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Cosmetic Breast Surgery A Patient's Guide

Edition 1 July 2009 For Electronic Download Copyright 2009 by Allen Rezai MD and Cosmetic Surgery Specialists

Published by Cosmetic Surgery Specialists 40 Harley Street London W G !PP "nited #ingdom
All rights reser$ed% &'cept as detailed belo() no part o* this electronic boo+let may be reproduced in (hole or in part (ithout (ritten permission *rom the publisher) e'cept by re$ie(ers (ho may ,uote short e'tracts in connection (ith a re$ie( in a ne(spaper) maga-ine or electronic publication% .his electronic boo+let can be gi$en a(ay and shared electronically $ia the /nternet) but it can not be sold *or pro*it and it can not be supplied in printable *orm% /n all such cases) the boo+let should be reproduced in its entirety and all authorship and copyright notices should remain intact% While the author and publisher ha$e endea$oured to ensure that in*ormation presented is accurate and up0to0date) they shall not be held responsible *or any ad$erse e**ects or conse,uences sustained by anyone using this material% .he reader is encouraged to see+ competent) pro*essional medical ad$ice (hen considering any *orm o* cosmetic plastic surgery% 1or *urther in*ormation) readers can contact 2r 3e-ai directly at his surgery4 Cosmetic Surgery Specialists 40 Harley Street London W G !PP "nited #ingdom .elephone4 544 60780 9:;0 ;00 Clic+ing the *ollo(ing lin+ (ill ta+e you directly to 2r 3e-ai's (ebsite4


Contents................................................................................................................................................3 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................5 About t e Aut or..................................................................................................................................! "reast Au#$entation..........................................................................................................................10 % y &a'e "reast Au#$entation(..................................................................................................10 About )ew *eneration o+ ,ilicone I$-lants.................................................................................10 ,o % at Is ,ilicone(......................................................................................................................11 Co esi'e ,ilicone *el....................................................................................................................11 ,olid Co esi'e ,ilicone *el..........................................................................................................12 &ow Is "reast Au#$entation .sually /er+or$ed(........................................................................12 In+ra$a$$ary Incision.............................................................................................................13 /eriariolar Incision....................................................................................................................13 A0illar Incision.........................................................................................................................13 ,ub$a$$ary /oc1et................................................................................................................12 ,ub-ectoral /oc1et....................................................................................................................15 ,ub+acial /oc1et........................................................................................................................15 Dual /lane /oc1et.....................................................................................................................15 A+ter t e 3-eration........................................................................................................................14 "reast Au#$entation / oto#ra- s.................................................................................................15 "reast .-li+t 6 7asto-e0y..................................................................................................................1! ,o w at can be done about it(.......................................................................................................1! &ow Is "reast .-li+t /er+or$ed(..................................................................................................19 A+ter t e 3-eration........................................................................................................................21 "reast .-li+t / oto#ra- s..............................................................................................................22 Au#$ented 7asto-e0y.......................................................................................................................23 ,o % at Can "e Done About It(...................................................................................................23 &ow Is Au#$ented 7asto-e0y /er+or$ed(..................................................................................23 A+ter t e 3-eration.......................................................................................................................22 Au#$ented 7asto-e0y / oto#ra- s.............................................................................................25 "reast 8eduction................................................................................................................................24 &ow is "reast 8eduction /er+or$ed(............................................................................................25 A+ter t e 3-eration........................................................................................................................2! "reast 8eduction / oto#ra- s.......................................................................................................29 7ale "reast 8eduction.......................................................................................................................30 A+ter t e 3-eration........................................................................................................................32 7ale "reast 8eduction / oto#ra- s..............................................................................................33 Associations o+ Cos$etic "reast ,ur#ery..........................................................................................32 Disco$+ort.....................................................................................................................................32 Itc in#............................................................................................................................................32 Feelin# +aint...................................................................................................................................32 ,wellin#.........................................................................................................................................35 "ruisin#..........................................................................................................................................35 )u$bness.......................................................................................................................................35 &y-eraest esia...............................................................................................................................35 9iredness........................................................................................................................................35 )ausea............................................................................................................................................35 Feelin# low or de-ressed...............................................................................................................34 Co$-lications o+ Cos$etic "reast ,ur#ery........................................................................................35 In+ection.........................................................................................................................................35 &ae$ato$a....................................................................................................................................3! "leedin#.........................................................................................................................................3!

,ero$a...........................................................................................................................................3! "reast Feedin#...............................................................................................................................3! "reast Cancer.................................................................................................................................39 8esidual Asy$$etries...................................................................................................................20 E0cessi'e ,carrin#.........................................................................................................................20 C an#es in "reast ,ensation..........................................................................................................21 C an#es in )i--le ,ensation.........................................................................................................21 /er$anent ,1in Discoloration.......................................................................................................21 .rinary retention............................................................................................................................21 .rinary tract in+ection....................................................................................................................21 9 rus ............................................................................................................................................22 Associations and Co$-lications o+ "reast I$-lants..........................................................................23 :i+es-an o+ I$-lants......................................................................................................................23 Flyin# and di'in#...........................................................................................................................23 "ein# able to +eel -arts o+ t e I$-lant ;i$-lant -rotrusion<.........................................................23 Asy$$etry.....................................................................................................................................22 8i--lin# or wrin1lin# o+ t e i$-lant.............................................................................................22 Dis-lace$ent or $o'e$ent o+ t e i$-lant....................................................................................22 Ca-sule +or$ation..........................................................................................................................25 E0trusion or re=ection o+ i$-lants.................................................................................................25 8u-ture o+ breast i$-lants.............................................................................................................24 *el ;or +illin#< bleed......................................................................................................................24 Anaest etic 8is1s > Co$-lications................................................................................................25 Dee- 'ein t ro$bosis....................................................................................................................25 /ul$onary e$bolis$.....................................................................................................................25 C est in+ection...............................................................................................................................25 Dru# reactions................................................................................................................................2! )ausea............................................................................................................................................2! ,ore t roat......................................................................................................................................2! Dental ealt ..................................................................................................................................2! An Initial Consultation.......................................................................................................................29 ,ur#eon Consultation.....................................................................................................................29 A#e :i$it.......................................................................................................................................50 9i$e +or 8e+lection........................................................................................................................51 ?our /rocedure..............................................................................................................................51 /re@3-erati'e *uidance.....................................................................................................................52 C ec1list........................................................................................................................................52 9 e Day o+ ,ur#ery............................................................................................................................55 /ost@3-erati'e Instructions................................................................................................................54 I$$ediate A+tercare......................................................................................................................54 /ost@o-erati'e Care........................................................................................................................54 A--oint$ents > Follow@.-..........................................................................................................55 /ost@o-erati'e Course....................................................................................................................55 In 9 e E'ent o+ an E$er#ency......................................................................................................40 Contact your ,ur#eon or )urse@Counselor i$$ediatelyA..............................................................40 9i$e 3++ %or1...............................................................................................................................41 Follow@.-......................................................................................................................................41 )otes...................................................................................................................................................42

Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Allen Rezai MD

Cosmetic breast surgery is *ar *rom being a ne( *orm o* surgery% 2ore popular and more a**ordable) yes) but not at all ne(% /n *act $arious *orms o* breast surgery ha$e been carried out *or o$er a hundred years% Ho(e$er) it is in recent years that ma<or ad$ances ha$e been made in surgical techni,ues) technology and materials) all contributing to greatly impro$ed results and thus patient satis*action% .he $ery *act that you are reading this boo+let means that you are probably considering breast surgery o* one *orm or another either no( or in the near *uture% /ndeed there are se$eral reasons or conditions that might lead a (oman 6or man7 to consider that cosmetic surgery might pro$ide the solution to their needs% 1or e'ample you consider your breasts to be either too small or too large= your breasts seem to be disproportionate in si-e to the rest o* your body= your breasts ha$e changed) possibly *ollo(ing pregnancy or signi*icant (eight loss= your breasts are asymmetrical to an e'tent that you *eel uncom*ortable about the situation= you ha$e su**ered some *orm o* in<ury or undergone a mastectomy operation and no( re,uire re0constructi$e surgery to restore your breasts= as a man) you are su**ering *rom gynecomastia) or o$er0si-ed breasts that ma+e you *eel uncom*ortable or embarrassed= or you ha$e undergone pre$ious breast surgery and are simply unhappy (ith the results% Ho(e$er) in spite o* the e$er0increasing number o* breast operations carried out each year around the (orld) the decision to actually proceed (ith surgery is $ery personal to you and you o(e it to yoursel* to ta+e this decision $ery seriously and not be unduly s(ayed by the opinions o* others or by holding unrealistic e'pectations% .he decision should be yours) and yours alone= and this should be *ounded upon appropriate ad$ice *rom a highly e'perienced cosmetic surgeon%

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Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Allen Rezai MD

