent. Diphenylamine: 0.5 percent Patassium nitrate: 8.7 percent. Over-all length (without fuze): 11.5 inches Length fin ‘assembly: 3.10 inches. ” : _Maximum diameter at bourrelet: 3.19 inches (81 - mm). . _ Maximum dAimeter tail fins: 3.19 inches. Color: Black oyer-all with a red tip. A yellow and is-painted before the bourrelet. " Fuzing: Type 98 instantaneous short delay mor- tar fuse, Hae ‘Weagipns int which used: 3 ‘Type 97 81-mm mortar. 7 ‘Type 99 81-mm mortar. _- Description: ‘Thé body is of one-piece stredm- linod construgtion having.a threaded opening in the nose to-receive the fuze-adapter ring, A steel “booster cup screws (L.'H.) into the lower end of the adapter ring. ‘The booster cup is closed by ® shaped aluminum container which. receivés the gaine of the fuze. ‘The bourrtlet is well machined and has four grooves cut in it. ‘The'fin assembly screws into wfemale threaded ~ (B. HL) opening in the base of the body. It con- ) atts of & male plug welded to, eylindrical steel tube, Welded to this tube ‘are six fins shaped to receive the six silk bags containing the propellant ; —ingrements, Between exch set of fins are three } gas escape ports for the propellant gases from the cartridge which fits inside the tube, ‘The care tridge is held in place by a countersunk ring serawed into the end of the ube. The cartridge resembles a shotgun shel]. Type 100 81-mm High-Explosive Mortar Weight‘complete round: 7.52 pounds, , Weight main cherge: 1.18 pounds yt 100 Instanta” SHORT GEL MORTAR TUZE SET ScREM SEA ine CUP aie ouste® WEL. omaree F1CRIC Figure 304—Type 100 81-mm High-Explosive Mortor. _ Tidge in the tail fin se ARMY MORTARS. Explosive components: Main churge: TNT. 2 Booster: Pierie. Propellant: Nitrocellulose and graphite Peent, Nitroglycerine: 7. percent. Dinitrotoluene: 25.7 percent. | Diphenylamine: 0.5 percent. Potassium Nitrate: 8.7 percent, Over-ail length (without fuze); 11,78 inches, Length fin assembly: 3.31 inclies Maximum diameter at bourrelet. 3.19 inches (81 mm). } Maximum diameter tail fins: 3.19 isiches Color: Black over all with « red tip. A yellow band is painted before the bourgelet. 58.0 per Fuzing: Type 100 instantaneouk short-deley mortar fuze. ! ‘Weapons in which used: { ‘ "Type 97; 81-mm mortar. ‘Type 99; 81-mm mortar. Description: Except for miinor details, this shell is similar to the Type 97 8i-mm H. E. The cup to receive the fuze gaine is held in place in the booster cup by being fitted into @ brass ring slick screws into the fuze adapter ring wbuve the buvoter cup: ‘There is no retaining ring-to hold the cart ion. Instéad, the varteudge is held by a friction fit, : | 81-mm Parachute H. E. Mortar Weight complete round:.3.87 pounds. Weight main charge: 4 ounces. Explosive components: ‘Mein cbarge : RDX (1 block) ‘TNT (2 blocks) ‘Over-all dength: 21.25 inches Length of Shell (less propellant container and nose plug): 18.5 inches. Diatneter of shell body: 1.5 inches. Diameter of fins: 3.19 inches (81 mm Diameter of H. E. eylinder: 1.37 inches. Length of HE: cylinder : 7.0 inches. Color; Black over all with an ae wooden plug in the nose ‘Weapon in which ‘used: Standgrd 81-mm smooth bore. mortars. ft * 38t > exkcvion cxance ee Figére 305—81-mm Parachute High-Explosive Mortat: 2 Description: This morter shell is black steel “tube with an ogival wooden block sealing the for- ward eng, Six fine which give the shell an 81 mm diameter are spot welded along tho afler part of the tube, A steel dise drilled through the center Yor the delay leed-in is welded to the tube inch from the bese. Forward of the disk is a 5-inch wooden block through the center of which runs ~ the 12-second black powder delay clement. The forward end of tho, wooden block contains the ejection charge. The H. E. cylinder and para; » chutes are located forward of the ejection charge.” ‘The cylinder consists of a steel case, a central tube containing the 45-second: self-destruction delay train,a friction igniter, and. three, cylindrical explosive blocks fitted arourid the central tube. » 382 . ci _ sides of the shell and the ‘The booster fita in thé forward blook. ‘The para- ghute which supports the cylinder is sé small fixed U-bolt.on the cylinder by-nine short (13-inch) shrouds. A second parachute ibove the first is secured to the friction igniter by « line , 32 feet 4 inches long. This linte leads through « , ‘central hole in: the lower parachute.” tinned steel pgppellant container is 81 mm in’ digmeter and 1inch deep: A neck on the container .fits into the basé of the mortar shell and is, secured by three small screws pessing through the of the cover, : Operation: When the stivll is fired; the, fiash from the blizck powder primer ignites the yopel- lant and the'12-second delay train. Setback shears the small screws securing the propellant container fle fore of te propellant is expended the container fails free. ‘Twelve nds after firing, thé delay train ignites the eje charge forcing the H/ E. eyfinder and parachu out the forward end] of the shell, “Phe 45-second sell-destroying delay trait is also ignited by the j to the shell, and when 81-mm Parachute H. “ARMY MORTARS ejection charge, a2 foot Parachute cord which is attached to the igniter will cause it Wy explode the H. Ev eylinder. After 45 saconds, the welfadestroying element détonaten Planes striking the the cylinder. E. Smoke! Mortar * “Weight complete round: No data, ft Weight main charge: No data, e . Explosive co*hponents: Main change: Tetryl. « < : Over-all length: 21.87 inches, : + Length of shell (less propéllant containe? and nose 7 plug) (394 inches, i - cory wose eu ; # ay 3 | . raucurts | rection axitee 7 : | soosree | ‘ We 2008 1 : > _ : wil rea g | yi a errecine onasce / 7 —— ew \ r 6 : JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE ait a Diameter of sill body: 1.5 inches. 7 parachute ia attached toa pull igniter and, Diameter of fine:"3.19 inches (8.1 mm). © pulled before the self-destroying feature operates ,. Golor: Unpainted gelvanized iron with-a yellow will detonate the charge. wooden nove and band ground the body. eee ‘ Description: ‘This shell is similar to the H. E, / Operation: The operation is similar to the H. E rouhd except. that’ there is 1oke pellet in the ; round except that the expelling charge ignites the: Dottoni of the suspended cylinder. : Above the smoktilars-pfllet, which burns about 53 seconds ‘smoke pellet are two pellets of tetryl with a black . and which then ignites the hort delay: train whictr powder delay train running through the middle. burns seven seconds before the self-destroying . As with the H. &. round, "the line to the dipper’ clement furietions. & : ee : ’ 81-mm Pardchite-Flare Mortar ‘Weight complete round:" 4.87 pounds. Weight flare composition: 400 gra PaR SFE FRICEIOK tonite ———+ + moostER enticed Mie. CrLIMeeR Explosive components: Flare composition: No data Overall length: 22.25 inches. Length of shell (less propellant container and nose plug): 18.75 inches. Diameter ofwhell body: 1.78 inches. Diamadgr of fins: 3.19 inches (81 mm). Diameter of flare cylinder: 1.37 inches. Length of flare cylinder: 7.75 inches Color: Unpainted galvanized steel body with red wooden plug in the nose. Weapon in which uged: Standard 8i-mm smooth- bore mortars. . Deseription: This morter shell resembles in con- struction the S1-mm H. E. parachute mortar shell; the only differences being in dimensions, A thin sheet-metal tube containing the flare composi- tion is locatedvbefore the ejection charge. ‘Two pafachutes are packed in an inner sleeve 5.5 inches long made in two longitudinal half sections and are attached by means of 14-inch and 15-foot 3-inch cords, respectively, to’an eyebolt threaded into the forward end of the metallic flare composi- tion, ‘The wooden nose plug is secured’ to the outer shell by two small nails Operation: The operation of this shell is the seme as the 81-mm-H. E, parachute morigr shell. ‘The ejection charge ignites the flare composition as it ejects the flare cylinder from the shell. Type 94.90-mm High-Explosive Mortar. Weight complete round: 11.8 pounds. Weight main charge: 2.35 pounds. Explosive components:* “Main charge: TNT. Booster: Picric (presumed). Over-all length (without fuze): 15.83 inches, ‘Length fin assembly; 4.02 inches. Maximum diamoter’ at bourrelet: (90 mm). é Maxithum diameter tail fins: 3.54 indhes. Color: Black over all with « red tip and a yellow band before the bourrelet, 3.54 inches ARMY MORTARS | fesse . Flask nove “f oF Figure 308—Type 94 90-mm High-Explosive Mortar. ® * Firzing: Typé 93 instantaneous shori-delay mor- tar fuze. : Weapons in which used: ‘Type $4: 90-mm moter. ‘Type 97: 90-mm mortar, : Description: This shell is similar in construc- tion to the type 97 81-mm mortar shell.. ~ 385 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE ° 4 Np Se Scat as —~ SEALING CLP ccs esxee \ ren cng Type 94:90-mmn Semisteel Hy. E-Mortar ° Weight complete round: 11.5 pounds. ~ Weight mairt. charge: No data. {Explosive components: * Main Charge: TNT. Booster: No date * Propellant; No data. Over-all léngth (without fuze): 14,28"inches. Léngth-fin assembly: 4.0 inches.“ * ” “Maxi a diameter at bourrelet: 3.54 inches (90- mi ne Maxirtum diameter of fins: 3.54 inches. Color: "Black over-all with’ @ red tip and » green band befofe, the bourrelet.., : Fuzing: Type 93 instantaneous short-delay mortar fuze, \ hon ‘Type 94: 90-mm mortar, |” jBype #7: 90-mm mortar\_> Description: This shell is similar in design to the type 94 90-mm H. E. shell, except that it is made of low-grade or semisteel instead of bigh- grade-steel a_* Weapons in whieh used Type 94 90-mm Incendiary Mortar Weight complete round: 11.6 pounds. Weight incendiary mixture: 2.2 pounds. Weight burster charge: 2.76 ounces. Explosive components: Birster Charge: Np data, Propellant: No data, Incendiary filling: Phosphorus, carbon disulphide, ‘and 40 cylindrical rubber pellets Over-all length (without fuze): 15.9 inches. Length fin assenibly: 4.0 inches. : Maximum diametey at bourrelet: 3.54 inches (90- mm) fi ' Maximum diameter of tail fins: 3.54 inches QBlor: Black body with blue bands sround~the ‘nose, a yellow band half way between the bour~ relet und taj pd white band at junction of body? and tail ca Fuzing: Type 93 instantaneous shortdeluy mortar fuze (presumed) ‘Weapdis in which used: ‘Type 94: 90 mm mortar. ‘Type 97: 90 mui mortar. Description: This shell is similar in design to the type 94 90-mm H. E. mortar shell, with thé following exceptions: Sie wp kn enlarged booster cup Pads inte the nose of the projectile, Tt contaihs « well for the lower fuze body and, detonator,.a burster charge, and « wooden block. 2. A fuze adapter threads end of thé booster cup.” ° He Remarks: A. shell. of-similar construction, weight, and measurements conjains a fillidg of Siphenyleyanarsine (DC).° ‘The ‘shell is painted ‘black over-tll and has red band ardund the nose with a blue band adjacent toit. “‘Thete i8'4 yellow into the forward ut BL iecey te ncenouaey FLUNG 3. Figure 310—Type 94 90-mm fir Mortar. hand aft of the bourrelet and « red band half way. between the bourrelet and the’ tail. “There is a white bad at the.jurietion of theshell body and Type.2 120-mm High-Explosive Mortar * ‘Weight complete rout 26.5 pounds. Weight main charge: 6.0 pounds. Explosive components: Main charge: TNT: 7 ( Booste: RDX and wax. XN ARMY. MORTARS, Overall length (without fuze): 22.8 indies, Length fin asseinyly: 6.2 inches. fe Meximurn diameter at bourrelet: 4.7’inches (120 mm) Meatiuma diameter of ta id 47 inches Color: Black over all with a red tip and w yellow band forward: of the bourrglet, Fusing: Type 100 instan + mortar fuze. +" Weapons in which usell: Type 2, 120-mm mortar. Description: ‘The body section of this shell is imilnr to that of ghe atandard Army finned mortar types but the tff'fin section resembles thut of the- Navy 81-mm H.E. The 12 fins are welded to the us short delay Figure 311—Type 2 120-rim High-Explosive Mortar. 1387 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE propellant tube whicbsis welded to the base of the body. The fofward und of the Lube has 42 escape ports arrangéd rows tovallow the flush to pass from the primary, cartridge ‘lo the propellant increments, ‘The initial, charge ig contained in a cardbourd case which fits insice the propellant tube: and is héld in place by Wastgel plug fitted with the primer cap. ‘The main, propelling charge is con- tained in 6 doughnut shaped silk bage which are split so that they can be slipped around the propellant tube above the tail fins and over the flash ports. : Remarks: A variation of this shell has been found with the tail section threaded into, the body aiid secured by a‘ pin instead of being welded to the body © : 7 . Type-96 150-mm High-Explosive Mortar Weight complete round: $8.06 pounds. ’ Weight inain charge: 12.9 pouhds. Explosive components + ee “s Main charge: PNT. « ie Booster: Pieric. . Propellant: = Nitrocellulose and graphite: 68.0 per- “* cent. = HE Nitroglycerine: 7.1 percent. . Dinitrotoluene: 25.7 percent. , Diphenylemine: 0.5 percent. * Potassium nitrate: 8.7 percent. Over-all length (without fuze): 28.75 inches.” _ Length fin-asseinbly: 7.81 inches. : Maximum diameter at bourrelets 5.9 inches (150 Figure 312—Tye 96 150-mm High-Explosive Mortar. mm). ‘/. - ‘i Maximum!diameter of tail fins: ‘6.87 inthes, Color: Black; over all with a red tip, a yellow band below the bourrelet, “and a white band before the toil-fin assembly. . : ee eee shorigtchy mor \ Type 97 150-mm High-Explosive Mortar ‘Weapon in which used: Type 96 “50-mm smooth- Weight complete round: 43.5 pounds. bore mortal ‘Weight main charge: 8.98’pounds. Description! The construction, of this shell is Fxplosiye components: similar to thet of the type 97 81mm H.E. mortar - Main charge: TNT. shell, : + Booster: RDX and way, 388. : ‘ : “ARMY MORTARS ae Nn :Fuzing: Type 100 instantaneous short-deley mor- ‘ era enc ag Pua tar fuze, : spurge > Weapon in which used: ‘Type 97 160-mm amooth- Ae Pe) . bore mortar, ae sates St Description: Exeépt for its sAhorte i size, this. 4 BECSTER HELL “projectile is similar-in-constructién, to the, type patie 96 HE. lope round. : wane 2naROE TAT 38am Spigot-Type Mortar ‘Weight complete round: 73% pounds.” * ‘Weight nose section loaded: 172 pounds. ‘Weight center section loaded: 215, pounds, = Weight tail ection londéd: 350 pounds.” =. Weight main charge: 103-pounc Explosiyt components: « “Main, chargé: Pieric. a, > Booster; P. BE. T.N, Propéllint: Black powder and nitrocelhilose Over-all length (without fuze): 61 inehes, iH Length nose section (less Hhroaded portion): 13.75 ~ inches, s+ Length -sonter -eodtion (es three portion): © 10.92 niches, * » Cerigth tail section: 36,31 ‘inches. * Body diameter: 12.62 ‘inicheg (320 mm) Inside diaméter of tail-section: 10.12 inches "Maximum diameter of tail fins 25.29 inches. Length tail fins: 21.4 inches Color: The ‘projectile is’ painted black over-all witha red ‘nosé tip and @ yellow band-around 7 the rear of the nose section, , : 7 _ Busing: Type 98 Interior Fuze. Figwre 313—Type 97 150-mm High Exolosee Mert. ‘Weapons’ in which ” ‘Used: Special. spigot iy : . projector: - : Description: The be pot, wt whidli'résembles & one Nitecllose ‘and eraphit a0. fer-’ bomb, is'made in'thréc parte: , The nose-section, + cent. ; { ogival in shape, is externally thieaded at'ite: base, Nitroglyoétine: 7.1 percenty.: ito serew into the center section and is internally” * Dinitrotoluéhe: 25.7 percent. »,thretded‘to receive a gteel base plate.” Tt has a ne Diphenylamine‘'0.5 pereént: “booster: cup fitfed. with a fuze adapter screwed % “\ Potegsiutt nitrate: 8.7 peroent, .” *Ainto the nose. Overall length: (without fuze): 23.7 inches." ” The'venter section ig « short cylinder, solid on ‘Length fin asiembly: 8.7 inches, Say “the ‘Base threaded externally to, screw into Maximym 'diaineter at bourrelet: 8.9 ‘sci ve. the tail-section. “It is closed at. the forward end, mm). with » steel plate heving .a fuze-adspter ring, .f Maximum diameter tail ins: 6:87 inches. ° “fitted with a*booster cup, welded in its éobtor. *), © Color: Blagk over all with « red nose t and © The tail geétion screws onio the conter section : ind hase gradual taper.toward the rear from @ ae 389 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE fy rareucant point 14.5 inches below the forward end. It is hollowed out to fit over the projector tube. Four sheet-steel tail fina, each: braced by two stabilizing wires, are welded to the tail'section. ==, For convenience in. haddling and assembling, steel bands, each, fitted with two double handles, are provided. Before the firing of the projectile, the carrying bands are removed. The propellant charge is placed in a brass pot which fite into the recessed portion of the pro- 390 j——— Fuse Tua ow fd mcracnr TRL caine I sguiTER & ” Figure 314—32-cm Spigot-Type-Mortor. jector tube. The charge is contained-in a card- board container having a brass flash tube passing through ite vertical axis, through the brass pot, and being screwed into the spigot. There is drilled and tapped hole near the forward end of the tail section of the projectile inte which the. igniter tube screwa, When, in position, the end of the igniter tube is in close proximity to the end of the brass flash tube which leads into the propellant charge. Chapter 4—Section 4 : ARMY PROJECTILE FUZES. a | Fikine Fi Figure, 315—Type 93 Small Instantaneous Fuze. Type 93 Small Instantaneous Fuze Over-all length (without gaino): 1% inches, : : ; 7 Maximum diameter: % irich. Use: Ammunition for 20-mm aircraft, antitank, ‘Threaded length: ¥ inch. - and antiaircraft guns; 37-mm tank and antitank © Number of threads: 5, right-haiid. guns. . Construction: The fuze is of two-piece bras Over-all length (with gaiste): 1'%. inehes, construction with an aluminum striker head. The S ; au 391 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE eps forward and centrifugal nt to move out, ‘The flash shitter is alvo moved out by centrifugal force snd lower piece houses a centrifugal detent, # primer, ‘Then theyhtriker ¢ and a flash-hole shutter. The guine threads into force causes the the lower pieco Operation: ‘The centrifugal detent, wh ports the striker, is held in place by the striker and detent spring until the projectile decelerates. driven into the primer. the fuze is armed. On impact the striker is stiees wea © Figure 316—Type 100 Small Initontoneous Fuze. Type 100 Small Instantaneous Fuze . Over-all length (with gaine): : ‘Over-all length (without gaine): 1 inch, Use: Ammunition for 20-mm aireréft, antiaircraft, Maximum diameter: % inch. ‘and antitank éannon, end 37:mmi tank, anti- Threaded length: % inch. tank, and aireraft guns. ‘Number of threads: 5, right-hand. 392 7 ener ememmmmmmnny rete TT The tw ix made of brass in one Construction picee, A centrifugal detent supports the striker. Above the striker there is a wooden striker head. ‘The fuze is threaded i lly (L, HL) to take the gaine. Operation he centrifuge! detent, supporting ae ARMY PROJECTILE FUZES the striker, i held in pluce by the striker nd detent spring until the projectile decelerate ‘Phen the striker ereeps forward and centrifuga force causes the detent to move out, arming the fuze” On impact the atrileér ix driven into thi primer. seine \ AAU 8 ER nine eso az 10 CrCLOniTE Figure 317—Type 2 Small Instontaneous Fuze. Type 2 Small Instantaneous Fuze Use: Ho-5 20-mm H. E. I. projectiles. ~ %e ineh Yeinea Over-all length with gaine 393 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE cf Construction:’ This fuze is identical to the type fuze hus the detent hole secured with « staked 100 small instantaneous fuze except that the body plug rather than « screw. of the type 100 is brass and the body of this fuze Gperation: ‘The operation is the sume us the is of light metal alloy. ,A modification of this type 100 small instantaneous fuze, Type 2 Modified Small Instantaneous Fuze Use: 20-mm H. E. I. projectile. Description base of the fuze is. gaine above which is én sir Over-all length with gaine: *% inch. + column sealed at the top by @ closing diak. ‘Threaded length: ¥ inch. «Operation: There are no arming features in Number of threads: 6. : this fuze. On impact, the closing disk is crushed ir in the column and Construction: This is an air-column fuze with inward, compressing the 8 one-piece metal alloy body. Threaded into 'the firing the gaine. 