Final Bcom Uber

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1 | P a g e

1ab|e of Contents
Sect|on age
I. Uber 1echno|og|es
1. LxecuLlve Summary......................................... 2
2. Who We Are....................................................................................................................... 3
3. 1he uber oLenLlal ln Lhe CommunlLles We Serve............................................................. 3
4. CommunlLy CuLreach.................................................................................................. 3

II. Issue at nand
1. 1he Soclal need.................................................................................................................... 4
2. 8ackground
2a. urlnklng and urlvlng SLaLlsLlcs of ulW...................................................................4
2b. lourLh of !uly laLallLles.......................................................................................... 3
2c. WhaL are uuls CosLlng 1axpayers?.........................................................................3
3. Cur Course of AcLlon............................................................................................................ 6
III. roposa|
1. 1he Safe & Sound Campalgn................................................................................................ 6
2. kaboom 1own
2a. WhaL ls kaboom 1own?......................................................................................... 7
2b. Why Cur lnvolvemenL Makes Sense...................................................................... 7
3. arLnershlp wlLh MoLhers AgalnsL urunk urlvlng (MAuu)
3a. Why MAuu?.......................................................................................................... 7
3b. ConLrlbuLlons and 8eneflLs.................................................................................. 8
4. LvenL ueLalls.......................................................................................................................8
3. AdverLlslng..........................................................................................................................8
6. SLafflng................................................................................................................................9
7. LffecLs of roposal lmplemenLaLlon....................................................................................9
7a. 8eLurn on lnvesLmenL ........................................................................................9
7b. Company 8eneflLs...............................................................................................10
8. 8oad 8locks (LegallLy)........................................10
IV. 8udget............................................................................................................................................11

V. Conc|us|on......................................................................................................................................12

VI. Author|zat|on kequest..................................................................................................................13

VII. keferences................................................................................................................................... 14

VIII. I|gure keferences....................................................................................................................... 13

Ik. Append|x...................................................................................................................................16-17

k. Append|x-Lega|..............................................18-20

2 | P a g e

Lxecut|ve Summary

urpose: Addlson Chamber of Commerce's requesL for a 8uslnesses Clve 8ack" soclal
responslblllLy proposal has moLlvaLed Lhe uber Leam Lo address a presslng problem ln Lhe ulW.
Cur proposal has seL ouL Lo lower Lhe amounL of alcohol relaLed car crashed ln Lhe meLroplex.

rob|em: uallas has conslsLenLly ranked ln Lhe Lop flve clLles wlLh Lhe mosL alcohol relaLed
auLomoblle deaLhs ln Lhe lasL Len years - Laklng Lhe llves of 143 uallaslLes each year. Cur
proposal addresses uber, and Lhe resL of Lhe communlLy's soclal responslblllLy Lo lower, and
evenLually ellmlnaLe, Lhese prevenLable deaLhs.

1he Uber Way: uber has Lhousands of cars on Lhe road aL any glven momenL. 1he ease of
halllng a cab Lhrough our app has noL only made LransporLaLlon easler, buL lL has done so wlLh a
Louch of class.

Ca|| to Act|on: 1he success of our evenL ln conLlngenL upon publlc awareness. We plan Lo use
soclal medla and flyers Lo promoLe Lhe evenL, however, lL ls lmperaLlve LhaL uallaslLes' spread
Lhe word Lhrough word-of-mouLh. 1he average uallaslLe ls noL aware of how hlgh we rank ln
alcohol relaLed auLomoblle faLallLles. LducaLlng Lhe communlLy ls Lhe flrsL sLep ln puLLlng our
problem lnLo perspecLlve.

roposa|: Cur proposal wlll draw aLLenLlon Lo our clLy's wonderful, fun people. uber plans Lo
show ouL people a new way Lo have a nlghL on Lhe Lown. WlLh Lhe help of MAuu, uallas
Chamber of Commerce, and our communlLy, we wlll show LhaL halllng a cab ls noL only easy,
buL also more affordable Lhan ever.

