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Representing Ireland: Past, Present and Future, edited by Alison OMalley-Younger and Frank Beardow.

Sunderland: University o Sunderland !ress, "ages #$-%& '(e Flig(t o t(e )arl: *ug( O+eill as an ,nde- o ,ris( .ultural /i0inality )ugene OBrien
1riting in t(e Irish Studies Review, .laire .onnolly 2alled or a new t(eorisation o ,ris(ness in ter0s o issues o identity. S(e notes, 2orre2tly in 0y view, t(at t(ere is a 3strong strain o anti-Britis(ness to be ound in so0e 2urrent t(eorisations and 0akes so0e telling "oints on t(e e"iste0ologi2al nature o t(e "ost2olonial "aradig0 as "ra2tised in 2onte0"orary ,ris( Studies: As t(e sub4e2t o t(eory, "ost2olonial and ot(erwise, 3,reland 0ust be understood as bot( t(e twenty-si- 2ounties and t(e si--2ounty statelet, and, urt(er0ore, in ter0s o t(e 2onne2tions and a iliations not redu2ible to t(ese relatively new "oliti2al 2reations. !ost2olonial t(eory (as to "ro2ess t(e relation between t(ese two units w(i2( s(are t(e sa0e land 0ass, t(e a2tual or wis(ed- or 2onne2tions wit( ot(er "la2es 5ties wit( t(e )U, analogies wit( ,ndia, 2ontinuing 2onne2tions wit( Britain, dias"ori2 ties to t(e USA and .anada6 and t(e drea0s o t(ose w(o see t(e two units as one. '(at t(is drea0 (as t(e "ower to assu0e t(e role o nig(t0are in so0e versions o t(e "oliti2al i0agination 0ust also be a2knowledged. 5.onnolly #77$, %$#6 '(is (ig(ly nuan2ed, and a22urate, re"resentation o t(e role o t(eory in t(e rei0agining or reinventing o ,reland in t(e t(ird 0illenniu0 2on2ludes wit( .onnollys 2ontention t(at 2(anging "oliti2al and 2ultural 2ir2u0stan2es are 0ooting an ongoing rea""raisal o 3"ast and "resent 2ultural or0s and s(e 2on2ludes t(is arti2le wit( t(e assertion t(at t(e sear2( 2ontinues or a 32riti2al idio0 2a"able o 2o0"re(ending and 0aybe even 2(anging ,ris( 2ulture 5.onnolly #77$, %$#6. '(is 2(a"ter will gesture towards su2( a new t(eorisation by looking on t(e re2e"tion (istory o *ug( O+eill as an e-e0"lary te-t, to use Sea0us 8eanes resonant ter0 58eane $9::, $-%6. '(is ter0 i0"lies t(at a te-t enun2iates t(e (ig("oint o a "arti2ular 0ove0ent w(ile at t(e sa0e ti0e 2arrying wit(in it t(e seeds o a "utative de2onstru2tion o t(at 0ove0ent. , will argue t(at *ug( O+eill, or so long an inde- o nationalist anti-2olonialist endeavour, (as now 2o0e to o22u"y a 0ore li0inal "osition. '(is 2(a"ter will e-a0ine t(e (istoriogra"(i2al transitions w(i2( (ave resulted in a re-en2ulturation o O+eill in ter0s o (is "la2e in ,ris( (istori2al narrative. Using (i0 as a 0etony0, it will t(en de0onstrate (ow su2( narratives are t(e0selves 2(anging as a result o t(e altered re"resentation o t(e 2entral 2(ara2ters. ,n ot(er words, t(e literary enun2iations o (istori2al 2(ara2ters like O+eill 2an 2o0"li2ate one-di0ensional re"resentations tied to ideologi2al agendas. O+eill, and t(e Flig(t o t(e )arls,

o22u"y a 2entral "osition in su2( dis2ourse and , (o"e to e-a0ine hauntological, in a 8erridean sense, in2arnations o t(ese two "otent so2io-2ultural signi iers. '(e body o t(e 2(a"ter will o2us on t(e relations(i" between t(e (auntologi2al "resen2e o *ug( O+eill in S(akes"eares Henry V and Sea0us *eaneys dis2ussion o O+eill in The Redress of Poetry and in (is "oe0 3'er0inus. Bot( o t(ese literary en2ulturations "rovide a 0ore nuan2ed nature o ,ris(ness in ter0s o t(e "ost2olonial "aradig0, using *ug( O+eill as a 0etony0i2 e-a0"le o t(e 8erridean diffrance and li0inality t(at (as be2o0e su2( a byword in 2onte0"orary "oststru2turalist and "ost2olonial t(eory. By tra2ing O+eills signi i2an2e in ,ris( (istoriogra"(y t(roug( S(akes"eare, *eaney, /a2an and 8errida, , will de0onstrate (ow (e un2tions, no longer as an inde- o rebarbative ,ris( nationalis0 but instead as a signi ier o t(e 0ore li0inal strands o ,ris(ness t(at are now seen as o"erative in t(e so2io-"oliti2al s"(ere. At a urt(er re0ove, , will tra2e t(e et(i2al and 2ultural value o su2( literary re"resentations in t(e "oliti2al s"(ere in ter0s o 2reating a 0ore nuan2ed sense o sel (ood. *en2e t(e 2ase o O+eill e-e0"li ies, in parvo, t(e t(eoreti2al turn w(i2( (as 2o0e about in t(e ield o ,ris( Studies. '(ere is (ardly a 0ore ;uoted line ro0 S(akes"eare in t(e overall 2onte-t o ,ris( Studies t(an t(e a0ous ;uestion ro0 Henry V: 3w(at is( 0y nation< 5S(akes"eare $9&=, ,,, ii, $#>6. By its 2on lation o t(e individual and t(e national, it stresses t(e sub4e2tive interde"enden2e on broader so2ietal and 2ultural 2onstru2ts. Ma2Morriss sense o sel is ine-tri2ably bound u" wit( (is sense o (is nation, and in t(is "lay, at a urt(er re0ove, t(e 2reation o an )nglis( 0a2ro-sub4e2tivity is based on t(is very di erential e;uation o an ,ris( one. ,n t(is sense, o t(e "ersonal and so2ietal dyna0i2s o sub4e2tivity, t(e work o ?a2;ues /a2an is i0"ortant. For /a2an, t(e (u0an sub4e2t is 2reated at t(e intersti2es o "ersonal un2ons2ious desire, and t(e broader so2io-linguisti2 ra0ework o so2iety, w(at /a2an ter0s t(e Sy0boli2 order. ,t is 2ertainly o overw(el0ing i0"ortan2e in t(e 2onte-t o t(e violen2e and tension between t(e two 2o00unities in +ort(ern ,reland, as well as in t(e 2onte-t o t(e o ten ve-ed relations(i" between ,reland and Britain. '(ere ore, t(is ;uestion 0ust be studied in so0e detail i one is to 2o0e to any reasonable odus operandi regarding t(e sear2( or so0e or0 o answer. '(e 2onte-t o t(is ;uestion is a i2tive one, t(e inal "art o S(akes"eares se2ond tetralogy, Henry V, w(ere t(e our 2a"tains, )nglis( 5@ower6, S2ottis( 5?a0y6, 1els( 5Fluellen6, and ,ris( 5Ma2Morris6 0eet in *ar leur. ,t 2o0es ro0 t(e ,ris( 2a"tain, Ma2Morris, in t(e 0idst o a dis2ussion w(erein t(e nature o ,ris(ness, e-"ressed in a diale2t or0 o )nglis( t(at see0s to "oint to t(e 2reation o t(e irst 3stage ,ris(0an, is "redi2ated on violen2e: ,t is no ti0e to dis2ourse, so .(ris( save 0eA '(e day is (ot, and t(e weat(er, and t(e wars, and t(e Bing, and t(e 8ukesC it is no ti0e to dis2ourseC t(e town is besee2(ed, and t(e tru0"et 2all us to t(e brea2(, and we talk, and, be .(ris(, do not(ingC 3tis s(a0e or us all, so @od sa 0e, 3tis s(a0e to stand still, it is s(a0e, by 0y (andA And t(ere is t(roats to be 2ut, and works to be done, and t(ere is( not(ing done, so .(ris( sa 0e, law. 5S(akes"eare $9&=, ,,,, ii, $7:-$$=6

