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The Incredible Hulk

Readme File
Thank you for purchasing The Incredible Hulk for PC. This file contains updated and additional information not found in the game manual. For more information, news and updates, please visit the !"# website at http$ Table of Contents &' ystem (e)uirements *' Installation +' #utoPlay ,enu -' .egin Playing The Incredible Hulk /' 0ninstall The Incredible Hulk 1' Troubleshooting 2' The Incredible Hulk web sites 3' Technical upport 1) System Requirements Minimum System Requirements
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000/XP

Processor: Memory: Optica" $ri-e: $is5 Space: So(nd %ard: !np(t $e-ices:

2.0 Gigahert !nte"/#M$ %P& with SS' !nstr(ction s(pport )*2M+ ,#M ./ Speed $0$1,OM dri-e 2*2003+/sec s(stained transfer rate4 and "atest dri-ers *.. G+ *006 $irectX 7.0c compati8"e *918it so(nd card and "atest dri-ers *006 Windows 2000/XP compati8"e mo(se: 5ey8oard and "atest dri-ers. X!np(t 8ased contro""ers. $irectX 7.0c for Microsoft Windows 2000/XP. $irectX 7.0; for Windows 0ista. <ardware acce"erated -ideo card with pi/e" and -erte/ shader -ersion 2.0 s(pport. *2.M+ of 0ideo Memory with the "atest dri-ers. M(st 8e *006 $irectX 7.0c compati8"e.

$irectX: Graphics %ard:

45T!$ It may be necessary to update your hardware drivers. Intel integrated graphics chips are not officially supported. 2) Installation In order to play The Incredible Hulk, you must first install the program on your computer6s hard drive. Please note that you may need #dministrator access in order to install the game. Insert the The Incredible Hulk 787 into your 787 drive. 9hen the #utoPlay screen appears, follow the instructions on the screen to being installing the game. If the #utoPlay screen does not appear, double:click on the ,y Computer icon on your desktop, then double:click the 787 drive containing the The Incredible Hulk 787. ;ocate and double:click on !T0P.!<! to launch the install program. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation process. 5nce you have successfully installed the game, you are ready to play= 3) AutoPlay Menu The #utoPlay ,enu will appear any time the The Incredible Hulk 787 is inserted into the 787 drive$ Install The In redible !ul" : Install the game. 5nly available if the game is not installed yet. #an$ua$e > elect the language to play the game in. Play The In redible !ul" : .egin playing The Incredible Hulk. %ninstall The In redible !ul" : (emove The Incredible Hulk from your hard drive. Readme File : 8iew this readme file for additional information about The Incredible Hulk. The In redible !ul" &ebsite : "o to the official The Incredible Hulk game web site.

S'(A &ebsite : "o to the !"# official site. Chan$e Resolution : elect the (esolution settings to play the game in. ')it : close the menu. *) +e$in Playin$ The In redible !ul" 4ow that you6ve installed the game, there are several ways to begin playing$ :Insert the The Incredible Hulk 787 into your 787 drive and click P#A, T!' I-CR'.I+#' !%#/. :Click the 9indows T#(T button and select Programs? ega?The Incredible Hulk?Play The In redible !ul". :7ouble:click the The Incredible Hulk icon on your desktop. 4e@t, the game launcher program will be displayed. elect the screen resolution and language, then press !4T!( to start the game. If the game fails to run properly, make sure to select a screen resolution that is supported by your computer monitor. 4ote$ Aou will need to have the The Incredible Hulk 787 in your 787 drive at all times in order to play TH! I4C(!7I.;! H0;B. 0) %ninstall The In redible !ul" If you need to uninstall The Incredible Hulk, you may do any of the following$ :Insert the The Incredible Hulk 787 and select %ninstall The In redible !ul" from the #utoPlay ,enu. :Click the T#(T button, choose Programs? !"#?The Incredible Hulk, and select 0ninstall The Incredible Hulk. :Click the T#(T button, go to Control Panel, #dd%(emove Programs and remove The Incredible Hulk. 1) Troubleshootin$ If you are having difficulty launching the game$ &' Close any other applications that are running on your PC, including system tray applications. *' ,ake sure that 7irect< C.Dc is installed on your system. +' ,ake sure to update your graphic card and sound card drivers to the latest drivers available. Please try updating your graphic card drivers before contacting technical support$ ATI .ri2er .o3nloads http$ -4I.IA .ri2er .o3nloads

http$ SA4'. (AM'S .y default, the saved game files for The Incredible Hulk are located here$ &indo3s 5P 6 &indo3s 2777 C$%7ocuments and ettings%0 !(%,y 7ocuments% ega%The Incredible Hulk Ewhere 0 !( is the logged in username' 8) The In redible !ul" &eb Sites S'(A http$ The In redible !ul" http$ Mar2el http$ The In redible !ul" (ame Forum http$%%boards* 9) Te hni al Su::ort If you e@perience any technical problems with your game that you are unable to resolve, please contact !"# Technical upport$ Phone &:3DD:1/-:+*-C Internet http$

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