>ou should bear in mind that there are as many) i* not more) arguments against undergoing cosmetic surgery as there are in *a$our o* it% And o* course there are ris+s% So any discussion (ith a cosmetic surgeon should al(ays include consideration o* any e'isting health conditions you might ha$e) your li*estyle) (hether you plan on becoming pregnant in the near *uture) and your e'pectations concerning the outcome o* the operation% ?nce you ha$e decided that surgery is the right option *or you) o* prime importance is *inding the surgeon (ho is most able to satis*y your needs and pro$ide you (ith the results you desire% .his is no easy tas+) not least because the (orld o* medicine and surgery is one o* (hich *e( amongst us ha$e more than a passing ac,uaintance) and *or many can be something o* a daunting e'perience% But do not be deterred by this%%% a certain amount o* apprehension is only natural% .he ob<ect o* the e'ercise is to *ind a surgeon (ith (hom you *eel com*ortable and (ho is able to demonstrate to your satis*action that he has the e'perience and ,uali*ications to be able to satis*y your re,uirements% .o some e'tent the choice o* surgeon is $ery personal) but at the $ery least a surgeon should be able to demonstrate a long history o* success*ully underta+ing the +ind o* operation you are considering and be able to pro$ide a collection o* photographs o* be*ore and a*ter surgery *or you to study to *amiliari-e yoursel* (ith the +ind o* results he has achie$ed *or pre$ious patients% He should also be (illing to ans(er any and all your ,uestions relating to the operation and your e'pectations in relation to the outcome% He should also discuss (ith you his re,uirements *rom you both pre0 and post0 operation) and be able to demonstrate that an appropriate a*ter0care and *ollo(0up ser$ice is in place% ?* course there is a place *or re*errals *rom *riends) *amily members and ac,uaintances (ho might also ha$e had success*ul cosmetic surgery% >ou (ill soon be a(are as to (hether or not the results are pleasing to you) and they (ill be able to recount their o(n e'periences% @e$ertheless) as already mentioned) selection o* the best cosmetic surgeon is personal to you) and you are ad$ised to *ollo( your o(n instincts) e'periences and research in selecting the right surgeon%

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Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Allen Rezai MD

.here is already plenty o* published material a$ailable to help the potential breast surgery patient in their decision0ma+ing and understanding o* the $arious clinical procedures) some o* it highly in*ormati$e and o* e'cellent ,uality% .he purpose o* this boo+let is not to attempt to reproduce this literature) rather to address some more speci*ic ,uestions a patient might ha$e about the operation and ho( to prepare *or it) any potential associations and complications related to the surgery) and *inally (hat they might e'pect to encounter a*ter the operation% .he reader should be a(are that the material presented herein) the descriptions o* the procedures) the pre0operati$e and post0operati$e guides are based on the standards o* care at 2r 3e-ai's clinic) and that details (ill di**er *rom surgeon to surgeon% .hat being said) (hat you (ill learn about can be considered as a standard o* best practice based upon the e'perience o* 2r 3e-ai in carrying out literally thousands o* cosmetic surgery procedures o$er many years% >ou might there*ore consider this boo+let to be more o* a Abehind the scenesB loo+ at breast surgery *rom the perspecti$e o* both the patient and the surgeon and his team) cutting a(ay all the *rills and glamour) enabling the patient to go in (ith their eyes (ide open to (hat they are about to underta+e% At the $ery least) ha$ing read it through in its entirety) the patient (ill no( be more a(are o* (hat the procedures entail) the ris+s in$ol$ed) and be in a position to pose some use*ul and precise ,uestions to the surgical team% As the saying goes) Ato be *ore(arned is to be *orearmedB% .his is a <ourney *ull o* possibilities) and once on the right trac+) there only remains to (ish the reader (ell in their ,uest *or their ne() impro$ed body%%% the new you%

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Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Allen Rezai MD

About the Author

Allen 3e-ai) 2C% has a distinguished academic record and is the recipient o* many honours% .oday he has a success*ul aesthetic surgery practice in Harley Street) London) attracting patients *rom around the (orld% He has an enormous breadth o* cosmetic surgical e'perience) ha$ing personally per*ormed literally thousands o* the ma<or procedures% He has a particular interest in aesthetic surgery o* the breast and in *acial surgery% /n addition) 2r 3e-ai has both (ritten and presented e'tensi$ely on many aspects o* plastic and aesthetic surgery%

Pro*essional associate o* British Association o* Plastic) 3econstructi$e and Aesthetic Surgeons 6BAP3AS7 .he 3oyal Society o* 2edicine 6"#7 G2C 6"#7 Specialist 3egister *or Plastic Surgery &uropean Society *or Plastic and 3econstructi$e Surgery S(edish Society *or Plastic and 3econstructi$e Surgery World Society *or Plastic and 3econstructi$e Surgery American Society *or Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery World Society *or 3econstructi$e 2icrosurgery &uropean Academy o* Cosmetic Surgery American Smile .rain Group

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Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Allen Rezai MD

Per*orming Breast Augmentation under Well 2onitored Sedation Anaesthesia 0 2ay 8004 &$aluation and 3esult o* 3eduction Labiaplasty 0 ?ct 800D Aesthetic and *unctional ad$antages o* the antrolateral thigh *lap in reconstruction o* tumour related scalp de*ect 0 ?ct 8008 2odality treatment *or scalp reconstruction 0 2ay 800 3econstructions o* de*ects at the scalp) *orehead and temporal area a*ter tumour therapy 0 Cec 800 Wo$en $ascular microsurgical prostheses 0 Ean 800 3econstruction (ith microsurgery techni,ue a*ter tumour resection in head and nec+ 0 Cec 8000 Scalp de*ects reconstruction by *ree *laps 0 Ean 8000 2ultiple *ree *laps reconstruction in head and nec+ due to cancer demolition 0 2ay !!! Penis reconstruction (ith radialis *ree *lap 0 !!; Acute intra operati$e arterial elongation 0 1eb !!; Al-heimer's disease and associated change 0 Ean !;!

Ciagnosis and treatment o* malign melanoma &$aluation o* basic microsurgery techni,ue Breast reduction and mastope'y in local and sedation anaesthesia Breast augmentation using sedation and local anaesthesia Scalp reconstruction a*ter radiotherapy treatment 1ace and nec+ re<u$enation

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Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Allen Rezai MD

Breast Augmentation
/t is e'tremely common *or (omen to be dissatis*ied (ith the si-e and shape o* their breasts% Breast Augmentation 6also +no(n as Breast &nlargement and Augmentation 2ammoplasty7 in$ol$es placing an arti*icial implant into the breast in order to increase the breast si-e and to produce a degree o* li*t (here necessary% Breast Augmentation is by *ar the most popular procedure re,uested by (omen%

"hy #a$e Breast Augmentation%

/rrespecti$e o* anything you may ha$e heard to the contrary) there are absolutely no medicines or e'ercises that are presently a$ailable to increase the si-e o* the breast permanently) e$enly and sa*ely% .he only accepted techni,ue *or increasing breast si-e is to insert an implant into a space created behind the patientFs o(n breast% /t is the si-e o* this space 6determined by your o(n anatomy7) along (ith your o(n (ishes) (hich determines the si-e o* implant used%

About &e' (eneration o) Silicone mplants

Breast implants ha$e come a long (ay since their original inception% 2odern implants are e'tremely sa*e) and youFll be surprised at ho( incredibly strong they are% At many consultations) you (ill be able to see) *eel and e$en try on recommended implants during initial consultation%

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Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Allen Rezai MD

So "hat s Silicone%
Silicones are man0made molecules 6polymers7 that are (idely used in numerous s+in and hair products= in processed *ood and *ood pac+aging= in most baby *oods= in many medicines) syringes and most other types o* medical implants% Conse,uently e$ery day4 We absorb silicone into our body through our s+in We ingest it in our *ood We *eed it to our children We may e$en in<ect it directly into our blood stream

All breast implants come in a $ariety o* si-es) usually e'pressed as a $olume or (eight% 1or e'ample) G0ml (ould be a $ery small implant= (hereas :00ml (ould be a $ery large implant% /t is probably *air to say that the great ma<ority o* (omen ha$e implants in the range o* 800ml to D00ml% /mplants also come in t(o basic shapes) either per*ectly round or tear0drop shaped% Some surgeons pre*er one *orm o$er the other) (hilst others (ill use di**erent types depending on the patientFs o(n characteristics% By and large) both gi$e e'cellent results%

Cohesi$e Silicone (el

/mplants in cohesi$e silicone gel are by *ar the most popular type o* implant) both (ith patients and surgeons ali+e% .he silicone is in the *orm o* a $ery thic+ cohesi$e gel% 2ost modern implants are produced (ith a te'tured silicone shell%

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Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Allen Rezai MD

.hese implants ha$e a $ery long history o* reliability) (ith literally hundreds o* thousands o* (omen (orld0(ide ha$ing had them in place *or many years (ith no problems (hatsoe$er% /n addition) they are generally considered to be the most natural *eeling implant% /n recent years) more than ;:H o* ALL breast implants inserted in the "# ha$e been silicone) !9H o* (hich had te'tured shells%