Conc|us|on: 1he prevenLlon of poLenLlal deaLhs and serlous ln[urles ls worLh whaLever lL Lakes.
MAuu and uber have found a way Lo address Lhls problem on a masslve scale. 1hrough
affordablllLy, class, and slmpllclLy, we have seL ouL permanenLly reduce Lhe sLaggerlng number
of alcohol relaLed colllslons

3 | P a g e

I. Uber 1echno|og|es

1. Who We Are

We are a Lechnology company llnklng drlvers Lo rlders. Cur servlce glves consumers Lhe ablllLy
Lo hall a cab wlLh Lhe Louch of a buLLon. We offer real Llme locaLlons on our drlvers, Lhelr
proflles, Lhelr raLlngs, and raLes all wlLhln our app." (uber)

We are evolvlng Lhe way Lhe
world moves. 8y seamlessly
connecLlng rlders Lo drlvers
Lhrough our apps, we make
clLles more accesslble, openlng
up more posslblllLles for rlders
and more buslness for drlvers.
lrom our foundlng ln 2009 Lo
our launches ln over 30 clLles
around Lhe world, uber's rapldly
expandlng global presence
conLlnues Lo brlng people and
Lhelr clLles closer." (uber)

2. 1he Uber otent|a| |n the Commun|t|es We Serve

1hrough our affordable servlces, we sLrlve Lo provlde safer roads for our
clLles. AffordablllLy, convenlence, and a Louch of class have made lL
easler Lhan ever Lo make responslble cholces amongsL our

3. Commun|ty Cutreach

uber ls acLlvely lnvolved ln beLLerlng Lhe communlLles we serve. Cur servlce reaches ouL for
communlLy ouLreach evenLs ln SeaLLle, new ?ork, and San lranclsco. We collaboraLed wlLh
organlzaLlons such as Lhe SeaLLle Pumane SocleLy and Lhe ASCAs' of Lhese respecLlve clLles.
uber LransporLed klLLens Lo offlces wlLhln Lhese clLles, ln efforLs Lo help flnd Lhem a home.

1he klLLens drlve was a greaL success, however, we have someLhlng dlfferenL ln mlnd for uallas.
We feel LhaL lL ls Llme Lo glve back Lo Lhose responslble for maklng uallas whaL lL ls Loday.
4 | P a g e

II. Issue at nand

1. 1he Soc|a| Need
Comlng Lhlrd ln Lhe ranklngs for Lhe blggesL clLy ln 1exas, uallas was Lhe flrsL ln rank ln 2012 for
alcohol relaLed crash raLes ln Lhe sLaLe. (8Web, 2012) 1hls ls aLLrlbuLlng Lo Lhe large number of
evenLs held whlch yleld hlgh concenLraLlon of people. As a LransporLaLlon servlce, we sLrongly
encourage people Lo conslder Lhelr opLlons before maklng any declslons LhaL could have
dlsasLrous effecLs. uber ls commlLLed Lo keeplng uallas roads safe by provldlng an alLernaLe
soluLlon Lo drlvlng whlle under Lhe lnfluence.

2. 8ackground

2a. Dr|nk|ng and Dr|v|ng Stat|st|cs of DIW
uallas has one of Lhe naLlon's hlghesL raLes ln drunken drlvlng deaLhs. (see llgure 3)
uallas CounLy had alone had 2,332 accldenLs ln 2011, wlLh 36 1exans kllled. (8Web,
More Lhan 40 percenL of all faLal auLo accldenLs are alcohol-relaLed (WellWvu, 2013).
1he chances of belng lnvolved ln a drunk-drlvlng accldenL lncreases abouL 7 wlLh every
Lwo beers consumed. (WellWvu, 2013)
DUI Iata||t|es |n DIW
County 2003 2004 200S 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Collln 22 11 11 11 10 11 11 13 11
uallas 64 64 38 63 73 83 36 84 36
uenLon 17 8 6 8 18 12 13 17 9
Lllls 4 6 7 10 6 6 7 8 7
PunL 7 3 10 3 6 3 3 4 8
!ohnson 3 4 2 8 8 4 2 9 2
kaufman 9 3 2 4 9 4 9 6 11
arker 3 3 4 2 6 3 4 1 6
8ockwall n/A 2 2 n/A n/A 1 0 1 0
1arranL 28 26 34 36 47 49 41 33 34
Wlse 4 2 1 6 3 3 2 4 4
1ota| 161 134 117 173 190 183 130 200 168

ln 2011, Lhe uallas-lL. WorLh MeLroplex had a LoLal of 3,384 alcohol relaLed auLomoblle
accldenLs. lrom Lhese accldenLs, 172 people losL Lhelr llves. (1xuC1, 2012) Many of whlch were
drlvers ln Lhe wrong place aL Lhe wrong Llme. WlLh 404 sLaLewlde deaLhs, Lhls glves ulW 42 of
Lhese faLallLles. (PRWeb, 2012)
5 | P a g e