0 48 coun ie a "Figure 318—Type 2 Modified Small Instantaneous Fure- 394 : : : CTILE FUZES Figure 319—Type 4 Super Detonating Fuze. Type 4 Super Detonating Fuze Construction: This is an sir-column fuze with the gainé enclosed in the fuze body. ‘The fuze is of two-piece construction, with the upper part containing the air column and primer -and the Tower part containing the geine. The inclusion ngth: Number of threads: Use: Ho-6 20-mm H. E. I. projectiles. «inch. inch. 6. of the gaine in the fuze body leaves space for more explosive in the projectile. Operation: There are no arming features in this fuze. On impact, the closing disk is crushed inward, compressing the air in the colump and firing the gaine, : 395 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE He 301 Impact Fuze ( Use: 40-tnm projectiles for the Ho 301 aircraft snnon. ‘ i Description FE Over-all Jength (with gaine): 1% inches. Over-all length (without gaine): 1X inches. Maximum diamet r 1% inchea. ‘Phreaded length: 4 inch, Number of threads Construction: "The fuze body is made of one piece. ‘The striker is supported by a centrifugal. detent which is held under a shoulder of the striker by two locking centrifugal detents. ‘The gaine threads into the bottom of the fuze, 6. Operation: Centrifugal force causes the locking detents to move out, thus ‘freeing the striker ‘detent which moves out arming the fuze. On impact the striker is driven into the primer. stareea — ‘uch nG oeTENT é ® Prien bevoxaren cost Ad 6 oeians oF siatier ARMY PROJECTILE FUZES yeeeh Seeing aris. fe ice 7 t 4 7 * ene in a SKEET FCRR rg Th , Hse Pave 2s 2 Sg + a ; fa uf erates : : ' egosten . Figure 321—Type 88 Small Instantaneous Fuze: ¢ Type 88 Small Instantanéous Fuze Use: H. E. projectiles for the 50-mm grenade discharger. i Description: ; Over-all length (with gaine): 2% inches. Over-all length (without gaine): 1% inches. Maximum diameter: 1 inch. ‘Threaded length: Xe inch. “© © Number of threads: 5, right-hand, Construction: The fuze body is of two-piece brase construction. The upper part is threaded (R. H.) into the lower part,’with the striker head protruding from the upper .fuze body. The striker assembly is supported by steel wedges ¢ which rest beneath the striker sleeve aud two coiled springs. The steel wedges are held is position by the lower portion of @ circunnfereutial latch spring which is fitted around the striker sleeve, An arming collar surrounds a, portion of the striker assembly and the upper poruos, of} the latch spring. This collar is supported by the lower of two striker supporting coiled: sprigs and the latch spring 397 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Operation: When the projectile is fired, set- — wifugal force moves Ube wedges out, leaving the back forces the arming collur down yntil the notch striker supported only by the eoiled springs. On on the inner side of the collar engages the latch isn gact, the striker is driven down into the primer, springs. As the projectile dec ates; the lower spring forces the arming collar up, thus pulling Remarks: Both brass und steel bodies have the Iateh spring collar free of the wedges, Cen- — been recovered. coe ae Type 88 Short-Delay (Gun and Howitzer Mortar) Fuze Use: Gun type: H. B. projectiles for 57-mm tank Bye ocrent sawn CoULa Faun ee orien ae fouy erode 398 ‘guns, 70-mm tank gins, 75-mm guns, and 105-mm guns. Howitzor-mortar type: H. E. projectiles for 70-mm, 120-mm, and 150-mm howitzers, Description: . pet Over-all length (with gaine! Over-ail length (without, * Maximum diameter: 1X inches. ‘Threaded length: % inch. Number of threads: 6, right-band. Construction: The brass fuze body is made of two major parte,~thret an aluminum striker head., The external striker is supported by « spring and four. steel wedges. ‘A setback collar which surrounds the wedges is held in position by thé latch springs. @¥'he latch . Type 38 Instantaneous (Gun ond Howitzer jaded (L. H.) together, with * 1 ~ i ae ___ARMY PROJECTILE, FUZES prings ae fasteried around the circumference of a moygble primer-delay carrier. : ‘The fowitzer-mortar-type fuze differs from the wt ‘ype fuze in that only the striker 6&1 move, the primer carrier threaded to the body. The howitzer-mortaf fuse also hag weaker latch springe, allowing the fuze to function on a smaller amount of set-back. ’ Operation: Sét-bable causes the wt-bitk collar to move) down until it is. engaged by, the latch H springé. The wedges are held in the until-deceleration seta in. -At this ‘point theymove out, impelled by, centrifugal force, arm. - ing the fuze. On impact (in the gun fuze only) both the striker and the’ primer-delay carrier ere, “free to move, This is. to minimize the possi- bility: of an unexploded projectile due to 0 povery low angle of impact. S- 4 Mortat) Fuze Gun type fui 47-mm entitank H. E. projectiles” for the gun, 57-mm tank. gun, Heed a 75mm gims, and 105mm guns. This ‘ fuze is niso used in incendiary and smoke * : projectiles for 75-mm guns, - : i Howitzer-mortar type fuze: Used in: H. z. projectiles for 70-mm howitzer, 105-ram * guns and howitzers, 120-mm howitzer, and _ 150-mm howitzers, It is also used in’ smoke projectile for the 189-mm howitzer. +. © Deseription;, * Over-all length (with gaine): 3% inches. # . +. Over-all length (without gaine): 2% inches. 7 * Maximum diantet ‘inch. : ate ‘Threaded length: 0.5 ingh. Eee Number of threads: 5, right-hand, feces 7» Conistruetion: "The fuxe body, of ither black deb ete LY Steel oF brass,” is “made into two* parts “fitted together with threads (L. H.), ‘The liad of the aluminum striker ‘protrudes from tie, fuze and perowsTOR ch st taace stisxee '%, inches. ich. fe ek HOLDER: poet nse1eR——t 405, ” JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE. “Construction: Tie fuze consists of two sections housed in s one-piece body. The two sections are separated by a fuzed striker housing. The upper section consists of a flash. cap and a sol-hack” striker and striker blogk separated: by a safety spring and upper safety fork. Below the flash ‘cap is a hard block of blackpowder. The safety plunger is spring-loaded upward against the block by the safety plunger spring, which also .bears against the fixed striker housing. Two safety plungers which are fixed to the safety plunger holder protrudé through holes in the fixed firing pin, ‘The fixed firing pin and inertia primer hous- PEeereRE eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee Perce ing ure separated by an anti-creep spring and Tower safety fork. - Operation: The upper safety fork is removed from the fuze in the nose section, the other forks haying been removed during wssembly of the round. Upon setback the setback striker hits the flash cap. The flash from the cap burns the black-powder plug and allows the safety plunger holder to hove forward’ This raises the two safety plungers, exposing the fixed striker to the detonator carrier. On impact the detonator car- rier moves forward against the anticregp spring and hits the fixed firing pin. ‘Type 89 Small Time Fuze © Use: Smoke projectiles for. the 50 mm grenade discharger and illuminating projectiles for the 70-mm Mortar and the 70-mm howitzer. Description: Over-all length: 1% inches, Maximum Diameter: 1. inches. ‘Threaded Length: inch. Number of Threads: 4, left-hand. - Construction: ‘The. fuze is made of brass, con- sisting of the main’ body and a nose cap fitted together by L. H. threads. There are two brass time rings, one.being fixed and the other movable. ‘The primer is located in the lower part of the fuze and’is separated from the striker by s spring. ‘The’ striker is also supported by a safety wire which passes through the nose of the fuze. Operation: ‘The safety wire holding the striker is removed before the projectile is fired. On sgh “back the striker moves down against the spring to hit the primer. The flash from ‘this ignites the powder train, which burns through the two time rings into the magazine at the base of thc fuze. - Remarks: ‘This fuzo his a time setting of 0. tc 20 seconds in increments of second. ARMY PROJECTILE FUZES > I SAFETY a STRIVER CREEP SPRING FIXED Time NG MOVEABLE TIME 1G BLACK FORDER WAGE IME 407 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Type 89 Powder Time Fuze ‘Use: H. E. projectites for the 75-min and 105-rom antiaireralt guns. Description: Over-all length: 3% inches, Maximum diameter: 2X inches. ‘Threaded length: % inch. Number of threads: 4, right-hand surrounding the spindle, the firet and third | fixed. The second and fourth rings are move and keyed so that they one unit. Hou = : Construction: This fuze is made of brass and consists of a nose cap, a central spindle, and four powder time rings. Of the four powder rings Fiaee THe ne “evEABLE Tsk ANE “GUEAB Ae PROEH Figure 330—Type 89 Powder Time Fure. * 408 whieh is separated from the movable primer by a > in the base of the central spindle is a firing pin "The base plate contains a sinell coiled spring, fash charge of black powder Operation between Q and 30 seconds in increments of second, On set-back the pritner moves down onto the fixed firing pin, sending « flash up through ‘This fuze may be set for any tine : Avxi ARMY PROJECTILE FUZES the central spindle to the upper tira + the flesh i mitted to a black-powsler magazine aul there lust poirder time ring Iurus an wusiliury detonating five conjunction with this fie aud is the separately furne is abs used an Ni tiles the fuze pork Remarks antiniceraft proj ry Detonating Fuze Use: In conjunction with the type 89° (powder +» time), type 2 powder time and impact fuze and type 100 mechanical time and impact fuze. Description: . d Over-all length: 1'Xe inches. . i Length (without gaine): 1 inches. i ‘Maximum diameter: 1 inches. ‘Phreaded length: Ys inch.. Number of threads: 7, right-hand. _ Figere 331—Auxiliary Detonating Fuze. sautter eon vos JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Construction: Thissfuze is made of two brass sections. The top portion is threaded (R. HL.) externally to fit into the fuze poeket and internally to receive the base portion. Centrally located in the top plate is a flash hole leading'to a relay charge and the gaine. The°mechaniam housed within the fuze consists of an arming collar supported by a coiled spring and the cars of a circumferential latch spring. In the unarmed position, a metal shutter, held in place by the lower portion of the lytch spring, close # flash channel from the relay charge to the gaine. ‘The guine threads into Uhe lower portion. Operation: On set-back the arming collar moves down, engaging the cars of the lah spring, During. deelernjon, the coiled spring raises Ute arming collar and lglch spring, frecing the shutter, which moves out with centrifugal force wud leuve: the flaah channel open. 0 Type 3rd-Yr. Combination Powder Time and Impact Fuze ‘Use: 75-mm shrapnel and old H. E. projectiles. Description: Overall length: 2%: inches. Maximum diameter: 24 inches. ‘Threaded length: % inch. Number of threads: 4, right-hand. Construction: This fuze is mede of brass. A central spindJe and base section are made in one piece. Two powder time rings (the upper fixed, the lower movable) are fitted around the spindle and held in place by # nose cap, which threads onto the top of the spindle. The time-ring primer is housed iri the nose cap and before firing is supported by a safety pin which passes through FTW NG LP SHIN bot buick FonoE Figure 332—Type 3d-year Combination Powder Time ond Impact Fure. 410 - eee eee ee eee eee eee eee RESTRICTED Seedy sores : ARMY PROJECTILE FUZES ie and the nose cap, ‘Phe primer is who supported tine ring: primer moves down onta, thr tings pw by an urming sleeve. A partition in the hollow ‘Phe flash {eum Une priter pussies Uurtigh «tests spindle has a firing piv on both sides. A second — Channel to the upper dime ring. ‘Te’ promder movable primer (infact primer) is hodsed in the base uf the spindle, Ht is held in place by two nidugal detents and separated from the firing : Centrifugal force causes Ue detente ts suave cnt in by a coiled spring. A base plate threads into Bt bin by ee 8 freeing the impact primer, und, af the prjes tie the base section “and contains a blac magazine. ‘The movable time ring graduated — hits before from 0 co 22 seconds in increments of & second, primer’ cart Operation: Before firing, the safety pin is re firing pin, T Wash from thy priner sets off Ube moved and the time ring sey On setback the — .black-powder imaguzine jt {as 5th-Year Combination Powder Time and lrapact Fuze : tru Jeuds through Uke tine rings down twerthe luck powder magazine. 7 -powder the Gime setting Mies clapoed, che moves uguinst the spring onto Ue \-Usel_75-mm shrapnel, incendiary, and illuminat- _/ ing projectiles, 105-mm shrapnel and incendiary ~ projectiles, and 150mm shrapnel and illumi- nating projectiles. : \ + Figure 333—Type 5th-year Combination Powder Time and Impact Fuze. ) i i : : eee All JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Description: Overall length: 2%. inichas. aximum diaméter; 2% inches, “os Thread length: inch. \o Number-of threads: 3, right end. ‘Construction: “Thi fuze is mide of-bra6o., A central’ spindle and base, section are of one piece. ~vand -beld in place by. s,‘nose’ cap which .threads cap is an serial-burst ‘primer carrieg peatedvin « * wp and loyfer\gowder Lime rings “Threo powder tithe rings are fitted.over the spindle: .° moved and the time rings et. onto the top of the spindle. ; Housed in the'nose” e plate threads inthe base section avdlick-powder thagazine. The re keyed to- ., Bother and: poveble; the cénter ring is stationary. "The yings gre greduated from 0 to 36.6 seconds in. increments of i second, ~ Operation: Before, firing,. the: saféty pin is re- On setback, the, ecridl burst; ‘primer moves’ down. onto ‘the sta- tionary firing pin, and, the resulting, ash ignites, through :«' flashy, chanhel; meta) cup: The base of this cup has one cen- _ tally located hole! The top of -the sides are flaugéd and rest. on a shoulder of” the spindle:. “A safety (pin is-fitted through * cap. and’ the. primer, carrier, A partition. i hollow “spindle contains a fring pin™:pointed on either end. Housed’ in Une base “of the spindle it is a deteht-held® movable inipact. primer. carrier 7 hich separated rpm he Bring pin by « old The powder” train le ‘tile hits before bie time’ uae has el clap the © primer cérrier moves agaitist the spring ont firing pin: |The flush -ftoui the primer-scts off te Mack powder mageine, : wt Use: Antiaiforift ‘ammunition. for type. 14-year e 165-nm A.A. ao and type 90 98-m,. A ‘‘& een sk ingbes. 7 Ly : Sonu "Hahoter: 2X tachos, Co wie . s, " ct projectile fue, ‘The * .,” : “ 3 work méchanisin is! éssentially the e “ga alloy win id adds form to’ the fut eerste 2 houses: ‘the upper end of the setback hgimmer. a She, timesetting rigg, asseribly ring, and lower + . , fuze body are made ‘of an alumitiufa alloy) The® 2 clockwork mechanism is housed in the time “ring and asseimbly ring. ‘THe time firing’ assennbly + ceonsista of a pfimar gap under which is ‘lack - powder flash. chantiel leading to's small ‘black- Powder megazino in the baeo plug. - ‘The impact Bee firing, assembly consists of a stationary fiting pin H papers tpl ¢moyeble peter carer bye erbacx wines G ME SETTING RING LUO MEANS PACK RANG PIM Tie STRLYER MOVEABLE PRIMER GARRLER y eeuy Figure 334—Type 100 Mechanical Time and Impact Fuze... spring. Two spring-loaded detents are engaged in the slot of the primer carrier until the projectile . is rotating in fight. . o Operation: ~Time:, See Navy type 9t. “A qe. ~: Impact: Centrifugal force moves the detente - : j from tho slot in the primer carrier and the primed carrier is then free to overcome the spring and hit the fixed firing pin upon ¢ vimpact.” A small black powder charge flashes to the base magazine which in turn fires the auxiliary detonating fuze. The” 7 Army auxiliiry detonating fuze is used in . conjunction with the type 100. JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE : STRIKER EXTENS 10H sratien NOSE PIECE- * berent VENT LOCKING RING: \. «VENT POSITJONING SLEEVE: TIME STRIKER oo UPPER TIME R)NG = UGRER TIME RING FLASH CHANNEL: TIME PRIMER “BLACK POWDER Figure 335—Type 2 Combination Powder Time and Impact Fuze, oe : Type 2 Combination Powder Time and Impact a uze 7 ‘Threaded ler % inch. Number of 4, right-hand. 414 ARMY PROJECTILE FUZES . 7 Construction: This fuze is constructed of brass and aluminum.» The fuze body, time rings, vent positioning sleeve, and vont locking ring are made of brass; while the vent cap, nosé piece, and base plug are of cen ‘The striker exterision is wood. ‘The movable time train has setting markings from 1 to 44 seconds, in half-second intervals. ‘Tho vent positioning sleeve separates: the time - rings ‘from’ ‘the central fuze body, ‘and vertical grooves in this sleeve allow the gases from the Durning time rings to pass‘off. “A key prevents the sleeve from. turning, and the upper time ring. “is also held stationary by a key which threads into the ceritral fuze body. - ‘The vent locking ting'-threads ‘on the contra * fuz3 body: and’ secures the time rings and the sleeve: , It is held off.the upper ring by belleville springs. The ring’ is further secured by a grub screw. . = . ‘The vent cap threads onto the-upper time ring and contains holes for the escape of gases. Contained in the nose cap is the compléte im- pact firing mechanism, consisting of's wooden striker extension, striker, contrifigal detent, de- tent spring, and primer éap. f 7 ‘The fuze bédy has two longitudinal flash chan- néls through its “central ‘pat to. allow the flash {Gom phe impact primer to ignite the biack-powder magazing in the base. ‘The time firing-pin sufe spring, and time primer eap are also housed in the central fuze body, A transverse hole in tho body between the'time firing mechanism and the upper time ring’ allows the flash of the primer cap to ignite the upper time ring: ‘The fuze is stored with a protective cap screwed on the fuze body just.below the lower Sime ring. Operation: ‘Time 'Set-back initiates’ the time striker. Because of four longitudinal grooves in the atriker, the flash escapes to and through. the transverse opening to the’ upper powder ring. From the lower powder ring « black powder lash schannel ignites ube black- * powder magazine in the base. « Impeet: ‘The detent moves from under “tite striker. with centrifugal force. On impact the nose is crushed, driving the striker onto the primer cap.” The flash passes through, the, flash’channel in the central fuze body ‘to-the blatk-powder magazine in the base. Type 94 Small-Delay Base Fuze (/ & Over-all length: 'No data. |. “Use: AP-HLE, projectiles for 87-mm tank and oe s _ -Maximum diameter; 1%; inches. . ‘Thronded lerigth: ¥ inch, * foe ‘Number of threads; '8, right-hand. Construction: The fuze is made of one piece of . ‘black steel which houses the base plate, striker, arming sleeve, creep-spring and ring train. after end of the striker. fits into. recess in: ‘The - the « base plate and enlargéd shoulder to engage thé.erming jleeve. ‘A creep spring is housed in the: arming. sleeve “resting ‘between the primer” housing ‘ inner shoulder of the arming . * ‘The striker is held from the prinier by & JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE ee a “RESTRICTED Seevnty fetta + , ocrouree EASE PLATE Figure 336—Type 94 Small-Deloy Base Fuze. Operation: On set-bapk the shear wire isbroken. The arming sleove moves back and is wedged on e after end of the striker, exposing the forward hd of the striker beyond the forward end-of the arming sleeve. On impact the striker and arming sleeve, which now act as one piece, move down against the creep spring with the striker, piercing the primer. Type'92 Smal! Short-Delay Base Fuze Use: A.P. projectiles for 57-mm tank guns. Description: Over-all length: 2%¢ iriches. Maximum diameter: 1% inches. ‘Threaded length: *%s inch, Number of threads: 9. ‘Threaded onto the base of the Construction: 416 fuze body is a metal cap which serves only as a cover'for the centrifugal detente. ‘Threaded into the forward section is the explosive train carrier. I) auld eet Figure 337—Type 92 Smol The fuze body houses two centrifugal détents,- a striker and a”ereep spring. The‘ detenta, fitting into & circular groove, hold the striker from the primer, | : “ Small Mk 2 Base Detonating Fuze ARMY PROJECTILE FUZES eco Pees Il Short-Delay Base Fure. Operation: . With centrifugal force the spring- loaded detents inove out, leaving the striker free ‘fo.move onto the primer on‘impsct. UserA. P. projectiles for the 47-mm antitank Description: : Over-all length (with gaine): 2% inches, Over-all length (without gaine): 1X« inches. @ : “Maximum diemeter: 1% inches Threaded length: % meb. Number of threads: 9 right-hand. ’ $17 7 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Construction: This fuze fs made of black steel. in one piece. The rear end is drilled out to take the tracer. Housed in the forwafd part of the fuze and separated by a coiled spring, are « tnov- able primer and a fixed firing’ pin. ‘The firing pin contains @ flash channel which leads to the explo- me ‘ ® i‘ 418 * 4 MOVEABLE PRIMER RACER cAVITY/ + Figure 338—Mk 2 Small Base-Detoooting Fuze. sive train, ‘The gaine is threaded (R. H.) into the front of the fuze, Operation: There are no arming features in this’ fuze. On impact, the primer moves down" onto the firing pin. ‘The resulting flash passes through @ small hole beside the firing pin into the guint t ; ‘ . * , ARMY PROJECTILE FUZES Small Mk 1 Base Detonating Fuze Use: Type 137. Deseription Over-all length (with gaine) Maximum diameter: 144 ine ¥ Phrewded length: 1 inch. a Number of threads: 7 Construction: This fuze is identical to the small fe Mk 2 except for size. a Operation: ‘The operation is the same as for the small Mk 2 fuze, nA. P. projectiles inelws TAACER COMPOS: iON mrs canna CREP SPRING Fins Fen Figure 339—Mk 1 Small Bore-Detonating Fure. 419 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Medium Mk 1 Impact Base Fuze Use: ,75-mm A, P-H. E, —projectiles