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Madrid Highlights

S O F I A C O L M E N A R E S F E B R U A R Y 2 6 T H

The City of Madrid

he city of Madrid is a beautiful place rich in culture and art. Madrid is the capital of Spain and has been since the 17th century, It is located in Europe, to the north of Africa and right below France and in the center of Spain. The population of Madrid has reached to over 3 million people and it is the third most populated city in Europe. Madrid is known for being a business city and various different types of jobs. The most common types of jobs, and the best ones are those of an IT or an engineer Madrid is also known for its many modern shops and long walking way. It receive about 44 thousand tourist per year. It has beautiful places like that of the Parque Retiro, seen in the figure below. The beautiful city of Madrid has both modern and old building dating back to 12th century. Some famous buildings include the bullfighting rinks, the king and queens palace and the many museums around the city. One of the most rich in tourist places is that of the Plaza Mayor, the kilometer zero of Spain located at the center of Spain and known for its grand architecture.

Evangelical Christian Academy

attended an international in Spain call Evangelical Christian Academy. The school consisted of about a hundred students from Kindergarten to 12th grade. It was a school in Spain made mainly for missionary kids so that they could have good, Christian environment and American education in a foreign country. ECA had no official teams, most guys however

play a lot of soccer. We had yearlong soccer, volleyball and Frisbee club and various other sports that were student lead. My tenth, eleventh and twelfth I was part of the student government as a representative for my class. Those same years I was also part of yearbook in which I helped in photography and editing. My school was a very big part of my life and it really shaped the way I

am now. I made some of my best friends there and have always appreciated the great example the teachers and students have been to me.

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