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Tories are the real scroungers. scroungers.


The Tories are the real scroungers Tory millionaire MP Richard Benyon gets hundreds of thousands of pounds in rent payments from tenants benefits. But the millionaires of the Tory cabinet want to force people who cant get jobs to work for nothing. It is just vindictiveness against those who are suffering the most from the crisis. Socialist Worker says we wont pay for the bankers crisis. We must fight the Tories attempts to make workers pay. We demand: Tax the rich and make them pay for their crisis. An end to the Fit for work tests and Workfare schemes. Job creation not more unemployment. Scrap the welfare reform bill.

Hate the Tories?

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Return to: Iain Duncan Smith, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA.

This petition has been initiated by Socialist Worker

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