Need Assistance Rehabilitating Your Home?: For More Information Join Us!

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The City of Derby is accepting pre-

applications from homeowners

interested in receiving a Housing
Rehabilitation Loan through the
Small Cities Grant. The City needs
to generate a list of preapproved
applicants prior to applying for funding. All
interested homeowners are urged to apply.
Need Assistance Rehabilitating
your Home?
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S1% of home must be occupieu
by householus that meet the
piogiams low income guiueline
Applicant must own the home
Bome must have some equity
(homeowneis with ieveise
moitgages will not be appioveu)
Bome must be ownei occupieu
S family home oi less aie eligible

Beiby Senioi Centei

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Light iefieshments will be pioviueu!
!2-'4 12#%3"24&
1 $44,7Su
2 $S1,1Su
S $S7,SSu
4 $6S,9uu
S $69,uSu
6 $74,1Su
7 $79,2Su
8 $84,SSu

Foi Noie Infoimation }oin 0s!
Beiby Public Libiaiy's
0ppei Level Neeting Room
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