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"ield#$ased Internship Plannin% &or'sheet

6ame< Sarah Lucas-Carr Cohort< Iowa City 2012

*ue< 6ovem"er 1= o! 1st (emester in )ro,ram ' as chan,es are made$ (tudent uploads plan to (+( upon approval !rom >aculty >ield (upervisor$

ISSL #1 Visionary Leadership Standar d


Visionary Leadership/Experience Area (Condensed Criteria)

ses data !or Esta"lishment o! Achievement Goals

E.C. /Elem/Sec/Sp Ed (Indicate Grade Level) Approximate Hours

1# E$C$% & Elem% ' 1 ()E*

(I)% ()E* +eetin, *ata driven% student teacher%

Estimated Completion Date



ses "est practice in )ro,ram Improvement

# (econdary . ()E*

01I )rocess / G2AEA



Articulates/)romotes Hi,h Expectations !or 1eachin,/Learnin,

#1 (econdary . Elem

H$($ 01I 4+i5e +attos Hi,h (chool 6e7 (trate,ies and Implementation

1//13/1. 1#//-/1.


Ali,ns educational pro,rams 7/ *istrict Vision and Goals )rovides Leadership !or +a8or Initiatives and Chan,e E!!orts

1 Elem . E$C$ 1- E$C$ ' Elem

1ext"oo5 Adoption (I) 9a,an Cooperative Learnin,4 modelin,% pd days% co4teachin,% ' lesson plannin, 7ith teachers 1ext"oo5 adoption 1ier II :ehavior )ro,ram

/.//3/1. /-/.//1# 1#/1;/1#


1# Elem . ()E*

(prin, #/1.


Communicates e!!ectively 7ith various sta5eholders on pro,ress

1; Elem ; ()E* & Elem

)1A meetin,s% )ro!essional *evelopments% ' parent/teacher con!erences$ )arent Communication :I)( :L1<1?% )*% ' 1estin,

/=/.//1. /1/1#/1& /&/#-/1.

ISSL #( Instr)ctional Leadership Standard ( #a Instructional Leadership (Condensed Criteria) )rovides leadership !or Assessin,/*evelopin,/Improvin, Climate and Culture (ystematically/>airly 0eco,niAin,/Cele"ratin, (ta!!/(tudent Accomplishment Encoura,es desi,n o! more e!!ective learnin, experiences !or students E.C. /Elem/Sec/Sp Ed (Indicate Grade Level) Approximate Hours 1 E$C$% 1 ()E*% ' 1 Elem 1 Elem 1$= Elem 1& (ec #$= Elem & Elem @ ()E* 1 Elem DESCRIPTI ! 9a,an :L1 conversation and plan o! action (chool 2ide A7ards Assem"lies4Bscars C4Ha75 :4:all )layer 2rite 1ools 1rainin,4 0eal/>ictional 6arrative
)LC4 !ormative assessments (drive instruction)

Estimated Completion Date 1#//@/1# /1/.//1. =/.//1. 1#//-/1. /&/#-/1. /&/.//1. 11/#//1. 1//1&/1.

#" #c

(pecially *esi,ned Instruction :I) ' >:A


+onitors/Evaluates E!!ective Curriculum/Instruction/Assessment

& Elem . ()E* 3 Elem 1 E$C$ #/ Elem

)LC4!ormative assessment Gatherin, data% tallyin,% creatin, ,raphs% ' loo5in, !or trends (tudent 1eacher +id ' )ost B"servations )reschool 2al5 1hrou,h (tudent 1eacher 1ext"oo5 Adoption

/&/.//1. /1/1#/1& 1#//@/1# 1#/11/1. /&/.//1. /.//3/1.


Evaluates (ta!! and )rovides on,oin, coachin, !or improvement


Ensures pro!essional development that

1/ Elem

enhances teachin,/learnin, #, ses research/theory to develop/revise pro!essional ,ro7th plan )romotes colla"oration 7ith all sta5eholders . ()E* :oo5 (tudy 1eachin, 7ith )overty in +ind >lexi"le ,roupin,% assistin, 7ith "oo5 study ()E* ' G2AEA Con!erence 1ime )ostcards% photos% letters% phone calls% )1A meetin,s% 6ei,h"orhood Association Harvest Hop )1A meetin,s #8 Visi"le and en,a,ed in the community 3 Elem ; (ec #5 Articulates and rein!orces desired school culture% sho7in, evidence - Elem (chool )romoted Events CiCiDs )iAAa 6i,ht% (chool >airs% student teacher :as5et"all :ench +onday *ress up days% Adopt A Hall7ay /-//&/1. =/.//1& 1#//-/1. 1//#./1.


1 ()E* = ()E*

1#/11/1. /#/##/1& /-//&/1.