2b. Iourth of Iu|y Iata||t|es

Accordlng Lo, Lhe lourLh of !uly weekend proves Lo be one of Lhe deadllesL"
holldays Lo be on Lhe road due Lo Lhe amounL of alcohol-relaLed lncldences.

ln facL, Lhe lnsurance lnsLlLuLe for Plghway SafeLy Lells us Lhe lourLh of !uly ls Lhe worsL day of
Lhe year for faLal car crashes. And, accordlng Lo Lhe naLlonal Plghway 1rafflc SafeLy AssoclaLlon,
"# $%&'%() *+ ,-- ./0.1,2 3%,).4 beLween 2007 and 2011 were caused by drunk drlvlng over
Lhe lourLh of !uly weekend" (esurance).

2c.What |s DUIs Cost|ng 1axpayers?

8eyond losL llves and palnful ln[urles, alcohol-relaLed crashes ln Lhe u.S. cosL governmenLs
(federal and local) and Laxpayers $31 bllllon each year. More so, alcohol-relaLed accldenLs cosL
local governmenLs $3.2 bllllon each year.

Monetary Costs ua||ty of L|fe
Average A|coho|-re|ated
Iata||ty |n 1exas

$1.6 mllllon $3.1 mllllon
Lst|mated Cost per In[ured
Surv|vor of an A|coho|-re|ated
$70,000 $74,000

6 | P a g e

Crash Costs per M||e Dr|ven 8ACs (8|ood A|coho| Concentrat|ons)
$9.40 0.10 and above
$4.10 0.08-0.09
$0.20 0.00

3. Cur Course of Act|on

1he number of alcohol-relaLed crash faLallLles geLs exceedlngly hlgh around Lhe holldays, buL
Lhe lourLh of !uly ranks mosL as Lhe faLal hollday of Lhe year. (see llgure 4) ln llghL of Lhese
sLarLllng sLaLlsLlcs, we feel LhaL our servlces would be a greaL resource ln worklng Lowards a
soluLlon. Cur course of acLlon ls Lo sLrucLure responslble declslons Lo be convenlenL and
affordable. A general sLaLemenL regardlng our campalgn ls as follows:

7 | P a g e

III. roposa|

1. Safe & Sound Campa|gn

uber wlll asslgn 800 vehlcles Lo provlde
one dollar rldes Lo anyone who makes a
donaLlon Lo MoLhers AgalnsL urunk
urlvlng (MAuu). uallaslLes wlll be plcked up from Lhelr homes, drlven Lo Lhe evenL, and drlven
back. Cffer ln effecL beLween Lhe hours of 4:00pm-12:30pm on !uly 3
, 2014.

2. kaboomtown

2a. What |s kaboom 1own?

kaboom 1own ln Addlson holds one of Lhe counLry's blggesL flrework shows. 1he faclllLy holds a
crowd of 30,000 people. kaboom 1own, now ln lLs 28Lh year, Lyplcally draws abouL 300,000
people Lo Lhe 4.3-square-mlle Addlson. (uallasnews, 2013)

2b. Why Cur Invo|vement Makes Sense

urlnklng on lndependence uay ls even more Amerlcan Lhan apple ple. Cf Lhese 300,000 people,
Lhe number of Lhem who geL behlnd Lhe wheel whlle lnLoxlcaLed ls Lerrlfylng. lL ls Lhe clvlc duLy
of Lhe communlLles ln Lhe MeLroplex Lo Lry and ensure safe roads. uber's llne of servlce makes
us Lhe perfecL flL for keeplng lnLoxlcaLed drlvers off of Lhe roads. 1hrough our comblned efforLs,
Safe and Sound Campalgn wlll keep conslderable amounL of lnLoxlcaLed uallaslLes off Lhe road.