for the type 41 and 94 mountain guns and the type 90 field gun. Description: : Over-all length (with gaine): No data, Over-all length’ (without gaine): 2 inches. Maximum diameter: 2M inches. ‘Threaded length: ‘Xe Number of threads: Construction: This fuze is made of black steel into two separate parts, which are threaded sepa- rately into the base of the projectile. The rear part contains a tracer element which is separated from the working mechaniam of the fuze by a steel + partition. ‘The working mechanism: consist of 420 Fe Figure 340—Mk 1 Medium Impact Base Fuze. Fins Fate ray re uek cai eR werent acta caver 10S NG PLU i a two spring-loaded detenta which fit into a cireum- ferential recess in the metal primer carrier and when in the unarmed position hold te primer carrier from the firing pin. There is » sutall coiled spring located between the firing piu and the primer carrier. The firing pin has (wo sill flash channels leading down to the explosive gaine. The gaine-threads into the fuae pocket with threads of the same diameter as the fuze proper. Operation: Centrifugal force moves the detents out from the primer carrier, which is then sepa rated from the stationary firing-pin by the spring only. On impact, the primer moves down upor firing pin, Hashing through the flash chanuels w the gaine. ARMY PROJECTILE FUZES Type 88 Small (Howitzer-Mortar) Base Fuze Use: 12-cin AL P. project type 38 (howitzer) and A. P. projectile for-150-tnm howitzers, Description: Over-all length: 54 inchee. Maximum diameter: 1 inehea ‘Threaded length: Xy inch, right-hand Construction: This fuze consists of an after see- tion which houses the striker, centrifugal detents, and delay train, and a forward section housing the gaine. The base of tho after section ix threaded a a Figure 341—Type 88 Small (Howitzer-Mortor) Base Fuze. - externally to-thread inti: the’ base fuze carrier ‘The brass otriker contains & cireurnfereatiul yroovg, into which two centrifugal detenta are fitted. In flight a creep spring separates the striker from the {—————- starien ‘SEWTALFUGAL OETENTS i 421 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE priiaer Resting between the Buse of the fuze wind the after wid uf the striker isa lewd dise, the purpose of which is to prevent freezing of Uhe striker-to the fuze body on setback. Housed in Type 88 Small (Gun) Base Fure Use: A. PHL B. for tS-em guns. Description Pver-all length: 6% inches. Maximum diameter: 1% inehes, ‘Thrended length: % inch Number of threads: 6 the ewnter portiua of the fuze wre the peiter, delny pelle, and detoritor Operation: With centrifugal force the detent mnoye out, (roving the suiker, whieh moves doses pst the creep spring on ianpact, Construction: construction (howitzer-martar type? Phin fae his the “sarue ianterinl type BH small Fe differs externally in that it is slightly longer thins the howitzer merter as the bance Coins type aud has w square top instead of w earcul toy Operation: Theperstion is Uiw sane as for the howitzer-mortur type fuze. cant or vonstoR x CENT FUGA OeTENT stare Figure 342—Type 88 Small (Gun) Base Fure. 422 Pees . Beet F + ARMY. PROJECTILE FUZES » . : svarren ma sing | \ ‘SETBACK Pret a cnece Pun SHUTTER Poh ce : sstree : futey atu s : rauier = 1 REE? SPRING 4 cereus: fe stained Stainee steer : . Oy seTTiNé oa : ‘ - w, . +7 Figuee'343—Type 95 Lorge Mk 2 Mod 1 Base Fuze. Type 95 Large’Mk 2 Mod 1 Base Fuze, Construction: The fuze body is threaded extay - nally to fit into the buse plate anid internally to “Uso: A. P.-H. B, projectile for 7th year type.30- * ie : ° _¢ i € t ° . Type 95 Medium Base Fuze ° length arid diameter. There is no threadéd cap : q over the base as in the large fuze, and the firing- ae ee eee ace pin sleeve is of different construction, Qrerall length: 6*%r inches ‘The firing pin, detents, shutter, and setting 2 Mscimum oe Oo ong, inchon dial are of similar construction in both fuzes, ‘Threaded length: *%; inch. Operation: The operation of the fuze is identical Number of threads: 6. : “tw that of the type 95 large Mk 2 Mod 1 fuze Construction: ‘This fuze is similar to the type 95 ‘The fuze is armed by setback and centrifuge! force, - large Mk 2 Mod 1 base fuze, but it is smaller in and fires upon impact. : > : : ; 425 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE PROJECTILE DESIGN BODY COLOR INDICATES TYPE*OF PROJECTILE PROJECTILE DATA LABEL DATA ON EXPLOSIVE FILLING —______ ARSENAL - DATE OF ASSEMBLY OF CHARGE 426 NOst COUR GREER -LAFLOSIVE / YELUGW-PRACT ICE PROJECTILE B00Y ‘OATA LOT KUMBER OF EXPLOSIVE DATE OF MANUFACTURE OF EXPLOSIVE DATE OF CASTING OF EXPLOSIVE “ig CQLOR SYSTEM FOR LARGE-CALIBER PROJECTILES “\ably ‘consistent. Chapter 5 2 is NAVY AMMUNITION” ‘The Navy system of marking projectiles for all 7 sizes over 40-mm is relatively simple and reeson- * Some discrepancies ‘exist be- tween the standard aystem and recovered speci- mel a : . “The following system applies to projectiles of ‘over 40-mm, but cArries, over in’ part: into the a marking of smaller-caliber ammunition. Body color: ‘The main colér of the projectile body indicates the bagic type of shell. «Type of Body color Japanese “ordinary” * Maroon, : ‘Armor-piereing. .. White. Illuminating (over Red. 14-em). 2 Iluminating. (under, Blue. Gray. , Green. Orange. Black. Red with’ identi- fying characters. ‘SJapaiioue classification’ “Ordinary” includes’ Common od teored Common projeetilen ak well an Vario eidipyes Baa, rove a we de: “+ Color of nose: Certein additional information is indicated by the painting of, the nove of the projectile as follows: a 1 Guixw N¢se.—Indicdtes “explosive-filled.”” Specific identity.of explosive is not made. Black Powder as, well as H. B. ig marked in this way. 2. Rep Tie on Green Nose.—lIndicates “base- fuzed;” but js not: used when ammunition is of ;” the fixed typé. 3. Yatrow Nose.—Indicatés :“‘practice. use.”” “ Phis is applied to standard ‘practice projectiles, painted black, and’may. also be uséd to indicate projectiles conyerted from service’ types. Pro- jectiles converted for practice retain their original ‘painting except for. the yellow nose. * by: ‘The length of the green or yellow tip is 100 mm for 12-em gun and larger, 50 mm for 10- and 8- em guns, 15 mm for 6-em and smaller. The length of the red tip is exactly half that of + the green. Center of gravity: The center -of gravity of larger projectiles is indicated by color band painted at the appropriate position near.the middle of the body. The color of this band is varied to > gontirast with the-color of the projectile body. Colt a of exile Color Pesiy “band Maroonor Yellow... Width of band” 50 mm for, projectiles 20- ‘om and above. . 20 mm for, 15.5 (and + 7 ~ under). Black....- White... 10 mm on alll sizes. ‘The center of. gravity is not required to ‘be marked om projectiles of 15-em and under, ‘but where projectiles of thése sizes already beer the color band at thé point of balance (appareiilly from earlier requirements) repainting is sot required. pate ‘Additional features of painting: + 71.°A blak batid painted on the lower edge of projectile cap indicates @ design of cap designated’ “type 3-year cap.” 9. Fuzes and rotating bands normally are not painted: The bouirelet is consistently painted 3. The portion of the body between the rotating brid and the base is left unpainted in projectiles of fixed ammunition, but is painted on projectiles of semi-fixed ammunition. 4. Dummy plugs resembling fuzes have the painted with black Isequer to distinguish ti | them from fuzes: 7 : *4a7 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE ” ‘ = ‘Accessory markings: Type nuinbérs or other. * e, An'Arsenal Identification, characters are sometimes stenciled'on the ogival not well standardized. This entry i portiotf of the projectile as a further aid ini idonti- ‘i ficatién’ Some of these markingwyare: . 5S “Yoko 5” 8 Yokosuka Arsenal. a ta" indicating typé 91, pro- Ped “SA.4” g Sasebo Arsenal. jectile design. 9 b. AAC 88" indicating type 88 pro- FL1G-24 "Kure “February 1945”. The. S jectile design. . date:of assembly at Kure. coe KF Mk ate wz. Mk 5 pro- Rotating bald marking: Certain information BH THERE. toring tp Prtaibing to the manufacture, of the projectile cee eeeaile design bat wet a. POdy itself is stamped into the Totating bend, A é projectile design, but not a ypical example follows: complete identification, . oA Wie BE Mncondiagy stirepnal.” a- feats 2.00 . £. Z| "BY (rare) indicating a varie,“ & “Modification Oxo applies to the projee- . S tion’ in explosive charge— tile design but is not « complete desig- . : presumably type “Bex.” _ nation, This “sometimes appears as Hee _ Plosive. «Om i & “For practice use.” ses Lob tes 5th month, 16th year Showa : i M the date of ear Pac with cil eed ; re eee manufacture of i . Symbél of th f mantifac- |. Filling data: On Navy projectiles-of the larger.” ~ * abel See Pe mini sizes (8-em and sbove), the dates of manufacture * tare, in this case Kure. The. and filling’ are’ painted or stencilled arounid the ) fori of thé anchor varies with? - body of the projectile just above the rotating oH i h factory. The plac band, and ‘again on tho base’of the projectile. eee aero “-Thie markinig usually. consists of the following Seer eee eee oeunon 0-8 E data id sequence aa given (beginning at the right Kure: or T% « Se for Sasebo) of the widest spaced roading sround’the pro: ane {may alo be included.“ -fectla to the righ). . 4. 18,500% tho weight of theempty projectile” a FF] . “Lot”. followed by an entry \body in Kilograms..- This may also te like’ #72, M24, ni written "18-500. - f * eating the lot’ of explosive sa" ; mnaniufact © Paper labete: Typically, but‘not withoutexoep- b a fanufectured”” witha dite.” tion, there are bwo paper labels appearing ‘exter be ~ like-17-3. (shows 17th year, .° nally on Navy ‘ammunition, an oval’ one, giving FS > 8d month or March 1942). .’ projectile data, and’a aqlare one ziving propellant «$% ‘Coat! followed XY.» data a data, Both cary valuibleinformetion on the 7 7 . above, to indicate the date ‘ion components, aiid nisy be reed ut lenst the preformed block’ of @x- partially without knowledge of Japances,* plosive was cast. * “Assoinbled”” followed by & ; In fixed amrpiunition both Iabels wpoger on the ; projectile.” In gemi-fixed’ amjhunition®the ova ‘ a waa ‘omated in the “Jabal ‘appears on ‘the projectile kad the square “projectile, "This entry ‘in’ - Propellant label is glued to the metal disc in the. | ‘sometimes omits ‘ar incor- top of the. propellant case, {In both types, the Arsenal ‘propellant label vis duplicated: by a cloth label 15. -< gemed-to the bag enelesing the powder sticks. INTRODUCTION TO NAVY AMMUNITION Projectile data label: PROJECTILE BODY: DATA FILLED PROJECTILE DATA DATE OF ow OATE OF ASSEMBLING if (SHOWA 16-5, APAPL Iga y (SHOWA 18-9, SEPT. 1943) PROJECTILE BOOY WEIGHT. NEIGHT FILLED. et (18, 500-64) (20.340 KG.) — PLACE OF WEIGHING WEIGHT VARIATION * (yoKosueay SUPER-IMPOSED {NREO POSITION VARIABLE NORWAL CHARGE iano oF, poner tao be) “0: i + MOTAMMBER 1801 THIS ENTRY NOT nite ae ‘UNDERSTOOD WANOFACTURE EIGHT OF POWDER (SHOWA 13212, (5.375 KG.) DEC, 1938). ‘CHARGE’ ASSEMBLED; OATE ~ SHOWA 14-3, MAR, 1939 PLACE ~ SASEBO COT 4578 Bene if Occasionally: the designation of the gun is included on the cloth label ‘which is sewed to the propellant-bag or raay appear ‘on # separate small . label seweil near the propellant label. - es . ve JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Examples . 7 y a oO: Qa Be eo te : = 4 [ a \, 40 cal. 12.7 High-Angle Gua” “Short 5-cri Gun” x Bee Bursting charge label: The bursting charge for i moat Navy projectiles is cast in a“paper container and insertéd in the projectile as a separate unit. 7 and isvheld in place by paraffin. > EEHEeH ‘A circular label on the bottom of the explosive : charge carries the following data: . 1 Teentifedjon of the gun:-(type Aumber; : Coe : 2, Tdentieation of the’ projectile (type num- ; ‘Shimose (picric acid)... . ee i 8 : SEEEEEEEEEHE “be ‘Type 91° explosive i 4 abe eee = (trinitroanisole). etceete a : AK AB ; ° . : 4 _ 8 Type 92 explosive. 7 Hits aie (INT)...-.-.. e . : ! na = wet erat +f Lot number of explosive. "> : . Date of manufacture of explosive. of casting of bead Sete bieck. INTRODUCTION TO NAVY* AMMUNITION oN 5 Hrekewave: a Kind OF ESPLOBIYE S SHORT 20 Cw GLN BURSTING Tt URGE FOR Me | ORDIARY Fw i ‘| 2 : Lo munBeR W ¥48 %, a ‘ i eae “es ee acacia? } vou « : (iene ath ara) : Oe bate oF Stine ia'rn iow (oct soe ; } * 431 j : ia i Z 2 : JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE COLOR SYSTEM FOR SMALL- -CABIBER PROJECTILES Certain featured of marking of large-caliber projectiles carry over into the marking of amaller, sizes, but in general, of 40-mim and under follow no single standard identification system and are best considered-as individual groups. 40-mm— Automatic antiaircraft weapon: This ssamunition followg-the Irge-caliber system in general. Meroon with gréen tip: High explosive. White with green tip: Armor-piercing (H. E, filled). Orange: Tracer (blind loaded) * $0-mm—Aireraft cannon: ‘Chis animunition fol- lows ‘a ‘system independent ‘6f the large-caliber code, but common to 20-mm Navy ammunition, which is'likewise for aircraft cannon, Color of projectile body indicates type of projectile. Maroon: High explosive. : Red: ‘H. E, tracer. ellow (greenish): H. KI. (W. P.). Black with réd nose, fuzeless: “‘Fracer. White: Armour-piereing. Anew trend in the painting of 30-mm projectiles is: to leave the body unpainted except for an identifying color band “immediately behind the nose fuze. 25-mm—Automatie “antiaircraft weapon: This smmunition’ follows the large-caliber system in «part. “Green tipping to indicate the ‘presence of sexplosive filling was followed in H. E. and H. E.~ tracer projectiles of earlier manufacture, but apparently has been absndoned in more recent lot. ¥ “Maroon (with or withépt-greon tip): High explosive. Red (writhgor without green tip): H. E., tracer. ® Later lots only are solf-destroying. Orange {with or witkfout green tip): H. E., tracer, Identical to red non-S, D. rounds. Orange (with red paint around: the case tracer differa from above. Green: H. E. I. (W. P.). “White (with black under coat): A. P-T. Projectiles sometimes appear bluish-white, primer): H: E., trecer. Construction of white-tipped; or black fue to loas of white “y. paint? . 2 { te i Le af body indicates tye of projectile, White bands indicate modifications of: basic design. ‘ No bands: Un-modified design. ‘4 ‘One band: Modification ohe ‘Two bands: Modification two. ‘ White: A. P.'I. (dry ‘illig). yal Blapk: Practice, bind loaded. : 4 », 13mm—Type 2’ airerait machine gua (fused : 7 aimmunition): Color of body indicates ‘ype of pro- . “ jeetite; follows aircraft cannon, code. : Maroon (fyzod): High explosi fe eae Red (fuzed) brown band: H. E. T. - ey Rod (fuzeleas): Tracer. ./- * Yellow (fuzed); Hi: B. 1. (W. Pe % ~. > White (fuzeleas): A. P. * Black (fuzeless): Practice, Small armis—7,7-mm, 7.9-mm, 13.2-mm: Tdei- e* tifying color ia world ‘around thie primer in the base of the case, f Green: Incendiary Model 1 (W-P.). a Purple: Incendiary Model #-(H. E). JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Lek. copHeR ——~ ALUMINUM LEAD STEEL TRACER COMPS TIC ARWOR PLERC ING CUPRO-NICKEL Patan, COPPER SLEEVE —4 RESS WHITE, PHOSPHORUS Leap INCENDIARY ° >, ExPUOSIVE, mm Aircraft Machine Gun Ammunition. 434 ; 7 « “ “Chapter's Section 1 Boece NAVY PROJECTILES peat : “| *. Tzmm Aires Machine Gun Ammunition, eee , ‘ > Theosdiaey Trazer HE‘ Oier-ait engeh BK inchen.-..- Be thehen 3 inches 2%a inches. 1445 inte. 15% inclies. 130.4 grams . + Length of ease . Length of projectile Weight of projectile. cs “HE. (blunt : + i! ifs Weapons in which used: / ; ‘ ‘Type‘92 A. A. M. G. (Lewis design), . Be + "| Type 92 flexible A.C. M.G. (Lewis design). eteee . | Type 97 fixed A. C. M. G. (Vickers design). fe : a ay Primer eolor-..

xPx051ve CHARGE . aan re 1 ® « Racer . 443 5. filling, while the lower+ “JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE se eUAc POWER Gcacr FORDER CORE Pewtou Tt jes ao j————--—TRacen coweosir on GNITER COMPOSITION SL0StNG PLUS Figure’ 353—20-mm High-Eiplosive Tracer (Self-Destroyin) Projectile. 20-mm High-Explosive Tracer (Self-Destroying) Projectile : Fuzing: Model 1. 2 Weight of projectile (fuzed): 4:59 ounces. Length of projectile (fuzed) inches. Leigth of complete round ik , 5.58 inches; Mk II, 6.76 inches, et - Pentolite (50 percent TNT, 50 percent eee ae Weightof filling: 0.15 ounce. e , | Color atid’ markings: Japanese, red ovér all; Swiss, black over all, Remarks: ‘The projéctiles aré similar to the “HL E. tracer types except for their self-destroying , “feature, which is accomplished by » hole:drilled through the septum of the projectile. A black- powder train leads from the tracer, through the hole in the septum and tho H. E. filling, to, the base of the gaine. , M4 Hee 20-mm Armor-Piercing Incendiary Projectile Fuzings, Nowe,’ Weight of proj 4.64 omnees, gu of proj 3.15 Inches. Lengih of complete round: Mk I, 9.58 iuches; ” Mk IL, 6.76 inches & Filling: Incendiary mixture: 1. Nitrocellulose: 77.5 pen 2. Sodiumn nitrate: 11.3 pe B. Alurninin: 11.2 percent, - Weight of filling: 0.12 ounc Color and markings: White overall Remarks: The projectile is unfuzed und hus a Aile * pointed stecl body apd # soft copper cap soldered to the nose, The incendiary filling loaded thiosugh the base is sealed with @ Uhreaded base plug. Upon impact, the rear end of the projectile ruptures and the heat generated ignites the ine cendiary filling No modifications or similar Swiss aiumunition exist. weite jp nctnorser virture fi pt vik : ARSE PLUG Figure 354—20-mm Armor-Piercing Incendiary \ Projectile. | \ NAVY PROJECTILES '90-mm Practice Projectile Fixe: None, @ Weight of projectile: 4.45 ounc Length of, projactile: 3.23 inches, Length of complete round: Mk 1, 5.60. inches; 10,007 Mik II, 6.84 inches. > Filling: Noni ; : : : Color and markings, Linge alee te : Remarks: The pfojeckile is unfuzed and hus 4 7 : blunt nose. Tt has an empty cavity whick is {closed at the base with # crimped sted plug. No Y modifications grist. Figyre 355—20-mm Tracer Projectile. 20-mm Tracer Projectile Fuzing: None, Weight of projectile: 4.44 ouhces. Length. of projectile: 3.23 inches. Length of complete round: Mk. I, 6.66, inches; Mk II, 6.84 inches. : Filling: Tracer mixture. Weight of filling: 0.31 ounce. Color and markings: Red over all, (modificstions indicated-by white band east Fue Remarks: ‘The projectilg’is unfuzed; has : a Peer eete eet > blunt nose and a long cavify dontaining the tracer * Figure 356—20-mm Practice Projectile. clement. It is loaded 30/as to be the first round a ete fired to break the muzzle cover. It is, therefore, often referred to as “bag-buster.” toe ¢ Tn addition to the basi Japanese type, Modi- fications II_and III exist, ad well ss a similar round of Swiss make. The weight of tracer con: stitutes the difference in the Japanese modi ficatiqns. . fee ? Oe JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE rents rarer ew © fh arin wutarins ew Frere Luan ont raner Figure 357— Ainmunition. sete 25-mm Ammunition . ‘ The only 25-mm gun in use by the Japanese was the type 96 Model 2 antiaircraft/antitank gun. : This is a multiple-barreled,’ air-cooled, magazine - i‘ fed, automatic weapon. o Case: The case is rimless; Has a slight taper and ¥ 7 @ pronouticed neck, which is crimped over the after rotating band of the projectiles. Length: 6.46 inches. - Diameter of base: 1.65 inches. : Material: Brass, Weight (empty); 333.5 grams,“ Propellant: ‘The propellant is single-p@forated, graphited grains of nitrocellulose. The’ grains are 2 mm in diameter and from 2.5 mm to 4.5 mm in length. The propellant weight is 102 grams. Projectiles: The type of projectile’is indicated by painting the projectile body a solid color. Thé following dimensions are common to all projectiles: : 7 Projectile diameter: 0.96 inch (24.5 mm), Width of rotating bands: Forward: 0.71 inch. | in Aft: 0.24 inch, 6 446 - / ~25-mm High-Explosive Projectile Fuzing: Model 1 or Madel 7%, f Weight of projectile, filled (iwithptit fuze): 7.04 : ounces, Weight of projectile filling: 54 ounces Fillings: Standards: "TNT; 66: percent; aluminum, 3: percent. i Alternates: +. Cast TNT; 2. Tetryl Color and merkings: Maroon over all Dimensions Length of projectile (without fuze), 3.58" inches. Length of assembled round: 8.27 inches. iw ’ AN ie aR Pinu 33 358-25 nm High-Explosive Projectile. fo NAVY -PROJECTILES. sale war were Bac spucau 4 fin High-Explosive Incendiary ‘rojectile, Figure 359-25. 