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Yang Socials 10

Name__________________ Block___

Checklist so far:! 1. Take a look and see what you have completed or are missing.! 2. All the assignments and hand outs will be posted on the website! 3. It is your responsibility to come check in with me regarding any of these! 4. Fridays class and tutorial times are good times to check in.! 5. If you have any questions, contact me at! 6. All assignments should be completed and turned in by Mar. 5th!

! !


Turned in or completed?" Yes/No/ Unsure

Comments, questions you may have:

About me:

Journal Entry #1:" The Metis First Nations and the Fur Trade Quiz Rules of____

Newspaper Blackout Project Journal Entry #2: Merger, Red River Historical Source Evidence Journal Entry #3: Red River, 18211860s

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