Solid Cohesi$e Silicone (el

/n this silicone implant) the gel is made to an almost solid consistency% /t is only a$ailable (ith a te'tured silicone shell% .his e'tra *irmness allo(s the implant to be manu*actured (ith a Itear0dropF shape% Some surgeons consider that this results is a more natural shape *or some (omen% Ho(e$er) they can also be associated (ith a much *irmer consistency or *eel%

#o' s Breast Augmentation *sually !er)ormed%

Breast Augmentation is usually per*ormed under general anaesthetic% Ho(e$er) a small number o* surgeons pre*er the use o* local anaesthetic (ith sedation% 2ost patients stay in hospital o$ernight% /* drains are not used then the operation may be per*ormed as a day case% .here are a number o* means to insert a breast implant% .here are three types o* incision% /t is a matter o* patient and plastic surgeon pre*erence as to (hich is used%

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Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Allen Rezai MD

n)ramammary ncision

/n*ramammary is probably the most commonly employed incision% A*ter healing) the scar tends to be (ell hidden under ne( breast crease) although it (ill be more $isible i* the patient is lying do(n% !eriariolar ncision

.his incision is *a$oured by some surgeons% When it heals (ell) the scar is almost in$isible% Ho(e$er) should the patient de$elop e'cessi$e scarring *or any reason) then it (ill be particularly noticeable% A+illar ncision

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Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Allen Rezai MD

A small number o* surgeons *a$our inserting the implants $ia a small incision in the armpit% Clearly) the *inal (ound (ill be generally (ell hidden% /n these circumstances most surgeons (ould place the implant behind the pectoral muscle 6this is +no(n as .rans0A'illary 3etropectoral Augmentation J .A3PA7% Ha$ing made the incision) the surgeon then creates a poc+et into (hich the implant is inserted% Again) some surgeons *a$our one poc+et o$er another% .here are *our types o* poc+et40

Submammary !oc,et

/n this case) the implant is inserted into a poc+et created bet(een the breast tissue and the pectoral muscle on the chest (all% /t is probably the most commonly used procedure%

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Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Allen Rezai MD

Subpectoral !oc,et

n this case) the implant is placed into a poc+et that the plastic surgeon creates behind the pectoral muscle% .here*ore) the implant lies bet(een the muscle and the ribs%

Sub)acial !oc,et n this case) the implant is placed into a poc+et that the plastic surgeon creates behind the pectoral muscle *acia% .here*ore) the implant lies bet(een the muscle and its *acia%

Dual !lane !oc,et n this case) the implant is placed into a dual plane poc+et% .he pectoral muscle co$ers the upper hal* o* the implant) lea$ing the bottom o* the implant *ree to descend into the submammary breast poc+et% .he implant e'ists both under and o$er the muscle at the same time) creating a dual plane approach%

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Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Allen Rezai MD

A)ter the -peration

.he operation typically ta+es bet(een thirty to si'ty minutes to per*orm% 1ollo(ing surgery) most patients (ear a *irm support bra *or up to *our (ee+s .he breasts (ill *eel bruised) tender and s(ollen *or a *e( days Sutures are remo$ed or trimmed a*ter ten to *ourteen days /ce pac+s may be used to reduce the s(elling and ma+e the breasts *eel more com*ortable 2ost patients ta+e one (ee+ o** (or+ @o li*ting during the *irst t(o (ee+s) and no hea$y li*ting *or at least *our (ee+s

2ost (omen can resume normal acti$ity (ithin *our to si' (ee+s As (ith all scars) they (ill slo(ly *ade o$er si' to t(el$e months% Ho(e$er) they ne$er totally disappear%

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Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Allen Rezai MD

Breast Augmentation !hotographs

Pre0?peration Post0?peration

1or more be*ore and a*ter photos) $isit (((%cosmeticsurgeryspecialists%co%u+

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Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Allen Rezai MD

Breast *pli)t . Mastope+y

2any (omen are dissatis*ied (ith the shape or pertness o* their breasts% A signi*icant number o* (omen *ind their breasts change as they de$elop through the $arious stages o* li*e% ?*ten) their breasts (ould originally ha$e been relati$ely *irm or pert) but (hether through signi*icant (eight loss) the a*ter e**ects o* a pregnancy) or the e**ects o* gra$ity and age) the shape or pertness o* the breast alters) lea$ing a droopy or a de*lated appearance% "nderstandably) this change can be disheartening% As a result o* the dissatis*action (ith the appearance o* their breasts) many (omen re,uest surgery to impro$e the o$erall pertness) *irmness) and si-e and shape o* their breasts% Whilst not strictly an accurate e'ample) a good (ay o* understanding the problem is to imagine that a (oman initially has a C0cup si-ed breast) o$er the years) perhaps a*ter the birth o* child) she still has a CJcup si-ed breast) but o(ing to the stretching o* the s+in) to accommodate mil+ and (eight increase during pregnancy that C0cup breast no( resides in &0cup si-ed poc+et o* s+in 6the s+in has been stretched in e**ect7%

So 'hat can be done about it%

1rom the outset) it is important to understand that it is not possible to re0 create or repair the *ibrous bands that originally held the breast in place 6once they ha$e been stretched7% Li+e springs that ha$e been o$er0stretched) once they ha$e been pulled too *ar) they loose their ability to recoil%

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Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Allen Rezai MD

Conse,uently the only surgical option is to e'cise the e'cess s+in% Breast "pli*t) also +no(n as 2astope'y) results in a breast that both loo+s more youth*ul and generally *eels *irmer%

#o' s Breast *pli)t !er)ormed%

/n principle) Breast "pli*t consists o* the *ollo(ing4 &'cising the surplus s+in 3emodelling the breast tissue into a more attracti$e shape 3epositioning the nipple K areola comple' to a higher le$el) so that the nipple lies at the point o* the ne(ly tightened breasts 3eshaping or reducing in si-e the areola i* necessary Breast "pli*t is per*ormed under general anaesthetic and most patients stay in hospital *or one night% .here are $arious techni,ues used in speci*ic situations% /n almost all) the surgeon must *irst ma+e an incision around the areola) so that it can be repositioned higher on the breast4

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Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Allen Rezai MD

/n certain circumstances) it may be possible to underta+e 2astope'y utilising only an incision around the areola% .his so called IdoughnutF 2astope'y is an option (here the breast is *airly small and (hen the degree o* sag is minimal% /n certain cases) su**icient s+in may be remo$ed by e'tending the incision $ertically do(n *rom the areola 6lollipop incision7% Ho(e$er) in other cases) the incision must also include a lateral e'tension across the crease belo( the breast 6anchor incision7% .he $ast ma<ority o* (omen undergoing a Breast "pli*t procedure *ind the results $ery satis*ying) resulting in a real impro$ement in ho( their clothes *it) and ho( their breasts loo+ e$en (hen they are undressed% 2ost (omen report a mar+ed impro$ement in their sel*0con*idence and their o(n *eelings about the attracti$eness o* their body% Wearing a good supporting bra (ill help to sustain the result) ho(e$er) it is important to remember that the results o* breast upli*t (ill not last *ore$er and ageing) pregnancy and (eight *luctuation (ill e$entually cause more la'ness o* the s+in) resulting in the re0occurrence o* some droopiness%

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Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Allen Rezai MD

A)ter the -peration

.he operation ta+es bet(een ninety minutes to t(o hours to per*orm% 1ollo(ing surgery most patients (ear a *irm support bra *or up to si' (ee+s .he breasts (ill *eel bruised) tender and s(ollen *or a *e( days Sutures are remo$ed or trimmed a*ter se$en and *ourteen days /ce pac+s may be used to reduce the s(elling and ma+e the breasts *eel more com*ortable 2ost patients ta+e t(o (ee+s o** (or+ @o li*ting during this *irst t(o (ee+s) and no hea$y li*ting *or at least si' (ee+s 2ost (omen can resume normal acti$ity (ithin *our to si' (ee+s As (ith all scars) they (ill slo(ly *ade o$er si' to t(el$e months%

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Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Allen Rezai MD

Breast *pli)t !hotographs

Pre0?peration Post0?peration

1or more be*ore and a*ter photos) $isit (((%cosmeticsurgeryspecialists%co%u+

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Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Allen Rezai MD

Augmented Mastope+y
1actors such as ageing) pregnancy) breast *eeding and (eight *luctuations (ill cause the breasts to lose their youth*ul shape) $olume) tone and the s+in's natural elasticity% Breasts gradually hang lo(er and lo(er on the chest (ith loss o* upper breast pro<ection 6per+iness7) elongation and *lattening% /n some cases) the nipples point straight do(n%

So "hat Can Be Done About t%

.his can easily be impro$ed by a combination o* breast augmentation and upli*t 6Augmented 2astope'y7 (hich (ill restore the shape and $olume o* the breast%

