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COMP2111 Final Lecture Session 1, 2013

Kai Engelhardt

Revision: 1.1


when? Friday 2013/06/14 9:4512:00 where? Keith Burrows Theatre what to bring? student id, 2 (double-sided if you like) A4 pages of hand-written notes, pen, pencil (optional) what not to bring? calculator, textbooks, lecture notes, computer, binoculars, switched on phone (more details on the relevant UNSW examination regulation web pages)

Whats in?

Everything we did in: lectures, tutes, assignments It is not a multiple choice test. You will have to think before you write.

What went wrong?


the order of the content was wrong, given that

the ability to read sets, predicates, formulas is generally much poorer than I expected; this is not the course where this should be taught (I maintain that my expectations are not to high; Ill chase this up with Maths and CSE) the ability to write sets, predicates, formulas is even worse; this is not the course where this should be taught

there is a (perceived?) attitude mismatch

students expect easy marks for assignments that are work, not challenges I set (some) assignments/tutes that are meant to be challenging students expect lecture videos and lecture notes online I expect students who skip class/tutes to source relevant information from their peers; I expect students to take notes

How could this be improved?


Re-arrange content into:

Event-B course (roughly the examples we did) Semantics & Renement (simplest setting) Assertional Reasoning incl. Hoare Logic Semantics & renement (Event-B), POs Beyond Event-B, but in the Event-B setting
backward simulation simple fairness/liveness for concurrency

Use common sense; get organised I could

explain expectations more clearly, more often explain the role of assignments

Students could
organise scribe duties attend classes elect class reps to improve feedback channel work on assumed knowledge/actual knowledge mismatch

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