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Bluetooth Serial Module


Link Link RF Wireless Bluetooth UART RS232 converter Transceiver Module 2.4G ! " #$%&' Feature: Use the #SR (ainstrea( )luetooth chi* "B#4+,4+3BG-'. )luetooth /2.% *rotocol standards Serial inter0ace (odule 1orkin2 volta2e 3.3 / Baud rate is +2%%. 24%%. 43%%. 4&%%. +42%%. 334%%. 5,&%%. ++52%%. The core (odule si!e 6 23 (( 7 +5 (( 7 2.35 (( 8or(anc9 current6 no dor(anc9 Used 0or G:S navi2ation s9ste(. 1ater and electricit9 2as Auto(atic Readin2 Meter. The industrial 0ield in control s9ste( Workin2 current6 1hen :airin2 is 3% (A. a0ter *airin2 in co((unication is 3 (A ;*eratin2 Fre<uenc9 Band62.4G ! Stora2e Te(*erature6$4% to 35 de2rees #elsius

The factory default parameters: )aud rate6 4&%%. =. 3. +. :airin2 code6 +234 AT co((and set as 0ollo1s6 +. Test co((unication Send6 AT "return ;>. A seconds hair once a2ain' Return6 ;> 2. #han2e )luetooth serial inter0ace co((unication )aud rate Send6 AT ? BAU8+ Return6 ;>+2%% Send6 AT ? BAU82 Return6 ;>24%% List o0 )aud rates6 +$$$$$$$$$+2%% 2$$$$$$$$$24%% 3$$$$$$$$$43%% 4$$$$$$$$$4&%% 5$$$$$$$$$+42%% 4$$$$$$$$$23%4%%

&$$$$$$$$$334%% ,$$$$$$$$$5,&%% 3$$$$$$$$$++52%% A$$$$$$$$$4&%3%% B$$$$$$$$$42+&%% #$$$$$$$$$+3324%%

=ot reco((ended in (ore than ++52%% )aud rate. the si2nal inter0erence 1ill (ake the s9ste( not sta)le 3. #han2e )luetooth na(e Send6 AT ? =AM@na(e Return6 ;>na(e :ara(eter na(e6 1ill set the current na(e. 1hich 1as the na(e o0 the search to )luetooth. Within 2% characters. @7a(*le6 send AT ? =AM@)illA2ates Return6 ;>na(e

no1 )luetooth na(e is )illA2ates 4. chan2e )luetooth *airin2 *ass1ord Send6 AT ? :B=7777 Return6 ;>set*in @7a(*le6 send AT ? :B=3333 Re9urn6 ;>set*in no1 )luetooth *airin2 *ass1ord is 3333. (oduleCs de0ault *ass1ord 2 is +234. 5. :ara(eters are non$volatile. (odi0ication onl9 need once. The :A8 service can see chan2es. Link

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