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Kat Furlong

2941 Jules St.! Saint Joseph, MO 64501 Phone: 816-456-4948 ! E-Mail:

Education BSE- Art Education K-12 Experience January 2014- Present Student Teaching September 2013- Present Wood Restorer June 2012-December 2013 Student Aide Sculpture Assistant, Office Assistant, Ceramin Assistant, Welder, Content Tutor for 3-D Design and Drawing II. MWSU Restoring wood work in a Historical Mansion, Saint Joseph, MO Co-Teacher, Humboldt Elementary. Saint Joseph, MO Missouri Western State University 3.23 GPA

September 2012- May 2013 Volunteer Teaching art to youth in the detention center. Riverbend Treatment Center, Saint Joseph MO.

September 2012- December 2012 Junior Experience Co-Teacher, Robidoux Middle School, Saint Joseph, MO.

Publications/Presentations Sprung Formal Kansas City Art Institutes Literary Arts Journal May 2011

Group Exhibitions Missouri Western Senior Art Show Temp Agency Art Gallery Temp Agency Art Gallery Missouri Western Student Art Show April 2013, Saint Joseph, MO October 2012. Saint Joseph, MO May 2012. Saint Joseph, MO March 2012. Remington Hall, Missouri Western State University, Saint Joseph, MO Missouri Western Student Art Show March 2012. Remington Hall, Missouri Western State University, Saint Joseph, MO

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