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Strada M.Scaevola nr.9, Telefon: 0257 / 28 00 08, Fax 0257 / 21 47 46, web : e-mail: OLIMPIADA DE LIMBA ENGLEZ 2012-2013, ETAPA JUDEEAN CLASA a X-a

Subj !" I #$0 %&'(")* An international teenagers magazine is asking its readers to send descriptions of an important festival in their country. Choose a festival and write your description( 300 words). Subj !" II #2$ %&'(")* ou have decided to have a party to cele!rate your !irthday. ou found an advertisement for "ig #ounds $isco and decide to ask for further information. %ead carefully the advertisement and the notes you have made. &hen' using this information' write a letter to $avid (rice' the man who runs the disco. ou should cover all the points in your notes. ou may add relevant information of your own. ()*0+),0 words)

!" #$%&'# '!#($

)*si+/,n-er-ainmen-/F*n for all o++asions: weddin.s, /ar-ies oo0 now for -1e s*mmer season )*si+ from -1e 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 20s 3ll 0inds: 4o+0, 5o/, 6a77, e-+. DAVID PRICE

:". Ju1,, ;/30-12/00 < O= > A3b4&) ?&" 1 < 1+47 %4'@+" R&&3 b&&6 5 Ab&u" A0 % &%1 C&)"> C&3% "'"'&() 2&4 5+(!'(7>

S+, -.+" I -+(" Subj !" III A/ 0'11 +!. &2 ". (u3b 4 5 b1+(6) '( ". 2&11&-'(7 %+))+7 / U) &(, &( -&45 '( +!. )%+! / #10'" 3) 81%9 %&'(")* -apping or taking short periods of sleep 0. during the day' is a !asic human need. According ). ... numerous studies ' napping decreases tiredness and increases energy levels. -apping is

!ased on common sense and /. ... animal on the planet naps. 3. ... many people prefer to fight against tiredness rather 0. ... take a short sleep during the day. 1or the *. ... of workers a nap in the afternoon increases productivity' creativity and pro!lem+solving skills. Chrono!iologists' scientists 2. ... study sleep patterns' say that morning people can !enefit from a twenty+ 3. ... nap around noon' while 4night owls need a nap around three or four in the afternoon. &he key is to ,. ... out what kind of nap you need. 5t has !een esta!lished that even very short !reaks reduce errors and accident and are 6. ... useful if taken a!out eight or nine hours )0. ... you wake up.

B/ R +5 ". " 8" b 1&- +(5 u) ". -&45 7'@ ( '( ". !+%'"+1 &( ". 4'7." "& 2&43 -&45) ".+" 2'" '( ". 7+%)/ #10 '" 3) 8 1%9 %&'(")* C. "aker will 0. shortly !e settling off on a *0'000 km run' hoping to add his name to the very small and select list of people who have performed the ). ... act of running all the way round the world. 8n the run he will e9perience e9tremes of temperature' from the /. .... %ussian winter to the !urning African summer. As if that is not !ad enough' he has no !ack+up team for 3. ... and will !e running alone' carrying all his 0. ... on his !ack. >hen interviewed ' however' ?r. "aker suggested the real pro!lem would lie elsewhere .@?y !iggest fear is not the physical challenge' !ut *. ...'@ ?r "aker said. @5@m as socia!le as anyone and 5@m very 2. ... that' despite the difficulties that lie ahead' 5 will still !e a!le to form many 3. ... on the way.@ 8n a trial of /'000 km' run under the !lazing ,. ... of the African sun' he came across wild !a!oons and 6. ... snakes' !ut such dangers have not put him off. 7is trial run proved that a target of 20 kilometres a day was )0.... . @5 have made up my mind to do it and 5 will'@ he said. #78%& 8%$5-A% 1%::;: A##5#& :<=5(

A8-:A 78(: 1%5:-$ 78& (85#8%:A#8-

C/ C&3%1 " ". ) !&(5 ) (" (! )& ".+" '" .+) + )'3'1+4 3 +('(7 "& ". 2'4)" ) (" (! , u)'(7 ". -&45 7'@ (/ D& (&" !.+(7 ". -&45 7'@ (/ #$'" 3) 8 1%9$ %&'(")* ). 4?y mother doesnt work in the factory any more' said Bera. #(&* Bera said that the factory. /. (aul is the only person who has replied to the invitation. #(&b&5,* Apart .....................................replied to the invitation. 3. 5 prefer staying in !ed to getting up early at the weekend. #4+". 4* 5d ..............................get up early at the weekend. 0. A friend is decorating my room ne9t week. #+3* 5 ..............................!y a friend ne9t week. *. &ony regrets lying to his teacher. #-'). )* &ony ................................his teacher the truth.



Question III A. 10x1p 10points 1. to !. e"e#$ %. Yet&'ut (. t)an *. +a,o#it$ -. .)o /. +inute 0. 1in2 3. +ost&"e#$ 10. a1te#

'4 10x1p 10points 1. ext#ao#2ina#$ !. 1#ee5in6&1#o5en %. assistan7e (. e8uip+ent *. 9one9iness -. )ope1u9 /. 1#ien2s)ips 0. )eat 3. poisonous 10. #easona:9e C.*x1p * points 1. 1er mo-1er no wor0ed 2. from 5a*l nobod8 1as 9. ra-1er s-a8 in bed -1an 4. am 1a:in. m8 bedroom de+ora-ed 5. wis1es ;-1a-< 1e 1ad -old

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