.onte-tually, Ma2Morris is res"onding to w(at (e sees as an insult by t(e 1els( 2a"tain. )arlier in t(e s2ene, Fluellen (as 2riti2iDed Ma2Morriss 0ining te2(ni;ues, noting t(at 3t(e 0ines is not a22ording to t(e dis2i"lines o war 5,,,, ii, &$-&#6 as t(e tren2(es are not su i2iently dee", and t(e adversary is 3digt (i0sel our yard under t(e 2ounter0ines 5&>-&=6. *e (as noted t(at Ma2Morris knows not(ing o t(e 3dis2i"lines o t(e wars and (as gone on to say 3By .(es(u, (e is an ass, as in t(e worldA , will veri y as 0u2( in (is beard 5:#-:%6. ,n t(eir 0eeting, (owever, Fluellen is ar 0ore 2ir2u0s"e2t. Euali ying (is anti2i"ated ;uestioning o Ma2Morriss 0ining te2(ni;ues wit( 3, t(ink, look you, under your 2orre2tion, (e only gets as ar as saying t(at 3t(ere is not 0any o your nation F 5$##-$#%6. *owever, (e is interru"ted by t(e violent non se!uitur w(erein is uttered t(e a0ous ;uestion o identity: O 0y nation< 1(at is( 0y nation< ,s( a villain, and a basterd, and a knave, and a ras2al. 1(at is( 0y nation< 1(o talks o 0y nation< 5S(akes"eare $9&= ,,,, ii, $#>-$#&6 *ere, t(is ;uestion see0s less a "robing o t(e essen2e o ,ris(ness t(an a r(etori2al tri2k to delay Fluellens ;uestions as to t(e de"t( o (is 0ining tren2(es, and t(e la2k o de"t( o (is knowledge o war. One 0ust wonder at t(e se2ond senten2e w(ere (e atte0"ts to "rovide an answer to t(e de ining 2ategories o ,ris( identity, noting t(at (is nationality is 2o0"rised o t(e ollowing ;ualities: a villain, a bastard, a knave and a ras2al. Out o (is own 0out(, it see0s, we are getting an o ensive de inition o ,ris(ness, even t(oug( Fluellen (as 0ade no atte0"t to i0"ugn eit(er Ma2Morris or (is nation. Ma2Morris is on t(e de ensive be ore any sense o (is ,ris(ness is even 0entioned. ,n t(is sense, (e is o ten taken as a 0etony0 o ,ris(ness, violent, tou2(y, ;ui2k-te0"ered and linguisti2ally attenuated wit( res"e2t to (is )nglis( 2onte0"oraries. ,n t(e 2ase o t(e our 2a"tains, it is (is diale2t alone t(at does not 2o0"ly wit( t(e standard )nglis( w(i2( 2onte-tualises it in bot( "oetry and "rose. *is situation, in ter0s o t(e nation-2onstru2tion t(at is ongoing is ano0alous in t(at (e is raising t(e ;uestion o (is own identity in 2ontradistin2tion to t(e growing sense o e-"ansionist )nglis(ness t(at is very 0u2( t(e te-t o t(e "lay. ,t is as i (e is t(e voi2e o t(e 2olonised, voi2ing (is sense o sel (ood in a Mani2(ean allegori2al 0anner as less t(en t(e 2oloniser. )ven as (e is in t(e "ro2ess o being subsu0ed into t(e 2olonising a""aratus o t(e )nglis( i0"eriu0, (e still de ines (i0sel as ot(er. 1(y t(is s(ould be so 2an, (owever, be as2ertained t(roug( a urt(er "ro2ess o 2onte-tualiDation. ,n $=99, S(akes"eares "atron, t(e )arl o Sout(a0"ton, (ad gone wit( t(e )arl o )sse-s e-"edition against *ug( O+eill, )arl o 'yrone, to atte0"t to "ut down t(e 'yrone rebellion. Henry V was "robably written a ter t(e e-"edition set out in A"ril $=99 and be ore its 3igno0inious return in t(e autu0n o t(at year 5.airns and Gi2(ards $9HH, 96. *en2e, t(e attitudes to ,ris(ness in t(is te-t would (ave been 2oloured by t(e eelings o national "ride engendered by t(e 0artial e-"edition, allied to eelings o "ersonal loyalty and gratitude on S(akes"eares "art, to t(e )arl o Sout(a0"ton. '(is attitude to ,reland, in t(e reality o t(e ti0e, is used wit( t(e i2tive ti0e o Henry V in t(e "lays "rologue, w(ere (istory and i2tion are 4oined in a sy00etri2al e;uation, an e;uation w(i2( "rovides answers to Ma2Morriss ;uestion, and to t(e 0atter o (is answer to t(at ;uestion. '(us, t(ere is a binary te0"oral