3. artnersh|p w|th Mothers Aga|nst Drunk Dr|v|ng (MADD)

3a. Why MADD?

MAuu ls a nonproflL organlzaLlon LhaL works Lo proLecL clvlllans
from drunk drlvlng and underage drlnklng. As one of Lhe largesL
vlcLlm servlces organlzaLlons ln Lhe u.S., MAuu also supporLs
drunk drlvlng vlcLlms and survlvors aL no charge. (MAuu) 1he
MAuu organlzaLlon lobbled and succeeded ln lowerlng Lhe blood
alcohol counL from .10 Lo .08 ln 2000, and .03 ln 2003. Clearly,
Lhls organlzaLlon has a long Lerm goal, Lo reduce Lhe number of
drunk drlvers on our roads down Lo zero.

8 | P a g e

3b. Contr|but|ons and 8enef|ts

MAuu wlll ald ln provldlng much of Lhe needed publlclLy for Lhls evenL. As menLloned before,
one dollar rldes are conLlngenL upon a mlnlmum donaLlon of one dollar Lo MAuu. ln addlLlon, a
MAuu represenLaLlves wlll be collecLlng donaLlons aL kaboom 1own.

1he Safe and Sound evenL wlll glve uber Lhe ablllLy Lo help secure our sLreeLs Loday. Cur
parLnershlp wlll enable MAuu Lo conLlnue Lhelr work Lowards securlng our sLreeLs Lomorrow.

4. Lvent Schedu|e

kaboom 1own Addlson !uly 3, 2014 Agenda:
4:00pm: uber sLarLs glvlng one dollar rldes Lo kaboom 1own
3:00pm: CaLes open for kaboom 1own lesLlvlLles
6:43pm: AlrllfL
8:10pm: MAuu announces evenL and beglns collecLlng donaLlons
8:13pm: uallas Wlnd Symphony
9:30pm: llreworks wlll be launched (approxlmaLely around dusk)
10:00pm: Lmerald ClLy
11:30pm: Muslc and carnlval grounds sLarL shuLLlng down
MldnlghL: CaLes close and fesLlvlLles end
12:30am: uber wlll sLop glvlng $1 rldes and resume normal servlces

S. Advert|s|ng

ln order Lo publlclze Safe and Sound, and ln an aLLempL Lo reduce our cosLs, we plan Lo glve
fllers Lo Lhe local bars ln Lhe uallas and Addlson areas. An example of Lhe fller ls ln Lhe appendlx
of Lhls proposal.

ln addlLlon Lo dlspenslng fllers, Lhe uallas Cbserver has agreed Lo llsL Safe and Sound ln Lhelr
evenLs page for Lhe Lhree lssues.

MAuu and uber wlll also be publlclzlng Safe and Sound Lhrough Lhelr soclal medla neLworks.
MAuu currenLly has 92,000 lacebook followers, and uber has 163,000. Cur readlly avallable
soclal medla ouLleLs are sure Lo spread Lhe word.

9 | P a g e

6. Staff|ng

LlghL hundred of our drlvers have agreed Lo
help us operaLe Lhe evenL. 1hey have agreed Lo
a $10 per hour wage for Lhe 8.3-hour duraLlon
LhaL we wlll be runnlng Safe and Sound. noL
only wlll Lhey be helplng secure Lhe roads, buL
Lhey wlll also have a large exposure Lo new cllenLs, boosLlng Lhelr raLlngs.

All appllcaLlon programmlng wlll Lake care of by our salarled developmenL sLaff.

7. Lffects of roposa| Imp|ementat|on

7a. keturn on Investment

Lven Lhe sllghLesL denL ln Lhese sLaLlsLlcs ls Lhe
dlfference beLween llfe and deaLh.