25-mm High:Explosive Incendiary Projectile Fuzing: Model 1 or, Model 4 Weight of projectile, filled (without fuze) ounces. Length of projectile (without fuze}: 3.58 inches ngth of complete round: §.27 unches 717 Filling: . TNT and aluminum: 0.20 ounce White phosphorous: 0.47 ounce - “Weight of projectile filling: 0 67 ounce. ‘Color and markings: Groen over al JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE 25-mm High-Explosive Tracer Projectile - Fuzing: Model 1 or Model 4. | “Weight of. projectile (approximately) filled (with- out fuze); 4.16 ounces. F \. « Length of projectile (without fuze): 3.43 inches. Length of assembled round: 8.24 itches, oy Weight of projéctile filling (including tracer): 0.72 ounce. , Bs 7 # s Fillings: H.E.T. & Standard: Three pellets of TNT and alumi- ; é num ; : . Alternates: 1, Three -pellete of TNT. 2, _ Cast or pressed tetryl. : Color and markings: Orange or red-over all. Remarks: The only discernible difference be- tweeii, the orange and redjrounds is « slight dis- agreement in weight. is ‘1 2 ano ALi wo oe XK vince Peaaee ore! Figure 361—25-mm: High-Explosive Tracer (Self-Destroying) Projectile. | 25-mm High-Explosive Tracer (Self-Destroying). . * Projectile : Furing:- Model 1 or Model 4. . 7 Weight. of projectile, filled (without fuze): 4.18 # ouncesS ~ 7 7 7 Length of projectile {without fuze): 3.43 inches. + Length of complete round: 8.24 inches. Filling: TNT and alumjnum with » black powder core in the lower pellet. Weight of projectile filling: (including’ tracer) : 0.72 ounce, : Color and. matkinge: Red over all.” |. ° -., Remarks: There is no external marking to die- tinguish the self-destroying rounds from’ those thet, are not. self-destroying. f + ___*_NAVY_ PROJECTILES * “ : { / \ . eile BOF a i K f uf fa sect rennet ay c ce e ee 4 : Thacen coearT40i * ‘ a \ 4 Figure 362—25-mm Armor-Piercing Projectile, 25-mm Armor-Piercing Projectile * Fuzing: None. Weight of projectile, filled: 8.88@uncea. Length of projectile: 3.93 inches. - Length of assembled round: 8. 74 inches. Z i Filling: tHe! ‘Tracer: Sodium nitrate, magnesium and barium peroxide. ‘ . Inert material: Kieselgubr (chiefly dry clay). io Weight of projectile fillings: - Tnert material: 1.25 ounces (3.53 grams). ‘Tracer: 3.05 ounces (8.64 grams). olor and markings: Black, white, or smoky blue over all. } © — Remarks: This projectile is listed in Japanese eee documenta as armor-piercing, although the metal is softer than that used in smaller A. P. rounds, x 44g Figure 363—30-mm Amawnition. 30-mm Ammunition ‘Two 30-mm aircraft cannon, the type 2 and the type 5, were in’use by the Japanese.~ These guna are of Ocrlikon design and use similar ammunition. . The type 5 gun uses a longer case and a alightly heavier projectile than the-type 2-gun. Case: The case for the type 2 gun is of typica} Oerlikon (design. It is a compsratively short brass rediiced-rim case slightly necked, : “The case for-the type 5 gun is longer, has a tore pronounced neck, and is of the rimless type. + Type 2 ‘Types Length of cage-.. 3.58 inches. - 4.81 inches. Projectiles: Like the 20-mm ammunition, the. type of projectile is indicated by painting the » 450 projectile body « solid color, However, some of the type 5 projectiles were unpainted except for a narrow band behind the nose fuze. The following dimensions aré common to all projectiles: Tpe2 Types Diameter at bourrelet_1.18 inches. 1.18 inches, Width of rotating band... .24 ine. {. 0.91 inch. L NAVY. PROJECTILES PENTOLITE. MARGON BODY ‘a Figure 364—30-mm Type 5 High-Explosive Projectile, 30-mm Type 5 High-Explosive Projectile Futing: Rotor type fuze. Length of projectile (without fuze): 3.53 inches. Length of complete round: 8.31 inches. Filling: Pentolite. : + Color and markings: Maroon over all. . : Remarks: The pentolite is in a precast block surrounded by cardboard. ie TYPE 5 ROUND PENTOLITE, WHITE PHOSPHORUS, Figure 365—Type 2 and Type 5 30-1 mm 1 High Explosive lntendiary Projectile. 30-mm Type 2 and 1 Type, 5 High-Explosive Incendiary Projectil les Fuzing: Rotor type fuze. Length of projectile, (without fuze)... Length of assembled rourid (fuzed)._ 6.67 inches. 8.31 inches. Weight of filing (type 2): Pentolite: 3.56 grams. White phosphorus: 19.94 grams. 452 Type2 —, Tre 5 2.83 inches. “3153 inches. ‘Filling: Pentolite and white phosphorus. Color and markings: Greenish-yellow over all ‘The typo 5 projectile is sometimes unpainted except for a greenish-yellow band at the nose. Remarks:- The one-piece projectile contains only one cavity. , The H: “E. is surrounded by e. ‘cardboard below which is contained the W. P. ir a metal canister. = NAVY PROJECTILES ROTOR TYPE Fuze PENTOLITE TRACER COMPOSITION 7 : ite ea 366—Type 5 High-Explosive Tracer Projectile, Taps 5 30-mm High-Explosive Tracer Projectile Color and markings: Red over all or a red band at the nose. Fuzing: Rotor type fuze. Remarks: The body of the projectile contains Length of projectile (without fuze): 8:58 inches. two cavities separated by a steel septum.’ The Length of complete round: 8.31 inches. z upper cévity contains the H. B. filling, while the Filling: Pentolite. lower contains the tracer. @ i 453 Suny Fuge RED BODY cavity Figure 367—Type 5 30-mm Tracer Projectile. Type 5 30-mm Tracer Projectile Fuzing: Nose plug. : “Length of projertile (without fuze): 3.53 inches. Length of complete round: 8.31 inches, Filling: None. Color and markings: Red over all or a,red band at the nose. ‘ ‘ NAVY PROJECTILE «ff a | oA Is p———crvity ats {wea wre soo * i ’ Pa iid : oe ‘ : Fie 360Trne Band Type 5 30mm Procice Projectile,” * Type 2 and Type 5 30-mm Practice Preece Color and markings: Futing: a ee : * Type.2: da esl ual al . ot : Type 5: Not painted. s-- 9.83 inched, « _-Remarke: The projectile body and cxgo are the % oo amen, ‘appearance as the H. H-T-round, “6. round (fused).-6.57 inéhen. 8.28 inches,” ‘Thin in used as the first round in the mageine, Filling: Blind loaded. -__Aloa te gun bore, i Pd : . iA conn sat ule 09 prorevaat rane Figure 349—40-mm Armor:Piercing Projectile. 40-mm Armor-Piercing Projectile Weight of complete round (without fuze): 1.1% kg. (2.87 poui Weight of proj kg. (1.82 pounds). a oh ~- Weight-of filling: 0.023 kg. . : Filling: Cast TNT. 7 Diameter at bourrelet: 1.57 inches. Length of projectile (without fuze): 5.24 inches, Length of bled round: 10.33 inches. Propellant: Cylindrical lengths of smokeless pow- Length of propellant case: 8.18 inches. der, 95.9 grams. Width of rotating band: 0, 63 inch, . Color and markings: White, green tip. Diameter of base of propellant case: 1,89 inches. Remarks: This round indicates use of the Fuzing: Small A/P base fuze. 40-mm Vickers-Armstrong as a dual-purpose gun. 456 7 le, “filled (without fuze): 0.78 : . 40-mm High-Explosive. Antiaircraft Projectile Weight of complete round (without fuze): 1.18 ky 2.50 pounds) Weight of projectile, filled, (without fuze) kg. (2.74 pounds) Weight of filling of projectile: 0.07 kg.” Filling: Cast TNT. Diameter at bourrelet: 1.57 inches. Length of projectile (without fuze) Length of assembled round (without Suze) inches. Length of propellant case: 6.18 inehes. 0.79 5.01 inches. 10.40 Figore 370— High-Explosive An NAVY PROJECTILES Width of rotsting baud: 0.6% iweb. | Diumoter of buse of propellant case: “1.88 Inches. Fusing: A. A. powder time fuze. * . Propellant: Cylindrical lengths of sinok. der, 95.8 grams, Color and smarkigs band around ogive. Maroon with Remarks: ‘hip round was evidently designed only for antiairereft work, havihy ne impact or truper element. It is used in the Navy’s Vickers Armstrong guna, which are belt-fed with wutorativ fuze cutters attached. Tine rule Se Scne a tino — ey cane . rorecusut mgr aircraft Projectile. , 457. eo ORDNANCE” ‘ fo Length of propellant case: 6.18 inches. Width of rotating band: 0.63 inch. Diameter of buse of propellant case: 1.89 inchts, . Fusing: None. “Propellant: Cylindrical lengths’ of smokeless z powder, 05.9 grams, ; ae 2. * Qolor and:mapking: Orange over all? . 7 # ‘Rhis sound is similar in shape to the p tiose, of solid construction with’ two lenge wrengh flats, screws into-tlie projectile body just, beforAe! the bourrelet.with right-hand théeads: | The-ingide js lacquered.- ‘The ‘trneer : ,, slement is screwedsinto the hase wAth letchand - threads, << ve 7 +e 7 tt SaTispd i if the Vickers-Armstrong guns, : 5-cm (47-mm) Complete Round and Common Ree Projectile . Assembled round: Weight of pomplete round: 3.2 pounds. Length of tomplete round: 9.25 inches Projectile se > © "Weight of filled projectile (with fuze): 24. «pounds, ‘Weight of projectile (empty): 2.¥ pound Dimensions: ‘ . ‘Léngth of projectile (without fuze): 5.31 "inches. Diameter at bourrelet; 1.84 inches (46,7-1 thn) Distance ‘from base to rotating: and 1.25 inched Width of rotating band: 1.69 inches Aoscrcant Filling: Loose granular black powder 1.8. ounces : (50'grams). : fa oo Bw g: Hotchkiss patent fuss, screyed}R. 11.) into “hase; a’ simple setback -arinigy base fuze Figure 371=40-mm sie Prcile oe ie ease of: Dfitish manulacturt ‘The! bade of’ tho fuze ix stamped: “Hotchkiss? Patent *40-im Tracer Projectile “DOC.” Weight of fuze, 2,ounces: Weight ot complete round {with nose:cap): 1.28°’ “Case an tie a Length: 5.19 inches.” Heese * Afeight Of projectile (with. tracer and nose &aj Dianittér at base: 2.98 inches. * 0.90 kg. Material: Brass (recovered) ; sted] (documen- Weight of tracer with charge: O07 kg. tary). - ; Filling: None. : Weight (empty) :"No data Diameter at bourrelet:i. . « The case is crimped into.a groove’in the « Length of projectile (with nose cap) 6 61 inches. base of the projectile by several short crimps. Length of assembled round alee nose. cap) + 11.30 inches, 458. - : : eee nee Propellant: 5 C2 (type 2ygar Propels) 24 CE EEEEE:Ss ~~ rr NAVY PROJECTILES . f ‘ . i | S oA S : ~ * 238 aaa i ; — : & Figure 372—5-cm Complete Round and n Projectile. ©, Unperforated Cylindrical/ sticks, approxi- mately 0.5 mm (%—M; ingh) by 3X inches et amber-colored double-base powder : ‘ : The propeliant sticks are enclosed ine - compartmented bag of heaty brownish silk. ‘Primer! Small Bush type (designation unknown). 7 eapon in which used: Short S-em gun, ‘+ U.S. “landing guns” end is probebly « copy This gun, mounted on woodeh-spoked _ of kn obsolete British gun. ‘The bréech block wheels as a field piece, corresponds to ola is ef vertical sliding (ype. 459 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE 4 ¢ B-cm (76.2-mm) (3-Inch) Complete Round » ‘Semifixed) F Cases * Length:°15.06 inches. Didineter at. base:4.13 inches. : Brass (recovered); steel (docu- Material mentary). : Weight (empty): 4.97 pounds. Propellant: * : : “20 3C (type 89 propellant) 1.98 pounds (0.800 kg.). ae ‘ Unperforated cylindrical sticks, approxi- mately 2-mm (e—He inch) ‘By 12.75 inches, amber-colored double-base powder. ” Figure 373—8-cm Complete Round (Semifixed). | The propellant sticks are enclosed in a bag of heavy brownish silk : Primer: Mk { case percussion primer, Model 4. Weapon in which used: “AN (Armstrong) type 8-cin/40 gun (low, angle). Except for minor changes, this is an exact, copy of a British naval gun, and guns of both British and Japanese manufacture have been found ashore i Japanese emplacements for coastal defenée. ‘The gun is pedestal-mouated. ‘The breech is closed by a two-step interrupted-thread, block. ‘i ee nee eee EEE eee See ett B-cm (76.2-mm) (3-Inch) (Ordinary Mk 2 Mod 2) High-Explosive Projectile Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 1146 pounds. - \ Weight 0f projectile (empty): 10.75 pounds. ~ Weight stamped on rotating band (sample); 4.860, gg. (varies witlrindiyidual projectiles) Length of projectile (without fuze): 9.49 inches. Diameter at bourrelet: 3.0 ihebes. Distance from base to rotating band: 0.44 ineb. NAVY PROJECTILES = Width of rotating band: 1,0 inch, Rudius of ogive: G ea Filling: Cust pieric ueid (shinose): 71 pontnel The churge cousisis gf a single Mock of explosive cast wud sealed in waxed paper container, envased ina heavy cotton fhantel bug and sealed in the projectile With paraffin Puzing: Type 5-yeur point detonating face Weapon in which used: “AN” (Armstengy type B-em/40 gun (low angle) ree 6 va rue f set scaew 7 > caine ain OMRGE yee tet. (ricRic aco? | wooo ose “sree, Pw p\ aise rate Lean sien as SEAL 81M . Figyce-374—8-cm (Ordinary Mk 2 Mod 2) High-Explosive. : i 8 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE A —— + Weight sfamped on rotating band (sample): 2.86 kg, (Varies with individuel projectiles) ‘Dimensiojs: J Length ‘of projectile (without - fuze): 8.38 inches, .. Diameter at bourrelet: 2.97 inches (75.5-mm). Distance from base to rotating -band: 0.75 ineh. : _ Width of rotating bend: 1.0 inch, iH a Radius pf ogive: 4 cal. 7 . Filling: Black powder and shrapnel, bal +> Fuzing:.30-second time fuze. ‘Weapons in: which used: Fash coven cep aA \. y ¥ ee de : ee saci owe . Sa — Figure 375-+8:cm Shrapnel: : (76.2-mm) (3-lnch): Shrapnel Projectile ‘Assembled round: eee rece "Weight of complete round (without fuze): 19 * ‘pounds. -” eet Length of complete round (without, fuze): 23.75 inches. eee : - Projectile: 10.8 pounds. = - ight of projectile (empty): No date: ‘Case: Propellant: Weight of filled projectile (without, fuze): ‘Type 3-year 8-cm/40 dual-purpose gun. ‘Type 88 8-em/40 dual-purpose gun. ‘Dype 9B 8-em/60 dual-purpose gun. > gecm (76.2-mm) (3-Inch) Complete Round ’ (Fixed) Length: 16.06 inches: i Diameter of base: 4.13 inches. Material: Brass. Weight (empty): 6.25 pounds ‘The casé is crimped tightly into a groove in the base of the projectile by single con- tinuous crimp. 20 C3 (type 89 propellant): 2,038, pounds (0.927 kg.). Unperforated cylindrical sticks, approxi- Jy 2mm (0.078 inch) by 12% inches, ‘amber-colored double-base powder. _ fe propellant sticks are enclosed in a bag oftheavy brownish Silk. Primer Mk 2 ease percussion primer, Model 4, s ‘Weapons in which ‘used: Type 88 8-cm/40 dual- purpose gun; 8cin/40 type 3-year dual-purpose gun. 7 : + ‘Theiler gun is a.pedostal-mounted gun with.e breech block sliding diagonelly down to the right. Although designed as w ship- board <¢, it jb commonly found mounted in fixed Géments ashore for antiaircraft __NAVY PROJECTIRES Ast 004s sracen , | x | 3 7 : . 463 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE . ser scree accu DF CATON ONE waco 600% j____sypeo6 Gine ain ounce, (PICRIC. HELO , woop osc Sanam Se PLATE GAS SEAL RING Figure 377—8-cm (Ordinory Mk 3 Med 1) High-Explosive. 8-cm (76.2-mm) (3-Inch) (Ordinary Mk 3 Mod 1) High-Explosive Assembled Round: Weighit of complete round: 19.25 pounds. Length of complete round, with type 89 fuze: + 28.26 inches. , Projectile: Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 9.5 pounds. ‘Weight, empty: 8.6 pounds. 464 * Weight stamped on rotating band (sample 4.865 kg. (varies with individual projec tiles). Dimensions: ‘i Length of projectile (without fuze or adapter fo 9.25 bach Dinmatsnebotreet 2007 inches (75.5-mm Distance from base to rotating band: 0.7 inch. Width of rotating band Radius of ogive: 4 cal. 1.0 inch. Oy acid (shimose): 0.9 pound. ‘The charge consists of w single block of ex- plosive cast and sealed ino waxed paper container, cotton flannel bag and sealed in the projectile with paraffin Weapon in which used NAVY PROJECTILES Fuzing: a. Army type 89 powder time fuze (80 pec onds). b. Type 5 yr. point, detonating fuxe Gnstan- taneous) with adapter. ‘Type 3-year, 8-crn/40 dual purpose gun. ‘Type 88 8-cm/40 dual purpose gun. 8-cm (76.2-mm) (3-Inch) (Armor-Piercing Type 1) ial Common ‘Assembled round: + Weight of complete round: 24.04 pounds. Length of complete round: 25.31 inches. ~ Projectile: Weight of filled projectile (with fuze): 12.70 pounds, Weight, empty: 11.72 pounds. ‘Weight Stamped on,Rotating Band (sample): 5.31 kg. (varies with individual projectiles). Dimensions: Length of projectile: 9.875 inches. Diameter at bourrelet: 2.98 inches (76.0 + mm). * ® Distance from bese to rotating band: 0.75 inch. . : : Width of rotating band: 1.0 inch. Radius of ogive: 4 cal. Filling: ‘Trinitroanisole (type 91 explosiv: pound ‘The charge consists of a single block of ex- plosive cast and sealed in waxed. paper con- tainer, encased in # heavy cotton flannel bag and’ sealed in the projectilo.with paraffin. Fuzing: Type 1 fuze. ‘Weapon in which used: ‘Type 3-year 8-cm/40 dual-purpose gun. ‘Type 88 8-cm/40 dual-furpose gun. ens RANI SSAE 465 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE is } \ \ ‘8-cm (76.2-mm) (3-Inch) Time Practice Projectile ae + Assembled round: f Weight of complete “Length of complete Projectile: ‘Weight of filled projectile: No data, ~ ‘Weight of projectile, empty : -12.30 pounds. Weight stamped on rotating band (sample), 5.200 kg. (varies with individual projec- tiles). 466 ay und: No data. yund : "28.06 inches. al it a Figure 379—8-cm Time Practice. Dimensions: Length of projectile: 12.69 inches. Diameter at bourrelet: 2.98 inches (76.0 mm). Distance from base to rotating band: .69 inch. Width of rotating band: 1.0 inch, Radius of ogive: 4 cal : Filling: No data, Possibly smoke compound oF spotting dye. Fuzing: Type 98 time fuze. ‘Weapon in which used: ‘Type 98 8-cm/60 dual-purpose gun 8-cm short dual-purpose gun. ~40-em (100-mm) (3.9-inch) Coimplete Round (Fixed) Case Length inches. Diameter of base: 68h inches. Material: Brass. . Weight (empty): No date ‘The case 1s crimped tightly inte a groove in the base of the projectile by a single contintuous crimp. aia Figure 380—10-cm Complete Round (Fixed). NAVY PROJECTILES gt Mk 2 propellant tye ia! Propellant: 20 £ 127 ground y evden ungrelatyensbip to other indicates that Unis propellant Docume known propellants ix a double base powder inv he fori of fat trap. Primer: Mk 2 case prreussion prince, Madet 4 Weapon in which used ‘ype 9 W-cia/50-dial- purpose un ‘Type 98 10-cm/63 dual-purpose gun, bwin a bawwe east _——case-steet ser seven 467 JAPANESE - EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE ‘Phe latter is a awodem gun, paicrd jaw twin power-driven mount designed especially for antiaigcraft abourd ships. Tt has been found ashore, unaltered in the efinraeteristic gun-house mount used ubourd ship. Special features of thig gun and mount are horizontally opposed sliding breech blocks, full power drive, and automatic fuze setting arcomplished as the loading, tray move nt Phe arrangetnent for loading and fuze setting, sud the general plan of the mount corresponds closely to that of the typo 89 12,7-cm/40 twin moffnt. round inte position to be rarumed Tyre ge Fore jy SET Se creen ARCOM 200" Tye Gt Guin -EAROBOARD DISCS oop At DISC oem snr’ go pure Ns seat ys 10-cm a 00-mm) (3.9-Inch) High-Explosive Projectile Assembled round Weight of complete round: 62.75 pounds. Length of complete round, with type 98 fuze: 46.0 inches Projectile: Weight of filled jrojectile (without fuze) 28.19 pounds. ‘Weight of projectile, empty: 25.08 pounds: Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 10.886 kg. (varies with ing pro- jectiles). Length of projectile (witout fuze). 12.63 inches. . Diameter at bourrelet: 3 Distance from base to fotating band: 2.60 inches. Width of rotating ‘band: Radius of ogive: No date Filling: ‘TNT (type 92 explosive): 3.13 pounds. ‘The charge consists of a single block of explosive cast and sealed in a waxed paper container, encesed ine heavy cotton Bunnel bag and sealed in the projectile with paratfin ual inches (98 mm). 1.75 inches . Furing: ‘Type 98 mechanical time fuze (45 séconds) ° Type 88 point detonating fuzes. eapon in which used: Type 98 10 cm/85 dual-purpose gun ‘Type 98 10 em/S0 dusl-purpose gun NAVY PROJECTILES asi Figure 382—19-cm Short Complete Round (Fixed). “49-em/Short (120-mm) (4.7-Inch) Complete : Round (Fixed) ase: Length: 11.19 inches. Diameter of base: 5.81 inches. Material: Brass or steel Weight (empty): No data. ‘The case'is crimped tightly into groove in _, the base of the projectile by « single continu- ous crimp. | * ot ace Propellant: + : 9 C3 (type 89 propellant): 1.1 pound (0.5,kg.). Unperforated cylindrical ‘sticks, spproxi- mately 0.9 mm (Hs inch) by. 6-7 inches, amber-colored double-base powder. The propellant sticks are enclosed’ in“ compartmented bag of heavy ‘brownish silk. Primer: Mk 1 case percussion primer, Model 4. Weapon in which used: Short 12 em gua. ‘his is a short-barreled (12 caliber) gun of” low muzzle velocity and light construction on a pedestal mount designed originally for use on the light decks of merchant ships The purpose of this weapon is to deliver a relutively heavy projectile at a limited range for anti- submarine attack and to throw up low level anti-aircraft barrage. | This gun fires fixed ammunitiva; the breech block is of the interrupted th.resd type. This gin is the lighter-culiber counter of the short 20-cm gun, which hes beea foiind mounted ashore. 469 —_ JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORONANCE Bg Figure 383—12-cm Short High-Explosive. 19-emiShort (120-mm) (4.7-Inch) High- - Explosive 7 Assembled round: © * + : Weight of complete round: No data. Length of complete found (with type 0 fuze): 24.8 inches. - Projectile: : ‘Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 26.0 pounds. Terese ‘Weight of projectile, empty: 20.5 pounds. Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 9.340 kg. (varies with individual projectiles). ‘Dimensions: : Length. of projectile .