"ers"e2tive at work in t(is de inition o ,reland, as t(e i0aginary ti0e o "ing Henry V and t(e Fren2( wars is seen t(roug( t(e "ers"e2tive o Eueen )liDabet(s ti0e and t(e ,ris( wars. ,n t(e "rologue to A2t I, a dire2t 2o0"arison is 0ade between t(e wel2o0e given by t(e 2itiDens o /ondon to 3t(is *arry, t(e vi2torious *enry I, and t(at w(i2( t(ey would give were t(ey now 5in t(e real "resent o t(e aut(ors(i" o t(e "lay6 to see: Jt(e general o our gra2ious )0"ress 5As in good ti0e (e 0ay6 ro0 ,reland 2o0ing, Bringing rebellion broa2(Kd on (is sword. 5S(akes"eare $9&= I, "rologue, %7-%%6 @iven S(akes"eares stake in t(is e-"edition to ,reland, it is (ardly sur"rising t(at (e eels su2( little sy0"at(y wit( ,ris(ness in general, and wit( an ,ris( 2a"tain, "ossibly an analogue o *ug( O+eill, )arl o 'yrone, in "arti2ular. *en2e, t(e see0ing ;uestion o national identity enun2iated and answered by Ma2Morris, turns out to be an e-a0"le o t(e voi2e o t(e 2oloniDed ot(er as seen ro0 t(e "ers"e2tive o t(e 2oloniDing )nglis( i0"erial 2entre. 8e2lan Biberd (as 0ade t(e "oint t(at ,ris( identity 2an be seen as t(e 2reation o )nglis( rulers at a s"e2i i2 0o0ent in )nglis( (istory 5Biberd $9H=, =6, and t(e 2ategoriDation o ,ris(ness as 3a villain, and a basterd, and a knave, and a ras2al is a locus classicus o seeing t(e ot(er in "e4orative ter0s, and as su2(, "roviding a di erentiated "la2e u"on w(i2( t(e edi i2e o 2olonial identity 2an be 2onstru2ted. '(e e e2t o t(is "ro2ess on t(e identity o 2oloniDer and 2oloniDed is signi i2ant. S(akes"eare voi2es t(ese 2riteria o identity t(roug( t(e persona o Ma2Morris, and t(e e"iste0ologi2al t(rust o t(ese 2ategories needs to be analyDed, as it "rovides an interesting e-a0"le o w(at one 0ig(t ter0 3essentialist identity. For S(akes"eare, ,ris( identity is based on our 2entral 2ategories, w(i2( radiate t(roug( t(e ,ris( 2(ara2ter in t(e "lay. '(ese 2(ara2teristi2s enun2iate a "osition o i-ity, an ele0ent w(i2( *o0i B(ab(a sees as a 2entral eature o 2olonial dis2ourse 5B(ab(a $99>, &&6. '(is i-ity is one as"e2t o a 2o00on e"iste0ologi2al 2onstitution o issues o identity, wit( t(e essential national, et(ni2 or ra2ial 2(ara2teristi2s seen as i-ed, trans-(istori2al, and generally a""li2able. ,n t(e 2ase o Ma2Morris, t(e ,ris( de ining 2(ara2teristi2s are "e4orative, given t(at t(ey are e-"ressed ro0 an i0"erial stand"oint. )-"li2itly, in (is own dis2ourse, Ma2Morris es"ouses t(e de ining 2(ara2teristi2s o villainy, knavery, bastardy, and ras2alityC i0"li2itly, t(roug( (is dis2ourse, (e e0bodies re"etition, stu"idity, aggression, 2(oler, and an ability to take insult wit(out any "rovo2ation. ,n ot(er words we, as audien2e, are en2ouraged to see in (is 2(ara2ter t(e 0i2ro2os0i2 e0bodi0ent o t(e 0a2ro2os0i2 national 2(ara2teristi2s w(i2( (e (i0sel outlines. ,ndeed, t(e latter is also "redi2ated on an essentialist view o sel and ot(er, wit( little 2(an2e o inter2onne2tion between t(e0. Ma2Morris is seen as in2a"able o itting into *enrys grand "lan or unders2oring 3t(e ideal o intra-Britis( 2o-o"eration under a beloved 0onar2( 5/eerson $99&, H>6. Ma2Morris "oses a 2entral ;uestion or 2onte0"orary literary and 2ultural studies on2e (is original ;uestion is analyDed. ,s it "ossible to 2learly de ine a nation< 1(at are t(e 2ategories t(at 2reate a nation, or a bond o nationality< 1(at 2(ara2teristi2s are to be

ound in 2o00on a0ong t(e deniDens o a nation< 1(o de2ides w(ere one nation begins and w(ere anot(er ends< 1(at are t(e re2i"ro2al e e2ts o belonging to a nation on t(e individual and t(e 2o00unity in ;uestion< Are t(ese de ining traits i-ed in ti0e and ;uantity< 1(at is t(e relations(i" between language and nationality< *ow does identity 2o0e to be de ined< 1(at are t(e 2onstituting 2riteria o identity< 8oes national identity (ave to be binding a2ross t(e "o"ulation o a nation< 8o narrative, 0yt(, and literature (ave a 2onstitutive un2tion in t(e s(a"ing o notions o identity< ,n ter0s o ,ris( identity, literature, narrative and i2tion (ave all s(a"ed our notions o t(is ter0. By taking t(e a2ts o (istory and s(a"ing t(e0 t(roug( narrative, a teleologi2al and "ersonal stru2ture is set in "la2e w(i2( 0akes ,ris( identity 2oter0inous wit( a s"e2i i2 "ers"e2tive on t(e "ast. O+eill un2tions, in a "arti2ular view o ,ris( (istory, as a syne2do2(e or t(e deat( o @aeli2 2iviliDation in t(e 2onte-t o t(e Battle o Binsale in $&7$, w(i2( is generally seen as t(e inal battle o t(e @aeli2 order. As *ayes-M2.oy "uts it, a ter t(is battle ,reland 3was 2on;uered 5*ayesM2.oy in Moody and Martin $9H>, $HH6, and t(is view is rein or2ed by Mary Fran2is .usa2k, w(o saw t(e battle as 3a atal blow to t(e ,ris( 2ause 5.usa2k $99=, >=H6. *ug( O+eill, t(e leader o t(is rebellion, is seen as an ,ris( 2(ie tain w(o (ad t(e wit and "ers"i2a2ity to resist t(e )nglis( in be(al o ,reland as a w(ole. Boy2e sees t(e rebellion as t(e 3last stand o @aeli2 ,reland against 'udor en2roa2(0ent 5Boy2e $99=, &$6. ,t led to t(e e0ble0ati2 3Flig(t o t(e )arls in $&7:, t(e leaving o ,reland by t(e last two great ,ris( 2(ie tains, O+eill and O8onnell, and 0arked t(e beginning o t(e overall 2on;uest o ,reland. ,n ideologi2al ter0s, O+eill is seen as a leader o @aeli2 .at(oli2 ,reland, indeed, (e said (i0sel t(at (is allies w(o oug(t wit( (i0 oug(t or 3t(e .at(oli2 religion and t(e liberties o our 2ountry 5Boy2e $99=, &$6. ,n t(is sense, (e e0bodies t(e @aeli2, ,ris(, .at(oli2 identity t(at is seen as natural or ,reland. '(is 0onologi2al reading o O+eills rebellion is also invaded by dialogi2al readings. Firstly, t(e view o t(e rebellion as a 2ountry-wide u"rising o .at(oli2 grievan2e is not altoget(er true. As Boy2e (as noted, not all .at(oli2s, es"e2ially in towns, were in agree0ent wit( O+eills religious agenda, and re0ained neutral, w(ile .at(oli2 lords like Barry0ore stood against (i0, insisting t(at )liDabet( (ad never re used t(e0 liberty o 2ons2ien2e 5Boy2e $99=, &$6. O+eills re;uest t(at .at(oli2s w(o oug(t against (i0 s(ould be e-2o00uni2ated, was re used by t(e !o"e, w(ile t(e ?esuits wit(in t(e !ale were e;ually distrust ul o (is religious 0otives 5Boy2e $99=, &$6. 'o add a urt(er level o 2o0"le-ity to t(e identi i2ation o *ug( O+eill as an avatar o essentialist ,ris( identity, in t(e early $=H7s (e served wit( t(e )nglis( or2es w(o were su""ressing a rebellion o Munster a0ilies 5Be2kett $9&9, ##6. .onse;uently, be ore t(e "ivotal battle o Binsale, in $&7$, w(en t(e ar0ies o O+eill and O8onnell 0ar2(ed to .ounty .ork ro0 t(eir strong(olds in t(e nort( o ,reland to 4oin t(eir S"anis( allies w(o (ad landed in Binsale, t(ey were atta2ked by a nu0ber o ,ris( a0ilies w(o saw no 2o00on 2ause wit( t(e0. On t(eir return 4ourney, in de eat, t(ey were atta2ked by even 0ore ,ris( a0ilies, "resu0ably in2luding so0e o t(ose against w(o0 O+eill (ad oug(t so0e eig(teen years earlier. ,n $=HH, w(en t(e survivors o t(e S"anis( Ar0ada 2a0e as(ore, t(ese 3ene0ies o )ngland were al0ost everyw(ere treated as ene0ies by t(e ,ris( as well 5*ayes-M2.oy in Moody and Martin 5eds6: $9H>C $H%6. '(e si0"listi2 view t(at t(e 2entre o ,ris( identity is 2on2eived o as being .at(oli2, @aeli2, and nationalist is under2ut by t(e ve2tor w(i2( 0oves towards t(e 2ir2u0 eren2e, and by so doing, alters t(e s(a"e and 2onstitution o t(at stru2ture o identity.