We esLlmaLe LhaL we wlll serve aL -%,4) 34,300 people
lf we operaLe aL capaclLy. We cannoL know many llves
wlll or wlll noL be saved from Lhls evenL. Powever, lf
we assume LhaL aL leasL one llfe ls saved because of
our evenL, Lhen Lhe evenL would be success.

ln addlLlon, donaLlons Lo MAuu wlll enable Lhem Lo conLlnue Lo Lhelr flghL agalnsL drunk

Opting Out Would
34,300 people un-servlced
10 would drlve home lnLoxlcaLed
3,430 more drunk drlvers ouL

3,430 llfe LhreaLs Lo our communlLy

10 | P a g e

7b. Company 8enef|ts
We hope Lo glve uallaslLes a LasLe of how we have sLrucLured our servlces Lo make Lhe
responslble declslon convenlenL, affordable, and classy. AlLhough our opporLunlLy cosL ls one of
Lhe blggesL nlghLs of Lhe year ln revenue, uber wlll beneflL by ulW our servlces.

8. koad 8|ocks (Lega||ty)

uber wlll only provlde promoLlonal rldes Lo Lhose who have successfully downloaded and
reglsLered our moblle appllcaLlon. Successfully reglsLerlng Lo our moblle appllcaLlon lmplles
accepLance of our Lerms and condlLlons.

1he prlmary purpose of Lhe one dollar" charge ls Lo ensure a buslness LransacLlon wlll be
Laklng place. 1hus, our Lerms and condlLlons apply as Lhey would on durlng normal buslness

11 | P a g e

IV. 8udget

Cperat|ng Cost
Uber k Uber SUV 5*)%4
CosL per gallon $3.00 $6.00
CosL per drlver $10.00 $10.00
Servlce CosL $13.00 $16.00
lncome per rlde ($3.00) ($6.00) 67 $%& $%&4*( 84,-%8
1ota| Cost per r|de 510.00 510.00

Cperat|ng Metr|cs
Uber k Uber SUV 5*)%4
number of mlles per
28 14 69 $%& 0,--*(
number of passengers
per car
3 6 67 $%& $%&4*( '.,&0%
number of vehlcles

247 333
number of people
6,297 28,203 9":;#7 )*),- $%*$-%

1ota| Lst|mated Cost of Cperat|on 5*)%4
1oLal number of vehlcles 800 <*=>/(,)/*( *+ ?>%& @?A4 ,(3
?>%& B4
Average cosL per rlde $10.00 C* ,(3 +&*= ).% %D%()
uuraLlon 8.3 hours "E##$=F7GE9#,= H(*&=,-
'.,&0%4 &%4I=% ,+)%&1,&34J
1ota| cost 568,000
MarkeLlng CosL $400
Cvera|| Cost 568,400

12 | P a g e

V. Conc|us|on

uber wanLs Lo make lL a polnL LhaL drlvlng home lnLoxlcaLed ls noL an easy and mosL convenlenL
Lhlng Lo do. We have sLrucLured our servlce Lo make responslble declslons easy, convenlenL,
and affordable, all wlLh a Louch of class.

We hope Lo provlde a communlLy servlce ln provldlng a responslble mode of LransporLaLlon on
Lhe mosL dangerous nlghL of Lhe year for drlvers. lf Lhe comblned efforLs of MAuu, uber, and
Lhe ClLy of Addlson Chamber of Commerce could prevenL Lhe deaLh or serlous ln[ury of [usL one
uallaslLe, Lhls pro[ecL wlll be deemlng a greaL success.

13 | P a g e

1he slgnlng of Lhls form sLaLes LhaL Lhe uallas Chamber of Commerce allows uber Lo proceed ln
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls buslness proposal.

uecember 4, 2013

1he uallas 8eglonal Chamber of commerce hereby auLhorlzes uber Lo proceed wlLh Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of proposal, @,+% ,(3 @*I(3, creaLed ln response Lo Lhe Chambers requesL for
proposals, KI4/(%44%4 L/D% K,'MN 1he uallas 8eglonal Chamber of commerce wlll fund Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls proposal wlLh Lhe amounL of $34,200, Lo be held on !uly 4
, 2013.

uallas 8eglonal Chamber of Commerce

________________________________ ____________________________
Authorized Witness of the Chamber

Uber, hereby attests that the funds in the amount of $34,200 given by the Dallas Regional
Chamber of Commerce are to be used strictly for the implementation of the Safe and Sound
business proposal.