(withéut fuze): 12.6 inches. ' Diameter at bourrelet: 4.7 inches (119.5 mm.) 470 Distance {rpm base to rotating band: 1.5, inches. Width of rotating band: 1.0 inches Radius of ogive: No data. Filling roanisole «(type 91 explosive): 5.5 ‘he! rge consists of a single block of explosive cast and sealed in a waxed paper con- tainer, encased _in'a heavy cotton flannel bag and sealed“tn ‘he projectile with paraffin Fuzing: ~ \ Type 0 mechanics! for A. A. use. Type 88 Model 4 point detonating fuze. Weapon in which used: Short 12 em gun fime fuze (red-nosed; > : NAVY PROJECTILES. Remarks: ‘The extremely thin wall of this pro- “ih use as ari under-water charge uguinst bub- jectile is-possible only by virtue of the low miizzle velocity of the howitediMike weapon. The high charge/weight ratio is intended for effectivencss — fuzed for antiaircraft use. mar 3, though the projectile maly also tye tine I~ -49:¢m (190-mm) (4T-Inch) Complete Round + ,(Semifixed) * e Case: Length: 21.63 inches. Diameter 6f base; 6.38 inches. Matérial: Brass, : : Weight (empty): 11.13 pounds. ; Figure 384—12-cm Complete Round (Semifixed). . . eee Jk . se 47i ary JABANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE” : + Propellant: 30 DO (type 13 propels): 11.88 pounds (5.40,kg.). Unperforated cylindrigal stick) approxi- ~ wiuately 3.0 mm (% inch) by 19.4 inches (long “aticks) or 6.4 inches (short. sticks), amber- colored double-base powder. ‘The propollant sticks are enclosed in a bag of heavy brownish cilic. : Weapon in which used: year 12-cm/45 gun Gow angle): ~ . Thin Ta a. podestalsmounted deck gun characterized by having three recoil cylinders, all mounted below the tube.‘ An interrupted ‘thread breech block is hinged to swing horizontally to the right. This guin has been found both with and Without ap sttached splinter shield. British type 12-cm/40 gun (low angle). ‘This gun is characterized: by having no oil eylindera above the tube. “An inter- swing hotivontally to the right. jisland'¢ [rupted ‘thread’ breech ‘block: is hinged. to. ‘Primer: Mk 1 tase percussion primer, Model 4, . . original British manufacture as well as Japa- neso-made copies have been found in Japanese lfenses. : ‘The following gun is known to. use semi- . fixed, aimgiunition strongly resembling that for the two guns listed ‘above, but. exact size and deserption of propellant case is “not available. - - ‘Typo 1-year 12-omfAs gun (low angle). ”, This gun is unique in having two: recoil cylinders above the tube*and one below. ‘The béeech block is the horizontal sliding type. fa E E ey Width of rotating band: Radius of ogive: 4 cal. « a 124m (120-min) (4.1-Inch) - High-Explotive “(Ordinary Mk 3) Nees of filled projectile (without fuze): * “Weight aaat projectile, empty:-41.14 pounds: ~~ Weight stamped on rotating -band, (sample): 18.520 kg. (varies with individual projectiles) Length of projectile (without fuze): 15.95 inches. Diameter at bourrelet: 4.6 iaches (119.0 mm). , Distance from base to rotating bend: 0.78 inch. 1:96 inches. Filling: Cast pire acid (ehimose): 3 61 pounds, "Whe charge’ Gonsiste of two blocks of ex- Plosivé cast and sealed ina waxed paper con- . + tainer, encased ina heavy, cotton-flannel bag and sealed in the projectile with paraffin. Fuzing: Type 5-year point detonating fuze. ‘Weapon in which’ used: + British type 12-cm/40.gun (low sngle). 2" Type 3-year 12-cm/45 gun (low angle). ‘Type 11-year 12-cm/45 gun (low angle). M75 2 2" NAVY PROJECTILES © TPES £ » . Ue . = \ ‘ *MODIFICATION* ONE wooo + GAINE CHARGE 2 dpreric A010) GREEN — YELCOW BAND (OPTIONAL) arodH BOOY : i wood DISC {____’BASE: PLATE GAS “SEAL RING Figure'385~12-emi (Ordinary Mk 3) High-Explosive. 473 Cee eer ererererrrrtrrerreocececreaeeeeaetieeeede eee tee eeeeee eee eee JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE es Figure 386—12-em High-Explosive (Ordinory Mk 3 Mod 1). 49cm (120-mm) (4.y-Inch) High-Explosive (Ordinary Mk 3 Mod 1) Weight of filled projectile (without fuse): 44.75 pounds, Weight of projectile, empty: 41.14 pounds... Weight stamped on rotating. band -(spmple): 1,520 kg. (varies with individual projectiles) Length of projectile (without-fuze or adapter) 14.1 inches: ( Diamoter at bourrelet: 4.7 inches (119.5 mm). Distance from base to rotating band! 0.78 inch. Width of rotating band: 1.95 inches. ~, Radius of ogive: 4 cal. « Filling: Cast picric acid (shimose) 3.61 pounds. ‘The charge consists of two blocks of explo 474 “sive cast and sealed in a waxed paper con- tainer, encased in a heavy cotton flannel bag and sealed in the projectile, with paraffin Fuzing: a. With adapter: Type 5-year point detonat- ing fuze : b. Without adapter: Type 88 point detonat- ing fuze. This projectile cannot be fuzed with stund- ard mechanical time fuzes for A. A. use be- cause it- will not accommodate the wuxiliary gaine used with these fuzcs. ” ‘Weapons in which used British type 12-cm/40 gun (Jow angle) ‘Type 3-year 12-cm/45 gun (low angle). + Type Hl-year 12-em/45 gun (low angle) : 7 NAVY PROJECTILES c - 12cm (120-mm) (4.7-Inch) High-Explosive’ (Ordinary Mk 4) Weight of projectile filled (without fuze): No data. z Weight of projectile, empty: 39.06 pounds. Weight stumped on rotating bund (siraple): 17.62 kg. (varies with individual projectile) Length of projectile (without fuze): 13.94 inches, Faxing: : Diameter at bourrelet: 4.7 inches (119.5 mm) ‘Type 91 mechanical time fuze Distance from base to rotating band: 1.19 inches “Type 88 poitit. detonating fuzes Width of rotating band: 1.25 inches. Weapon in which used: Radius of ogive: No data. British type 12-cm. gun (low augle) Pilling:, Picrie acid (shimose): No. data. ‘Type d-year. 12-cin/45 gun (low angle) ‘ re9e 33 fot hain CHARGE ¢eucrie sc10) catoasa8o Dist wooo 0150 fase PLATE Gas Seal RIN Figure 387—12-cm (Ordinary Mk 4) High-Explosive. F 475 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE wasong soov 7 euuoe tt tin re tPcate ACI) m > Figure 388—12-cin Common. , 7 : : 19-em (120-mm) (4,T-lnch) Common Projectile Weight of filled projectile (with fuze): a 12 aa ‘popnds. Weight of empty projectile: 40.56 pounds. +, Length ofprojectile: 16.39 inches. » Diameter at bourrelet: 4.7 inches (119.5 mm). “s Fuzing: ‘Type 3-year Mk 1 base fuze. Distance from base to rotatifig band: 1.19 inches. ° Weapons in whick used: Width of rotating band: 1.25 inches. British type“12-em. gun (low angle). Radius of ogive: No data. @ Type 3-year 12-em/45 gun (low angle) Filling: Picric acid a (ohimose: No data, +“) “Type L-year. 12-om/45 gun-(low angle) PEE ‘ 4 4 416 : , 4 z i . , = . ’ < * 7 i. NAVY PROJECTILES ip 49-em (190-mm) (4,7-Inch) Illuminating Projectile : Weight of fitled projectile: 44 pounds Weight of empty projectile: No data Weight stamped’on rotating bund: No data. Length of projectile (without fuze): 13%. inches. Diameter at bourrelet: 4° inches (119 mm) Distance from base to rotating band: No data. Width of rotating band: 1'% inches. Radius’of ogive: No data. 7 : ih ase 2 ECE 30 see. powoee Tie Fue ser sptew agi CHARGE ‘quick warcw ser Scace ace f—— STEEL FRAMEWORK Btu 800r Yertow oan, laPticnan) EJECT ION CHARGE Figure 389— Iluminating. 47 ? ~ ; I JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE 7 I iting: Expelling. charge. ( (ack | powder: 05 ounce. Tiluminant: ‘These are 10 pyrotedhai cylinders arranged jy two layers. of 5 cylinders each. © A cylinder’ is’ formed of a tough -waxed card- board, tube containing a silver pyrotechnic mixture in the center and a reddish-brown Pyrotechnic mixture in either end. Wetght, (each cyliider): 5.4 ounce. Analysis of iuminant - Barium nitrate: 35.6 percent.” ++ Potassium nitrate: 10.4 py Magnesium: 38.0 percent, Wax: 13.9 percent. Carbon: 0.8 percent. k Sulpkur: 1.3 percent. H . Analysis of first firé compound: | * Potassium nitrate: 63:2 percent. Iron oxide: 3.8 pereent. Aluminum oxide: 1,1 percent. Sulphur: 8.2 percent.” 7 Wax: 5.5 percent. : Glass: 6.1 percent... + : Carbon: 12.1 percent. “Cylinder, metal frame: F This frame fills the cavity of the; projectile" “ and is positioned by studs. There are three metal discs attached to a central, spindle which provides # method of functioning and * serves to support the pyrotechnic increments. « Arranged ‘bout the circumference of this» frame are two layers of five steel wedges which position the Prtoecini increments within the frame, using: 80-second time fuze. Weapons in which used: meen “ ‘Type 11-year, 12-cm/45 gun. Seen ‘Type 3-year. 12-cm/45 gun. ‘Operation: When the fuze functions, the flash” 4°. “from the black powder magazine ignites. amall . .s blsck: powder charge in the nose of the projectile, which in turn’ ignites the powder trains in the +. central spindle. The flash from this train ignites "400. the Bowder: trains in’ the three dises and thus the 1" 3 tan inerements and the ejecting charge. “As the be oylinder ia blown from .the case, it shears .the studs and foroe. the nego and body of tho pre NAVY PROJECTILES Figure 390—12-em Target. 12-em (120-mm) -(4.7-Inch) Target Projectile Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 43.27 pounds. E Weight of empty projectile: No data. Weight stamped on rotating” band (sample): iH > 19.02 kg (varies with individual projectiles). Length of projectile (without fuze): 15.56 inches Filling: No dita: Diameter at bourrelet: 4.70 inches (119.5 mm). Fuzing: 30-second time fuze. Distance from base to rotating band: 1.56 inches, * Weapon in which used: Width of rotating band: 2,00 inches. ‘Type 11-year. . 12-cm/45 gun. Radius of ogive: 4 cal. ‘Type.s-year. 12-cm/45 gun. 479 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE “Figure 391—12-cm Complete Round (Fixed). 19-em %20-mm) (4,7-Inch) Complete Round Se em" Fixed) Case: Length: 27.63 inches. Diameter of bass: 6.25:inches. Material: Brass. Weight (empty): 18.50 pounds, ‘The casy-is crimped‘tightly into w groove, in the base of the projectile by # single con tinuous crimp. Propellant, 30 DC (type 13 Propellant): pound (5.50 kg). Unperforated cylindrical sticks, approxi- mately 3.0 mm (%s-inch~K-ineh) by 19.8 inches, graphited double-base powder. In the H. E, rounds recovered, the pro- pellant sticks are enclosed in a bag of heavy brownish silk, In the interdiary sbrapne} round the sticks of propellunt were tied togdther and placed in the case without. being eficlosed in- the customary coarse silk bag. The latter ar-¥ rangement may be-a new trend not neces- sarily limited to the round, in which’ it was & Girst found Primer: Mk 2 case percussion primer, Model 4 Weapon in which used: Type 10th year 12-cm/45 dual-purpose gun. 7 ‘This weapon is a pedestal-mounted gun designed for antiaircraft, use aboard ship which has been f fore either with or without distinctive, gun-house type of shield. The gun -is manually controlled, ‘The breech-block is the horizontal type, sliding to the right., This has been one of the most conimon and moat effective Japanese land-based A. A. guns, 12cm (180-min) ¢ Inch) High-Explosive (Ordinary Mod 1) Assembled round: °° Weight of completeround: 74.03 pounds. Length of’ complete round (with type 91 fuze): 41,75einches (approximately). Projectile: : Weight of filled Projectile (without fuze) 43.34 pounds. 3 Weight of empty projettile: 39.38 pounds. Weight stamped oif rotating band (sample): 17.9 kg. (varies with individual projectiles). imensions: Length of projectile (without fuze): inches’. Diaineter at bourrelot: 4.6 inches (119.0 mm,). 13.95 - NAVY PROJECTILES a tt watein Bib reve se anit win one Trew tecaosoeey STEEL ise “STEEL RNG Figure 39912-em (Ordinary Mod 1) High-Explosive. s Distance from base to “rotating basid: inches. Width of rotating band: 1.9 inches. Radius of ogive: 4 cal fe Filling: i ‘Trinitroanisole (type 91 explosive): 3.96 pounds, The explosive is oast directly in the projectile body. > Fusing: : Type 91 mechanical time fuze. ‘Type 88 point detonating fuzes. ‘Weapon in which used ‘Type 10-year 12-cmn/45-dual-purpose gun. 481 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE SLi Remarks: "The base of the projectile is sligittly recessed to receive a steabplate which ia locked is. by a steel ring. ‘This srsungement is presumed to The explosive charge consists of a block ee of explosive cast and sealed in a waxed- Length of projectile (without fuze): 13,95" «| Paper container, encased in a heavy cotton inches. \nflainel bag and sealed in the nose of the ‘Diameter at bourrelet: 4.6 inches (119.0 mm). ‘projectile with paraffin. Distance from base, to rotating band: 1:50 Fusing: inchs. Width of rotating band: 1.9 inches. *° Type 9+ mechanical time fy20. | Radius of ogive: 4 cal. ‘Type 88 point, detonating fux Filling: > i Weapon in.which ised: Type 10 year 12 om/4s 1, Cast picric acid (shimose): 1.19 pexhds. “dual purpose gun. ° a ; . 483 Pa JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Figure 395—12.7-cm Complete Round (Fixed). 12,7-cm (127-mm) (5-Inch) Complete Round . Primer: Mk 2 case percussion primer Model-4: (Fixed) ‘Weapons in which used: - , - Case: . ‘ ‘Type 88 12.7-cm/40 duel-purpose gun. : Length: 22.88 inches. =, 7° ‘Type 89 12.7-cm/40 dual-purpose gun (twin). Diameter of bese: 6.68 jnches. ‘This latter is a modern gun, paired in a Material: Brass. 4win power-driven mount designed especially Weight (empty): 16 28 pounds. _ fof antiaircraft aboard ships. It has been ‘The case is crimped tightly*into @ groove found ashore, unaltered, in the characteristic’ in the base of the projectile by @ single gun-house mount used aboard ship. continuous crimp. s Special features of this gun and mount” Propellant: + are horizontal opposed ‘sliding breech blocks, 21 DC (type 13 propellant): 8.87 pounds full power drive, and“automjatic fuze-setting (4.03 kg.). ‘ 7 accomplished. eg the loaging tray indxes the Unperforated cylindrical’ sticks, approxi- round into position to be rammed. The mately.2.1 mm (.079 in.) by. 15.75 in., graph- arrangement for loading and fuze-seLting und +. ited double-base powder. |. ‘the general plan of the’ mount corresponds ‘The propellant sticks are enclosed in & closely. to that pf the Type 98 10-cm/65 compartmented bag of heavy. brownish silk. twin mount. : 484 paeerete : q . a : fo oe NAVY PROJECTILES 12.7-cm (127-mm) (5-Inch) High-Explosive — Diinchsions: i: ead Tengu of projectile (without fuziy. 14.9 Weight of complete round: 73.57 pounds. Longth of complete round (with type 93 fuze): . -Ditmetor ab bourrelet: 4.96 iehes Cabs ~ 36.0 inches cima m) Fe a ches (approximately) Dintunce from buse to rotating bund: 119 i inches. 4 Weight of filled projectile (yithayt foxe): Sortie qunntresieias 48.42 poynds. : Radius of ogive: 6 cal Weight of empty projectile: 44.48 pounds. 7 Weight stamped an: rotating band (sample): ~ 20.170 kg.. (varies with indjyidual projec- tiles), Cast pieric acid (shimose) : 3.94 pounds. ‘The charge consists of & single iluck of explosive cast and sealed in m Waxed-puper container, encased in a heavy jeotton-fanuel bag and sealed in the projectile! witis purattic Fusing: ‘Type 91 mechanical time fuze 4 ‘Type 88 point detonating fue Weapon in which used: Re 89 12.7-cm/40 dual-purpose gun. pe 88'12.7-cin/40 dual-purpose gun e Cree 3 Ordinary) 12.7-cm (197. mm) (5-Inch) Incendiary Shrapnel » je \ ‘wu Cuuige Assembled round: 7 Weight of complete round: 78.36 poun nds. Length of complete round (without. fuze): 36.43 inches. Projectile Weight of filled projectile (without fuze) 53.21 pounds. Weight of empty projectile: No data. Weight stamped on rotating band (sample) 17.17 kg. (varies with individual proyec: tile). Dimensions: Length of projectile (without fuze): 146 inches. Diemeter at bourrelet: 4.07 inches (12t 3 mm). Distance from base to rotating band: 1.25 inches. Width of rotating band: 2. 0 inches. diug of ogivo: 6 cal. Filling: Gast picrit acid (shimose): 162 grams a Tetryl 2.3 grams. Figure 396-127 High Expire. - Lead Azide: 0.13 grams. > a ’ i 485 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE! ORDNANCE Black powder: 35 grams. . Incendiary charge (43 steel pellets 50 mri in Tength and 20 mm in diameter filled with agdy incendiary mix of the following com position: Magnesium: 54 percent, , Barium dioxide: 26 percent. Rubber: 15 percent. Tron oxide: 1.5 percent. Sulphur: 3 percent. 486. Figure 397--12.7-cm Incendiary-Shrapnel (Ordinory Type 3). Asie MAME s—GeNDIARY PELLETS }_—_—suasi ames Fusing: Type 91 mechanical time fuze. Weapon in which used: ‘Type 89 12.7-cmi/40 high- angle gun. ‘Remarks: ‘The black powder'charge iti the nose ignites the incendiary pellets and flashes down the Central tube igniting relay disks andthe expelling charge. 7 ‘The expelling charge ejects the incendiary pel- “ots aifd ignites'a primer in the base section which dotonates the gaine and bursting chshge. Lo 12,7-2m(187-am (-ngh) Prt, ‘Assembled round: ° Weight of comipleté round: 76.84 pounds, * Length of complete round: 40.20 inches. Projectile: ~~” a _ 2° Weigttt of filled projectile: 50.69 pounds, Weight of empty projectile: 48.10 pounds. Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): . 21,80 kg. (varies with individual projectile). NAVY PROJECTILES a igure 398—12.7-cm Practice. Dimensions: Lengti of projectile: 17.32 inches. Diameter at bourrelet: 4.97 inches (126.3 mim). Distance from base’ to rotating bend: 1.61 inches. . Width of rotating band: 1.95 inches. « Radius of ogive: 6 cal.” Filling: Sand, Fusing: None. Wespon in which used:“Type 89 12. : Purpose gun. | gm/40 dual- 7 487 a. JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Figure 399—14-cm Propellant 14-cm(1. 40-mm)(5.5-Inch) Propellant and Tanks Powder tanks: For storage purposes, the propellant charges are sealed in waterproof containers commonly. known gs “powder tanks.” ‘Pwo types of the tanks have been recovered: one is a heavy \ tank (26.4 pounds) of cast steel and bronze; the other is, sheet steel and aluminum and weighs 15.4 pounds. Both are woll lsequered inside and have the same internal dimensions, 6.2 inches by 33-4 inches. Propellant: 37 C: 24.51 pounds (11.14 kg.). Unperforated cylindrical sticks approxi- mately 3.7 mm (0.15 inch) by~28 inches graphited double-base powder. The propellant, aticks are enclosed in a bag: of heavy brownish silk. 488 2 nomen von sac sexe 2 cond Tanks. ‘An ignition pad containing 17.2 grams of granular-black powder is Iacéd onto the base vof the charge. Brimer: Mk 2 lock percussion primer. ‘Weapon in which used: Type 3d year 14-cm/50 gun. ow angle). ‘This is a pedestal-mounted deck gun om- ploying bag ammunition. It is commonly found in shore emplacements for coustal de- fenso ond limited antiaircraft use. Strongly resembling the type 3d year 12-em/45 gun in design, this weapon also has three recoil cylin ders all mounted above'the tube ani an inter- rupted thréad®bredch block’ hinged om, the night. T) Ihas been found both with @ ‘splinter sbield attached, and without. stdeem (140-mm) (5.5eInch) High-Explosive Projectile Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 827 pounds. Weight of empty projectile: 74.43 pounds. Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): No deta (varies with individual projectile). Length of projectile (without fade, with adapter): 21.02 inches. . 7 sLangth of projectile (without fuze or adapter): 19.75 ibches. + Diameter at bourrelet; 5.49 inches (139.5 mm). Distance from base to rotating band: 0.80 inch. soon 620 EL, Ba. tort) Figure 400—14-cm High-Explosive. “NAVY PROJECTILES Width of rotating band: 1.60 inches Radius of ogive: 5 cal. Filling: Cast pigrio-seid.(ehimose): 7.9 pounds, ‘The haya egnaists\of a single block of ex- plosive-east and acaled in a waxed container, ericased in a heavy cotton-flannel bag and sealed in the projectile with paraflin Fuzing: Type 5th yeér point detonating fuze Removal of the adapter does not permit altornate fuzing, because the lower threaded portion of the edapter is larger then any known fuze. Weapon in which used: Type 3d year 14-em/50 gun (ow angie). Lig conse eicne A108 489 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE 1S ye .00 an eet oat $= = Figure 401—14-em (Ordinary Type 0) High-Explosive. : } (ype 0 Ordinary) ‘14-em/(140-nm) (5.5eInch) High-Explosive Projectile Weight of filled projectile (without fuze); 88.22 pounds. / ‘Weight of empty projectile: 81.62: pounds: Weight stamped oh rotating bend (cample): 34.100 kg. (varies with individual projectiles) Length of projectile (without fuze): 21:56 ‘inch Diameter at bourrelet: 5.49 inches (139.6\mm), Distance from /base. to rotating band: 0.59 inth. Width of rotating band: c > Forward: 1.11 inches: Space! 0.38, inchi. Aft/1.08 inches. “490 Tey bay tis seat tine ree a AINE of wen ounce (PICRIC CIO aa : a pute . a) i \ Radius of ogive: No data. ed Filling: Cest picric acid (shimose) : 6.60 pounds, "The charge consists of a single block~6f explosive cast and sealed in a -waxed-paper cibainer, encased in « heavy cottonetkiel «bag and sealed in the projectile with paraifin. Fusing: : ‘Type 61 mechanical time fuze. ‘Type 88 point detonating fuze ‘Weapon in which used: Type 3d year. gun (low angle) ee Remarks: This projectile permits the 14 cm/50 gun, to be used for antiaircraft fire, but'the angle 14-cm/50 “Of elevation of the Weapon definitely Himits its effdctivences. ee nnrmmmmmmmmnret m= mmr TET TT NAVY PROJECTILES ) (Ordinory Mk_1) 14-cm (140-mm) (5.5-lnch) Space 0.3% ancl Common Projectile AR, 109 hes epee Radius of ogive: No date. Filling: Cast picric agid (shitnoses: 5 Weight of tilled projectile vith fuze): 88.82 pounds. Weight of empty projectile: 77.88 pounds. Weight stamped on rotating band (sanple) ‘The charge consists of two blvekos of plasive cust und sealed ign wasted payer con 34.800 kg. (varies with individual projectiles) tuiners encased in a heavy cotton flannel “Length of projectife: 21 70 incl bug and sealed in the projectile with puratliv. Diameter at bourrelet: G49 ifiches (139.5 an) Puzing: Type 1th yeur Mi} Mod 1 base Distance from base to potdting. band: 0.59 ith, fuse: Width of rotating band: ‘ Weapon in whieb used: Type td year 14-c1n/5t Forward: 1.11 inches. jj gun. : . : ican fey \ > oa crt (eiceie ACION : ceR08o8Ke O15 fos $$ vercon sco ELLEN guns | (oprrenaty aun Tera ws BASE FUE coven ise 7 GAS SEAL RING - a Figure 402—14-cm (Ordinary Mk 1) ‘Common. > eee f . 