'(e di i2ulty t(at t(is obsession wit( t(e "ast 2reates is one o (y"ostasiDing t(at "astC it attains a trans2endental status by be2o0ing o"erative in t(e "resent, and by li0iting t(e "lay o or2es o"erating in t(at "resent. By de inition, w(at (a""ened in t(e "ast is ti0e and 2onte-t boundC w(at is re2orded ro0 t(e "ast is a series o 2(oi2es, 0any o w(i2( are ideologi2ally 0otivated. ,n ot(er words, t(e 3"ast is really 4ust one o a series o "ossible 3"asts w(i2( (as been given 2ultural "riority. ,t is a 2onstru2t rat(er t(an an essen2e. *yde, in (is essay 3'(e +e2essity or 8e-Angli2iDing ,reland, 2ites a ;uasi-trans2endentaliDed "ast, w(i2( is 2o0"rised o nationalist (eroes 3.u2(ullainJ OssianJ.(ristianisers o )uro"eJBrian Boru and t(e (eroes o .lontar , wit( t(e O+eills and O8onnells, wit( Gory OMoore, wit( t(e 1ild @eese, and even to so0e e-tent wit( t(e 0en o 39H 5O/eary $99>, $&%6. 'o 0aintain a 2onne2tion wit( t(is "ast is laudableC (owever, to allow ones uture to be di2tated by t(e 0indsets o t(is a"ot(eosiDed "ast is to deli0it any sense o "arti2i"ation in 0odernity or in any new arrange0ents in ter0s o identity or international relations(i"sC as 8e2lan Biberd tellingly "ut it 3,ris( nationalis0 too o ten de ined itsel by w(at it was against 5Biberd $99=, $>$6. /iterature in t(e or0s o narrative, 0yt( and i2tion, is 2reative o t(is "ers"e2tiveC (owever, t(eoreti2al readings o literature 2an also un2tion to de2onstru2t su2( 0onologi2al readings o (istory. '(is notion o t(e individual as "re-e-isting language (as its roots in t(e .artesian "ostulate, t(e 3sel -"resen2e o t(e 2ogito, 2ons2iousness, sub4e2tivity 58errida $9:&, $#6, as t(e 2ornerstone o t(e trans2endental sub4e2t. Su2( readings result in t(e 2o00ents o Ma2Morris and t(e view t(at a 3nation 2an be seen as a "re-de ined 2olle2tive. For /a2an, t(e s"eaking sub4e2t is 2onstituted by t(e un2ons2ious and language, and is i0bri2ated un2ons2iously in t(e syntag0ati2 2(ain. *e i0agines t(is 2(ain, t(e nor0al synta2ti2 arrange0ents o words in senten2es or longer units, in a 2o0"letely di erent 0anner to t(at o Saussure, w(o saw t(is 2(ain as linear, in t(e sa0e way t(at t(e senten2es in t(is "aragra"( are linear. For /a2an, t(is linearity 0ay be 3ne2essary but it is 3not su i2ient 5/a2an $9::, $=>6. ,n a t(oug(t "ro2ess t(at is ;uite si0ilar to t(at o 8errida, (e "oints to t(e a2t t(at ea2( word in a senten2e de"ends or its 0eaning on a 3w(ole arti2ulation o relevant 2onte-ts sus"ended Lverti2allyM, as it were, ro0 t(at "oint 5/a2an $9::, $=>6. '(is i0"lies t(at all o our 0eanings along t(e syntag0ati2 a-is 5t(e linear (oriDontal "lane6 are deter0ined by a series o absent 0eanings sus"ended verti2ally along t(e "aradig0ati2 a-is. As (e "uts it, t(e signi iers in t(e syntag0ati2 2(ain are arranged like 3rings o a ne2kla2e t(at is a ring in anot(er ne2kla2e 0ade o rings 5/a2an $9::, $=%6. *en2e, ea2( signi ier 2alls to 0ind nu0erous ot(er 2onnotations w(i2( are asso2iated wit( it in ter0s o 2o0bination, 2ontrast, (o0ony0, synony0, se0anti2, or "(oneti2 stru2ture. For /a2an t(is "lurality o 2onte-tual asso2iations is in inite, and it dis2loses t(e "ossibility o using language 3in order to signi y so ething !uite other t(an w(at it says Nitalics originalO 5/a2an: $9::, $==6. ,n ot(er words, 0eaning is de ined t(roug( a "ro2ess o inter"retation, a "ro2ess o sele2tion ro0 a nu0ber o "ossibilities. '(us, t(e view o t(e "ast as a uni ied in(eritan2e w(i2( 2an un2tion as a guideline or t(e "resent is de2onstru2ted by t(is t(eoreti2al "ers"e2tive. As *eaney (as "ut it in 3'(e Settle Bed, a "oe0 ro0 (is volu0e Seeing Things, 3an in(eritan2e is ro0 3t(e long ago, and yet it 2an be 0ade 3willable orwardPAgain and again and again, be2ause: 3w(atever is givenP2an always be rei0agined 5*eaney $99$, #96. '(e 2ore o 0y argu0ent is t(at, in t(e lig(t o