#o' s Augmented Mastope+y !er)ormed%

An Augmented 2astope'y is per*ormed in much the same (ay as a standard mastope'y) e'cept (ith an implant inserted belo( the mammary gland or under the pectoral muscle during the breast upli*t procedure% Curing consultation) your surgeon (ill discuss (ith you the type o* incision to ma+e% Whether your surgeon uses the anchor0shaped) doughnut or lollipop incision is dependent on your breast shape and si-e as (ell as the surgeon's personal pre*erence% >our surgeon *irst carries out the augmentation part o* the procedure and subse,uently ma+es an incision to remo$e the e'cess sagging s+in that causes your breasts to droop) and repositions the nipple K areola comple'%
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A)ter the -peration

.he operation ta+es bet(een ninety minutes to t(o hours to per*orm% 1ollo(ing surgery most patients (ear a *irm support bra *or up to si' (ee+s .he breasts (ill *eel bruised) tender and s(ollen *or a *e( days Sutures are remo$ed or trimmed a*ter se$en and *ourteen days /ce pac+s may be used to reduce the s(elling and ma+e the breasts *eel more com*ortable 2ost patients ta+e t(o (ee+s o** (or+ @o li*ting during this *irst t(o (ee+s) and no hea$y li*ting *or at least si' (ee+s 2ost (omen can resume normal acti$ity (ithin *our to si' (ee+s As (ith all scars) they (ill slo(ly *ade o$er si' to t(el$e months%

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Augmented Mastope+y !hotographs

Pre0?peration Post0?peration

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Breast Reduction
.he si-e o* (omanFs breasts is determined by se$eral *actors4 Her *amily history Her body (eight Her hormonal status .here*ore) the problem o* o$erly large breasts can de$elop and become an issue at $arious times o* li*e% Ho(e$er) at (hiche$er age it a**ects a (oman) there are certain conse,uences that are common to all situations4 Bac+ and nec+ ache Ci**iculty buying *ashionable clothes Problems (ith badly *itting bras &mbarrassment and lac+ o* sel*0con*idence Ci**iculty playing sports S+in rashes under the breasts As a result) $ery many (omen re,uest Breast 3eduction 6also +no(n as 3eduction 2ammoplasty7% Breast 3eduction in$ol$es remo$al o* both e'cess s+in and tissue *rom the breasts) (hich are then reshaped and the nipple K areola comple' repositioned to *orm smaller more naturally shaped breasts%

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#o' is Breast Reduction !er)ormed%

3eduction 2ammoplasty is per*ormed under general anaesthetic

.he patient usually stays in hospital *or at least one night

/n the commonest *orm o* breast reduction) scars (ill result around the areola) then $ertically do(n and sometimes also hori-ontally out along the breast creases% .he operation ta+es bet(een t(o and *our hours to per*orm Liposuction may also be per*ormed to the *atty areas under the armpits Asymmetries in breast si-e may also be corrected

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A)ter the -peration

1ollo(ing surgery) most patients (ear a *irm support bra *or *our to si' (ee+s Some patients continue to (ear a support bra inde*initely .he breasts (ill *eel bruised) tender and s(ollen *or se$eral (ee+s Sutures are remo$ed or trimmed a*ter se$en and *ourteen days /ce pac+s may be used to reduce the s(elling and ma+e the breasts *eel more com*ortable 2ost patients ta+e t(o (ee+s o** (or+% @o li*ting during this *irst t(o (ee+s) and no hea$y li*ting *or at least si' (ee+s 2ost (omen can resume normal acti$ity (ithin *our to si' (ee+s As (ith all scars) they (ill slo(ly *ade o$er si' to t(el$e months) ho(e$er they ne$er disappear% /t is generally ad$ised that most (omen (ill not be able to breast *eed *ollo(ing Breast 3eduction% Ho(e$er) (hen techni,ues are used that preser$e the connections bet(een the mil+ ducts and the nipple) breast *eeding may be possible%

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Breast Reduction !hotographs



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Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia is the medical term *or the de$elopment o* abnormally large breasts in males% .he condition can occur physiologically in the ne(0born) in adolescence and in old age% Gynecomastia is the most common *orm o* breast problem in men% /t is generally considered to be o* one o* three types40 Eust made up o* *atty tissue Eust made up o* breast gland tissue 2ade up o* a combination o* both *atty and glandular tissue .he most *re,uently encountered *orm o* gynecomastia is a simple accumulation o* *atty tissue) o*ten related to o$erall obesity% 2ost patients are men in their t(enties to mid0*i*ties (ho are simply embarrassed about the si-e o* their chests% And as long as there is little or no e'cess redundant s+in o$er the breast) all that is re,uired in these circumstances is liposuction% /n a *e( cases4 .here is signi*icant glandular tissue present 6this may re,uire surgical e'cision7 ?r there is signi*icant e'cess s+in o$er the chest 6a *orm o* breast upli*t is necessary7

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.rue glandular gynecomastia is a medical condition and must *irst be in$estigated to *ind its cause% Su**ice to say) in true gynecomastia) there is an imbalance bet(een the normal male and *emale hormones that circulate in all men) (hich may occur4 @ormally) at certain times o* li*e 6ne(0born) puberty) (ith ageing7 J +no(n as Iphysiological gynecomastiaF) or Abnormally) due to a (ide range o* causes 6idiopathic) diseases o* the hormone system) drugs) alcohol7 J +no(n as Ipathological gynecomastiaF Whate$er the cause) medical treatment aimed at the originating condition relati$ely rarely results in *ull reduction in breast si-e% 1or these patients) surgery is the only option% /n the great ma<ority o* patients (ith glandular gynecomastia) it is possible to remo$e the gland through an incision placed around the lo(er hal* o* the areola%

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A)ter the -peration

.he operation is per*ormed under general anaesthetic

/t ta+es bet(een si'ty to ninety minutes Patients stay in hospital *or one night An adhesi$e dressing and a Lycra $est are (orn *or about one (ee+ Any sutures are remo$ed a*ter se$en to *ourteen days /* your (or+ is not physical) e'pect to return to (or+ a*ter one to t(o (ee+s &'pect to be bac+ to normal physical e'ercise (ithin si' (ee+s "nless the operation is per*ormed at a young age) it is $ery unli+ely that your breasts (ill re0gro(% &'cessi$e (eight gain (ill alter the breast shape as in any other men% 1urther) (ith age your breasts are li+ely to sag as normal%

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Male Breast Reduction !hotographs

Pre0?peration Post0?peration

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Allen Rezai MD

Associations o) Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Cosmetic breast operations are surgical procedures) the same as all other procedures% /t is important you respect them as such% >ou can rest assured that both the plastic surgeon and all o* the ancillary sta** treats them so% Associations o* surgery are those elements that one might consider to be almost Ipart and parcelF o* ha$ing the operation% .hey are not complications) and do not generally mean that there is anything to (orry about% /n almost all cases) a little reassurance is all that is needed%

2any patients ha$e said that the sensation a*ter cosmetic breast surgery is $ery similar to that they e'perienced (hen the Amil+ cameB *ollo(ing childbirth% /t is more a *eeling o* uncom*ortable *ullness% 2ost also state that the discom*ort is less i* they ensure that they are 6relati$ely7 acti$e% We belie$e that this is because much o* the discom*ort is related to muscle bruising and s(elling% Conse,uently (e ad$ise most patients to 6at least7 underta+e normal acti$ities (here$er possible) especially regular (al+ing% A*ter a *e( days) the pain subsides considerably% 2ost patients describe it no( as a dull ache% 2any do not no( re,uire any *orm o* pain0+iller%

.his is $ery common a*ter the operation) and almost al(ays settles in time% /t is usually related to the dressings%

/eeling )aint
.his is o*ten *ound (hen the patient gets up the *ollo(ing day% /t is entirely normal) and usually subsides relati$ely ,uic+ly%

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.his occurs to some degree *or up to 40 8 (ee+s or so% /t merely means that your initial result is to some degree hidden *or a time%

S+in bruising may occur *or up to (ee+% 3e*rain *rom sun0bathing or the use o* sun beds (hilst you ha$e s+in bruising% .here (ill be internal bruising and s(elling *or some time longer than this *irst (ee+%

Some area o* the operation *ield may be numb *or some time *ollo(ing the operation% .his almost al(ays settles (ith time% Ho(e$er) it is not un+no(n *or a small patch o* s+in to remain numb% .his rarely causes patients undue concern) so long as they understand this pre0operati$ely%

.his means patients ha$ing areas o* s+in that *eel o$erly sensiti$e) occasionally (ith strange sensations% Again) it usually settles (ith time% /t is less common *or areas to remain hypersensiti$e than it is *or them to remain numb%

As a*ter any signi*icant operation) a small number o* patients may *eel unduly tired *or some (ee+s a*ter the procedure%

.his is not uncommon) especially a*ter general anaesthetics and (ith some medications% /t usually subsides spontaneously or a*ter cessation o* the particular medication%