7 49st Figure 403—14-cm (Ordinary ‘Mod 1) Common Capped. (Ordinary Mod 1) 14-cm (140-mm) (5.5-Inch) Common Cap} Weight of filled projectile (with fuze): 84,94 pounds. : Weight of empty projectile: 80.14 pounds. Weight. stamped on fotating band (sample): 35.800 kg. (varies with individual projectiles). Length of projectile: 21.63 inehes?: Diameter at bourrelet: 5.49 inches (139.5 mm). Distance from base to, rotating band: 0.593-inch. Width of rotating bandy © : Forward: 1.11 inches. 492 ‘re\oe 88K igrtrows sm CARE, FeIeRE CSD) Tree 13. uk 4 PASE FRE HOMER O1SC Base PLATE Gas SEAL RG Space: 0.38 inches. ve ‘Aft: 1.09 inches. Radius of ogive: Not determined. - Filling: Cast picric, acid (shimose): 4.80 pounds "The charge consists of a single block of explosive cast and éealed in s waxed-paper: container, encased in a heavy cotton, bag and sealed in the projectile with Fuzing: Type 13th year Mk'I' Mod “ nating. : : ‘Weapon in which used: Type 3d yor 14-em1/50.gun. NAV% PROJECTILES t4-cm (J 40-mm) (5.5-Inch) Illuminating Projectile Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 87.5 pounds, 2 Weight of empty projectile: 6746 pounds (ap- proximate). }> Weight stampedf on rotating band (sample): No data (varies vith individial projectiles) Length of projectile (without fuze); 20.3 inches. Diameter at baurrelét: 5.49 inches (139:5 mm). Distance from base to rotating band: 0.59 inch. Width of rotating band: ‘ Forward: 1.14 inches Space: 0.38 inch. Aft: 1.09 inches. ~ Radius of ogive: No data. Filling te Primary ejéction charge (black powder): 10 grams. Secondary ejection charge (black powder): 41 grams. EE - 4 Initiating pellet, relay train, snd delay are t black powdgr. “The ignition compound for the illuminant is a mixture of potassium nitrate; iron oxide, aluminum, sulphur, and wax. ‘The illumidant is a mixture of barium nitrate, » magnesium, and wax. Weight; 31 pounds. . Fuzing: Type 91 mechanical time fuze. ’ _sWeapon in whichdised: Type 3d year 14-cm/50 sun. Operation: At the end ofthe time set, the rot ‘chanical tiine fuzp/fires the initiating pellet. The relay train transmits the flash to the base of the pfimary ejection charge container and ignites the charge. The prinfary ejection charge expels the canister containing the illuminating charge and ite parachute, and also ignites the delay element... ‘A short time after the canister is ejected frém the projectile body, the delay element fires the sec- ondary ejection charge which expels, the illumi- nating charge and parachutes and ignites the illyminant. Two parachutes, a large one above & one, suspend the illuminating unit. Burning time, not determined. 4 A Ting Grave PARC AITES Figure 404—14-cm llamipains. 493 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE a, Figure 405—14-cm' Smoke. t 14-cm (140mm) (5.5-Inch) Smoke Projectile : : Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 68.80: © pounds. Weight of empty projectile: No deta. Weight stamped on rotatifig band (sample): No Width’of rotating band: 1.56 inches. data (varies with individual projectiles). Filling: Presumably white phosphorus. Length of projectile (without fuze): 20.63 inches, Fuzing:~Probably type 98 mechenical time fuze Diamoter at Yourrelet: 5.49 inches (189.5 mm). Weapon: in which usc: Type 3d year 14-cm/50 Distence from base to rotating bind: 0.65 inch. gun. 494 : ‘ . NAVY PROJBCTILES T 144-cm (140-mm) (5.5-Inch) Cartridge Case i : Case: Longth: 21/67 inches, Diameter of base: 7.00 inches. Material: Brass. Weight (empty): 47.0 pounds. eee ‘The propellant sticks are enclosed inje bag Propéllant: : : 30 DC (type 13 propellant): 6.860 kg. * of heavy brownish sill Unperforated cylindrical sticks, approxi- ceceeeeeeeiin mately 3 nim (inch) by 601 mm (19% inch) Primers, No date of graphited double-base powder. Weapon in'which used: Not known. : ae ; a & Figure 406-r14-cm Cortrdge Cose'(Semifixed). é 495 Ne JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE (152-mm) (6-Inch) Complete Round (Semifixed) Case: Length: 29.25 inches. {/ Diameter of base: 6.69 inches. Material: Brass. Weight (empty): 27.0 pounds. + Propellant: 37 DC 18.94 pounds (8.140 kg.) Unperforated cylindrical sticks approxi- mately K-in, by 26 in,, of graphited double- base powder “The propellant sticks are enclosed in # bag 496 ‘mOPELUANT [ston Figure 407—15-cm Complete Round (Semifixe of heavy brownish silk ® Primer:* Mic 1 case percilssion primer Model 4 Weapon in which used: Type 41 (Meiji) 15 cn 40, Bun (low angle) This, like mang other Jupanese Navy 2 is a-copy of a Brilish design, wid guns manne factured bye Armstrong-Whitw orth base forind emplaced together with pieces of Japa- nese manufacture, [tis a prolesial*nienited * deck gun, commonly found with e yur tally cnelosing splintet shield attyched | The breech block is an interrupted Uuread” plug mounted to swing to the right e Lal NAVY PROJECTILES {sem (159-mm) (6-Inck)/Common (Ordinary Mod) Henao eee z Weight of filled projectile: No fi ta. Weight of empty projectile: No data. Weight stamped on rotetiig “band (sample): 39.62 kg. (varies with indiyidyal projectiles). : Length of projectile: 22.50 inches. 4, Diameter at bourrelot: 5.98 inches (152.0 mm). Distance from base ta rotating band: 0.66 inches /, cast, and sealed in a waxed-paper container, Width of rotating bayd: 1.75 inches. encased in a heavy cotton-flannel bag and Radius of ogive: 2 eal. : | sealed in the projectile with paraffin ‘i Filling: i | Fusing: Type 13th-year Mk 1 base fuze. Cast picric acid (shimose): No data. Weapon in which used: ‘Type’4l (Meiji) 15-cmm/40 "The charge consists of a block of explosive), gun or the British prototype. funn 300 YELLON BAN (oPriowty fa CHARGE (PICRIC-ACIOD yee 3 we “2ASt FUZE.” PAPER IMCS, Figure 408—15-cm (Ordinory Mod 1) Common. > 7 497, Figure (Ordinary Type 0) HishExplosive, * (Ordinary Type 6) 15-cm’ (158-mm) (6-Wich) ! zl 7 : “High-Explosive eich oe Weight of filled projectile (without nye a4 Fine rire Gane ee suoca BeDy * sain CHARGES {PIRIC ACIDY 97.59 : + pounds. : : 1 Weight of empty projectile: 90.82 pounds. _ coool Weight, stamped on rotating band (sample): 41.28 - + Length of projectile.(without fuze): 20.0 inches. ” eter at bourrelet: 6.0 inches (152 mm). ~ Diese ‘from base to rotating band: 0.7 inch. fdth of rotating band: aac Forward: 1.2 inches. : Space: No data, Be Alt: 12 inches. - cae Radius of ogive: 4 cal. ft 4 498.8 eeereeaeeeee eee “teg. (waries with individual projectiles)... Filling: Cust picric acid {shimose): 6.8 pounds. §, The cherge is made into a waxed-paper-* wrapped preformed block with’ « welf in the, * nosé to receive the gaine. Fuzing: Type 88 nose fuzes. Weapons in which used: +. 16 enm/40 gun (bag). » 18,em/45 gun (bag). . 16 cm/50 gun (bag). * d een Se enema eee NT RE TE NAVY PROJECTILES Common > (Ordinary Mk 4) 15-cm (152-mm) (6-Inch) Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 97.8 pounds, > Weight of empty projectile: 91.9 pounds. Weight stamped on rotwting band: 41.78 kg. (varies with individual projectiles). Length of projectile: 22.5 inche . Diameter at bourrelet: 6.0 inches (152 mm). Distance from base to rotating band: 0.7 inch. Width of rotating band: * A wrapped preformed blocks enclosed in cot- Forward: 1.2 inches. ton-flannet bag. Space: No data Fiuzing'‘Type 13 Mk 1 Mod.1 base fuze + Aft: 1.2 inthes, . 7 Weapon in which used” Radius of ogive: 4 cal. 15 em/40 gun (bag). Filling: Cast picric acid (shimose): 5.9. pounds, 15 cm/46 gun (bag) ‘The change is made in two waxed-paper- 15 em/60 gun (beg) cut anc SOT ow lw ouece (Pickie AC10Y cane |" ype 13. 1 hse rune qe ‘ : * i r | ph ese ete OT oe wae a ~ " GB SEARING . Figure 410—15-cm (Ordinary Mk 4) Common. . AID . (152mm (6-inch) Incendiary-Shrapnel Weight of filled projectile ‘(without fuze): 98.75 pounds. Weight of émpty projectile: No data. Weight stamped on‘rotating band (sample): 41.32 kg. (varies with individual projectiles). Length of projectile (without fuze): 21.00 inches, Diamejer at bourrelet 6.00 inches (152 mm). Distance from base to rotating band: 0.687 inch. @ 500 SE PU eco oor * pci = Figure 411—15-cm Incendiary Shrapnel. Width of rotating band: 2.703 inches Fusing: ‘Type 91 mechanical time fuze. + ‘Type 88 mechanical point detonating { Filling: Nodate. 7 Weapon: in which used: 15 em/40 gun (beg). 15 em/45 gun (bag). 15 cm/50 gun (bag). 15-cm (152-mm) (6-inch) Practice Projectile Weight of projectile, empty: No data, Weight stamped on rotating band: 100° pounds (varies with individual projectiles). Length of projectile: 22.47 inches, Diameter at bourrelet: 60 inches (152 mm). Distance from base to rotating band: 0.7 inch: Width of rotating band: Forward: 1.2,inehes. Space: No data. Aft: 1.2 inches. Radius of ogivé: 4 cal. Figire 419-1 NAVY PROJECTILES Pill ‘The projectile from which this inforsaation wis obtained was recovered empty Japanese Navy practice rounds have been recovered filled with sand and iron fillags, Weapons’ in which used 85 em/40 gun (hug). 15 e1n/45 gun (bug) 15 emi/50 gun (bag) Remarks: This projectile hus the same external appearance and dimensions as the Mk 4 common projectile. It differs in: that the cavity is siauller fand the walls'are thicker & ae © . OY 7 / fasf:eute 501 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE INCE . Figure 413-15.5-cm (Ordinary Type 0) High-t Explosive. * ” (Ordinary Type 0) 15.5-em (15: (6.1-Inch) High-Explosive _ ‘Weighit, of; filled, projectile (without fuze): 419.3 pounds. : Weight of empty projectiles:s12.8 pounds. Weight stamped on foiatirig band (sample): 61.28 ° kg. (varies with individual projectile). “Length of projectile (without fuze): 23.31 inches. Diameter at bourrelet: 6.09 inches (154.5 mm). Distance from base to rotating band: 2.36 inches. Width of rotating band: Forward: 1°26 inches. 502 =m) Space! 0.24 inch. Aft: 1.26 inches. Radius of ogive: 4 cal. Filling: * Gast pieric acid (shimose): 7.5 pounds The charge consisis of two waxed; paper- * wrapped preformed blocks ‘with, a, well the upfer block: to receive the gaine. The * two blocks are enclosed in a cotton-fannel bag. Fuzing: Type'88’ point detonating fuzes. Weapon in which used 15.5 cm. gun (bag). ol : 7 : “NAVY PROJECTILES ) eee + 9 Type 9 15.5-cm (155-mm) (6.1 och) ‘ i : 7 TECH ‘Armor-Piercing . Bee eet eee : “Weight.of filled projectile: No data. Pee ; . ‘Weight of enipty. projectile: 115.92 tb, Weight stamped” on rotating band: §2.69 kg. Filling: : : (varies. with, individiig] projectiles). sratieldos ea uaiiaa! an Length of projectile: 27,09 inches... |S Tie chan aed : ye igmaggamio éne paper-wrapped Diameter. at bourrelet: 6.08 inchés'(144.5 mm). preformed blogk with a well in the base to 36 itches, Distance froin base'trrotiting band Width of rotating band! receive the ftize gaine.- The chargé is sur : rounded by &H in. layer of cork-like plastic, = Forwa 6 inches. “ye i Res ‘Space: No data,. “+ ees matertialaghich serves a8 & shock sbsorber. . 1, Aft: 1.26 inches. >... Busing: Type 13:yeirMic 1 Méd-1: 2 +, “Radius'of ogive: No date. + * Weapon ia which*used : 18.5-m. un (bg). : oeiasTecuHISCAE) + ) + JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE, ORDNANCE: fa gra, 8 Lusi HMRC S pat sont EsECTH08 OMRGE fb eninic cncina panScaute Figure 415—15.5-cm Illimivoting... | 15.5-ent (155-im) (6.1-Inch) Hlumifiating _ | Weight. of* filled projectile: (without fuze): No data. fp \ Weight of empty projectile: 111.19 pounds. * Weight stamped on rotating band: 111.19 pounds (varies with individual projectiles). Length-of projectile (without fuze): 25% inches. ‘Diameter at bourrelet: 6.08 inches (154.5 mm):( Distance from base to rptating band: 2.36 inches. Width of rotating band: Forward: '1.26 inches. ~ Space: No data, - 2, Aftt 1,26 inches. < 7 Radius of ogive: No date. Filling: ati A flash charge, an ejection charge (80 grams) and » thin layer of ignitiig composi, tion are tluck powder. 7 the typical J a mixture of bari wax, Fuzing:, Type 91, mechanical time fyft. Weapon, in which used: 15.5-cm 3m (bag). Operation: The functioning of the projectile is & * as follow: 1. The time -fuze funetions, igniting the flash” - charge. 2. The flash charge, in turn, ignites tbe ejection charge, which expels from the bitspof the projectile the upper and lower split canittem) containing, respectively, the illuminating charge and the su! porting parechute. ‘ 3. Simultaneously -the ejectioncharge ignites the illufninating charge. The burning tine is 45 sdconds. ‘ See + . A ‘20-em/Short (202-mm) (8-Inch) Complete ' "Round (Semifixed) Case . ‘ Length: 11.0 inches. ' Diameter of base: 9.56 inches. Material: Bross. Weight (empty): 18.49 pounds, + Propellant: : ; 10 C3 (type 89 propellant):' 4.4 pounds (2.05 e kg): 72 * Unperforated cylindrical. sticks, approxic mately I-mm (p inch) by 84-9 inches, smber- colored double-base power. : ‘The propella¥t stickd are iglosed in two ccompartmented bags of heavy Brownish silk. The inner bag contains 0.960 ky. (2.1 pounds) \of propellant, ‘Tie outer bag contains 1.040 ‘kg. (2.3 pounds) of propellant. EE Primer: Mk 1 case percussioft primer Model Figure 416—20-em Short Complete Round (Semifixed). Weapon on which used: Short 20 em gun, This is a short-barreled (12 cal.) gun of low _Muzéle velocity and light construction on.a, pedestal mount designed originally for use’on the light decks of méfehant ships,- The pur- “pose of this weapon is, to deliver‘a relatively \ heavy projectile at a limited rang for anti- subiiafine attack and to throw up low-level aintisircraft barrage. a " ‘This gun fires semifixed ammunition; the breechblock is of thie interrupted-thread type. © ‘It has bedn found mounted in shore emplace- menta, "> ; . NAVY PROJECTILES 505 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE (Ordinary Mk 1) 20-em/Short (209-mm) (8-Inch) High-Explosive of filled projectile Qwithout fuze): 11.0 he pounds Weight of empty projectile Weigh( stumped on rotating band (sample): 32.42 ky. (varies with individual projectiles) Length of projectile (without fuze): 21.04 inches. Diameter at bourrelet: 7.94 inches (201.5 mm) Distance from baso to rotating bund: 1.0 inch. 50) pounds tara 506. * x cd eee Width of rotating bund: 1.0 inch ( Fi rinitronnisole Qype OL. explosive): 26.50 spot : Phe ebarge Uxplosive cust and sealed ine waxed paper container and sealed in the projectile with blocks of consists of Une paraflin, Fusing Type 0 mechunica) time fuze ‘Type 88 Mod. 4 point detonating fuze. _ Figure 417--20-cm Short (Ordinary Mk 1) High-Explosive. vA “NAVY PROJECTILES. : «Figs 416— :(Armor-Piercing Type 91) Armor-Prereog. . Typed! sh.cataon-aane! Inch) ArmorPiercing. Radius of ogiv No data. “Weight of filled projectile: 276.76 pounds.” vy illing: = i i “ TPvinitroanisole. "(type o1 explosive): pounds. ” : ‘The charge consists of a preformed block of “Length of projectile: 35.86 inches. >” + SType,91 explosive (trinitrosnisole) with, « well Diameter at bourrelgt: 7,95 inches-(202 mm). in the base to receive s gaine. The .« wrapped in waxed-paper,.a Heitich layer of + fibrous: cushioning -material, and » “cotton: +’ flaninel bag. > t ‘Furing: Type 13- year kA bavcluze. Weapon in which used: ee eae f . 507 118.8 kg. (varies with in EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE JAPANESE ein ane evo. wo0y roe rare 2uSe PLATE _ yy Figure 419—20-em (Ordinary Type 0) High-Explosive. (Ordinary Type 0) 20-cm (209-mm) (8-Inch) High-Explosive Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): 388.14 - pounds. Weight of empty’projectile: 261.8 pounds. Weight stamped on rotating band (sample): 119.0 kg. (varies with individual projectiles). Length of project (without fuze): 36.61 inches. Diameter at bourrelet; 7.95 inches (202 mm). . Distance from base to rotating band: 3.11 inches. 508 Width of rotuting baad Forwurd: 1.14 inebes Spee: 120 inch ~ Aft: 1.14 inches. eee Ruulius of ogive: No data. \ Billing Trinitrounisole (type 91 explosive): 2156 pounds, The charge consists of two prefered blocks of ‘ype 9} explosive (trinitroanisole) enclosed in @ cloth bag. . Fuzing “Type $1 mechanical time fuze. ‘Type 88 point detonating fuzes. Weapon in which used: Mk 2°20-cm/50 cal. dual~ purpose gun. 20m (202-mm)(6lnch) Come Case Semixed) Case / Length:15.25 inches, Diameter of base: 9.58 inches. Material: "Bross. Weight (émpty): 18.6 pounds. Propellant: 10 C3. (type 89 propellant): 4.4 pounds (2.0 kg.) Unperforated cylindrical "sticks -approxi- mately 1 mm, iy inch by 3% inches, 9 inches amber-colored double-base powiler oThe propellant sticks are enclosed in two compartmented bags of heavy brownish silk ‘The inner bag contains 0.960 kg. (2'1 pounds) of propellant. The outer bag contains 1.040 kg. (2.3 pounds) of propellant. ‘Primer: Mk, 1 ease percussion primer, Mod 4 Weapon ‘in which used: 20-cm. type 38 coast defense gun. S L NAVY PROJECTILES Figure 420—20-cm Cartridge Case (Semifixed). POWDER 845 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE 36cm (365-mm) (14-Inch). ArmorPiercing Weight of filled projectile (without fuze): No data. Weight of empty projectile: No date. Weight stamped on otating band (sample): 656.00 kg. (varies with individual projectiles), Length of projectile (without fuze): 56.75 inches. Diameter at bourrelet: 14.00.inches. nw westk wor #4 2 Figire 421— Armor Piercing. Distance from base to rotating band: 5.75 inches. Width of rotating band: Forward: 2,00 inches. = Aft: 1.56 inehes. Filling: Propably trinitroanisole (type 91 ex: plosive). c Fuzing: Type 13-year Mk-4 Mod 1 bese fuze. Weapon in which used: 36-cm/45 gun (bag). a | ‘NAVY PROJECTILES 40-cm (406-mm) (16-Inch) Mk 5 Armor- “1 Distaner fern buse, to rotating bast: 1,97 inches Piercing. |) Widtlf of rotating bund: - Forwurd: 2.65 inéhes, P Weight of filled projectile (withoyt fuze): No data Weight of empty projectile: No duta. Weight stamped on rotating bund (suinple); 975.00 kg. (varies with individual’ projectiles) Length of, projectile-(without fuze): 56.50 inches Diameter at bourrelet: ,16.00 inches. Alt: 2. ling: Probably: trinitrounivate (type Yl ex- 4 - plosive) é wing: Type 13-year’Mk 4 base fuze. apon in which used: 40-cm/45 gun (bug) finches, oe Ib EXPERIMENTAL (| mange Long!tudiaa! di RANG? | Lateral diapeeion | Hedi co About 10 per- About 10 per Pot otraage. cent of range. ‘10 "About 10 por bout Yo per seento¢range, cent o ane. + + Chapter 5—Section 2 ’ Introduction ‘At the end of the war, the Japanese Navy hed in production and use three rockets, « 12-cm incendiary-shrapnel, a 20-cm H. E., and a 46-cm ‘ NAVY ROCKETS H. E, “Drawings and date of these three rockets aro given im this section. "There were several other rockets in the experi- mental stage, and - chart listing the, aalieng, features-of these rockets is also given ROCKET DATA pa eee ‘ Sas | aa ipa Fuse Lanncher is of ef renin Whee ‘Remarks letra} “eae ine |"(ate FEES, [esis] developed © 8 TypaScombnaton, _° Experiment. Tw November to Moser =P : ees 0 ee "experimental. at etl 1M6::.... Only experimental 6 “Type 0 percussion, Bxpecimental.. H oH Apel 194s. ‘Only experimental. Mouez a 2 ees Antiabiarine toes,‘ Hxperinenta. ce Apel io. Not Medel ons fw ‘nype 6 perenislon, Sextaple, mounted TB Bccenee B00 Tamuary 1965 .- Used 0a the “hinso* : ‘etal on wil oa “Typ breccusion, 1m band ‘ nty ofp Model. » 668 Type Spercamion, tree pe. 1 » March 105... Pred armor rr Noda : co tice 6 68 8 ‘Tipe S percussion, = 1 1s “9 and _ ae Only experimental, Model. Sarit ess 8 ‘Type 5 percossion, ‘iron pipe.....--. z 6 6 and September 164, Pierced sruaor 7 : "Mode ee co tc . Persson tn z e194. Oty expert Mesa ee iH . 513 7 ad! A? ecient Ra Ts ae} rccrtt Figure 423—12-cm Incendiary Shrapnel Spin-Stabilized Rocket. . 