.onnollys de0and or a new t(eory, t(is 2ould well "rovide t(e answer: t(e awareness o "lural traditions, 0eanings, inter"retations t(at 2an be drawn ro0 (istory and w(i2( "rodu2e 0eaning t(roug( t(eir diale2ti2al intera2tion. ,n an interview wit( Gi2(ard Bearney, *eaney 0akes t(is very "oint: '(e "ossibilities wit(in a 2ulture, 2ultural in(eritan2e i you like, are w(at 0ediate between t(e individual "sy2(e and t(e un2ontrollable siDe o t(e reality out t(ere, t(e unknowable siDe o so2iety. .ultural in(eritan2eJ allows so0e or0 o negotiation to take "la2e, to 0ake sense o it all. 5Bearney $99=, $7H6 '(e "roble0ati2 nature o t(e or0 t(at su2( an in(eritan2e s(ould take (as already been 0entioned as a a2tor in w(i2( *eaneys t(oug(t 0irrors t(at o 8errida. Bot( writers are wary o an in(eritan2e as so0et(ing univo2al, w(i2( allows or i0ages o an unre2onstru2ted "ast to re0ain o"erative in t(e "resent. ,n Specters of #ar$, 8errida 0akes a si0ilar "oint in ter0s o t(e ra2tured notion o an in(eritan2e, w(i2(, ar ro0 issuing ro0 a i-ed 2entre, and ro0 2ontaining an une;uivo2al 0eaning, 3is never gat(ered toget(er, it is never one wit( itsel 58errida $99>, $&6. ,n t(e sa0e book, 8errida dis2usses w(at (e ter0s hauntology, seeing g(ostly (auntings as tra2es o "ossible alternative 0eanings. 8erridas s"e2trality involves a2knowledging t(e ot(er t(at (aunts t(e sel C it involves a2knowledging t(e "ossibility t(at t(e 3( in hauntology is a (overing "resen2e over t(e 2ertainties o ontology, and above all, it is "redi2ated on t(e uture. S"eaking bot( o t(e g(ost in Ha let, and t(e g(ost t(at (aunts Mar-s %o unist #anifesto 5w(ere t(e irst noun is 3s"e2ter6, (e 0akes t(e "oint t(at, at botto0: 3t(e s"e2ter is t(e uture, it is always to 2o0e, it "resents itsel only as t(at w(i2( 2ould 2o0e or 2o0e ba2k 58errida $99>, %96. '(is orientation towards t(e uture is "art o a t(eoreti2al reading w(i2( is oriented towards t(e uture as o""osed to t(e "ast. So, i we reread t(e lineage outlined by *yde, or t(e view o a 2entrally de ined ,ris(ness, we 2an, in /a2anian ter0s, 2o0e u" wit( di erent rings o t(at ne2kla2e as ot(er (auntologi2al 0eanings are 2reated. *owever, a t(eoreti2al reading would inter"ret t(ese dates di erently. 'aking t(e linear narrative o rebellion, and sub4e2ting it to a 2riti;ue will bring to lig(t a 0ore 2o0"leseries o inter"retations. '(us, t(e traditional reading o ,ris(ness as de ined in ter0s o a "ost2olonial relations(i" wit( )ngland, a reading t(at underwrites t(e 2onte-t o Ma2Morriss identi i2atory ;uestion would "roble0atise t(e 2ertainties o t(at dis2ourse. '(e initial invaders w(o landed at Bannow Bay in 1e- ord were variously 2alled: )nglis(, +or0ans, Anglo-+or0ans, .a0bro-+or0ans, Anglo-Fren2(, Anglo.ontinentals, Sa-ons, Fle0ings, Men o Saint 8avids, Men o /landu 5@illing(a0 $99%, #9-%$6. '(us t(eir status as 3)nglis( is o"en to ;uestion. ,ndeed, t(ey (ad t(eir own di i2ulties wit( 2entral )nglis( kings(i" over a nu0ber o years. '(e sa0e "oint 2an be 0ade about ot(er signi iers o ,ris( (istory. ,n $:9H, or e-a0"le, t(e troo"s t(at t(e rebels were ig(ting were very o ten 2o0"osed o ,ris( yeo0en, broug(t in ro0 di erent 2ounties to su""ress t(e rebellion. ,n t(is 2ase, t(ese battles were 0ore in t(e nature o a 2ivil war rat(er t(an a straig(t orward ,ris(FBritis( 2on rontation, and di erent notions o ,ris(ness were in o"en 2on li2t. ,n 1orld 1ar ,, nearly a t(ird o a 0illion ,ris( 4oined t(e Britis( ar0y, w(ile only #,777 0en and wo0en oug(t in $9$&. .an it be said t(at t(e or0er are, in so0e way, 3less ,ris( t(an t(e latter< )ven to t(is day, t(e wearing o t(e "o""y, t(e traditional sy0bol w(i2( (onours t(ose soldiers w(o died in 1orld 1ar $, (as be2o0e a "oint o dis"ute a0ong

"oliti2ians and "ubli2 igures in t(e Ge"ubli2 o ,reland. '(is ;uestion serves as an indi2ator t(at 0eaning 2onstru2ted along t(e syntag0ati2 a-is, is ne2essarily erasing ot(er levels o 0eaning sus"ended along t(e "aradig0ati2 a-is. 'o avail o anot(er ter0inology, t(at o Mik(ail Bak(tin, t(is reading o (istory is 0onologist as o""osed to dialogi2. By 0onologist, (e 0eans t(e denial t(at, outside one "arti2ular o"inion or reading, t(ere e-ists 3anot(er 2ons2iousness, wit( t(e sa0e rig(ts, and 2a"able o res"onding on an e;ual ooting 5'odorov $9H>, $7:6. '(is denial is signi ied linguisti2ally by t(e denial o t(e ot(er as"e2ts or links in t(e 2(ain o 0eaning and inter"retation. '(e granting o rig(ts to anot(er "ers"e2tive is an atte0"t at a "rotre"ti2 dis2ourse in t(at alterity is a2knowledged and given voi2e. ,n t(ese ter0s, t(e a2t o reading takes on an overt "oliti2al signi i2an2e by its re usal o a 0onologi2al "ers"e2tive on t(e events o (istory. 1(at is being atte0"ted (ere, and in Sea0us *eaneys reading o O+eill to w(i2( we now turn, is a *aber0asian &leich'erechtigung, an e;ual ooting 5*aber0as $9H>, #>:6. !art o t(is notion o "roviding an e;ual ooting is to break down t(e binaries o identity. 1riting about (is early "oe0 3'(e Ot(er Side, *eaney sees t(e i0ages o division, nut also t(e "ossibilities: '(e "oe0, (owever, ended u" suggesting t(at a 2rossing 2ould be atte0"ted, t(at ste""ing stones 2ould be "la2ed by individuals w(o wanted to urt(er t(ings. 5*eaney #77#, =:6 ,n (is +obel le2ture, *eaney uses a si0ilar i0age. ,n t(is le2ture, *eaney tra2es (is early ste"s in t(e a2;uisition o language, and t(e 0anner in w(i2( di erent dis2ourses awakened in (i0 a 2uriosity about t(e wider world outside rural .ounty 8erry. *e dis2usses (is alertness to di erent nig(t sounds, seeing (is re2e"tion to t(ese sounds 0irrored by t(e deli2ate, 2on2entri2 ri""les 2aused in a bu2ket o drinking water in t(e a0ily s2ullery by t(e "assing o nearby trains 5*eaney $99=, $$6. *e goes on to e-"lain t(e e e2t o listening to t(e di erent radio stations and (is 3 irst en2ounters wit( t(e gutturals and sibilants o )uro"ean s"ee2(, sti0uli w(i2( (ad initiated a 4ourney 3into t(e wideness o t(e world. *e e-"ands t(is 0eta"(or into a 4ourney into 3t(e wideness o language, a 4ourney w(ere ea2( "oint o arrival F w(et(er in ones "oetry or ones li e F turned out to be a ste""ing stone rat(er t(an a destination 5*eaney $99=, $$6. ,n ot(er words, t(e 0eaning is always 2(anging, t(ose rings in a ne2kla2e are orever revolving: 3it is less a 0atter o re0e0bering t(an o rewriting (istory 5/a2an $9H:, $>6. '(is rewriting o (istory is ena2ted in *eaneys own 2o00ents about *ug( O+eill in t(e 2onne2tion between t(e essay 3So0et(ing to 1rite *o0e About, and 3'er0inus. '(e "oe0 ends as ollows:
Baronies, "aris(es 0et w(ere , was born. 1(en , stood on t(e 2entral ste""ing stone , was t(e last earl on (orseba2k in 0idstrea0 Still "arleying, in ears(ot o (is "eers. 5*eaney $9H:, =6

