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How would you analyze a parallel ow HX?

Heat Transfer Arvind Narayanaswamy

Your 1st homework: Solve the same problem we did here except the conguration is a parallel ow heat exchanger. You have to do the analysis and gure out the governing equations for the temperature distribution. Then, solve the problem with the same numbers as the example problem, i.e, what is the area of the heat exchanger in parallel ow conguration? Due on Tuesday, January 28, 2014. In class. What you should try and learn from this exercise is how to analyze dierent heat transfer problems. Most often, it follows the same method: dene your control volume, identify heat uxes, apply conservation of energy. Then, you have to obtain a dierential equation. Also identify the appropriate boundary conditions. Then, solve for T2 (x ) T1 (x ). Then, nd A.

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