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/eeling lo' or depressed

.his is relati$ely uncommon *ollo(ing this *orm o* minor surgery% Ho(e$er) it is not un+no(n) especially a*ter general anaesthetics% Patients should be reassured that it tends to pass a(ay ,uic+ly (ith little or no medication%

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Allen Rezai MD

Complications o) Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Complications o* surgery are those elements that might be considered to be abnormal reactions to surgery) and (hich (ould not generally be e'pected to occur% /t is common sense that any *orm o* surgery must be associated (ith some element o* ris+% .he aim o* this section is to highlight the more common 6although still unli+ely7 ris+s associated (ith surgery% Curing your consultation) your surgeon (ill discuss the ris+s *urther% Please *eel *ree to see+ his clari*ication on any points% Cosmetic breast surgery has a $ery lo( complication rate in e'perienced hands) so please +eep these complications in perspecti$e% Ho(e$er) it is important to ta+e them on board% n)ection .his is e'tremely rare% Ho(e$er) it is more common) and potentially much more serious in diabetics and smo+ers% Acute early in*ection is $ery uncommon *ollo(ing breast surgery% /t usually a**ects only one breast% Any surgical implant may be associated (ith chronic lo(0grade in*ection% /t is most li+ely that it is this phenomenon that causes the tiredness) occasional *e$ers) muscular aches) etc% that patients tend to ascribe to Asilicone poisoningB% All patients recei$e intra$enous antibiotics during the procedure% /n addition) all patients recei$e oral antibiotics *or : days a*ter the operation% "sing this Abelt and bracesB regime) signi*icant in*ection is almost unheard o*% .he important point here is that) no matter ho( rare it may be) in*ection is potentially $ery serious%

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/n (omen (ho ha$e undergone breast augmentation) a signi*icant in*ection (ill mean that there is e$ery li+elihood that the implant in ,uestion (ill ha$e to be remo$ed% ?nce this is done) the in*ection is usually relati$ely easy to treat% ?nce the in*ection is clear) most surgeons (ould recommend that the breast is not re0implanted *or D to G months% 1or this period) the patient (ould ha$e to use a bra *iller or e'plant to match the non0in*ected side% #aematoma Appro'imately 0%: to H o* patients may de$elop a collection o* blood or haematoma (ithin the breast poc+et% /t almost al(ays occurs (ithin the *irst *e( hours o* surgery) and almost al(ays only one breast% /n certain circumstances) it may be necessary to drain the collection% .his may in$ol$e an e'tra night in hospital% Bleeding Serious bleeding is rare% Bleeding may ta+e se$eral *orms% 1irstly) serious immediate bleeding *rom the operation site can occur) resulting in shoc+% .his is almost unheard o*% All patients are as+ed about any history o* bleeding disorders% Whene$er necessary) blood tests are underta+en to test a patientFs ability to clot their o(n blood% .here ha$e been no such patients (ithin our series% Seroma .his is a localised s(elling (ithin the tissue that is comparati$ely rare *ollo(ing cosmetic surgery% ?ccasionally) it may be necessary to per*orm a relati$ely minor procedure to drain the collections o* *luid% Breast /eeding /n general terms) the ability to breast0*eed remains unaltered a*ter most breast surgery% Ho(e$er) remember the *ollo(ing40

2any (omen re,uesting breast augmentation ha$e $ery little breast tissue) and so are probably more li+ely than most (omen @?. to be able to breast *eed%
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/rrespecti$e o* the amount o* breast tissue) not all (omen are able to breast *eed any(ay% 2any (omen ha$e implants prior to ha$ing their *amily% .here*ore) they cannot +no( (hether they (ould e$er ha$e been able to breast *eed had they not had implants%

Some (omen are able to breast *eed one or more children) but are unable to *eed later babies%

.here is no e$idence that children (ho ha$e been breast *ed by mothers (ith A@> type o* implant ha$e any increased li+elihood o* any medical illness or condition%

Breast *eeding is generally a**ected a*ter breast reduction and breast upli*t

Breast Cancer

Breast implants do @?. cause breast cancer in (omen (ho (ould not other(ise ha$e de$eloped it%

.he /3G *ound that there is a slightly reduced incidence o* breast cancer in (omen (ith breast implants%

.here is no e$idence that breast implants increase the ris+ o* any other cancers%

Breast implants do not ma+e breast cancer more li+ely to occur in (omen (ho may ha$e a susceptibility to breast cancer% Breast implants do not ma+e any breast cancer that a (oman might de$elop more aggressi$e% Breast implants do not generally ma+e most breast lumps harder to *eel% Breast implants may ma+e certain breast cancers harder to detect on L0 3ay 2ammography%
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2odern imaging techni,ues enable doctors to use mammograms to Iloo+ aroundF implants% /n addition) techni,ues such as ultrasound) C. scans) and 23/ scans can be used to produce e'cellent assessment o* implanted breasts% L03ay specialists tell us that) by and large) implants are not a great problem (hen it comes to imaging the breast% .his (as con*irmed by the /3G) (hich concluded that Abreast screening arrangements are not a**ected by the presence o* an implantB% Ho(e$er) they as+ that upon boo+ing a mammogram) you in*orm the 3adiology Cepartment or Screening "nit that you ha$e breast implants% Residual Asymmetries /n cases (here there e'ists signi*icant asymmetries pre0operati$ely) these (ill o*ten be $ery much impro$ed *ollo(ing surgery% Ho(e$er) there can be no guarantee that the areas (ill be identical *ollo(ing surgery% 1+cessi$e Scarring >our plastic surgeon (ill ma+e e$ery attempt to ma+e your scar as neat) short and inconspicuous as possible% Please remember that the crease underneath the breast is greater 6and hence the scar better hidden7 i* the breast is larger or more sagging pre0operati$ely% .he breast is generally a $ery good area o* healing o* scars% Ho(e$er) i* the scar remains raised) reddened) or hypertrophic then it may re,uire surgical re$ision) steroid in<ections) or special dressings% .his is uncommon *ollo(ing cosmetic surgery% /t is most common in those (ith a *amily history o* e'cessi$e scarring) in patients that already ha$e such scars) and in people *rom A*ro Caribbean descent% Ho(e$er) generally a patientFs indi$idual tendency to such scarring cannot be diagnosed in ad$ance% /t is important to realise that the rate at (hich scars heal and *ade $aries considerably *rom patient to patient% Such e'cessi$e or hypertrophic scars may re,uire treatment) but may remain permanently e'cessi$e%

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Changes in Breast Sensation Post0operati$e s(elling) as a result o* the implant itsel* and normal tissue s(elling may alter the sensation to parts o* the breast itsel*% .hese almost al(ays return to normal completely (ithin *our to si' (ee+s o* surgery% Changes in &ipple Sensation .he a*orementioned s(elling may a**ect nippleKareola sensation% Within a *e( months) normal sensation has either returned or become (hat it (ill probably remain as% /n most (omen this is bac+ to normal% A small percentage o* (omen report that these areas are more sensiti$e% By and large) most o* these (omen *ind this an ad$antage% An e'tremely small percentage o* (omen su**er *rom some slight permanent sensory0loss% /t is e'tremely rare) but not unreported) *or total permanent loss o* nippleKareola sensation to occur% !ermanent S,in Discoloration .his is rare a*ter most *orms o* surgery% Permanent staining may result i* the patient sunbathes or uses ultra$iolet sun beds (hilst any $isible s+in bruising remains% *rinary retention .his is $ery uncommon a*ter cosmetic surgery) e'cept in any male patient +no(n to ha$e prostate problems (ho might be con*ined to bed *or a *e( days% *rinary tract in)ection .his generally occurs in (omen (ho might be prone to them in any e$ent) and (ho are con*ined to bed and not drin+ing normally% /t is relati$ely uncommon a*ter cosmetic surgery%

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0hrush .his is again uncommon% /t tends to be commonest in (omen prone to recurrent candida in*ections) especially i* they are prescribed antibiotics% /* you +no( that you are prone to thrush) in*orm your surgeon% /t may be considered better to a$oid antibiotics in such circumstances%

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Associations and Complications o) Breast mplants

.he *ollo(ing associations and complications relate speci*ically to the use o* breast implants%

2i)espan o) mplants
Consumer Protection la(s relating to general manu*acturing co$er all implants% .his is not because (e are sure that implants must (ear out) since at the present time there is insu**icient data to ma+e any de*initi$e statement *or any gi$en implant% 2anu*acturers o* implants do not pro$ide any ad$ice as to (hen) i* e$er) implants should be replaced% 2any thousands o* implants ha$e been in place *or more than 0080 years and are still Agoing strongB% A small number o* (omen ha$e had their implants replaced be*ore 0 years has elapsed% /t is our ad$ice) as has been *or many years) that any (omen ha$ing breast implants be*ore the age o* 40 should ha$e them e'pecting that at some time in the *uture) she may ha$e to ha$e them remo$ed or replaced% As (omen continue to li$e longer) this li+elihood (ill probably increase% /t is our e'perience that most (omen in their t(enties and thirties are more than happy to accept this possibility%

