13 - Geometrical Constructions (P2) .

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Geometrical Constructions PAPER 2 (2004, Q18) Set square and protractors are not allowed for this question. Diagram 2 in the answer space shows a straight line AB (a) !sing onl" a r#ler an$ a pair o% compasses, (i) constr#ct a triangle AB& 'eginning %rom a straight line AB s#ch that B& ( ) cm an$ A& ( * cm, (ii) hence, constr#ct the perpen$ic#lar line to the straight line AB passes thro#gh the point & (') Base$ on the $iagram constr#cte$ in (a), meas#re the perpen$ic#lar $istance 'etween point & an$ the straight line AB +) mar,s-

Diagram 2

(200*, Q10)

Khairunnasri Abdul Rashid

13. Geometrical Constructions Set square and protractors are not allowed for this question. Diagram . shows triangle DE/

5 cm D
Diagram .


(a) !sing onl" a r#ler an$ a pair o% compasses, constr#ct Diagram . #sing the meas#rement gi0en, E 'eginning %rom the straight line DE pro0i$e$ in the answer space (') Base$ on the $iagram constr#cte$ in a), meas#re the $istance, in cm, 'etween the point D an$ the point / +* mar,sAnswer1

(200), Q12) Set squares and protractors are not allowed for part (a) of this question.

Khairunnasri Abdul Rashid

13. Geometrical Constructions Diagram 4 shows triangle PQR


6 cm 1 !o $ # 4 D3A4RA5

(a) !sing onl" a r#ler an$ a pair o% compasses, constr#ct triangle PQR #sing the meas#rement gi0en, 'eginning %rom the straight line PQ pro0i$e$ in the answer space (') Base$ on the $iagram constr#cte$ in (a), meas#re PRQ '" #sing a protractor +* mar,sAnswer 1 (a) (')

Diagram 4

(2006, Q18) (a) Diagram 6 shows a triangle 789 5eas#re 789 in Diagram 6, #sing a protractor

3 7 Diagram

Khairunnasri Abdul Rashid L

13. Geometrical Constructions

(') Diagram 8 shows a :#a$rilateral 5;PQ


1 !o '

Diagram %

(i) !sing onl" a r#ler an$ a pair o% compasses, constr#ct Diagram 8 #sing the meas#rements gi0en Begin %rom the straight lines 5; an$ ;P pro0i$e$ in the answer space (ii) Base$ on the $iagram constr#cte$ in 18(')(i), meas#re the length, in cm, o% PQ +* mar,sAnswer 1 (a) (') (i)




(2008, Q16) (a) Diagram 16 1 shows a :#a$rilateral PQR<


Khairunnasri Abdul Rashid

Diagram 17.1

13. Geometrical Constructions

5eas#re PQR #sing a protractor (') Diagram 16 2 shows a parallelogram AB&D =he point E lies on AB s#ch that DE is perpen$ic#lar to AB !sing onl" a r#ler an$ a pair o% compasses, constr#ct Diagram 16 2, 'eginning %rom the lines AB an$ AD pro0i$e$ in the answer space +) mar,s-

B E A C Diagram 17. D

Answer 1 (a) (')


(2002, Q11) a) Diagram shows a triangle 5;P 5eas#re 5;P #sing a protractor

') Diagram in the answer space shows two straight lines, E/ an$ /4 B" #sing onl" a r#ler an$ a pair o% compasses, constr#ct ; i. =he line />, the 'isector o% E/4,

Khairunnasri Abdul Rashid

13. Geometrical Constructions ii Answer 1 a) c) (i),(ii) =he :#a$rilateral E/4> s#ch that E> ( 4 cm +* mar,s-

4 /
(2010, Q16) R Diagram shows a triangle PQR $rawn not to scale Rajah menunjukkan sebuah segi tiga PQR yang dilukis tidak menikut skala. Diagram in the answer space shows a straight line PQ Rajah di ruang jawapan menunjukkan garis lurus PQ. a) !sing onl" a r#ler an$ a pair o% compasses, constr#ct enggunakan pembaris dan jangka lukis sahaja! bina i) triangle PQR to the meas#rements shown in $iagram, segi tiga PQR menggunakan ukuran seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam rajah! ii) the perpen$ic#lar line to the straight line PR which passes thro#gh the point Q garis serenjang kepada garis lurus PR yang melalui titik Q. ') 5eas#re the perpen$ic#lar $istance 'etween straight line PR an$ point Q "kur jarak tegak di antara garis lurus PR dan titik Q.

6 cm

)0o P Q

+* mar,sAnswer 1 (a)(i),(ii)

Khairunnasri Abdul Rashid


13. Geometrical Constructions


Khairunnasri Abdul Rashid

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