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Healthy Parents Healthy Babies Gerber Gang Ferris State University


Healthy People 2020 marks smoking as a leading health indicator (Healthy People 2020, 2013). This may be because there are approximately 43.8 million Americans who consider themselves smokers (CDC, 2012). Women who smoke while pregnant have higher risks associated with their pregnancies when compared to women who abstain from smoking while they are pregnant (March of Dimes, 2010). These risks include low birth rate, fetal addiction to tobacco, miscarriage, and other serious fetal health complications (March of Dimes, 2010). Smoking while pregnant is considered the number one most preventable risk factor for an unsuccessful pregnancy (Cnattingius, Lindmark, & Meirik, 1992. In a study done by the health department of district ten, Crawford County scored below state average in the area measuring smoking while pregnancy (District Health Department #10, 2012). The rate of smoking while pregnant in Michigan in 2012 was 19.3% while Crawford County had the second highest rates in the state coming in at 47.4% (District Health Department #10, 2012). Healthy People 2020 strive for a goal of 1.4% in this category (District Health Department #10, 2012). It is evident by these numbers that Crawford County needs to take drastic measures to decrease the incidence of smoking while pregnant. Although there are some programs that exist in the state of Michigan regarding smoking cessation, Crawford County lacks a local organization that promotes smoking cessation. Providing a program for the population of this county that focuses primarily on smoking cessation for expecting families may positively decrease the rates of smoking while pregnant. This countywide change could greatly improve the health of the community as a whole.

HEALTHY PARENTS HEALTHY BABIES Organization Healthy Parents Healthy Babies is an organization that focuses on promoting smoking cessation for expecting parents. This program is centered on pregnant women and their families who are current smokers. The purpose of Healthy Parents Healthy Babies is to eliminate the families, especially the mothers, smoking during pregnancy and to continue promoting that smoke free environment after birth. Mission Statement To provide parents with support and increased opportunities to make healthy decisions related to smoking while pregnant. Philosophy We believe that through involvement in education and support, expectant parents will have the opportunity to take responsibility for making positive changes to develop a healthy family. By providing caring and trusting relationships, maintaining client dignity, and creating a supportive environment, this program will have a positive effect on the smoking rates during pregnancy in Crawford County. Goals The main goal of this organization is to decrease the number of pregnant women who smoke during pregnancy and to promote raising their child in a smoke free environment. The

basis of this goal is to decrease the rates of smoking during pregnancy in Crawford County, who records the second highest rate in Michigan. An additional goal of Healthy People Healthy Babies is to increase compliance of pre-natal care and screenings. Lastly, to ensure pre-natal education and resources are provided to expecting parents. This goal is important to make sure

HEALTHY PARENTS HEALTHY BABIES parents are completely aware of what is available to them and to help support them to make things as easiest as possible to provide a healthy life for their child. Objectives

To reach the goals set by the Healthy Parents Healthy Babies organization, it is important to also establish objectives to meet these goals. The most important objective is to decrease the number of pregnant women who smoke from 47.4% to 30.0% in Crawford County. Meeting this objective will positively impact the health of families in this community. Another objective is to increase the compliance of prenatal care and screenings by 50%. Although smoking cessation is very important during pregnancy, it is also vital to get the appropriate prenatal care. To help ease craving from quitting smoking, nicotine patches or other alternatives will be provided to each client. The nurse will also follow up with the clients health-care provider with appropriate information to increase continuity of care. Lastly, Healthy Parents Healthy Babies will provide incentives to those families who maintain compliance throughout the program. These incentives may include diapers, bottles, gas cards, and other baby needs. Job Description The Healthy Parents Healthy Babies organization is comprised of one nurse educator, two registered nurses, and two secretaries. Amongst these paid employees are also volunteers who provide there time to run this organization. Because it is important for healthcare providers to promote a healthy environment and lifestyle a tobacco-free hiring policy was implemented. Nurse Educator Will provide ongoing education through support groups aimed at decreasing smoking in parents expecting. This education will be provided to both men and women, prenatal and postpartum, up to one year after birth. This is a part time position requiring occasional evening


