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Introduction to

Session Two:

Common Christian Affirmations

Methodists’ common affirmations with historic

’God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit

’The human condition
’The church
’The Scriptures
’The church
’Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit
We affirm the Trinitarian nature of God

’The Apostles Creed

’ Creates
’ Sustains
’ Loves
’ Suffers
’ Judges
’ Redeems
’ Reigns

’Son of God
’Son of Man
’The Christ
’Risen Lord
Holy Spirit

’God with us.

’Comforts us
’Convicts us
’Awakens us
’Empowers us
The human condition
’ God created human beings in God’s
’We can choose to accept, or not, right
relationship with God.
’All people need right relationship with
God in order to be fully human
’Human beings are of sinful nature
The Church
’The body of Christ
’Extension of Christ’s life and ministry in the
world today
’Mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
’“The communion of saints”
’Called to worship God
’Support those who participate in its life as
they grow in faith
The Scriptures

’God’s Word
’ Primary authority for faith and practice
’Equality of both Testaments
’Joins us with the church and Christians
’The covenantal sign of new life, God's
love and forgiveness of our sins
’ Persons of any age can be baptized
’ We baptize by sprinkling, immersion or
’ Baptism only once
’God is the primary actor in baptism
Holy Communion
’Holy meal representing the body and blood
of Christ.
’Recalls the life, death and resurrection of
’Celebrates the unity of the Church.
’Obeys & gives thanks for Christ's sacrifice
’Spiritually nourishes and empowers us for
mission and ministry.
’"Open Communion"

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