12-cm Incendiary-Shrapnel, Spin-Stabilized” Rocket nl 514 mbled round: Weight of complete round: 51 pounds (23.18 kg.) Length of complete round: 28% inches Head: Weight of filled head: 17 pounds 9 ounces. Weight of filling eric burster charge, 4% ounces;incendiary pylinder filled, 10 pounds 11} ounces. \ Length of hewl: 10 inches Longth of incendiary eylinder: 7% inches, Diameter of head: 4.7 inchs (12 61m.) Filling Pierie acid burster chargs Incendiary eylinder ( 4M omnes, P. pellets): 10 pounds 11% ouriees, Fuzing: Simple powder delay fuze: Powder ey train type ignited by flush from primer in base of motor. Motor: Weight offilled rotor: 13 pounds 11 ounces. Weight of propellant: 7 pounds 5 ounces (3.3 kg.) : 7 Length of motor: 17% inches. Diameter: 4.7 inchies (12 em). Six nozzles are offset 21° to the longitudinal axis of the rocket : Warhead—motor adapter: Weight: 3 pounds 6% ounces. Length: 2'X¢ inches. Diameter: 4.7 inches (12 em) Propellant: , 6 long and 1 short grains of 150 special DTS (60 percent nitrocellulose, 29.3 percent itro- glycerine, 2.85 percent ethyl centralite aud 6.14 percent mononitronaphthalent) Long grains are 14 inches by 1.345 inches (34 mm) single perforation «inch is diaineter. ‘The short grain is identical to the long grains, but shorter (104 inches), 7 Ignition mechanism: * : Igniter: Percussion priiner! Ignition charge: 1 ounce black powder in silk bag. Color and markings Black over all. Three and’ one-half inches aft of nose piece is a ¥fineh yellow band. A second ¥ inch yellow band is located aft of the flange onthe base plate. A Jubel, earry- ing propellant data, is fixed in the motor. Launcher: ‘The rocket. is launched from a wooden trough mounted one on each side of the cock~ epit of the Jap suicide boat. Remarks: The powder delay train type fuze used in the [2cm, rocket allows the rocket to travel about 2,000 to 3,000 yards before the main change is detonated Y * Assembiled round: _, Motor tLe (@-nch) High Explosive SpinStoblned Weight of complete round (with fuze): 109.05 ‘ ; pounds (90.7 kg.) Length of complete round 4 Gridtiont fuze): © 40.28 inches, Head: i pounds (49.9 kJ Weight, empty -(body): 57.32 pounds. Length of head (without fuze): 23.15 inches, Diameter of head: 17.99 inches (203.0 mm). Filling: Cast type 9F explosive (trinitroanisole):, 38.58 pounds (17.5 kg.).. Wuzing: Type 4 rocket fuze: 1.76 pounds. < Weight of filled motot: 88. 18 pounds (40.0 kg). Weight empty (body): 43.21 pounds, - Length-of motor: 17.21 inches: Diamioter at bearing surfaces: 7.99 “inches 2 (203.0. mm). 4% “Six nozzles are offset at 25° from’ ‘thie longi: * tudinal grains (1142- by 2.28 by 0.43-inches perforation) of double-base smokeless powder, « weighing ». total.of.18.30 pounds (8.3 kg.); . Code designation, 240 Special DT2. Deg ments state that 240 DT6.may also be ova « Ignition mechanism: } Tgniter: Percussion primer. > Yenition charge: (black Powder i itrsilk pad): 50.6 grams, Ee Color snd markings: of “Maroor'-oyer all, with the nose tipped with & 2.13-inch eri band, ‘A 0. 35-inch yellow band appears at the junction of thé motor and ‘ojectile. - Labels are located’ fon the. body * @ate unknown); in the, nose fuze ‘pocket” (bearing explosive data), aid on the forward end of the motor Jent-data). A set ‘the motor. base. ial ‘Humber is stamped. on Weight of filled head (without ha ‘0.01 * e plate (bearing propel- vane 2 a ric ve chen, - Figure “424—20-cm Hight Explosive Sn Stbiced rocket. Vauncher: < * + ‘Three: signal-round layrichers have been designed for this round. Two -bf these are > trough-type, while the third is‘ barrel-type Taurtoher. In addition a triple-mount trough- type launelier has ‘een recovered: Remarks: The hesd of this fockot consists of- _ slightly modified 20-cm projectile. « ‘The yotating ‘band is renvoved, and the’ round «may be found with or without the rotating band groove, dependinfg on-the miothod of conversion. . 7 : i Bef JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE a . pce 1. Weight enipty (with coupling): 4415 pounds Lengtti of head (without fuze): 40.5 iehes, Dintnctor of head: 17.75 inches (45 em) . Willing ‘Type 98 explosive (pierie weld): 401.0 pounds OBES ke) : Busing , ik + Type 4 rocket fuze, is Army type 100 selective instantaneous or OTOR cLas us PLATE ne BLACK POWDER. (GN TER PROPELLANT GRAIN oro ecby Figure 425—45-cm High-Explosive Spin-Stobilized "Rocket 45-cin (17.75lnch) High-Explosive Spin, Stabilized Rocket “fesembled found: ‘Weight of complete round (without fuze):” 1,514 pounds (686.7 kg). Lengili’ of complete round (without fuze): 67.5 inches. Head: «Weight of filled head (without fuze): 942.7 pounds (427.6 kg). ‘ delay mortar fuze, with special adapter, When the latter fuze is employed, the Nawy gaine well in the, charge is filled! with a pierie pellig, recessed for an Army gaine Motor: _ Weight of filled motor: 671.3 pounds Weight empty: 269.0 pounds . Length of motor: 27.0 inches. Diameter at bearing surfaces: 17.75 inches “45 cm). 7 Six tapered nozzles are offect 18.5° from the longitudinal axis of the motor. Propellant: « 39 grains (16.25- by 2.31 by O.fl-inch per- foration) of °double-base smokeless powder, - weighing ® total of 131.8 pounds and code 240 Special DT. ‘ ‘The grains are, green and red in color. Ignition mechanism: Igniter: Percussion primer. a Ignition, charge (black powder in silk Bad): ‘83,0 grams, Color and markings Maroon over all, with « green nose + An Arabic fumeral is stenciled in white on the nosg. Alabel, carrying propellant data, is fixed to the base of the motor. Launcher: A crudely manufactured, wooden, ‘trough- type launcher has been recovered for use with this ammunition. yo Remarks: A variation of this round, incorpo- rating modified coupling and base plug, has been _ recovered. ‘The nose of the modifiéd round is threaded to fegeive the fuze directly, whereas the nose of theM#figinal model carried an adapter welded into lace. Although. the internal dimen- sions of the’ modified round are identical to the first recovered specimen, the-former weighs only 1,466 pounds. + Chapter 5—Section 3 NAVY MORTARS 7 Type 3 81-mm High-Explosive Mortar Weight complete round: 7.23 pounds, Weight main charge: 1.1 pounds. Explosive componenté: Main charge: * Picrie 57 percent, Alpha-nitronaphthalene 43 percent’. Over-all length (without fuze): 11.5 inches. Length fin assembly: 3.25 inches. : Mifihum diameter at bourrelet:. 3.19 inches (81 mm) Maximum diametgp of tail fins: 3.18 inches. -Golor” and markings: “ Unpainted black steel body with a green band followed by’ maroon band below the fuze. This"is'a simulation of standard Navy marking of H. E. projectiles which typically are painted maroon over all and tipped with green. Fuzing: Type 3,coinbination fuze, Weapon in which uéed: Navy type'3 8-cm mortar. Deseription: The body of this shell is one-piece - cast-steel stréamlined construction with a well machined bourrelet having five bearing surfaces. Anvadapter ring scréws (R. H.) into the nose, but_ there is no booster cup aa in Army types. Screwed into the base of the’ shell body is the tail-fin asgembly consisting of a steel tube to house the propellant cartridge and having eighteen flash ports im, six rows to pass the flash from: the primary cartridge to the main propelling charge, Welded around the base of the tube are a series of twelve stabilizing tail fine. ~The ‘main’ propel- ling charge is contained in. doughtut-shaped silk bags, which are split so that they can be slipped around the propellant tube sbove ‘the tail fins and over the flash porte. = Fase HOLE JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Chapter 5—Section 4 Figire 427—20-mm Model 1 Fuze. 20-min'Model1 Fuze Use: 20-mm projectiles. Over-all length (with gaine): 1¥s inchés. Over-all length (without gaine): % inch. Maximum diameter: *%y inch. | * ‘Threaded length: %- inch, Number of threads: 5. voy Construction: The {uze is of one-piece construc- tion. The striker extends from the nose of the 518 7 7 woe NAVY -PROJECTILE FUZES fuze into the lower fuze body and is supported by « sufet fork which is held in place by a set- back pin. ‘The gaine threads'into the bottom of the fuze body, Operation: On firing, the force of set-back causes the set-back pin to move down aguinst _ its spring, thus releasing the safety (Srk. Cen- trifugal force causes the safety fork to’ move outward, and, when the projectile clears the Dore of. the gun, the safety fork is throw. Alear of the projectile. ‘This releases the atriker which is driven down into the gaine on impact. Remarks: There is a smaller version of this fuze that’ was originally used in the Swiss-made projectiles. It differs from the Model 1 fuze only in size ; 20-mm Model 2 Impact Fuze Use: 20-mm projectiles. Over-all length (with gaine): 1%s inches. Over-all length (without. gaine): % inch. Maximum diameter: 2%: inches ‘Threaded length: % inch. "Number of threads: 5, - Construction: This is a rotor type fuze that is unique in that the firing pin instead of the deto- housed in the rotor. The body is of two- piece construction. In the upper part of the body. is @ firing-pin extension. The rotor containing the firing pin is in the lower pariaf. the body. ‘The ‘rotor is held in place by two centrifugal * detents. i Operation: After firing, centrifugal force moves the detents out and turns the rotor until the firing pin is aligned with the Aring-pin extension. The rotor is held in this position by centrifugal force, and on impact the firing-pin extension drives the firing pin into the gaine. ’ aos i NAVY. PROJECTILE FUZES: * Figure 428—20:mm Model.2 Fuze. 20-mm Model 3 Impact Fuze - Use: 20-mm projectiles. Over-all length (with gaine): 1%; inches. Over-all length (without gaine): ¥ inch. Maximum diameter: %» inch. ae Threaded léngth: H¢ inch. é ne Number of threads: -5 7 ‘uction: There are two versions of this uh differing only in the fact that one is of one : piece construction and the other is of t#o-piece construction, having an inner metal collar threaded * _ to the body. Threaded into the bese of the Tuze : ise gaine, above which is an air column sealed at the top by a closing disc. i! Operation: There are no arming features in © this fuze. On impact, the closing disc is crushed 7 : a inward, cdmpressing the air in the column and firing the gaine, 2? a : ) 7 aH ; oe 7 519 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Figure 430—20-mm Two-Piece Fuze. 20-mm Two-Piece Fuze Use: 20-mm projectiles. sOver-all length (with gaine): 1X inches, Over-all length (without gaine): "Xe inch. Maximum diameter: *%, inch. 5 ‘Threaded length: He inch. s Number of threads: 5. : 7 Construction: A black steel nose section threads Operation: The fuze has no safety or arming oto the brass body. The top of the air column fegtisres. On impact, tho nose is crushed and the is closed by a thin brass cap held between the nose ; a section aid the fuze body. Two spanner holes COmPressionyof the sir in the air column detonates are present in the fuze body. * the gaine. ~ 520 : 3 * 25-mm Model 1 Fure com HRS Overall length (with ypxiney projectiles, 1% inches, Overall length Qvithout gaine) Masimuni diatneter: 3 inch ‘Vhrewded length: 44 inch Number of Cireads: 6 R. H _ Construction: The fuze is constructed of brass in two pieces, the upper or nosepiece threading onto the'main body. Theatriker extends from the nosepiece into the lower fuze body and is supported uf Vig.inehes. *— saures were OETENT Semin swutTeg iyot Pn hy a eoneritigad fiseut cout tfiyjtal ts SDNLUet sepierabes! Unie puritner Pea thes graiee cd Ue shitter housing hus a shoulder un vhaeds 4 primer exp pests, Phe gaine theeuds ster ths bottom of the fuze and holds the shutter heusny in place. Operation: After fring, centrifugal farce moves the detent out and also causes Uke flasts tile shat. ter to move, exposing the flash-lide. the striker is driven into the priser into the gaine. Oo wh mipact, cls lustig: sree CLOSING SRE DETENT SeRIKG cewtaifucar octeir mre SHUTTER DETenaroR a 521 Ls Figure 432—25-inm Model 4 Fuze. -95-mm Model 4 Fuze Use: 25-mm H. E. projectiles Over-all length (with gaine): No dats, Over-all length (without gaine): 1%e inches. ‘Maximum diameter: % ineh. a .. Threaded length: % inch. ; * Number of threads: 6 R, He”. Construction: .The fuze is'constructed of brass in two pieces, with the upper or nosepiéce thread- ing égto the main body. In some cases the nose-. * piece has been found to be made of steel. The striker’ extends from the nosepiece intogthe lower fuze body-and is supported by centrifugal de- tent. The gainé is threaded into the lower fuze *522 ret body, ‘with its uppermost’ part. just befow -thé* striker-point. A lead azide pellet’ is embedded directly below the primer in the gaine. Operation: After firing, centrifugal force moves. the detent out, arming the fuze: On impact, the striker is driven into the gaine, causing the fuze to function, : i Remarks: This fuze differs from the type 1th that its nose is more sharply pointed, the striker is longer, and the flash-hole shutter and housing are climinated. : : ‘The type 4 fuze fits into » smaller cavity, -and thus there is « larger amount of filling in the new projectiles. oe NAVY PROJECTILE. FUZES 30-mm Fuze, the remaining parts of uminum-magiisiuin mine “ture, ‘The striker is, custied in a rotor, which is Use: 30-mm projectiles for aircraft ewnnon, held in the unarmed position by. two, centrifugal Over-all length (with guine): 1%. "e tas foWasteae: ttc , Over All lengthy (without gaine) detents, lower fuze body threads (REL) in the main body and is threaded (R. H ) internally Maximum diameter: 1M, inches ieee ae ‘Threaded length: % inch R. H. Peet Number of threads: 4, : Operation: Centrifugal force causes the arming Construction: ‘The fuze consists of the main detents to move out, freeing the rotor, which body which houses the hammer, striker, rotor, and then tums until the striker is in line with the ham lower fuze body. The main body is made of mor. On impact, the hammer drives tho-striker aluminum, the lower fuze body iand gaine of brass;. into the primer, which sets ofthe explosive train, wey a= Foci os ws | AN MAN y Figure 433—30-mm Fuze. 523 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE “ORDNANCE ‘ Figure 434—Type 1 Short-Delay Impact Fuze. Type 1 Short-Delay Impact Fuze Use: Type 1.A. P, projectiles for the 8-em/40 Mk 2gun . : Over-all length: 3% inches. Length (without gaine): 1% inches. | ‘Threaded length: ‘4 inch L. H. Number of threads: 6. Construction: The forward end of the fuze is externally threaded to fit into the base of the pro- jectile niosepiece. The fixed firing pin threads into the firing pin holder, which threads into the forward end of the fuze body. ‘The primer carrier, housed in the forward section of the fuze body, is held in the unarmed position by five detents which engage a shoulder on thé primer’ carrier and are surrounded by thin, flat spring. The detent holder threads into the fuze body from the after 524 end. A’ flash channel is cut, longitudinally, through the primer carrier and detent holder leading to the delay pellet and explosive train ‘A geine adapter, threading into the base of the fuze body, contains the delay pellet, secondary primer, and sub-booster. ‘The explosive gaine threads onto the gainte adapter. Operation: Centrifugal force causes the five detents to’ open against their spring, much like a camera diaphragm, thus freeing. the primer carrier to hit. the fixed firing pin on impact. ‘The Hash from the primer passes through the channel in tbe primer carrier and detent holder to the delay pel let and explosive train. Remarks: This fuze is installed in the forward end of the projectile at the junction of the nose piece and ihe projectile body, so that no part of the fuze is visible in the gssembled projectile. 7 Type 88 Note Fuze Vee: Mad }2em ogdinary projectiles (semifixed) cnt ordinary projectiles (lixed) ii ineendiary, shrapnel projectiles (fixed), 7-em ordinary projectiles (fixed). Tem incendiary, shyupnel projectiles (semi- -fixed) / idem ordinary projectiles (bag). 15-cm ordinary projectiles (beg), 15.5-em ordinary projectiles (bag). . 20-em ordinary -projectiles (semifixed). vo, © NAVY PROJECTILE “FUZES Overmall length (with gine): 334 mebes Over-all length (without gaine): 676 inch Maxinnuup diameter: 2¥ inches. Threaded length: %y inch : Number of threads: 6. ie Construction: This bruss fuze consists of & nose cap, fuze body, and bast plug. The base plug threads into the fuze-body, forming x seat for the arming-cam carrier and) housing Ue setback plunger. ‘The wrming-cam carrier supports five arming cams, which, in turn, rest under the shoulder and supports the striker, ‘The setback STRIVER EATENS ICs SPRING aver'eim state : 7 a rf unger is. held in the. forwang position by a steel ' ‘There is,a° groove for « ball tocki eee. end. The head:of the in the periphery of the-threaded ‘plunger: protrt ugli and above thié-arthing- _litesds into the: projectile prope castior to Prevent the moving out of a-master’’ the gaipe threads onto the after plug. “fune body. The upperénd°of the gtrikér has a. with ¢en{rifugal force. . On impact, the n shoulder which rests on the-atming came and is ig crush ing te ‘striker onto. the + drilled longititdinally, to receive the striker exten- "top of the striker, extension.are beveled so as to. © the set-back plunger, sécuring the Plunger in the ‘foci tate: Tuncti ing ona Jow-angle of impact. forward Pogition.- + 3 > . to d aoe ee - Use: pees a ® = 12-em ordinary projectiles (semifixed). . : < 12-em ordinary projectiles (fixed). > 12-em. incendiary-shrapnel projectiles (fixed). “12i7-cm ordinary projectiles (fixed). - 12,7-em incendiary abrapned projectiles (eemi- sh) fined). : ! ‘14-cnt ordinary projectiles (bag). + a - 15-cm ‘ordinary projectiles (bag). ordinary projectiles (bag). ry projectiles (semifixed).° Orer-all length (with gaine): “3.inches. Over-all Fength (withoin PM inghes ie Maximum diameter: 2% i ‘Threaded length: %. inch. Number of threads: 6.” °° Construction: This fuzé-differs fim the type “88 and the type 88 modification Pimthe following Hee + respects: 1. The gaine threaded externally to the base of the fuze body. 2. There is no set-back plunger or ‘saletypin, ee | 3. A fiat spring surrounds and holds in position ~ ‘the arming cams. Operation: -Centrifugel force causes'the arming a cams:to move out against the pressure of the flat : » spring from tinder the striker shoulder. The nose, © cap is crushed on impact, and the striker driven . sevint the eine -déviee located jon-which starts” 0 Ue base Operates: "Whesi the projectile is red, the st- i back pluriger moves down into a feces in the” ‘The. striker is « vale i Sig into; ® base plug, thuflfresing the arining eams, which ‘channel in. thé base plug, arming-cam carriér, and, ove oy from under the’ shouldera of the striker sion..."The ipner’sirfaee of the nied cap and the aaietypit wl ich fits into @ groove at-the ‘base of "NAVY PROJECTILE FUZES CST EE eri b———S-_srernc a on STRUER i SET wnck Byte PLUNGER RETAINING OLEEVE Nan 627 * « JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE renee NOSE AMG COLLAPSIBLE rate iit oan exressien ate iar 51108 evar ain wee Cy " Figure 437—+Type 88 Model 4 Instontoneous-Deloy Fuze. ° Type 88 Model 4 Instantaneous-Delay Fuze Use: Ordinary projectiles for 12-cin and 20-cm short guns. Over-all length (with gaine): 6% inches. ‘Threaded length: % inch. Number of threads: 6. Construction: The fuze body is made in three ~ sections and is fitted together with threads. The upper section houses the head of the striker. ‘The midsection houses the remainder of the 5280 striker and the five centrifugel wedges, which rest under a shoulder of the striker and prevent, contact with the primer in the unarmed position. ‘These wedges are surrounded and held in position by @ split steel band. The primer is also housed in, the midsection, ‘The lower section contains the delay clement and phe selector switch, which is externally controlled.. “The instantanequy fag? channel, when the fuze is set for delay action, 38 closed by a small steel plate (delay slide). When set, for instantaneous action, the sclectar witch NAVY PROJECTILE FUZES presents a reces# allowing‘ the delay slide, when contrifugal force sets in, to move out and free the instantancous flash: chanel. Operation: After the projectile is fired and begins to decelerate, the wedges are foreed out by centrifugal force against « flat spring, thus freeing the striker. On impact, the striker‘is forced into the primer. ‘The flash from the primer sels off Tye 4 Nose Fuze Use: 20 cm. rocket. H ‘Over-all length (with gaine); 5%¢ inches. Over-all length (without gaine): 2% inches. HS : T ; a delay powder’ train, which in’ turn initiates the gaine. If the fuze is set for instantan the delay slide moves out with centrifugal foree, leaving flash channel to the guine, which is initiated directly. . Remarks: The setting of 0 to 5 seconds allows the projectile -to sink approximately 25 meters before detonation th: Maximum diameter: 244 inches ‘Threaded length: %¢ inch. Number of threads: 6 , Construction: The fuze is « contrifugelly ‘armed point detonating fuze constructed in two part us Wetion, Sm neh Ha ce csimyrucat oerees 529 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE "Thee apper, body contains a copper closing disk and threads onto the lower body to form the head of the faze. ‘The lower body houses the striker and centrifugal deients, and is threaded to take the guine. The lower portion of the striker has & smaller diametir forming » shoulder to bear against the detents. The upper end is hollowed to receive the striker head. ‘The striker head has a disk on the upper end to form the striking head, and a flunge to prevent its being seated tof deeply in the hollowed end of th®siiker. ‘The centrifugal detonts are pivoted on a fhounting which threads _ into the base of the lower body above the gaie ( A spring band holds ther under the striker | shoulder. can only move out in sequence to telease the striker. The g The detents are so arranged thist they + Ubreads into the lower fuse body Operation: Rotation of the rocket in fhyht causes the centrifugal detent to move, out aguinst. the detent spring so ns to clear the shoulder af Ute striker. Irhpact crushes the fuze head and drives the striker down-into the gaine. STRINER Src 918 * oe )un6y RINE SECEMUARY PRivEh -R1uEH OETCRATCA excsTe® Figure 439—Type 5th-Year Nose Fuze. 530 ~ Type 5th-Yr. Nose Fuze Use: 7 8-em ordinary projectiles (fixed and semi- fixed). 