'(e re eren2e to t(e 3last earl is a (istori2al one, to *ug( O+eill, )arl o 'yrone, O+eill as one o t(e great igures in t(e ,ris( (istori2al "ant(eon, would see0 to be an

unusual i2on or *eaney to use in a "oe0 and an essay w(i2( deal wit( notions o li0inality and (ybridity. *owever, O+eills (istori2al situation is a little 0ore 2o0"li2ated t(an it 0ig(t at irst see0: By )nglis( law, O+eill was t(e )arl o 'yrone, and t(ere ore, in t(e understanding o Eueen )liDabet(, t(e )nglis( ;ueens loyal re"resentative in t(e kingdo0 o ,reland. But by ,ris( birt( and genealogy, O+eill was des2ended ro0 t(e 0yt(i2 ,ris( leader, +iall o t(e +ine *ostages, and to t(e ,ris( (e t(ere ore a""eared as t(e (ereditary leader o t(e @aeli2 O+eills, wit( a destined role. 5*eaney #77#, =>-=6 ,n t(is lig(t, O+eill is a "ersoni i2ation o t(ose ste""ing stones o w(i2( we (ave been s"eaking. *e is a li0inal igure, edu2ated in )ngland w(ile loyal to a sense o ,ris(ness. ,n t(e 2ase o O+eill, (e sees (is "osition as essentially li0inal, and, i2oni2ally and 0eta"(ori2ally, i0agines O+eill as a ty"e o ste""ing stone in one "arti2ular (istori2al situation. ,n $=99, in t(e t(roes o O+eills nine years war against t(e ar0ies o )liDabet(an )ngland, (e was a2ed by t(e )arl o )sse-, a strong avourite o Eueen )liDabet( a2ross t(e banks o t(e Giver @lyde, in .ounty /out(, in ,reland. O+eill, given (is edu2ation in t(e )nglis( tradition, wit( )sse-s at(er, 1alter 8evereu-, a2ting as (is "atron, was in a "osition w(ere t(e binary o""osition o ,ris(ness-)nglis(ness was not ;uite so well-de ined, and, given (is (istori2al asso2iation wit( t(e 8evereu- a0ily, (e was able to arrange a "arley wit( )sse- in t(e 0iddle o t(e river 5obviously an i2oni2 i0age or *eaney, given t(e signi i2an2e (e atta2(es to ste""ing stones6: O+eill was on (orseba2k, out in 0idstrea0, wit( t(e water u" to (is (orses belly and (is ,ris(-s"eaking soldiers be(ind (i0, s"eaking )nglis( to )sse-, w(o was standing a2ing (i0 on t(e ot(er bankJ.So, or ea2( o t(e0, t(is 0eeting by t(e river was a 0ysterious turn, a (iatus, a roDen ra0e in t(e violent a2tionJ.t(e balan2e tre0bled and (eld, t(e water ran and t(e sky 0oved silently above t(e0. 5*eaney #77#, ==6 '(e signi i2an2e o t(is dialogue or *eaney, and indeed, or t(e t(rust o our dis2ussion is t(at o li0inal dialogue, in t(e 0idst o "oliti2al 2on rontation. *ere, w(ile "er(a"s not an e-a0"le o roo0 to r(y0e, bot( 0en ound roo0 to talk and t(is dis2ussion served to avert a battle at t(at "oint in ti0e. 1(at as2inates *eaney about t(is s2ene is t(at very notion o a li0inal dialogue, o a s"a2e w(ere t(e (u0an relations(i" de2onstru2ts t(e de0ands o t(e "oliti2al one. '(e notion o two 2on li2tual igures in dialogue is very 0u2( e0ble0ati2 o (is 2on2e"ts o 2o0"le-ity, anasto0osis and t(e ield o or2e. As (e "uts it elsew(ere "oetry 3 loats ad4a2ent to, "arallel to, t(e (istori2al 0o0ent 5*eaney $9HH, $#$6, and as su2(, t(is is a 0o0ent w(ere t(e s"a2e o literature be2o0es o"erative in t(at i0agined real0 2ontiguous to, but a"art ro0, t(e real (istori2al 0o0ent, and (e des2ribes t(is in ter0s o t(e a0biguity already dis2ussed in ter0s o 30ar2(: '(ere was no way, given t(eir (istori2al 2ir2u0stan2es, t(at O+eill and )sse2ould 2ross to ea2( ot(ers side. '(eir 0ar2( (ad turned into so0et(ing