Maher Lawand
Authorized Uber Employee


Fakhra Khan
Authorized Uber Employee

Sophia Theussen
Authroized Uber Employee

Austin Ham
Authorized Uber Employee
14 | P a g e

VII. keferences

uber and Cheezburger Cffer klLLens for 8enL, for a Whlle. (n.d.). K/)4 ?>%& ,(3 <.%%O>I&0%&
P++%& Q/))%(4 +*& R%() +*& , S./-% <*==%()4N 8eLrleved uecember 4, 2013, from

CL1 lnvCLvLu. (n.d.). TUVV F5*&). C%W,4 U++/-/,)%N 8eLrleved november 10, 2013, from

CL1 lnvCLvLu. (n.d.). TUVV FTUVV R%-%,4%4 5,)/*(,- ,(3 @),)%F>2F@),)% R,)/(04 ,4 X,&) *+ /)4
<,=$,/0( )* Y-/=/(,)% V&I(M V&/D/(0 Z/+). U((/D%&4,&2 R%$*&) )* ).% 5,)/*(N 8eLrleved
november 28, 2013, from hLLp://

1he Plgh CosL of urlnklng and urlvlng | wellwvu | WesL vlrglnla unlverslLy. (n.d.).@)I3%()
<%()%& *+ [%,-).N 8eLrleved uecember 3, 2013, from

1he Lsurance 8log. (n.d.). C.% Y4I&,('% K-*0. 8eLrleved uecember 4, 2013, from

V,--,4 C%W,4 .,4 ).% [/0.%4) V&I(M V&/D/(0 U''/3%() R,)% /( C%W,4 U''*&3/(0 )* @),)/4)/'4
&%-%,4%3 >2 CBVPC on !une 19, 2012. (n.d.). 8Web. 8eLrleved uecember 4, 2013, from

Panlon, 1. (2013, !une 20). Addlson's kaboom Lown flreworks show Lo llmlL crowd slze, search
bags. C.% V,--,4 T*&(/(0 5%14. 8eLrleved from

uber, Legal. 8eLrleved nov. 20, 2013. hLLps://

15 | P a g e

VIII. I|gure keferences

1. 1he nexL Web. (2012). [phoLo]. 8eLrleved from
experlmenLal- Laxl-cab-servlce-bosLon/

2. uber. (2013). C.% (%1 ?>%& -*0*. [phoLo]. 8eLrleved from

3. 8Anu. (2013). VI/F&%-,)%3 )*),- +,),-/)/%4 >2 ,0% H)W *(-2J. 8eLrleved from 8Anu webslLe:

4. (2012, !une 27). Z*I&). *+ \I-2 1%%M%(3 /4 , 3%,3-2 )/=% )* >% *( ).% &*,3.
8eLrleved from hLLp://

3 and 6. l8L. (2011). ]=$,/&%3 3&/D/(0 /( )%W,4. 8eLrleved from

7. (2013). [phoLo]. 8eLrleved from
8. Channel Cne news. [phoLo]. 8eLrleved from hLLp://

16 | P a g e

Ik. Append|x

1. Lxample of lller 1

17 | P a g e

2. Lxample of lller 2

18 | P a g e

k. Append|x - Lega|


8y uslng Lhe AppllcaLlon or Lhe Servlce, you enLer lnLo a conLracL wlLh uber (Lhe "Contract"). ln
order Lo be able Lo use Lhe AppllcaLlon or Servlce, you flrsL need Lo slgn up wlLh uber. When
slgnlng up, you are obllgaLed Lo provlde uber wlLh your personal lnformaLlon, moblle Lelephone
number and credlL card daLa. ?ou have Lo be 18 years of age or older Lo use Lhe Servlce or
AppllcaLlon. lf you reslde ln a [urlsdlcLlon LhaL resLrlcLs Lhe use of Lhe Servlce or AppllcaLlon
because of age, or resLrlcLs Lhe ablllLy Lo enLer lnLo conLracLs such as Lhls one due Lo age, you
musL ablde by such age llmlLs and you musL noL use Lhe Servlce and Lhe AppllcaLlon. ?ou
represenL LhaL lf you are an lndlvldual, you are of legal age Lo enLer lnLo a blndlng conLracL, or
LhaL lf you are reglsLerlng on behalf of a legal enLlLy, LhaL you are auLhorlzed Lo enLer lnLo, and
blnd Lhe enLlLy Lo, Lhese user 1erms and reglsLer for Lhe Servlce and Lhe AppllcaLlon.