12-cm ordinary projectiles (sémitixed). ld-cm ordinary projectiles ¢bag).° Over-all length (with gaine): 5% inebes Over-all length (without gaine): 1'¥%« inches. Maximum diameter: 1% inches. ‘Threaded length: % inch. Number of threads: 9 R. H. Construction: “The fuze body is of two-piece brass construction, with the upper part, ur nose cap, threading (R. H.) onto the lower part. ‘The lower portion is threaded (L. H.) interiutlly to take the gaine, The gaine is made of light steel, A heavy striker fits against the interior top of the nosepiede, which is beveled to facilitate functioning with a low angle of impact. The lowsr fuze boxy contains a primary primef and a secondury striker: Operation: On impact, the nose cup is shenred off or crushed; forcing the first striker tito the first “primer. ‘This explosion forces the secondary ‘striker down, shearing the shear pin and causing the gaine to function. ' Ee 40-mm Powder Time Fuze 2 Use: 40-mm A. A. projectiles. Over-all length (with gaine); 3% inches. Over-all length (without gaine): 2%: inches." Maximum diameter: 1%s.inches. > ‘Threaded length: % inches. ‘Number of threads: 6 R. H. NAVY PROJECTILE FUZES alls _ s We aime Stef et sci * hh : = cigde Semin V en Taainéo suifiag 96 CaP rate chr Poco ” Figure 40—40-mm Ponder Time Fuze. “Construction: ‘The fuze-body, gaine, inagazine cartier, .and.niose cap ate -made of “aluminum. "The two time’rings are made of brass. . A’hollow spindle -protiudes. up" from ‘the fuze. body,, over which are fitted the lower’ (movable) and’ upper (fixed) time-rings.° The-nose eap threads onto this extension’ dnd holds ‘the upper, time,ring in ‘place. Housed within the‘hollow spindle are the striker, creep spring, arid initiating cap or primer, Halfway up’ the’ side of the hollow spindle ‘isa flash port"leading to the upper time train.” There is a tooth rack. machined around the, upper edge of the Jower time ring for automatic setting. "The gaine thrgads into the lower, end ofthe - fuze'body. ; -° : Operation: As the rountl feeds into the gun, @ “rack engages the’tecth of: the lower. time ring, ‘which is rotated about its‘axis by the meshing of ‘these gears, setting the fuze? When the gun is fired, the force of set-bagk causes. the-striker to -pierea ‘the: primer.” The flash front, the primer: ‘passes to the upper time ring, aiid in furn, to the lower. The flash from the lower time ring sets “off the relay pellet and the black powder, which flashes dows to the gaine. 531 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE “Us Ow ‘$m mortar ammur ‘Threaded length: ¥ inch. Number of threads::7. R. Construction: This fuze is made of a three-piece bluck steel or brass body. Protruding from the nosepiece is the primary, or Impact, striker which houses the secondary or derial-buret striker. A mets safoty clip fite around and holds the striker ScREW PLUG, sare cuir. + SETBACK FIRING eu ‘Tie TRALW DETONATOR ‘voor Aus POROER TRAIN er senev— FLASH Cuan FLASH poe WORST FIRING PK —- Fun TRA Shang cei IMPAZT DETONLTOR _ Type 3 Acrial-BurstImpact Mortar Fure Pall length (with gain Overall length (without gaine): 24 inches, Maximuni diameter: 1'% inches. nition, Bo” 0): 3X inches, H. from the primary primer) The secondary striker within the shaft of the. primary’ striker is held ‘from the aerial-burat primer by a small coiled ‘spring. Housed in the’ lower end of ‘the primary striker is an serial-burst primer and a short delay powler collar whieh fits. * Grain leading to a bla around the lower cirewnforence of the primary sbiker. “The explosive train from this collar leads through ports in the midsection of the fuze to the powder train housed in’ the midsection, ‘The midsection is movable and may be set for impact firing or acrial burst (2 to 22 seconds). In the lower fuze section there is one explosives filled’ channel, the upper end of which contacts the powder time ring, and.the lower end leads to time the explosive gaine. 30-Second Powder Time Fuze, ‘Use: 12-cm. illuminating projectile. . Over-all length: 2% inches. Maximum diameter: 24 inches. ‘Threaded length: ¥ inch, Number of threads: 3 RH. Construction: The fuze is built with a brass NAVY PROJECTILE FUZES Operation: For aerial-buret firing, the tisne ring in vet and the wufety clip removed. On set-back, the secondary -atriker initintes ube aerial-burst primer; which in turn burns through the powder time train to” the explopive gaine. {f Anpect occurs pfior to the lupse of the time set, the primery striker will be-driven onto the primary: primer. / The delaycarming (black) powder collar around ‘the primary striker is designed to allow firing the mortar from a concealed position through underbrush and gives. a definite bore aafety. nose piéee, an aluminum. midsection, a fixed and ‘movable powder ring, end a brass base section which houses a black-powder magazine in the rear end and supports a central spindle which. houses the fixed firing pin. ‘The spindle and'base section aye made in one piece. The’ nose piece is a iollow truncated cone containing four vent holes forward and threaded (R. H.) internally; rear, to NSE PIECE yenT HUES oe es FRING 20m po erree Tove Jo kins sowee Time Lack Power azine - + eee ee eee | JAPANESE. EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE : a i | y —¥ . x ‘at the fchwatdsind'of the alurgnum midsection, ,‘The-prinige|ie.carifed in the lower part of the . ‘he aluminum midggction has, four vents forward , drrier and rests on an internal lip. Surrounding- © Shd:a thredded (R. H.)’opening located centrally. Roccyiindedl 1d secured by a tight friction fit, is ‘At the rear of the threaded openitg, the aluminum 4 qplit. brass| collar which rests upof wn jniternal ‘piece has.a longitudipal recess to tale , small’ coiled ‘sp&ng’ whose purpose: ig, to prevent, the ~ gnovable (fower)"time ring has the time settings “freezing of the movable primer tarriér, which is”. (Qt, 30,secorids) in increments of K second. A partially housed in:the aluminum midsection... A: egniented lirass, friction washer is keyed to the narrow lip around the -base: circumference, of ‘the * is the fixed time ring in position. ‘midsection fits into @ grodve, on the upper surface of tho fixed’ (upper) time ring and forms’ seal:, ” priney carriiggfoigrove down out of the split collar The rear eng. of the gnovable primer carrier is “and onto the firing pin. The flash ignites fe housed in the°forward end of the spindle, The ‘black-powder delay in the upper time ring, and | primer’ egévier is made of a small brass cylinder, after: the’ get delay period the black powder 4nto the top of which is threaded a‘small weight:: magazine is ignited, : : Bee eS | et Se fey’ e z Pages “Type $f Mechanical: Time Foxe, ™ ie Use: ha tue. aes ‘Upon firing, set-back causes the ajsulder in tho upper end of the spindle. The ~, « . 1thehs ordinary projectiles (semnifixed). = te ae __-. 124ém ordinary projectiles (fixed). a ees 12em incendiary-shrapnel projectiles.(fixed). |. + e 12.7-em ordinary projectiles (fixed), hoe ° : ¥ *12,7-em:incendiary-shrapnel (fixed). wo M-cm illuminating projectiles (bag). ‘ : 15-cm illuminating projectiles” (bag). Se eee 15.5:¢m illumingting projectiles (bag) - pooty. Ses Overall Jength: 21% inches. 7 é : fn + Magximurp diameter: 2%: inches. co po. Dhreaded length: ¥ inch, & ep Numbtr of threads: 6. * * ‘ 7 5 Construction:, T7pé 91; the fuze body consists _°~"Opergtion: Before firing’ the gun, the setting of an aluminuzy hose cap, and a nickel-platéd’ "disk is Connected: to the time setting ring of the bass time-settiM® ring, locking ring,°and base» fuze by. the control agm, ‘Yt is not connected to gection: . Housed in the nose-cap is a spring-sup- - the clockwork, but is free to’ rotate around -the “sported set-back hémmer. “ Immediately below the: clockwork spindle when the tihe-setting ring of ‘histn identical in construction to those in Japanese , fuze varies the distance the setting disk must be "bomb fuzes D-2 (a), D-2 (B) and D-2 (@).. How: “rotated by thg clockwork before ete striker © sever, this fuze %s started. by det-back and tain ‘release arm will falt into the slot in the setting ‘tained ist the armed position by cqptrifugel force.’ ‘disk and release the striker. "| ‘The time-setting ring hag vertica pening on'ite~ 5 Untilfthe, fired, the clockwork is held p rim’ by which the clock agay be wound with an. immobi ‘appropriate’ tool after the nose’ eap’ has ‘Geen re: moved: ‘There’ are two “éX{erior. setting. luga. by tlie escapement refcase art con- ‘nected to @ vertipal shaft, A torsion spring work- ing on the shaft, tends thvotate. thesescapement ‘One im secured to: the-time TiAg. other Jo, #release arm away’ from the clockwork gearé. Tt theSlower portion of the fuze bodys: ‘The time-.. ds prevented fram doinig this by # projection on the ‘setting ring’ is graduated in one-second ‘interval | itpper end of thé verticalghaft which bears against Sa +” from 0 to 58, seconde, vei ee .a shouldag of thie clock-starting plunger. 534 ire -fotcback hammer is « spring-driven clock mecha-~ the fuze ig mo¥éd in the setting, Settingvof the cera sr iNouE WUTC saw oN eaetrnce ane se7TinG B15 RELEASE anu Ste TiMe SerTING IN, . STRIKER RELEASE SETTING Luc: ‘SuOCK START IMG PLUNGE. ‘BLACK FORDER AAGAZ NE: Figure 443—Tybe, When the gun is fired, the set-back hamster is left behind with sufficient force to: * 1. Bend the control arm out of engagement with the time setting ring. 2. Drive the eluteh bar dovin into e slot in the upper end of ‘the clock--thus spreading it suffi- ciently to clutch the setting disk to the clockwork spindle. At the same time, the clock-starting plunger is left behind by setback and thereby “removes the shoulder from in front of the exten- sion of the escapement release-arm shaft, allowing the escapement release arm to be rotated free of . counterclockwise direction. NAVY PROJECTILE FUEES ~ lechanical Time Fuze. the clockwork gears. ‘The clockwork is now free to Tun and starts to rotaté the setting disk in w | With centrifugal force, a centrifugal safety lock is thrown out frou: below’ a shoulder of the striker, which is now free to be released. - ; When the clock-starting plunger moves down « ward, its upper end is removed from the ‘cuter end of the striker release arm, which is now free to inove outward under the impulse of the striker release-arm spring, and its inner end then bears against the setting disk. When the setting disk 535 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE ten 8a ‘cLocnWoRs. SP: MOLE STRANE HELEASE i SPRING Figure 444—Type 91 Mechanical Time Fuze. is rotated @ufficiently to bring the. noteh inte aligninent with the inner end of the striker release arm, the striker release arm spring “forces tho outer end of the release arm out, thereby pivoting. ‘the inner end into thé slot of the setting ‘disk. ‘When this happens, the striker release arm moves, out of ‘its notch in the striker, which is then driven downward onto the primer cap, injtiating the detonation of the projectile via the medium of the auxiliary fuze. oF Remarks: There is 2 modified version of this fuze that’has a gear ring for automatic setting. This ie’ used in the 12.7-cm ammunition for the 19.7-cm A. A. gun which has an automatic time- setting device. c NAVY. PROJECTILE FUZES Ser ace wanes Serer sesinc a a ster cae stant stemcee 8 riven asa SHUTTER wv Figure 445—Type 0 Mechanical Time Fuze. Type 0 Mechanical-Timie Fuze Use: Ordinary projectiles for the 120m and 20-cm abort guns. Over-all length: 2'Xs inches. : -, Maximum diameter: 2%: inches. : ee ‘Threaded length: inch. Number of threads: 6. : Constrietion: This fuze is the same as the. type 91 Mod 1, except that it has a weaker set-back spring and has a fiseh shutter in the basal portion. It is distinguished from the type 91 Mod 1 by @ red nosey : ‘Operation: ‘The operation is thé same as the Eee type 01 Mod 1, with the addjtion of the centrif- - . ve ugal flash shutter in the bag@which swings back GHHae under centrifugal force,” thus -opening up the “5 837 JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE Construction: +9) Mod 1, but is Lo ogive of the projes Type 98 Mechanical Time Fuze Vise: 10-cm ordinary (ised). Over-all Jength: 4 faximum diamet preaded length: i ineh, his fuze iy similar to the type suger in order to cosform tthe Teas uied inn 1 kee porates the dutomatic gear setting ) and flash _ shutter in the bisal portion that is fond in the , Be SereAcy Hae . type 0 fuze: It is graduated from 0 45 seconds in increments of 1 secbiid, ‘The operation is identical to the Figure 447—40-mm Base Fuze. 40-mm Base Fuze ‘Use: 40-mm A. P.-H. E: projectiles. Over-all length (with gaineS: 2%; inches. Over-all length (without gaine): 1} inches. faximum diameter: 1%: inches. threaded lenggh: % inch L. H. _ \Construction: A cylindrical steel piece is thread- ed externally and centrally drilled to provide » recess to house and guide the striker, inertid weight, and creep spring. threaded inter ) Dally on the forward.end to take the gaine. - The NAVY PROJECTILE FUZES wenn iat STaiKeR % striker is housed’ in and secured. to the inertia weight by,a copper shear pin. The inertia weight is @ steel cylinder which closely, fits the inner opening of the fuze body and is held in the rear~ most’ position by a creep spring resting beoween the explosive-train earrier and an annular groove in.the forward end of the inertia wejght. ‘Operation: On firing, set-back ceises the inertia weight to move -downward,, bredking the shear wire and exposing the striker.” Ugon isnpact, the striker and ‘collar move against th® spring and the firing pin pierces. the primer, : vs 539 [APANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE = 5.ém Base Fure Use: S-om. Hi. J projectiles Over-all lengtfi: Le inches. fhrewded portion: "% inch Dianieter of Construction: ‘Tho fuze consists off steel cylin? against the base of the fuze and cannot pierce Ube der externally threaded and drilled internally to pritter, since the striker block hes conrave take a soft metal block in which the striker ia *#Flace om the forward end: On wet-back, thi IMctiggHtied. The striker is a stoel pin, ‘The Sriker Hock moves back and Jeaves the striker rotruding. On impact, bath the striker id enid of the fuse is closed by the pri Dee sega a et holder. striker block move forward with’ the striker, ~>“Qperation: Befoge firing, the striker reste hitting the primer a - |__—sraives exocr - STRIKER *, . ey ity reves Cee eee Figure 448—5-cm Base Fore. . :s i > fe Cae je Tre 34-Yeeir Mk 1 Base Impact Fure : Use: 12-cm. ordinary projectiles (semifixed). Over-all length (with gaine): 5 inches. , , “Over-allMexigth (without gaine): 3} inches. Maximum diameter: 1% inches. h length: 1X, inches. Neghot thrbads: 12, Construction: Exéefiting the set-heck plunger and gaine, this fuze is constructed entirely of brass « and made of two pieces. The base of the rear portion contains, an oblong slot into which, the crear ond of the threaded spindle and/or atriker is fitted. On the- threads ofthe striker rides an inertia weight which is free: to révolve about the striker except for o set-back phinger which in ion, reste partially in a recess waht and partially in & stationary’ collar in the body, thus preventing any revolution vf ‘the inertia weight. This inertia er from falling onto the primer of the’ gaine. ‘The forward end of the’ striker fits down through an inner collar, which is . & part of the forward section of the-fuze. Im- médiately before the threaled portion of the striker i® a split collar which is wedged’ between the sthroads and the inner collar, affording an addi- tional safety feature. “Operation; On. set-back, the flanged inertia plunger moves back into the recess of the inertia weight... Since the striker is keyed to'the fuze and « ‘thus spins with the fuze, de inertia weight lags ‘and moves back to the base of the fuze. of impact causes the striker to move PRIMER ‘DeTONATOR, jive coun }— > sarjea SPLIT COUR STAT IOMRY COLLAR |_"_seseuck’ puunscn” HEAT sa MEAGAT SPiabue JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE : Type 13th-Year Mk 1 Mod 1 Base Inipact Fuze ue Use: 14 and 16 cm. cornton projectiles. { . Over-ull length (without fuze carrier): 6%. inches. Length of fuze body (without Gainc): 34 inches. Maximum diaincter (with fuze) : 1% jnches ‘Threaded length: Ie inches. + Number of threads: 13. Ree Construction: This, fuze is threaded externally on the foward end to fit the lange explosive gaine and exterilally on the after end to fit into the base-fuze carrier, Bath the geine and the base : fuze carrier are secured to the fuze by # grub screw. ‘The fuzé is bored to two diameters longitudinally. ‘The after and larger diameter accommodates the arming mechanism and’ the head of the striker; the foward diameter formas a friction fit with the “main body of the striker.» The arming mechanism is housed in a metal block (fuze base) which threads into the after end of the fuze and is secured by a lock bolt. On the foward end of this bléck arming cam carrier supporting : five interlocking arming cams, pivoted separately, certain stuns. which, in the unarmed position, rest in « ciroum- i ferential groove in the striker and hold the striker from the primer. A set-back plunger “Tests in ‘a recess in the fuze base and is supported by the fingers of & metal sleeve. The forward end of the eae set-back plunger frotrudes through the arming- Fee eeteeeee oes cam carrier to prevdat the movement of thesnaster arming cami with \hich the remaining arming 3 cams interlock. A safetypin holds the set-back, plunger in the’ forward position before the fuze is installed into the projectile. 6? om Figure 450-—Type 13th-year'Mk 1 Mod 7 Base Fuze. The geine contains the primer, delay* train, |, and booster. A thin gardbogfd disk is placed over the primer to prevent fe strifer from pre- maturely piercing the primer ult of creep. Operation: On set-back thd set-back plunger - +e moves back and is held by the/fingers of a metal sleeve. The arming cams-tove out with cen- trifugal force, freeing fhe striker to move down onto the primer.on impact. state 119 13 Tea aw & NAVY PROJECTILE FUZES TYPE 19 YEAR wm 6 0 Figure 451—Type 13-Year Mk 4 ond Mk 4 Mod 1 Bose Fuzes. Type 13th-Year Mk 4 and Mk 4 Mod 1 Base Fuzes Use: ‘Type 13th-year Mk 4 20-em type 91 A. P. ‘Type 13th-year Mk 4 Mod 1 36-cm. A. P. Mk a" Mk 4 Mod 1 Over-all length (with 6% inches... 6% inches. gaine). # ‘Threaded length ‘Number of threads 1% inches. 1, inches. 1B. - 13. + Construction: ‘The design of these fuzes is almost the type 13-year Mk 1 Mod 1 fuze, differing only in size and minor body fes- tures. The gaine, however,. is of different con- struction than that used in the Mk 1 fuze It contains a primer déley, relay, initiator, and booster. ~ . ° Operation: The operation of this fuze is the samé as the type 13-year Mk 1 Mod 1 ‘ 543 qgags $2222 22922 E8952 88253 : : Bios cites caisas caews seaee weneg neaee reaes 18 . [4.| 28882 98888 28883 INCHES TO MILLIMETERS seats inches Lineh= 25. Millimeiara REFERENCE TABLE 1 Basia: ¥ RRRSS weqee vaaec yeage : ASE55 SERRE £8892 8 : NAVY PROJECTILE FUZES ; REFERENCE TABLE 2° MILLIMETERS TO INCHES « Basis: 1 Inch= 25.4 Millimeters <7 Mi str | Inch ‘| Millimeter | Inches | mat ter | Inches | Millimeter | Inches 1.023622. 2.007874 2 992126 1. 062002 2 047244 3 031496 1, 102362 2. 086614 3. 070886 4. 141782 2.125084 « + 3.110236 i 1 181402 2. 165354 3. 149606 1.290472 56. 2204794 3. 188976 “Vasoes 87. 2. 244004 3228346 129021358. 2. 283465 3 267717 4.398583 «59... (2. 822885 3. 307087 1.377053 00. 2, 362205 3.346457 1.417323 61. 2. 401575 8 389827 1.456608 62. - 2 a40n4s 3. 425197, 1. 49606383. 2, 480315 3. 464567 1.535483 64 2 519685 3 503087 1, 87480365 2, 659055 3. 543307 - 167368... 2. 598425 3 982677 1.658548 67. 2. 687795 3 622047 1.692013 | 68... |, - 2677165 3 661817 _ L7gaza 89. 2.716585 3. 700787 1771654 70. 2. 755006 3 740157 1, 811024 "2, 795276 8 779528 1. 850904 2. 934546 3 818808 1 889764 2 874016 3. 858268 1, 920134 4 913986 3 897638 1, 968604 2. 962756 3. 937008 i 7 a we JAPANESE EXPLOSIVE ORDNANCE ea : i REFERENCE TABLE 3 inet ‘ + BINARY”FIACTIONS OF AN INCH TO DECIMAL INCHES AND MILLIMETERS a 4 Decimal | Mtimetr 0.105625 9.206875 081260 798730: ke 4.-385625 4.762500 5.150375 5 56250 * 058125 e 6746878 es 7.148750 7.540625 7.937500 334375 8.731250 9.128125 9.525000 wre 10318730 eee . a se he AZ1875 10..715625, : : He = 497500 11112500 * ‘ -—e ass ea He “aes7s0.©—-—=—«11 906280 * a on + 484375 12303125, 12700000 ao . » REFERINCE TABLE’ wb BINARY FRACTIONS OF AN INCH To ‘DECIMAL Nowe AND MILLIMETERS” wreias .aaeisté “508780 15081250 _ ooasts. 8 ati2g “25000 - 15, 875000, ie zrisrs 18.098750 17065025 “V7.462500 V7 a937s. 18256250 - : 27 18-653}25 19050000, 19.ssgu7s 19843750, ~ 20 :240625° 20 637500. _ 21 034875 , 24 431250 » ‘Bsa oe bead, 7 7 we i . 906250 * 28081790. 4 7 he 92875 (33 .4150%8 Me: ‘ ‘937500 ‘B3812500 ae é ay ew 088185, RE 20NATE ae i Ye 968750 24008250. : tata URE ee he “954a75: ao.008125 °° * ry g ede ete ot y:000000 + 25 400000 .

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