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ETE 405 Lec 13

Dr. Mashiur Rahman


Illegal VoIP service providers

USA, Dubai


118 GSM tellulars, 4 GSM media gateways and 1x router, 4 switches and more than hundred GSM antennas(illegal). Mobile connections which are being used in GSM devices employed by terminating international calls brought via Grey routes.

Rise of illegal VoIP Business

Anyone can launch a VoIP service by spending only Tk 2.5 lakh, hich !igh" cos" so!e !ore depending on "he volu!e of "he VoIP e#change. I$%s are charging & cen"s for handling each in"erna"ional call, hile VoIP black !arke" price is a" !os" 2.5 cen"s on an average. The govern!en" is losing around Tk '2().)) crore revenue per year due "o in"erna"ional call "er!ina"ion "hrough illegal VoIP. *n an average, e+re losing so!e ,-. / cen" in revenue per call.

0is"ory of VoIP in Bangladesh

In 1994 1996: Rolled out the first UUCP based email service in Bangladesh. 3 to 4 companies started commercial email service. 1996 First VSAT and ISP license (without voice) issued. First international satellite leased circuit (64 kbps) installed in 1996 At presents more than 100 ISP is operational with approximately 200mbps of bandwidth. 1998 ISPs started to feel that VoIP is a service that they can offer. Illegal call terminations started since than. 1999 outgoing call facilities to all ISP phone are stopped. When and how it was exposed? In year 2000 the illegal business of VoIP was exposed. The best way would be to detect would be to have a packet analyzer that can tell you what is contained in the packet.

Quiz on Monday 8 March on lec 11, and 12

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