1he 1ransporLaLlon rovlder also has sole and compleLe dlscreLlon over wheLher Lo use Lhe
AppllcaLlon Lo recelve Lhe leads generaLed Lhrough Lhe AppllcaLlon. lf Lhe 1ransporLaLlon
rovlder accepLs a requesL, Lhe AppllcaLlon noLlfles you and provldes lnformaLlon regardlng Lhe
1ransporLaLlon rovlder - lncludlng lLs name, vehlcle llcense number, and cusLomer servlce
raLlng - and Lhe ablllLy Lo conLacL Lhe 1ransporLaLlon rovlder by Lelephone. 1he AppllcaLlon
also allows you Lo vlew Lhe 1ransporLaLlon rovlder's progress Lowards Lhe plck-up polnL, ln real
uber shall procure reasonable efforLs Lo brlng you lnLo conLacL wlLh a 1ransporLaLlon rovlder
ln order Lo obLaln LransporLaLlon servlce, sub[ecL Lo Lhe avallablllLy of 1ransporLaLlon rovlders
ln or around your locaLlon aL Lhe momenL of your requesL for LransporLaLlon servlces.
lor Lhe avoldance of doubL: uber lLself does not provlde LransporLaLlon servlces, and uber ls
noL a LransporLaLlon carrler. lL ls up Lo Lhe 1ransporLaLlon rovlder Lo offer LransporLaLlon
servlces, whlch may be requesLed Lhrough Lhe use of Lhe AppllcaLlon and/or Lhe Servlce. uber
only acLs as lnLermedlary beLween you and Lhe 1ransporLaLlon rovlder.


?ou warranL LhaL Lhe lnformaLlon you provlde Lo uber ls accuraLe and compleLe. uber ls
enLlLled aL all Llmes Lo verlfy Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL you have provlded and Lo refuse Lhe Servlce
or use of Lhe AppllcaLlon wlLhouL provldlng reasons.
?ou may only access Lhe Servlce uslng auLhorlzed means. lL ls your responslblllLy Lo check Lo
ensure you download Lhe correcL AppllcaLlon for your devlce. uber ls noL llable lf you do noL
19 | P a g e