/lying and di$ing

/t is per*ectly sa*e to *ly or to go deep sea di$ing a*ter breast augmentation%

Being able to )eel parts o) the mplant 3implant protrusion4

Some implants *eel more li+e breast tissue than others% Ho(e$er) gi$en that they are not Imade to measureF ) they are most unli+ely to *eel e'actly the same as your breast tissue% 1urther) as you +no() your o(n breast tissue changes in its consistency throughout your normal cycle) and throughout your li*e% /t is relati$ely common *or (omen to be able to *eel small areas o* their implants) usually around the periphery o* their breasts% .hese are *elt as small
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so*t lumps) mostly along the inner and outer aspects o* their breasts% .his is more li+ely i* the patient had $ery little breast tissue to start (ith) or re,uested larger implants% With reassurance) almost all patients accept this phenomenon% Mery rarely (ill surgery be either o**ered or re,uested *or this situation%

Please remember that it is $ery unusual *or t(o breasts to be symmetrical% /t is our e'perience that most (omen ha$e ne$er noticed that their breasts are *ar *rom identical% /t is important to understand that) *ollo(ing breast augmentation) any such asymmetry may be ampli*ied% /n general terms) asymmetry is li+ely to be e'aggerated a*ter complications such as capsular contraction%

Rippling or 'rin,ling o) the implant

Certain implants are +no(n to *old and (rin+le more than others) /n some circumstances) any implant may *old in their poc+et% Ho(e$er) this is relati$ely unusual) and rarely re,uires *urther surgery% /t is more common in patients (ith little breast tissue) those re,uesting larger implants) and those (ith mar+ed e'cess sagging s+in (ho might be better ad$ised to ha$e a breast upli*t%

Displacement or mo$ement o) the implant

.his is relati$ely uncommon) and may be associated (ith discom*ort in the a**ected breast% /n the unli+ely e$ent that it should be necessary) the implant may be repositioned surgically%

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Capsule )ormation
All tissues *orm a *ibrous shell or scar around any *oreign body% .hat the breast does so around an implant is an entirely normal body reaction% /n essence) the breast is trying to I(all o**F or isolate and protect the body *rom the outside agent% .his process commences once the implant is inserted) and continues o$er the *irst *e( (ee+s% .he great ma<ority o* capsules are so*t) and other(ise *eel li+e breast tissue) so the patient is completely una(are it is there% "n*ortunately) a $ery small proportion o* capsules ha$e a tendency to progressi$e thic+ening% /n doing so) as (ith scars else(here in the body) they also tend to shrin+ and contract% .his phenomenon may a**ect one or both breasts% .his phenomenon may occur shortly post0operation) or de$elop suddenly a*ter many years% .he clinical e**ects are a mi'ture o* any or all o* the *ollo(ing4 $arying degrees o* *irmness= intermittent or constant pain= alteration in shape% .he cause is mostly misunderstood% Ho(e$er) it is (ell accepted that the incidence has decreased dramatically (ith the use o* implants (ith te'tured shells% /n the absence o* signi*icant symptoms) the $ast ma<ority o* capsules re,uire little management other than regular massage or manipulation by the plastic surgeon% Ho(e$er) appro'imately H o* patients may re,uire *urther surgery to remo$e the capsule% /n spite o* the best e**orts o* both patient and plastic surgeon) capsules may recur a*ter treatment) and a $ery small number o* (omen may re,uire permanent remo$al o* their implants i* se$ere symptoms persist% Compared (ith ten or more years ago) this is no( comparati$ely rare%

1+trusion or re5ection o) implants

.his is rare) and may result *rom (ound in*ection) (ound brea+do(n) se$ere capsule *ormation) etc% /t re,uires surgical e'ploration o* the breast% .he implant may be reinserted at the same time) or remo$ed% /* remo$ed) another implant (ill be inserted some (ee+s later%

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Rupture o) breast implants

Whilst there is little good e$idence regarding the precise incidence o* implant rupture) the general consensus bet(een e'perienced plastic surgeons is that it is $ery rare% 2odern breast implants are e'tremely strong robust ob<ects% .hey (ill more than (ithstand most normal day to day acti$ities% 3upture in this sense means actual physical disruption or tearing o* the shell% /n theoretical terms it may arise in any o* the *ollo(ing circumstances4 A manu*acturing *la( Accidental and undetected damage during insertion Cirect and se$ere trauma to the breast With age

.o reiterate) all (ith the e'ception o* age are $ery rare% 3upture may theoretically occur either4 Without breaching the breast capsule 6intra0capsular rupture7% /n this circumstance there may be little change in breast si-e) shape) etc% Without rupture also o* the breast capsule 6e'tra0capsular rupture7% /n most o* these cases) the contents o* the implant are still *ound (ithin the breast and may be remo$ed at the same time as the ruptured shell itsel*% 3arely) the *illing may be *ound in the lymph glands and around ner$es in the armpit% /n these areas) lumps and discom*ort may be *elt% .hey may $ery rarely re,uire surgical incision% /n any circumstance (here direct trauma has occurred to the breast) or i* rupture is suspected) then modern imaging techni,ues 6especially 23/ scanning7 (ill usually be able to detect it%

(el 3or )illing4 bleed

.his describes the phenomenon o* microscopic amount o* the contents 6(ith or (ithout similar microscopic particles o* the silicone shell7 bleeding out into the tissues in the absence o* rupture% All modern implants) including silicone) ha$e been designed to minimise gel bleed%

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Anaesthetic 6 Ris,s 7 Complications

2odern day anaesthetic is e'tremely sa*e% /t is important to understand that general anaesthetic carries slightly higher ris+ than local anaesthetic% Ho(e$er) the ris+s o* both are e'tremely small in cosmetic surgery patients% /t is o* paramount importance that you are al(ays open and honest about your past medical history) and undergo any in$estigations that your surgeon andKor anaesthetist might re,uire prior to your operation% Potential complications 6although e'tremely rare7 include4

Deep $ein thrombosis

.his occurs (hen a blood clot *orms in the $eins) usually o* the cal* or thigh% Clearly) this is potentially serious% Ho(e$er) it is rare *ollo(ing this *orm o* surgery% /t is generally associated (ith longer operations) sic+ patients and periods o* immobility a*ter(ards% /n order to reduce your ris+ e$en *urther) you may be as+ed to (ear special pressure stoc+ings during your time in hospital% Additional special boots may be used (hilst you are undergoing the operation% /t is important that you are mobile *or the *irst *e( days a*ter your operation and drin+ plenty%

!ulmonary embolism
.his occurs (hen the type o* blood clot discussed abo$e tra$els in the blood stream to the lungs (here it pre$ents their normal *unction% /t is a $ery serious and potentially li*e threatening condition) but is e'tremely rare a*ter this *orm o* surgery% Again) it is mostly associated (ith longer operations) sic+ patients) periods o* immobility) and dehydration

Chest in)ection
.his is unusual in healthy patients ha$ing relati$ely minor surgery% /t is more li+ely *ollo(ing general anaesthetic in smo+ers% Ho(e$er) many patients (ill recei$e antibiotics during their operation) (hich *urther reduces the ris+%

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Allen Rezai MD

Drug reactions
.hese are generally uncommon in patients (ho do not ha$e a history o* drug allergies or a *amily history o* problems (ith anaesthetic% Ho(e$er) $ery occasionally patients may ha$e unpredictable reactions to drugs% >our anaesthetist is a(are o* this possibility) loo+ing *or it) and (ill treat it%

.his is not uncommon *ollo(ing some *orms o* anaesthetic% Some patients also e'perience $omiting in the immediate post0operati$e period% 2ost anaesthetists administer anti0nausea drugs at the start o* your anaesthetic) and there are other drugs that can be gi$en to you should you continue to *eel nausea *ollo(ing the operation%

Sore throat
.his is not uncommon *ollo(ing anaesthetic (here a tube has been placed in your throat to help you breath% Any discom*ort is usually short0term%

Dental health
Cental problems are rare in patients (ith good dentition% >ou must in*orm you anaesthetist o* any loose teeth) cro(ns) bridges) etc% that you may ha$e%

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An nitial Consultation
So you ha$e studied in detail this boo+let) you ha$e perhaps read one or more other boo+s on the sub<ect) you ha$e tal+ed (ith *riends and *amily) and you might ha$e some initial idea as to li+ely cost% >ou are all setN So (hat is ne'tO 1ind the surgeonN .he importance o* your selection o* the right surgeon to carry out your operation has already been mentioned to be o* utmost importance) and to a great e'tent a $ery personal decision that should ta+e into account many *actors% By all means get opinions and ad$ice *rom *riends and *amily (ho ha$e perhaps had such an operation themsel$es) but the ultimate decision should be yours and yours alone% @o matter (hich surgeon you choose *or your operation) you should al(ays be able to chec+ his or her o**icial registration 6licence7 permitting them to carry out cosmetic surgery in the country in (hich they are located%

