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Danny Huang

Cuiient Auuiess:
Banny Buang
217uu Stevens Cieek Blvu
Cupeitino, CA 94u14
(4u8) S99-977u

An Employment oppoitunity in an i0S uevelopment ielateu fielu, make new
applications that will make consumeis happy.

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Facebook suk, uame Centei
PBP, }avasciipt,
Xib, anu stoiyboaiu
uit Souice Contiol
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Piouuct Nanagement
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i0S Bevelopei

LVL6 makes social mobile games (specifically MMOs). They are backed by Y-Combinator and
advised by the best veterans of the gaming industry.

Their first title, "Age of Chaos" has broken the Top 100 Grossing list on the iOS App Store and
has generated 7-digit-revenues in 2013. Check it out here:

Woikeu on Age of Chaos, the populai i0S game
0seu cocos2u to ienuei animations on Age of Chaos.
Cieateu multiple spiite sheets to pievent memoiy waining.
Cieateu the app of Icon Blitz anu Celebiity Blitz
uit Souice Contiol usage
Leaineu to woik inuepenuently on piojects
0puateu game to use spiitekit
Inteigiateu many

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D3<E=%& ;/4/F$3 August 2u11 - }une 2u12
UpOut is the discriminating guide to the best weird events, underground culture, and unique
parties in San Francisco and New York City.

Finu elance anu ouesk woikeis
Nanageu the content of aiticles on the upout seivei siue
Nanageu iemote woikeis outsiue of the states
Woikeu on the i0S app 0p0ut
Went to events to talk about the company
Woikeu with uevelopeis on how to make the automateu system woik

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84&$34 Febiuaiy 2u11 - August 1u11
G6pay was one of the earliest and leading ad networks on iOS in 2011. We worked with 90% of
the top grossing freemium apps on both the advertising/publishing front, hitting a 7-digit annual
run rate.

We are backed by the founders of Offerpal/Tapjoy.

Nanageu client emails anu talkeu to clients
Woikeu with backenu uevelopeis

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