Accessi"le and approacha"le to all sta5eholders

1# Elem

ISSL #* Standard * .a r%ani+ational Leadership (Condensed Criteria) Complies 7ith state and !ederal mandates and local "oard policies

r%ani+ational Leadership DESCRIPTI ! Estimated Completion Date 1#/11/1. /#/##/1& /@//#/1. 1//#./1. /#/##/1&

E.C. /Elem/Sec/Sp Ed (Indicate Grade Level) Approximate Hours 1 ()E* /$= ()E* 1; Elem ; ()E* /$= ()E*

+eet 7ith G2AEA sta!! to chec5 IE) su"missions ' compliance 1ransportation

." .c

0ecruitment% selection% induction% and retention o! sta!! !or Euality instruction Addresses current and potential issues in a timely manner

Coordinates ' participate in hirin, committee 1ier II% 7ee5ly meetin,s% >:ADs% :I)(% 2E: IE)($ 1ransportation


E!!ectively/e!!iciently mana,es !iscal and physical resources )rotects instructional time ses e!!ective communication 7/internal and external audiences a"out school operations

& (ec . Elem 3 ALL & (ec & Elem & Elem & (ec

:ehavior Concerns 1ier II Co4Chair )rincipal B"servations (ILB Grant Committee :L14 +aster (chedule Visited 7ith )rincipal ' vie7ed operations (hado7 Hi,h (chool )rincipal

/1/1#/1& /-//&/1. =/.//1& 1//#-/1. 1#/11/1# 1//1&/1# 1//1&/1#

.e .!

Standard , &a

ISSL #, Colla-orati.e Leadership E.C. /Elem/Sec/Sp Ed DESCRIPTI ! (Indicate Grade Level) Approximate Hours En,a,es !amilies and community% and promotes # Elem 1itle Bne 6i,ht4 !amilies come to school% shared responsi"ility !or student learnin, and learn to,ether and ta5e home pro8ects education and tipsF 1$= Healthy >amily 6i,ht Colla-orati.e Leadership (Condensed Criteria) )romotes/supports structure !or !amily/community involvement 1$= Elem & (ec 3 Elem 'E$C$ Bscars A7ards Hi,h (chool B"servations (sprin, "rea5) nited 2ay :uildin, 0ep

Estimated Completion Date 11/;/1# /&/.//1. /&/.//1. ./.1/1. 1#/11/1#



>acilitates connections o! students/!amilies to health/social services that support a !ocus on learnin, Colla"oratively esta"lishes a culture that 7elcomes and honors !amilies and community and see5s 7ays to en,a,e them in student learnin,

1= Elem ' (p$Ed 1 ()E* 1/ Elem = (ec ISSL #/ Ethical Leadership

IE) +eetin,s nited 2ay 0eadin, ' implementin, 1eachin, 7ith )overty in +ind Help 7ith )* days and sta!! 2i5i H$($ Con!erences

@/.1/1. 1#/11/1# /=/.//1. 1#//#/1.


Standard /

Ethical Leadership (Condensed Criteria)

E.C. /Elem/Sec/Sp Ed (Indicate Grade Level)


Estimated Completion Date


*emonstrates ethical and pro!essional "ehavior

Approximate Hours . Elem ; (ec ' (p$ Ed . (ec & Elem # Elem # (ec

Leadin, )* days ' hostin, student teacher B"servations in Hi,h (chool



*emonstrates values% "elie!s% and attitudes that 7ill inspire others to hi,her levels o! per!ormance >osters and maintains carin,% pro!essional relationships 7ith sta!!

Autism Classroom )lannin, ' teachin, 7ith student teacher Anonymous !eed"ac5 as a leader Anonymous !eed"ac5 as a leader H(% e4 mails% H$($ o"servation 0eadin, ' implementin, 1eachin, 7ith )overty in +ind Help 7ith )* days and sta!! 2i5i (tudent 1eacher Healthy >amily 6i,hts +ultiple meetin,s% prep% individuals :uildin, Leadership 1eam Communicates 7/all sta5eholders

1//13/1. 1#/1;/1# #/.//1# 1#//./1.



*emonstrates appreciation !or and sensitivity to diversity in the school community

1/ Elem



*emonstrates respect !or diver,ent opinions

1$= Elem . ()E* 1# Elem = (ec

/&/.//1. /1/1#/1& /3//1/1. /1/1#/1&

ISSL #0 Political Leadership Standard 0 3a Political Leadership (Condensed Criteria) Colla"orates 7ith service providers/decision4 ma5ers to improve teachin, and learnin, Advocates !or the 7el!are o! all mem"ers o! the learnin, community E.C. /Elem/Sec/Sp Ed (Indicate Grade Level) Approximate Hours 1 ()E* 3 (ec 1 Elem 3 ALL 1 Elem DESCRIPTI ! >:A ' :I)s (pecial Ed 2al541hrou,hs (tudent 1eacher Curriculum Adoption Committee >:A ' :I)s (pecial Ed Estimated Completion Date 1//1&/1# /1/1#/1& /&/.//1. 1#/1;/1# 1//1&/1#


1 Elem

Healthy >amilies 6i,ht



*esi,ns and implements appropriate strate,ies to reach desired ,oals

1 ()E* . Elem

>:A ' :I)s (pecial Ed (marter :alance 1est4per!ormance tas5s

1//1&/1# /&/.//1.

Pro%ram#Re1)ired Internship E2periences Pro%ram# Re1)ired E2perience ")ll#Day Principal Shado7in% Location 3school4 a%ency4 -)siness4 5 contact people6 Description Estimated Completion Date

Lincoln Elementary Ann Langenfeld Phone: 319-688-1130

2nd yr principal Boys and Girls club


!on#pro8it/Social Boys and Girls Club of Cedar Rapids E2perience Taylor Elementary Sc ool


Lead !out Super"isor# Emma T ompson $ddress# %20 %t $"enue S& Cedar Rapids' ($ )2*0* + one# ,19-,10-%12* Email# et ompson.b/ccr-or/
$)siness Internship E2perience

Kernals-$ndrea Brommel0amp' 1irector of Tic0ets and Group Sales Phone: (319 896-!603



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