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PASSIVE VOICE VOICE is the grammatical category which shows the relationship between the subject and the

action. ACTIVE VOICE the subject does the action. They saw you there PASSIVE VOICE the subject undergoes the action! done by the logical subject "ou were seen by them. S # Passi$e $erb %to be # Past Participle&# Agent Transiti$e $erbs can be used in the passi$e $oice! e'cept (or relational verbs ! such as) to resemble! to possess! to ha$e! to hold and some prepositional verbs) to loo* at! to send (or! to account (or! etc. +AVE S,T+. -O.E /ET S,T+.-O.E I0$e just had my car ser$iced. Imust get my car ser$iced (or a ser$ice per(ormed (or us by someone else 1hen smth. must be done 1e0$e had our car ser$iced. (or smth. un(ortunate /et your hair cut2 in orders and imperati$es I e$entually got the car (i'ed. e$entually managing smth. The need to get a ser$ice done can be described with .EE- -OI./ ) "our hair needs cutting. The Passi$e is probably more common in written English where there tends to be less use o( personal in(erence! since the audience may be un*nown. Also used to a$oid generali3ed subjects! to ma*e an action impersonal! in description o( processes and in scienti(ic and technological *nowledge. Some transiti$e $erbs are used as intransiti$es4 they ha$e acti$e (orm! but passi$e meaning) The boo* sells well. The shirt washes well. Intransiti$es used as transiti$es may accept passi$i3ation) (ly! run! stand! wal*! etc. The dogs were walked e$ery day.

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