have a compaLlble moblle devlce or lf you download Lhe wrong verslon of Lhe AppllcaLlon for
your moblle devlce. uber reserves Lhe rlghL Lo LermlnaLe Lhe Servlce and Lhe use of Lhe
AppllcaLlon should you be uslng Lhe Servlce or AppllcaLlon wlLh an lncompaLlble or
unauLhorlzed devlce.
8y uslng Lhe AppllcaLlon or Lhe Servlce, you furLher agree LhaL:
?ou wlll only use Lhe Servlce or download Lhe AppllcaLlon for your sole, personal use
and wlll noL resell lL Lo a Lhlrd parLy,
?ou wlll noL auLhorlze oLhers Lo use your accounL,
?ou wlll noL asslgn or oLherwlse Lransfer your accounL Lo any oLher person or legal
?ou wlll noL use an accounL LhaL ls sub[ecL Lo any rlghLs of a person oLher Lhan you
wlLhouL approprlaLe auLhorlzaLlon,
?ou wlll noL use Lhe Servlce or AppllcaLlon for unlawful purposes, lncludlng buL noL
llmlLed Lo sendlng or sLorlng any unlawful maLerlal or for fraudulenL purposes,
?ou wlll noL use Lhe Servlce or AppllcaLlon Lo cause nulsance, annoyance or
?ou wlll noL lmpalr Lhe proper operaLlon of Lhe neLwork,
?ou wlll noL Lry Lo harm Lhe Servlce or AppllcaLlon ln any way whaLsoever,
?ou wlll noL copy, or dlsLrlbuLe Lhe AppllcaLlon or oLher uber ConLenL wlLhouL wrlLLen
permlsslon from uber,
?ou wlll keep secure and confldenLlal your accounL password or any ldenLlflcaLlon we
provlde you whlch allows access Lo Lhe Servlce and Lhe AppllcaLlon,
?ou wlll provlde us wlLh whaLever proof of ldenLlLy we may reasonably requesL,
?ou wlll only use an access polnL or 3C daLa accounL (A) whlch you are auLhorlzed Lo
?ou are aware LhaL when requesLlng LransporLaLlon servlces by SMS lf avallable ln your
[urlsdlcLlon), sLandard messaglng charges wlll apply,
?ou wlll noL use Lhe Servlce or AppllcaLlon wlLh an lncompaLlble or unauLhorlzed devlce,
?ou wlll comply wlLh all appllcable law from your home naLlon, Lhe counLry, sLaLe
and/or clLy ln whlch you are presenL whlle uslng Lhe AppllcaLlon or Servlce.
uber reserves Lhe rlghL Lo lmmedlaLely LermlnaLe Lhe Servlce and Lhe use of Lhe AppllcaLlon
should you noL comply wlLh any of Lhe above rules.
1he raLes LhaL apply for Lhe LransporLaLlon servlces by Lhe 1ransporLaLlon rovlder can be found
on Lhe WebslLe and Lhrough Lhe AppllcaLlon. 1hese are sub[ecL Lo modlflcaLlon or updaLes by
uber from Llme Lo Llme. lL ls your own responslblllLy Lo remaln lnformed abouL Lhe currenL
raLes for Lhe LransporLaLlon servlces. uber shall charge you for Lhe LransporLaLlon servlces
provlded Lo you by Lhe 1ransporLaLlon rovlder on behalf of Lhe 1ransporLaLlon rovlder. ?ou
agree LhaL you wlll pay for all LransporLaLlon servlces you purchase from Lhe 1ransporLaLlon
rovlder, and LhaL uber may charge your credlL card accounL as provlded by you when
20 | P a g e

reglsLerlng for Lhe Servlce for Lhe LransporLaLlon servlces lncludlng any Laxes and laLe fees, as
appllcable) LhaL may be accrued by or ln connecLlon wlLh your accounL. ?ou are responslble for
Lhe Llmely paymenL of all fees and for provldlng uber wlLh a valld credlL card accounL for
paymenL of all fees aL all Llmes. Any paymenL made ls non-refundable.

1he lnformaLlon, recommendaLlons and/or servlces provlded Lo you on or Lhrough Lhe WebslLe,
Lhe Servlce and Lhe AppllcaLlon ls for general lnformaLlon purposes only and does noL
consLlLuLe advlce. uber wlll reasonably keep Lhe WebslLe and Lhe AppllcaLlon and lLs conLenLs
correcL and up Lo daLe buL does noL guaranLee LhaL (Lhe conLenLs of) Lhe WebslLe and/or
AppllcaLlon are free of errors, defecLs, malware and vlruses or LhaL Lhe WebslLe and/or
AppllcaLlon are correcL, up Lo daLe and accuraLe.
uber shall noL be llable for any damages resulLlng from Lhe use of or lnablllLy Lo use) Lhe
WebslLe or AppllcaLlon (buL Lo Lhe excluslon of deaLh or personal ln[ury), lncludlng damages
caused by malware, vlruses or any lncorrecLness or lncompleLeness of Lhe lnformaLlon or Lhe
WebslLe or AppllcaLlon, unless such damage ls Lhe resulL of any wllful mlsconducL or from gross
negllgence on Lhe parL of uber.
uber shall furLher noL be llable for damages resulLlng from Lhe use of (or Lhe lnablllLy Lo use)
elecLronlc means of communlcaLlon wlLh Lhe WebslLe or Lhe AppllcaLlon, lncludlng - buL noL
llmlLed Lo - damages resulLlng from fallure or delay ln dellvery of elecLronlc communlcaLlons,
lnLercepLlon or manlpulaLlon of elecLronlc communlcaLlons by Lhlrd parLles or by compuLer
programs used for elecLronlc communlcaLlons and Lransmlsslon of vlruses.
uber: hLLps://

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