Avital Raz The Believer Press Release

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Ietosolem boto sloqet-sooqwtltet Avltol koz
teleoses bet flftb olbom 1be 8ellevet oo J1

Motcb 2014 oo 5otooes kecotJs. A oolpoe
ooJ ottetly feotless petfotmet ooJ
sooqwtltet, koz Jefles slmple plqeoo-bolloq
ooJ bos bete ptoJoceJ oo olbom tbot
tesoootes wltb bet commltmeot to follow
bet ott wbetevet lt moy toke bet.

A record LhaL dellghLs, Lhrllls and shocks, 1he 8ellever ls a sparkllng elghL-song collaboraLlon wlLh celllsL
and arranger +505 ?14.5@ (MeursaulL, 1he Leg). 1he album follows hoL on Lhe heels of lnfldellLy (2013,
5otooes kecotJs).
AfLer leavlng her homeland lsrael, and Lhe resldue of an CrLhodox upbrlnglng, 8az relocaLed Lo lndla
where she sLudled lndlan classlcal slnglng. Cn Lop of her operaLlc Lralnlng ln her youLh, Lhese lnfluences
comblne Lo produce a volce LhaL ls boLh orlglnal and deeply affecLlng. 8az ls now based ln norLh WesL
Lngland, where she performs her own songs and Leaches lndlan classlcal muslc. 1he 8ellever exhlblLs all
Lhese lnfluences, fused here wlLh eLe Parvey's lovely cello sound and eccenLrlc arrangemenLs, ln an
lnLlmaLe collecLlon of dlrecL, sophlsLlcaLed and movlng songs.
Cpenlng Lrack 8loe 8oll Mooo ls a melancholy palnLlng of lnLoxlcaLed lsolaLlon and paralysls, seL on a
canvas of bassy gulLar loops and hlgh-plLched cello whlmpers. 1he hearL-achlngly beauLlful LlLle Lrack 1be
8ellevet Lells of Lwo meeLlngs wlLh Cod. lrom a counLry-esque sLarL, lL goes on Lo seL a llne of babble Lo a
LradlLlonal LasL Luropean !ewlsh melody (a favourlLe of Lhe slnger's grandfaLher), wlLh eerle plano
passages remlnlscenL of 1om WalLs.
1be Jlobotqb 5otptlse ls a brave and raw accounL of a nlghL of drunken sex LhaL Lransgresses pollLlcal,
eLhnlc and moral boundary llnes. Already released as a slngle (downloadable from a condom packeL,
proceeds Lo alesLlnlan campalgn SLop Lhe Wall), lL has managed Lo ouLrage and dellghL, ln equal
measure, people from all sldes of Lhe confllcL (waLch Lhe vldeo: hLLp://youLu.be/k36uCqSMC0).

A female slnger-songwrlLer who
puLs many of her conLemporarles Lo
shame. 1o call her maglcal ls Lo mlss
Lhe polnL. 1hls ls real and very
poLenL self-expresslon "
(nlck 8urbrldge, 82)

1he psychedellc lo tbe CotJeo showcases 8az's experLlse ln lndlan classlcal muslc, evoklng hazy
memorles of some unheard lncredlble SLrlng 8and Lune, whlle kolls CotlooJ and No. J972 are llghLer re-
worklngs of songs from her earller L release 5klo ooJ leotbets. ln dlfferenL ways each porLrays Lhe
Ledlum of serlal falled relaLlonshlps.
Alongslde 8az, who plays gulLars, lndlan Lanpura and glock, and Parvey on cello and plano Lhe album
feaLures uave raLL (percusslon) and Amos ungar (acousLlc gulLar on no. 3972).
8az meL Parvey ln Ldlnburgh whlle on a uk Lour - boLh were performlng ln a 5ooq, 8y 1ooJ house
concerL - eLe ln a sLrlng quarLeL accompanylng Alex Cornlsh, whlle AvlLal performed solo. LaLe aL nlghL,
afLer a falr amounL of alcohol, eLe suggesLed a collaboraLlve album. So ensued Lwo and a half years of
lnLermlLLenL work, whlle AvlLal llved for perlods ln 8erlln, 1el Avlv and Callfornla. LaLer eLe admlLLed
LhaL when he made Lhe orlglnal suggesLlon he had been under Lhe lmpresslon LhaL 8az was 'a blg deal',
buL LhaL he had mlssed her whlle busy growlng poLaLoes and maklng clder aL hls home sLudlo
lompkloflelJ ln erLh, where Lhls album was recorded.
1he 8ellever ls yeL anoLher beauLlful and provocaLlve album from an arLlsL who consLanLly challenges our
ldeas of gender, rellglon and Lhe pollLlcal body. 8az ls far beyond your run-of-Lhe-mlll slnger-songwrlLer.
Pere we have an arLlsL who exudes depLh and honesLy. We should admlre her LalenL and applaud her
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!erusalem born AvlLal 8az has sung abouL anal sex ln church, curslng god ln
synagogue and has been banned from slnglng ln pubs where people "are Lrylng Lo
have a nlce meal" for belng Loo dlsLurblng and Lhls desplLe her very preLLy and well
developed volce.

Per muslcal [ourney Lhus far has been a long and wlndy one. SLarLed ouL as a chlld
slnger of classlcal muslc, afLer several radlo reclLals, prlzes and small opera roles,
she became bored wlLh performlng oLher people's muslc and began Lo sLudy
AfLer parLlclpaLlng ln a masLer class wlLh Sarangl player SulLan khan, she re[ecLed
Lhe aLonal braln muslc she was belng Lralned Lo wrlLe and Lraveled Lo lndla where
she sLayed for slx years learnlng Lhe anclenL arL of uhrupad slnglng from rof. 8lLwlk
Sanyal. AvlLal subsequenLly released Lwo Ls: 5ttooqe love 5ooqs and 5klo &
leotbets. lour years ago AvlLal lefL lsrael for good and has slnce llved and
performed ln 8erlln, Callfornla and has flnally seLLled ln Lhe norLh WesL of Lngland.
Per laLesL album loflJellty has recenLly been released on SoLones 8ecords.

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SoLones ls an lndependenL co-operaLlve label based ln SouLhampLon, Lngland, whlch was lnlLlally esLabllshed
ln 2007. lLs arLlsLs lnclude AvlLal 8az, An[a McCloskey, MoneyLree, MouleLLes, PaunLed SLereo, LLao Shln,
Lonely !oe arker, CLLersgear and uavld MlaLL amongsL oLhers. WlLh over 60 releases ln 6 years and arLlsL
supporL Lours for 1he 1lng 1lngs, 1he Polloways, MysLery !eLs and 8and of Skulls, Lhe label has come a long
way slnce lLs lncepLlon. uownload Lhe new free label sampler 1rl-lldellLy here:

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