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Dallas County Childrens Advocacy Council Monthly Meeting Agenda Thursday, February 27, 2014 !

" #$tension %&&ice ' 2(0)* Fairground +oad, Adel

8:00 am executive board members

, , , /,

Call to %rder and +oll Call A--roval o& Agenda A--roval o& Minutes Treasurer +e-ort Action te. Action te. Action ite.

8:30 am Members Meeting /, /, / , / , 3,

ntroductions Diane 0eidorn &ro. !" #$tension 1 %utreach 0otlines 2resentation o& the Treasurers +e-ort %-en Foru. %ld 4usiness A, "-date on any Dar5ness to 6ight trainings 4, Mid78ear +e-orting Action te.s 9e: 4usiness A, DCCAC 2resident 2osition %-en 4, February 2014; biennial re-ort due C, 2lanning &or 2revent Child Abuse Month D, 2revent Child Abuse Con&erence #, +evie: &lo: chart Collaboration #&&orts 1 Announce.ents
*This is an opening for other entities to share what is happening around the county and how the council can assist in promoting activities or how the council could benefit from supporting such activities.



A, Changes<"-dates to DCCAC Annual Calendar 4, =eneration >ellness Coalition "-date

3 ,


Action te.

2lease stay a&ter the DCCAC .eeting and attend the #arly Childhood o:a .eeting

ACEs: Adverse Childhood Experiences C!CA": Community !loc# Child Abuse "revention CIAC: Crisis Intervention and Advocacy Center C""C: Community "artnerships %or "rotecting Children 'CCAC: 'allas County Childrens Advocacy Council

ECI: Early Childhood Io a ICA": Io a Child Abuse "revention "CA$Io a: "revent Child Abuse Io a "&': "artners in &amily 'evelopment

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