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Miller 1 Jennifer Miller Professor Bolton ENG 101 January 30, 2014 Dj Vu: Is It Worth a Second Look?

Why is that face familiar? Have I been here before? Most of us have experienced dj vu at least once in our life with no explanation. The film Dj Vu focuses on the actual phenomena it is named after and introduces a sci-fi twist developed to change the outcome of the future. The simple fact that dj vu is not easily explained helps make this movie even more entertaining. The film starts with a bang, literally, when director Tony Scott opens with a terrorist attack on a ferry full of our nations finest and their families. We are then introduced to an ATF agent, Doug Carlin (Denzel Washington), assigned to investigate this heinous crime, unaware of the government project he will soon be asked to join and the love interest that will enter his life unexpectedly. Enhanced by an emotional soundtrack, the challenging plot and award winning actors make Dj Vu a must see. One reason Dj Vu is such a captivating movie is because of its strategic soundtrack. A lot of the music in the film has no words, but the placement within the scenes helps the director convey the emotion he seeks from the audience. For example, when the film opens we get a full overview of the navy crewman boarding the ferry with their families, while in the background we hear the song When the Saints Go Marching In. Such patriotic music helps audiences, near or abroad, feel a sense of pride in these heroes. Suddenly the audience experiences the jaw-dropping

Miller 2 explosion of the terrorist attack and mournful music is played in the background while shots of body bags, childrens toys and distraught victims are shown. The scene alone could get the job done of presenting these feelings to the audience, yet the music helps ensure and enhance the emotion. Another example would be the song, Dont Worry Baby, that is being played in the vehicle the bomb is contained in. At the end of the movie the audience hears this song on Dougs radio while he seems to be having an episode of dj vu. As a result of these deliberately placed scores and songs, viewers are carried on an emotional ride that helps make this action film a crowd pleaser. Another home run for this movie is its lineup of actors and their range of talent. While Washington is known synonymously with box office hits, there are many unfamiliar actors that contribute to the connection the audience feels with the films characters. One such instance would be when Shanti (Erika Alexander), an operator of the Snow White program, witnesses the death of Carlins partner. During this scene we are taken back in time to deliver a message to Carlin; instead, Minuti (Carlins partner) receives the message and pursues a dangerous situation. We see, and feel, the sorrow through Shantis tears and sobs when this interjection still leads to the same outcome: Minutis death. The believable acting during this scene helps the audience connect and, in a sense, wraps us in the same emotion. Jim Caviezel, another actor that may be unfamiliar yet just as talented, plays Carroll Oerstadt. Oerstadt is a crucial character in this movie, yet we have limited interaction from him. Even though Oerstadt has the least amount of lines in the film, Caviezel confidently relies on his body language to portray such a sinister

Miller 3 demeanor. For instance, he is often presented lurking in the shadows, yet he prowls with an arrogant confidence and evil stare. He clearly believes that what he is plotting is perfectly justified. As a result, when we finally hear conversation between Carlin and Oerstadt we already have a sense of animosity towards him. The acting ability of this cast makes it possible for the audience to relate and feel vested in the outcome. To summarize, this movie could have been another box office flop if it wasnt for these talented individuals. Last but not least, the outstanding, intellectually challenging and evolving plot of Dj Vu will leave the audience in awe at its conclusion. The best and fastest way Scott could capture the audience and have them feel a need for justice was to open the film with a tragedy of a nations heroes. With this hook, the audience is along for the ride. While Doug is investigating the attack he is informed of a possible homicide when a body washes ashore after the ferry explodes. The audience then learns that the woman, Claire, is an innocent civilian tied to the attack solely because Carroll needed an untraceable vehicle. Claire, played by Paula Patton, then becomes a driving force (and love interest) for Doug to solve this case. Next, we are introduced to a government program that Doug is asked to be a part of due to his keen eye for detail. This program allows Doug to see the past, but only at a certain time interval (four days prior) and then its gone. By this time the audience may be finding the movie hard to follow. Scott then begins to weave clues into scenes for the audience to unknowingly discover. Doug discovers that the program is actually a way for him to travel back in time and try to change the outcome of a scenario. We, the audience, then start to put the pieces together and realize that we were

Miller 4 seeing clues that Doug left for himself from previous trips (dj vu instances) to save Claire and stop the attack. Scott does not fail to tie this movie together, and the audience feels as if they have just solved a great mystery. Movies like these are crowd pleasers because the attention of the audience is constantly demanded. We then feel rewarded when we put all of the pieces together, as if we were solving the hardest riddle before anyone else could. As a result of this ingenious plot, viewers are taken on a whirlwind of a ride, all from the cushy seat of a movie theater. All in all, Dj Vu is a very entertaining movie. It presents a unique plot that is received well from any audience because of its award winning acting and perfectly placed musical ques. Aspects of this film may be a little far-fetched, yet it will spark even the most skeptical of imaginations. Next time you experience the unexplainable phenomenon you may find yourself questioning if this is your second chance.

Miller 5 Works Cited Dj Vu Dir. Tony Scott. Perf. Denzel Washington, Paula Patton, Jim Caviezel. Touchstone Pictures. 2006. Film

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