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14505outh,P000West | Sgrause,Utah 84075 | Phone:801.402.5800 | Fax801.40p.6801

Chris Keime

February 2L,20L4

Assistunt Principul


To Whom lt May Concern:


Assislant Principul
Tyler Poll

am pleased to provide to you a letter of recommendation submitted on behalf of Juliana Allen'

Head Secrelory
Sue Moss

As a teacher and Social Studies Department Chair at Syracuse Junior High School, I have called upon Juliana to take my classes as a substitute teacher when I needed to be away from the

classroom. Juliana has substituted for single as well as multiple day assignments in my classroom and I am always so glad when she is available to take over my classes. It is extremely difficult to find a competent substitute teacher who will follow through with lesson plans as well as maintain appropriate discipline. I am always confident that when Juliana is a teacher in my classroom I will come back to lessons being completed as asked, minimal discipline issues (if any) and thorough notes on what happened throughout the day. lt is always so nice to come back to a clean, positive environment. think the best part about having iuliana in my classroom is that the students really like her. lt is often a "red flag" for teachers when students like a particular substitute, as that usually means they don't adhere to the teacher's lesson plans or maintain classroom control and, in general, have little respect for the classroom environment l've worked so hard to create. My students have a great respect for Ms. Allen and enjoy having her in the class; however, they also knew that her expectations are the same as mine and that they are held to the same standard as if I were

Attendonce Secretury Terrie Nielson

Debbie Knecht


Bill Rohter

Aliso Riveru

there in the classroom myself.

I know that Juliana is currently searching for find a full-time teaching position. As a department chair, there is no doubt in my mind that she would be a tremendous asset to any school as a full time teacher. lf we were to have an opening here at Syracuse Jr. High, she would be on the top of my list as a new hire. l-would love to have her in our Social Studies Department!

Juliana's dedication as a substitute teacher is a certain reflection on her commitment to education, and those students who end up in her classroom are extremely lucky to be there.

It is with great enthusiasm and without hesitation that I recommend Juliana Allen for any position she pursues. Please feelfree to contact me at any time if you need further information.


Sincerelv, Darci Rose Social Studies Teacher Social Studies Department Chair
Syracuse Junior High







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