Surgeon Consultation
At your consultation (ith the surgeon) you (ill ha$e the opportunity to discuss your procedure in order that heKshe can ascertain your e'pectations as to (hat can realistically be achie$ed% /t also gi$es you the opportunity to as+ any *inal ,uestions and get to +no( the surgeon and the e'perience that they ha$e (ith patients undergoing similar procedures%

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/n addition) prior to any cosmetic treatment or surgical operation being per*ormed) the surgeon (ill4 Ciscuss your and your *amilyFs medical history and any pre0operati$e tests that (ill need to be conducted% 2a+e a detailed and thorough physical e'amination o* your area o* concern% &'plain the surgical options a$ailable and (hich (ould be most suited to you% .al+ you through in detail all aspects o* the procedure such as (here and ho( each incision (ill be made) an o$er$ie( o* the procedure and (hatFs in$ol$ed) li+ely complications and possible conditions) reco$ery and healing times and stages) dressing and a*ter care) pain and (here it is li+ely to be *elt) and speci*ic care details%

Age 2imit
.he minimum age *or any consultation or surgical procedure in the "nited #ingdom is ; years%

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0ime )or Re)lection

All aesthetic cosmetic procedures are electi$e operations) meaning that you choose to ha$e such an operation% 1ollo(ing your consultation it is recommended that you ta+e a period o* *ourteen days to consider all the bene*its and ris+s o* the procedures) and see+ more in*ormation i* necessary) be*ore you decide%

8our !rocedure
Should you decide that a procedure is right *or you) your surgeon (ill arrange a date (ith you *or your procedure and (ill support and guide you throughout the entire process%

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!re9-perati$e (uidance
Prior to your surgery) you (ill be as+ed to sign consent *orms *or your proposed operation and the anaesthetic to be employed% By signing these *orms) you ac+no(ledge that you *ully understand the potential associations 6side0e**ects7 and complications *or your operation) and also o* the anaesthetic% /n the days leading up to your operation) you should *eel *ree to contact your surgeon at any time% Cosmetic surgeons are (ell a(are that) (hilst your operation might be routine *or them) this is li+ely to be a (hole ne( e'perience *or the patient%

/* you are ha$ing a general anaesthetic) do @?. eat or drin+ anything *or G hours prior to your admission time% /* you are ha$ing a local anaesthetic (ith sedation) do not &A. *or G hours prior to your admission time% Ho(e$er) clear *luids 6e%g% (ater) blac+ tea) blac+ co**ee7 are permissible up to 8 hours ahead o* your admission% /* you de$elop any medical problem at all in the (ee+ or so be*ore your operation) you should contact the clinic immediately% /t is best to a$oid alcohol and tobacco *or at least t(o (ee+s prior to your operation% /t is also best to a$oid ta+ing $itamin & or garlic *or operation% (ee+ prior to your

/* you regularly ta+e an Aspirin and K or other non0steroidal anti0 in*lammatory medicines) *ollo( your Surgeon's ad$ice (ith regard to (hether you must stop ta+ing them% Prepare a suitable o$ernight bag% .his is recommended e$en i* you are ha$ing day case surgery% /t should include night(ear) slippers) dressing go(n) toiletries) glasses) sanitary to(els 6i* appropriate7) etc%
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3emember to include some reading material) a 2PD player or similar i* you so (ish) and telephone numbers *or your transport home% &nsure you pac+ any clothing you ha$e been speci*ically as+ed to bring 6e%g% loose *itting garments) an old bra) a Lycra or sportFs bra) a so*t to(el etc%7% Generally) it is probably better not to (ear e'pensi$e clothes% Similarly) it is generally ad$isable to lea$e e'pensi$e <e(ellery at home% /* you ha$e been re,uested to sha$e a particular area) you should do so 4; hours be*ore the operation) and bathe the area regularly (ith antiseptic) such as Sa$lon% /* you ha$e been re,uested to remo$e any body piercing *rom areas to be operated upon) do so at least 84 hours be*ore the operation) and bathe the area regularly (ith Sa$lon% Any body piercing should be remo$ed at least 84 hours be*ore the operation) and bathe the area regularly (ith Sa$lon% /* you are ta+ing A@> medicines at all) please bring them all (ith you on the day o* your operation% >our anaesthetist (ill need to see them% /mportantly) i* you use an inhaler) please bring it (ith you% /* you ta+e regular medication) you 2"S. chec+ (ith your surgeon as to (hether you should ta+e the morning dose on the day o* surgery% /n most instances the ad$ice (ill be to continue (ith your normal regime% Please ad$ise your anaesthetist andKor surgeon i* your last menstrual period (as delayed or other(ise unusual%

Be*ore you come into hospital) ensure that you ha$e a supply o* simple pain+illers at home% >ou (ill be prescribed stronger pain0+illers *or the *irst *e( days a*ter the operation% Ho(e$er Paracetamol is usually su**icient therea*ter% Be*ore you come into hospital) ensure that you ha$e a supply o* *ood and drin+s 6especially still mineral (ater7 that (ill last at least a (ee+%
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>ou may bring your mobile phone) but may not be allo(ed to ha$e it s(itched on inside the hospital itsel*% /t is better to (ear glasses rather than contact lenses% 1or many procedures including all general anaesthetics) you (ill be as+ed to remo$e your lenses% 3emember to bring your lens +it (ith you% /* you ha$e any special dietary or religious needs) contact your surgeon ahead o* time) and in*orm himKher% /* you ha$e any special needs 6e%g% a colostomy) etc%7 contact your surgeon ahead o* time and in*orm himKher% Bring any special de$ices) creams etc% (ith you%

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0he Day o) Surgery

>ou (ill ha$e been gi$en an admission time (hen you boo+ed your operation% Lea$e home in plenty o* time because you do not (ant the added stress o* (orrying about being late% /t is $ery important to note that the admission time is @?. @&C&SSA3/L> the time o* your operation% .his is the time at (hich it is anticipated that you (ill be able to be admitted and prepared *or theatre% Also) some surgeons pre*er all o* their patients to be admitted at the same time early in the morning% .his means that their operating list 6and hence your o(n operation7 is not delayed i* an early patient is late) or i* an operation is cancelled or delayed *or any reason% .he nurses also ha$e se$eral necessary tas+s to per*orm in the period prior to your operation% .hey ha$e to *ormally admit you to the hospital) ta+e your blood pressure) pulse) and temperature) get you (ashed and prepared as necessary) as+ you to put on a go(n K anti0embolism stoc+ings) etc% >our surgeon (ill also see you again% >ou may ha$e *urther ,uestions that you might (ish to as+ him% He may ha$e to ta+e photographs) complete his pre0operati$e mar+ings etc% >ou (ill also ha$e to read and sign the Consent 1orm% /t is important that you are relati$ely settled prior to going into the operating room% >our anaesthetist may re,uire you to ha$e a pre0med% .his (ill ta+e some time to ta+e e**ect% >our surgeon and his team (ill do their best to ensure that your (ait is not too long) and generally the organisation (ill (or+ (ell% Ho(e$er) (ith any surgical hospital) delays can occur *or any number o* reasons% &mergencies may be admitted *rom time to time) and (e merely ad$ise that you are patient) and that you understand that the nursing and other sta** are doing their best%

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!ost9-perati$e nstructions
Be*ore going any *urther) it can not be emphasi-ed too much the e'treme importance that you should care*ully read) and (here necessary adhere to) the ad$ice and instructions pro$ided *or you by your surgeon and his team% 1ailure to do so may at best <eopardi-e the *inal result o* your surgery= at (orst be detrimental to your health%

mmediate A)tercare
1ollo(ing the operation) you (ill be returned *rom the operating room) (here the theatre nurse and consultant anaesthetist (ill trans*er your care bac+ to your allocated nurse% >ou (ill be allo(ed to gently reco$er *rom the procedure% /* you *eel sleepy) then you (ill be allo(ed to sleep% Ho(e$er) it is important that the nurses continue routine post0operati$e recordings o* your pulse) blood pressure etc% 1urther) any other rele$ant obser$ations (ill also be continued 6e%g% blood sugar le$els in diabetic patients) etc%7 /t is li+ely that you (ill continue to recei$e intra$enous *luid during the post0 operati$e period% .his is to ma+e up *or the *act that you ha$e been Anil by mouthB *or some time both prior to and during the operation) and also because o* the nature o* the procedure itsel*% /t is routine to administer this *luid) and results in a much speedier reco$ery *rom the operation% Soon a*ter returning *rom the operating room) you (ill be o**ered something to eat and to drin+% 2ost patients are more than ready *or this% Ho(e$er) there is no rush% /* you do not *eel li+e eating) or i* you *eel at all nauseous) then you (ill be gi$en more time to reco$er% /* necessary) the consultant anaesthetist (ill prescribe and administer any *urther necessary medicines to combat any *eelings o* sic+ness that you might ha$e%

