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Monte Vista Elementary

January 8, 2014 Ms. Martinez 1st Grade UNIT 3 Week 3 / Unidad 3 Semana 3 Literature / Literatura We will be comparing and contrasting stories using themes or topics. We will also look for similarities and differences between texts. Los estudiantes comparara y contrastaran temas y libros. Tambin buscaran ideas similares y diferencias entre textos. !"#$#%&'(')*+"#$,"-! We will work on narrative writing using writing prompts or pictures. Nosotros trabajaremos en escritura narrativa usando retratos o terminar una historia ya empezada. Math / Matemticas We will be learning the meaning of signs >, <, = . Use in true/false questions. Ex: 4+5 < 4+6 True Students will also write, count and represent numbers to 120. Los estudiantes estarn aprendiendo signos de >, <, =. Usar en preguntas de verdad/falso Ej. 4+5 < 4+6 Verdad. Los estudiantes escribirn, contaran y representaran nmeros hasta 120.

Phonics / Fontic a Ending es, plural es, vowels r controlled or, ore Digrafo ll, silabas ce, ci

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! A very BIG THANK YOU to families who sent in goodies, presents and thoughtful gifts!

January 8, 2014 - STUDENTS RETURN TO SCHOOL! January 10, 2014 Elementary Report Cards sent home January 20, 2014 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day No School Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for February and a sign up sheet will be going home at the end of the month.

away, car, friends, house, our, school, very

do, poco, salo, viven

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