irrevo2ably 0ilitary. '(ey were at t(e ter0inus in an e-tre0e sense o t(at word. '(ere was no roo0 or two trut(s. '(e brutality o "ower would (ave to de2ide t(e issue not t(e "lay o 0ind. And yet as we t(ink about t(e s2ene, we want ea2( o t(e0 to be released ro0 t(e entra"0ent o (istory. 1e want t(e sky to o"en above t(e0 and grant t(e0 release ro0 t(eir eart(bound ates. And even i we know t(at su2( a release is i0"ossible, we still desire 2onditions w(ere t(e longed- or and t(e a2tual 0ig(t be allowed to 2oin2ide. A 2ondition w(ere borders are t(ere to be 2rossed rat(er t(an 2ontested. 5*eaney #77#, =&6 '(is is as 2lear a state0ent o *eaneys e"iste0ology o "oetry as we will see. ,t also e2(oes so0e 2o00ents *eaney (as 0ade about t(e idea o borders elsew(ere. Borders, says *eaney, are 0ade to be 2rossed, and "oetry 0ay "rovide t(e 0ode o su2( a 2rossing. ,n "oliti2al ter0s, *eaney (as e-"ressed t(e (o"e t(at t(e rontier w(i2( "artitions ,reland into nort( and sout(, 2ould be2o0e 3a little bit 0ore like t(e net on a tennis 2ourt, a de0ar2ation allowing or agile give-and-take 5*eaney $99=, #%6. Yet again, t(ere are e2(oes o 8errida w(o says t(at we 3(ave to 2ross t(e border but not to destroy t(e border 58errida $99:, %%6. ,nstead, t(e border, as a li0it "oint o one 2o00unity, be2o0es an o"ening to t(e ot(er 2o00unity. 1e are in t(e sy0boli2 2onstellation o t(e ste""ing stones (ere as t(ese bot( or0 a border, a "oint o li0itation, but also or0 a "oint o intera2tion between di erent ty"es o identity. ,t is not t(at one s(ould 2(oose one language, ideology, "oliti2al "osition over t(e ot(er: or bot( *eaney and 8errida, w(ile t(e i0"eratives o Realpoliti( 0ay or2e su2( o""ositional 2(oi2es in t(e real world, t(e s"a2e o literature "rovides an o""ortunity w(ere 3t(e longed- or and t(e a2tual 0ay 2oin2ide, and w(ere t(e 3"lay o 0ind 2an 2reate 2onditions w(ere t(e 2(oi2e no longer (as to be 3 neither t(e one nor t(e ot(er 58errida #777, H96. '(e ste""ing stone is dry land in water, in(abiting bot( ele0ents and yet also 0arking t(eir line o de0ar2ation. '(is is (ow t(e de2onstru2tion o language works in *eaneys writing: t(e signi ier be2o0es a li0inal "oint, o"en to di erent or0s o in luen2e. For *eaney, t(e aest(eti2 s(ould not 0erely re le2t a2tuality: instead, it s(ould 2riti;ue a2tuality by o ering a "arallel vision o "ossibility w(i2( is su i2iently grounded in t(e a2tual to retain so0e "ur2(ase on real events, but w(i2( "rovides a or0 o e-tension w(i2( allows t(ese events to be trans or0ed. /ike t(e s(rine o 'er0inus on t(e .a"itol, "oetry w(ile grounded, re0ains o"en to t(e sky. , we re2all *eaneys a22ount o Ia2lav *avels de inition o 3(o"e, t(at we dis2ussed in 2(a"ter two, t(is be2o0es 2lear. *o"e, or *avel, 3is a state o t(e soul rat(er t(an a res"onse to t(e eviden2e. ,t is not t(e e-"e2tation t(at t(ings will turn out su22ess ully but t(e 2onvi2tion t(at so0et(ing is wort( working or, (owever it turns out. ,ts dee"est roots are in t(e trans2endental, beyond t(e (oriDon 5*eaney #77#, >:6. '(e i0age o roots being lo2ated in t(e trans2endental is bot( de2onstru2tive and very 0u2( at varian2e wit( w(at we 0ig(t ter0 t(e 2onsensual 2riti2al "osition on *eaneys writing. ,t is, (owever, very 0u2( t(e telos towards w(i2( our dis2ussion (as been leading. '(e re2onte-tualisation o t(e notion o t(e border in language (as been ongoing, wit( t(e revisiting o "la2ena0es in di erent books 2ontributing to a 0ore "luralisti2 and (ybrid or0 o signi i2ation. '(e stressing o t(e 3border tro"e allows *eaney to gesture towards (is view o "oetry as being o value bot( in itsel and in t(e 2ultural debate in ,reland. *e 2on2ludes 3So0et(ing to 1rite *o0e About wit( a su a o (is t(oug(ts on t(e "oe0 3'er0inus, t(e idea o t(e border, and t(e value o "oetry in 2ultural

ter0s. *ardly sur"risingly, (e o2uses on t(e e0ble0ati2 tro"e o t(e li0inal, one 0ig(t say, ter0inal "oint, w(i2( (e sees as re"resenting t(e "ossibility o : Jgoing out on t(e ste""ing stone in order to re0ove yoursel ro0 t(e (ardness and astness o your (o0e ground. '(e ste""ing stone invites you to 2(ange t(e ter0s and t(e tear ann o your understandingC it does not ask you to take your eet o t(e ground but it re res(es your vision by kee"ing your (ead in t(e air and by bringing you alive to t(e o"en sky o "ossibility t(at is wit(in you. 5*eaney #77#, =H6 '(is 3o"en sky o "ossibility denotes (ow language w(i2( see0ed to be t(e "ossession o a "arti2ular identity 2an now be seen to e0bra2e alterity as well. '(e inal e-a0"le t(at , will addu2e in t(is 2(a"ter looks at borders in a broader 2onte-t. ,nstead o o2using on t(e "lay o t(e individual 0ind, *eaney will now o"en u" t(e "oliti2al borders and atte0"t to 2ite a or0 o language w(i2( de2onstru2ts t(e e-igen2ies o (istory and instead o ers a new or0 o identity w(i2( 2an be voi2ed under a new no0inal dis"ensation. ,n (is essay 3'(roug(-Ot(er !la2es, '(roug(-Ot(er 'i0es: '(e ,ris( !oet and Britain, *eaney takes t(e o""osition between sel and ot(er, a syne2do2(e o w(at we (ave been dis2ussing in t(is 2(a"ter w(ere t(e di erent 0eanings o a word were seen as being ideologi2ally o""ositional, and de2onstru2ts it. '(e notion o 3t(roug(-ot(erness is a 2oinage w(i2( e2(oes 8erridas de2isional "aradig0 o 3neit(er t(is nor t(atC but rat(er t(is and t(at 58errida $9H$, $&$6, and also *eaneys own 2o00ents in t(e introdu2tion to (is translation o )eowulf, w(ere (e s"oke about (is own e orts to trans2end t(e 2ultural "redis"ositions t(at urged (i0 to t(ink o )nglis( and ,ris( as 3adversarial tongues, as eit(erPor 2onditions rat(er t(an bot(Pand 5*eaney $999, --iv6. '(is "oint is urt(ered in (is essay ro0 Finders "eepers, 3'(roug(-Ot(er !la2es, '(roug(-Ot(er 'i0es. ,n t(is essay we see a urt(er de2onstru2tion o language as (e takes a signi ier w(i2( is ideologi2ally s(ot t(roug( wit( t(e residue o 2olonisation and 2on li2t, and instead re"la2es it wit( a 2ognate ter0 w(i2(, to use t(e vo2abulary o 3'er0inus would o"en so0e sky above t(e (oriDon o e-"e2tations o t(e signi ier in ;uestion, along wit( its attendant signi ieds. .o0"aring a re2ent (istory o t(e Britis( isles by *ug( Bearney, wit( (is own 2o-editors(i" o The School )ag, wit( 'ed *ug(es, *eaney notes t(at bot( books a""ly si0ilar editorial guidelines. '(ese guidelines were 0otivated by a 2onvi2tion w(i2( is e-"ressed at t(e beginning o t(e "aragra"( w(ere t(e two books are 2o0"ared: 3, (ave a dread o "ious words like diversity but , believe in w(at t(ey stand or, going on to add t(at bot( *ug(es and (i0sel were deter0ined t(at t(eir editors(i" o t(is ant(ology would 3insist on t(e diverse and dee" traditions t(at o"erate t(roug( and sustain or good t(e "oetry written in ,reland, )ngland, S2otland and in 1ales 5*eaney #77#, %:H6. ,t is wit( t(is version o diversity in 0ind t(at *eaney a""rovingly 2ites Bearneys view t(at it is only by ado"ting w(at (e 2alls 3a Britanni2 a""roa2( t(at any "ossible sense 2an be 0ade o t(e (istories o )ngland, ,reland, S2otland, 1ales, .ornwall or t(e ,sle o Man. 'aking t(is a""roa2(, and "ondering its ideologi2al as"e2ts, *eaney suggests t(at: ,n a 2onte-t w(ere t(e word 3Britis( 0ig(t un2tion like a "oliti2al re0inder, a 0ne0oni2 or "ast invasions and 2oer2ions, t(ere is a wonder ul originality, in all sense, about e0"loying instead t(e word 3Britanni2, 3Britanni2 works 0ore

