Four Warned

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Four Warned 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Diana took the car up to ninety, but the van wouldn t be !haken o""# $he pu!hed her "oot "urther down on the accelerator and touched a hundred, but it !till re%ained le!! than a car ! len&th behind# $he "licked her headli&ht! onto hi&h'bea%, turned on her ha(ard li&ht! and bla!ted her horn at anyone who dared to re%ain in her path# $he could only hope that the police %i&ht !ee her, wave her onto the hard !houlder and book her "or !peedin&# ) "ine would be in"initely better than a cra!h with a youn& tearaway, !he thou&ht, a! the )udi e!tate pa!!ed a hundred and ten "or the "ir!t ti%e in it! li"e# *ut the black van couldn t be !haken o""# +ithout warnin&, !he !werved back into the %iddle lane and took her "oot o"" the &a!, cau!in& the van to draw level with her, which &ave her a chance to look at the driver "or the "ir!t ti%e# ,e wa! wearin& a black leather -acket and pointin& %enacin&ly at her# $he !hook her "i!t at hi% and accelerated away, but he !i%ply !wun& acro!! behind her like an .ly%pic runner deter%ined not to allow hi! rival to break clear#

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)nd then !he re%e%bered !o%ethin&, and "elt !ick "or a !econd ti%e that ni&ht# /.h %y 0od, !he !houted aloud in terror# 1n a "lood, the detail! o" the %urder that had taken place on the !a%e road a "ew %onth! be"ore ca%e ru!hin& back to her#

)uthor2 4itle2 6ubli!her2 1$*72

3e""ery )rcher 5our +arned 6an *ook! 978'1'4472'5248'1

8eproduced with per%i!!ion o" 9urti! *rown 0roup :td, :ondon on behal" o" 3e""rey )rcher# 9opyri&ht ; 3e""rey )rcher 2014

British Council 2014

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