Culture Nunamiut 2607

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Label the pictures below with words from the wordbank.

village caribou dog sled tent snowmobile gun bones tools

g e h f

Now read the article and tick () the table, comparing the old and new life.




is the Far north in the mountains of Alaska e thre ut village of Anaktuvuk Pass. Only abo ge villa ern mod hundred people live there. It is a e Ther ol. scho a with houses, a small hospital and the of e hom the are cars and a few buses. It is the Inuit Nunamiut. The Nunamiut belong to (Eskimo) nation. were nomads Until the late 1940s the Nunamiut ever y part of and they hunted caribou. They used , furs and skins the caribou meat and fat for food tools. They for clothes and tents, and bones for on foot in travelled by dog sled in winter and summer. They slept in tents. more Over the years, there was more and modern the and ut contact between the Nunami n took Wie rd Sigu d world. In 1943, a pilot calle for guns e ang exch in ers the Nunamiuts furs to trad this and ded nee ut ami and other things the Nun in ing settl ple peo ut ami was the start of the Nun uk ktuv Ana ge, villa the , that r one place. Soon afte of last the e wer ut ami Nun The . Pass, was founded ge e into villa North Americas native people to settl life. mix old Today, the people of Anaktuvuk Pass hunt for still ways and new ways together. They iles. They mob snow caribou but they travel on their estors. anc r thei of ies watch TV but also tell the stor . them to nt orta Preserving tradition is very imp

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Live in a village. Move from place to place. Have got snowmobiles. Have got dog sleds. Watch TV. Hunt caribou.

Photocopiable B Burlington Books

1 a b c d e f g h village bones snowmobile tent dog sled gun caribou tools

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Photocopiable B Burlington Books

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