like a 2ultural wake-u" 2all and gestures not only towards t(e 2ultural "ast but also towards an i0aginable uture. 5*eaney #77#, %:H-96 '(at su2( a "ers"e2tive enun2iates *eaneys idea o t(e t(roug(-ot(er is obviousC t(at t(is "ers"e2tive 2an e-er2ise a de2onstru2tive or2e on t(e "revailing 0odes o signi i2ation s(ould be2o0e e;ually obvious. 1(ile t(e binary o""osition between ,reland and )ngland, so gra"(i2ally 2a"tured by t(e en2ounter o *ug( O+eill and )sse- in 3'er0inus, 0ay attenuate t(e "oliti2al intera2tions o t(e two traditions, nevert(eless, language as used in "oetry (as t(e a ir0ative ability to suggest ot(er "ossible intera2tions. 'owards t(e end o t(is essay, *eaney talks about t(e value o i0aginative i2tion in dealing wit( t(e di eren2es between t(e two islands 3linked and se"arated by (istory and geogra"(y, language and 2ulture, and 2on2ludes t(e essay by suggesting t(at su2( a "ra2ti2e "re igures work t(at will be done by ,ris( "oets 3in t(e 2o0ing ti0es 5*eaney #77#, %H#6. !er(a"s, in t(is li0inal s"a2e between t(eory, literature and reading, we are answering .onnollys de0and or a 32riti2al idio0 2a"able o 2o0"re(ending and 0aybe even 2(anging ,ris( 2ulture.

Be2kett, ?... 5$9&& 6, The #a(ing of #odern Ireland *+,-.*/0-, Faber, /ondon. B(ab(a, *. B. 5$99>6, The 1ocation of %ulture Goutledge, /ondon. Boy2e, 8. @. 5$99=6, 2ationalis in Ireland, t(ird edition, Goutledge, /ondon. .airns, 8. and Gi2(ards S. 5$9HH6, 3riting Ireland: 3%olonialis , 2ationalis , %ulture, Man2(ester University !ress, Man2(ester. .onnolly, .. 5#77$6, 3'(eorising ,reland, Irish Studies Review, 9, 5%6 "". %7$-%$&. .usa2k, M. F. 5$99=6, 4n Illustrated History of Ireland, irst "ublis(ed in $H&H, Bra2ken Books, /ondon. 8eane, S. 5$99:6, Strange %ountry: #odernity and 2ationhood in Irish 3riting since *5/,, .larendon !ress, O- ord. 8errida, ?. 5$9:&6, 6f &ra atology, translated by S"ivak, @..., ?o(ns *o"kins !ress, /ondon. 8errida, ?. 5$9H$6, 7econstruction and the 6ther, in Bearney, G. 5)ditor6 5$99=6, States of #ind: 7ialogues with %onte porary %ontinental Thin(ers , Man2(ester University !ress, Man2(ester. 8errida, ?. 5$99>6, Specters of #ar$: The State of the 7e't, the 3or( of #ourning 8 the 2ew International, translated ro0 t(e Fren2( by Ba0u , !., introdu2tion by Magnus, B. and .ullenberg, S., Goutledge, /ondon. 8errida, ?. 5$99:6, 3On Ges"onsibility: interview wit( 8rons ield, ?., Midgley, +. and 1ilding, A. in Responsi'ilities of 7econstruction: P1I 9 3arwic( :ournal of Philosophy, 8rons ield, ?. and Midgley, +. 5)ditors6, Iolu0e &, Su00er, "".$9-%&. 8errida, ?. 5#7776, 7e eure: Fiction and Testi ony, translated by Gottenberg, )., Stan ord University !ress, Stan ord. @illing(a0, ?. 5$99%6, The ;nglish Invasion of Ireland in Brads(aw, B., *ad ield, A., and Maley, 1. 5)ditors6 5$99%6, Representing Ireland: 31iterature and the

6rigins of %onflict, *<-=.*++,, .a0bridge University !ress, .a0bridge, "". #>->#. *aber0as, ?. 5$9H>6, The Theory of %o unicative 4ction, translated by, '., Bea2on !ress, Boston. *ayes-M2.oy, @. A. 5$9H>6, 3'(e 'udor .on;uest $=%>-$&7% in Moody and Martin 5)ditors6 The %ourse of Irish History, "". $:>-$HH. *eaney, S. 5$9H:6, The Haw 1antern, Faber, /ondon. *eaney, S. 5$9HH6, The &overn ent of the Tongue: The */>+ T?S? ;liot #e orial 1ectures and 6ther %ritical 3ritings, Faber, /ondon. *eaney, S. 5$99$6, Seeing Things, Faber, /ondon. *eaney, S. 5$99=6, %rediting !oetry, @allery !ress, Old2astle, .ounty Meat(. *eaney, S. 5$9996, )eowulf, Faber, /ondon. *eaney, S. 5#77#6, Finders "eepers, Faber, /ondon. *eaney, S. and *ug(es, '. 5)ditors6 5$99:6, The School )ag, Faber, /ondon. Bearney, *. 5$99=6, The )ritish Isles, 4 History of Four 2ations, .a0bridge University !ress, .a0bridge. Bearney, G. 5)ditor6 5$99=6, States of #ind: 7ialogues with %onte porary %ontinental Thin(ers, Man2(ester University !ress, Man2(ester. Biberd, 8. 5$9H=6, 3Anglo-,ris( Attitudes, Field 7ay Pa phlets. Field 8ay, Bel ast. Biberd, 8. 5$99=6, ,nventing ,reland: '(e /iterature o t(e Modern +ation, ?onat(an .a"e, /ondon. /a2an, ?. 5$9::6, @crits . 4 Selection, translated by S(eridan, A., 'avisto2k, /ondon. /a2an, ?. 5$9H:6, The Se inar of :ac!ues 1acan. )oo( *. Freuds Papers on Techni!ue, */<-.=, translated by Forrester, ?., .a0bridge University !ress, .a0bridge. /eerson, ?. 5$99&6, #ere Irish and FAor.&hael: Sudies in the Idea of Irish nationality, its 7evelop ent and 1iterary ;$pression prior to the 2ineteenth %entury, .riti2al .onditions Series, .ork: .ork University !ress, .ork. Morgan, *. 5$99%6, TyroneBs Re'ellion, 1oodbridge, Boydell !ress or '(e Goyal *istori2al So2iety, Su old. Moody, '.1. and Martin, F.Q. 5)ditors6 5$9H>6, The %ourse of Irish History, irst "ublis(ed in $9&:, Mer2ier !ress, .ork. O/eary, !. 5$99>6, The Prose 1iterature of the Irish 1iterary Revival *>>*.*/0*: Ideology and Innovation, !ennsylvania State University !ress, !ennsylvania. S(akes"eare, 1. 5$9&=6, Henry V, Brown, ?. G. 5)ditor6, Signet .lassi2s Series, +ew A0eri2an /ibrary, +ew York. 'odorov, '. 5$9H>6, #i(hail )a(htin: The 7ialogical Principle, University o Minnesota !ress, Minnea"olis.

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