and weekend shifts. Approximately 15-20 hours of work are expected each week. A Bachelor of Nursing is required, although a Master of Nursing is preferred. A current Registered Nurse Licensure in the state of Michigan is also required, while an additional Certification in Perinatal Issues is encouraged. Healthy Parents Healthy Babies is requesting a minimum of three years experience, preferably in either community health or obstetrics. Registered Nurse Secretary Volunteers Marketing Plan In order to obtain the appropriate staff for the various positions, various marketing ideas were considered. Initially, job postings will be placed in various newspapers to reach the greatest number of people. The job advertisements will reach Crawford County and surrounding areas, as well as larger cities throughout Michigan. The initial goal is to place the advertisements in the Crawford County Avalanche as well as the Grand Rapids Press. If needed, additional locations and newspapers will be considered. In order to effectively market the open job positions, available funds must be considered. To publish a job advertisement in the Crawford County Avalanche for a Nurse Educator (Appendix B), it costs between $16 and $20. In comparison, it is much more expensive to advertise in the newspaper of a larger city. For instance, to publish a job advertisement in the Grand Rapids Press it costs $1500 to have the article printed one day in the paper with an additional 30 days on the website Mlive. In addition to newspapers, the job advertisements specific to nursing will be placed in the American Nurses Association (ANA) Journal. The total price to publish a Nurse Educator

HEALTHY PARENTS HEALTHY BABIES position in the ANA Journal is $2,700. This is a pricey option and the positions will not be published here unless the newspapers are unsuccessful and do not reach proper applicants. Budget There are many different areas to take into account when determining a budget for running an organization. Supplies that have been budgeted for include chairs, tables, office supplies, a computer system, computers, and phones. An initial start up cost for these supplies was budgeted at $5000, with an additional $500 each month. The budget for rent was set at $1500 monthly, with utilities included. The majority of the budget contributes to the wages of the employees. With five total employees, the total budget for wages was set at $7200 a month. All positions have an FTE of 0.5, meaning all employees are working about 20 hours a week, making them part time. The nurse educator position will make $30 an hour. The two nurse positions will each make $20 an hour, leaving the two secretary positions to make $10 an hour. There will be no benefits, vacation time, holiday pay, or on call time offered. Government funding will be used in addition to grants to pay for this program. The government funding with be both federal and state, and will be based on participation numbers and outcomes of the county. The outcomes will be based on the district 10 health department

survey done yearly. Improvement in the numbers regarding smoking while pregnant will warrant reimbursement. The grant used to fund this program come from the American Lung Association. The grant assistance covers approximately 75% of the costs for this organization, with the government reimbursement covering the remaining 25%.

HEALTHY PARENTS HEALTHY BABIES Appendix A Organizational chart



REGISTERED NURSE: Seeking a caring and motivated individual whom is interested in improving the health of expecting parents and their children. Our mission is to provide parents with support and increased opportunities to make healthy decisions related to smoking while pregnant. Job Description: Leader of weekly support groups that will provide on-going education aimed at promoting smoking cessation in expecting parents. 15-20 hours per week with occasional evening/weekends. Pay rate negotiable. Job Qualifications: Education: BSN (required), MSN (preferred) Preferred certificate in prenatal issues Minimum of 3 years experience (preferably in Community Health or Obstetrics) If interested, please send resume and references to Healthy Parents, Healthy Babies. 1234 Main Street, Grayling, MI 49738. Attn: Vetka Gerba.

HEALTHY PARENTS HEALTHY BABIES References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (2012). Current cigarette smoking among adultsUnited States, 2011. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report 2012, 61(44): 889-894. Cnattingius, S., Lindmark, G., & Meirik, O., (1992). Who continues to smoke while pregnant?. Journal Of Epidemiology & Community Health, 46(3). 218-221. District Health Department #10, (2012). Crawford county health profile summary 2012. Retrieved from 3.pdf March of Dimes Foundation, (2010). Smoking, alcohol and drugs. Retrieved from

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