!ost9operati$e Care
/n most cases) upon discharge *rom the clinic) you (ill be gi$en antibiotics and pain+illers to ta+e home (ith you% Whene$er appropriate) your *irst post0 operati$e re$ie( (ill also be arranged *or you%

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>ou (ill then be trans*erred into the care o* (home$er you ha$e designated to ta+e you home% A responsible adult must escort you home) and there must be a similar person able to loo+ a*ter you on the *irst post0operati$e night% /* you ha$e not arranged these things) then your operation (ill be postponed%

Appointments P 1ollo(0"p
1ollo(ing discharge *rom the hospital) you may be telephoned by your nurse counselor o$er the *irst *e( days) to put your mind at rest% &nsure that you +eep any appointment *or either remo$al o* your sutures or *or any change o* dressings prescribed by your surgeon% /* your dressings are becoming soiled prior to their remo$al) please contact your nurse counselor during o**ice hours% She (ould be happy to change them *or you i* it is appropriate% /n most instances) you (ill be seen at your clinic by a nurse a*ter 9 to 0 days% .his is merely to chec+ that all is progressing as it should) to change dressings) to remo$e some or all sutures as directed) and to gi$e you *urther ad$ice and reassurance%

/n most instances) your surgeon (ill re$ie( you in his clinic a*ter 4 to G (ee+s% 6Cepending upon the nature o* the operation) he may discharge you at this time%7 >our surgeon (ill continue to re$ie( you periodically therea*ter as necessary%

!ost9operati$e Course
>ou should complete the prescribed course o* any tablet and K or topical cream antibiotics) or any other medications gi$en to you% Pain and discom*ort are almost uni$ersal a*ter all surgery% Some operations generally hurt more than others% PatientsF pain thresholds also $ary considerably% .here*ore) e'pect some pain and discom*ort post0operati$ely% A*ter a *e( days) the pain should be more li+e an ache%

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.a+e the prescribed stronger pain0+illers *or the *irst *e( days and simple pain0+illers 6e%g% Paracetamol7 (hene$er necessary therea*ter% Should these pro$e insu**icient to signi*icantly relie$e your pain) or i* your pain gets (orse o$er a number o* days) please contact your nurse counsellor% Co @?. ta+e aspirin or medicines containing aspirin unless directed by your surgeon% Co @?. ta+e non0steroidal anti0in*lammatory medicines 6e%g% @uro*en) /bupro*en) etc%7 unless directed by your surgeon% &'pect a little nausea *or a day or so% /* it *ails to subside) please contact your nurse counselor% .a+e things easy *or a *e( days% Ho(e$er) do @?. retreat to your bed% Prolonged bed rest increases your ris+ o* thrombosis and chest in*ections% .here*ore) gently mobili-e during this initial period% Arrange *or help (ith child0care i* necessary% Crin+ plenty% ?rdinary still mineral (ater is best% /t is important to a$oid becoming dehydrated) especially in hot (eather% .ry to get bac+ to your normal diet as soon as possible% &'pect the (ounds to itch as they continue to heal% A$oid getting the (ounds or dressings (et% 2erely sponge bathe and (ash care*ully around the dressings until they are remo$ed%

A*ter a (ee+ or so) gradually start (or+ing yoursel* bac+ to relati$ely normal acti$ities% >ou should be bac+ to your normal routine (ithin 4 to G (ee+s%

.a+e as much time o** (or+ as your surgeon has speci*ied% Be prepared to ta+e longer o** i* necessary% Co not e'ercise (ithin the *irst 4 (ee+s or so% Clearly) larger operations re,uire longer periods o* recuperation% /* you e'ercise regularly) gradually build up your e'ercise regime again% @e$er *orce yoursel* through any pain barrier% /* your body says IStopF) then stop% Co not s(im *or si' (ee+s%
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Co not be alarmed i* you see some $isible s+in bruising% Bruising is again relati$ely common a*ter all surgery% /t $aries bet(een patients) and bet(een di**erent operations% Where possible +eep these areas co$ered until bruising *ades% Misible bruising (ill usually *ade (ithin 08 (ee+s% Co not sunbathe or use sun beds at least *or 8 (ee+s% S(elling is the natural body's natural reaction to any in<ury) including surgery% Some operations induce considerable s(elling= some are associated (ith $ery little% /t may also $ary bet(een patients% .here*ore) e'pect some s(elling) (hich usually settles o$er G to 8 (ee+s% &nsure that you *ollo( any and all instructions gi$en to you (ith regard to massage) use o* moisturi-ers etc%

Scars undergo a long period o* healing% /nitially) you must e'pect them to be red) raised) lumpy and une$en% .his is normal% .he scars (ill continue to heal o$er a period o* many months 6sometimes e$en up to 8 years7% Curing this period) they generally become paler) *latter) narro(er) and shorter%

All patients are di**erent% /t is common +no(ledge amongst the lay public that some people heal *aster and better than others% Conse,uently) some patientsF scars heal to barely $isible thin (hite lines) (hilst others are some(hat more noticeable% >our surgeon is generally completely unable to diagnose (hich type o* patient you are be*ore the operation unless you ha$e had pre$ious surgery% Some areas o* the body are +no(n to be more prone to pronounced or e'cessi$e scarring than others% Conse,uently) i* you ha$e scars on $arious areas o* your body) they may not heal to the same *inal result% ?perations in$ol$ing bilateral structures 6e%g% the ears etc7 generally heal at di**erent rates on each side% /t is almost is i* you ha$e had t(o operations) one on the le*t and one on the right% .here*ore) discom*ort) s(elling) scarring) altered sensation or numbness etc may not settle at e,ual rates on both sides% Ho(e$er they generally both settle do(n *airly e,ually in the end%

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Mery *e( patients are totally symmetrical% /* you loo+ closely) most bilateral structures 6especially the breasts7 are *ar *rom identical% "nless discussed (ith and con*irmed by your surgeon at consultation) the aim o* the operation is generally not to ma+e you totally symmetrical% .here*ore) e'pect some degree o* residual asymmetry (here such asymmetry e'isted be*ore the operation% /t is relati$ely common *or certain areas to ha$e altered sensation or e$en numbness a*ter the operation 6particularly around the nipple a*ter breast surgery) or around any scars7% Any areas o* altered sensation or numbness may ta+e se$eral months to resol$e% .hey al(ays resol$e at di**erent rates in di**erent patients) and usually at di**erent rates on the t(o sides o* the body% ?ccasionally) areas may remain permanently numb or ha$e altered sensation% >ou should put s+in0*riendly adhesi$e tape on your scars (ithin G (ee+s o* the operation%

n 0he 1$ent o) an 1mergency

@e$er sit at home (orried or *rightened about any aspect o* your operation% Please do not hesitate to contact your surgeon about any concern% /n almost all instances your *ears are per*ectly natural) and re,uire nothing more than a *e( (ords o* encouragement and reassurance% Mery rarely (ould you need to be seen as a matter o* urgency%

Contact your Surgeon or &urse9Counselor immediately:

/* the operation area begins to *eel hot) tense) or increasingly s(ollen% /* you start to *eel generally un(ell or *e$erish% /* the dressings de$elop an odor or there appears to be a green or yello( discharge on them%

1or any medical emergency 6*or e'ample) sudden signi*icant increase in pain) increasing s(elling) sudden discharge o* blood or pus *rom the (ound) *e$er) (ound opening) etc%7
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Co not panic% Whilst it is (holly understandable that you (ill be concerned) these complications are e'tremely rare a*ter cosmetic surgery) and the $ast ma<ority are resol$ed in a relati$ely short period o* time% 3arely do they ha$e any long0term implications *or either your health or your operation itsel*% 3est assured that your surgeon (ill ha$e seen it all be*ore% But do ma+e note o* any and all emergency numbers gi$en to you%

0ime -)) "or,

2ost patients are *ully able to return to (or+ (ithin 0 days to 8 (ee+s% @ot(ithstanding this) patients are ad$ised @?. to ha$e the operation in the (ee+ preceding a $ital (or+ or li*e e$ent% Gi$e yoursel* the potential o* a (ee+ o** almost e$erything to recuperate) should it be necessary% "se common senseN /* your (or+ is $ery physical) be prepared to ta+e longer o** (or+%

/t is typical *or nursing sta** to re$ie( you a*ter about 9 to 0 days% At this time they (ill inspect your (ounds) remo$e or trim sutures) and re0apply any dressings as directed by your surgeon% >ou (ill then be re$ie(ed during the *ollo(ing months% 2ost patients are re$ie(ed at about 8 (ee+s) and again therea*ter as necessary% .he $ast ma<ority o* patients are discharged *rom routine *ollo(0up at about D months) ho(e$er those re,uiring *urther *ollo(0up (ill be seen periodically as necessary%

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