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Quiz #1

Great Expectations Chapters 1-10 1. What is the main characters full name? a. Peter Pettigrew b. Philip Pirrip c. Paco Peters d. Pirrip Philip 2. Why is he nicknamed Pip? a. He is small b. His voice is high pitched c. We dont know d. His full name was too hard for him to pronounce 3. Who does Pip stay with? a. His sister and her husband b. His mom and dad c. No one, he is homeless d. His brother and his wife 4. Where is Pip when he first meets the convict? a. The churchyard b. The house c. The woods d. A prison 5. What is Tickler? a. The cat b. A stick c. A wax-ended cane d. Nothing, what are you even asking us Meghan 6. What does Pip usually eat at Tea Time? a. Tea and biscuits b. Dinner c. Milk and cookies d. Bread and butter

7. How many convicts escaped? a. 4 b. 1 c. 3 d. 2 8. Does Pip succeed in bringing the convict food/ the file? a. Yes b. No c. I didnt read d. All of the above 9. What holiday is it? a. Easter b. Thanksgiving c. Christmas d. My birthday 10. What does Uncle Pumblechook bring to dinner? a. A bottle of port wine b. A pie c. A bottle of Sherry Wine d. Both a and c 11. Who goes to see the police arrest the convicts? a. Pip b. Pip, Joe, and Mr. Wopsle c. No one, it is too dangerous d. Uncle Pumplechook and Pip Chapter 6-10 12. How does Pip get home? a. He walks b. Mr. Wopsle carries him c. Joe carries him d. He sprints 13. Where do Pips earnings go? a. The bank b. The money box c. His mattress

d. Nowhere, he spends it faster than he can earn it 14. What do we learn about Joes father? a. He was abusive b. He was a mayor c. Both a and b d. He was an abusive alcoholic

15. What do we learn about Joe and Pips relationship? a. They are best friends b. They are enemies c. They are indifferent d. They are crime fighters who live in a cave with a certain animal that is associated with caves and is nocturnal. 16. Who said Boy, be ever grateful to all friends, but especially unto them which brought you up by hand! a. Joe b. Mrs. Joe c. Mr. Pumblechook d. Mr. Wopsle 17. Is Mr. Pumplechook good company? a. Sometimes b. Well, the party doesnt start until he walks in c. No d. I refuse to answer this question because Ive never met Mr. Pumplechook 18. What does Pip do after Estella insults him? a. Tells her to knock it off b. Ignores her c. Tells Miss Havisham d. Cries once she leaves 19. What does Pip do when confronted about his day at Miss. Havishams? a. Tells them honestly what happened b. Leaves out some details by giving them a brief overview c. Lies and makes up a very crazy story d. Faints

20. What did the strange man give Pip? a. Sweets b. Two one pound notes and a Shilling c. Advice d. Rum

Bonus: What are Pips parents names?(2 points)

What are Pips dead brothers names? (1 point per)

How many miles is it from the forge to Mr. Pumblechooks? (2 points)

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