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Process Paper

How did you choose your topic? Anastasia, Danielle, Kevin and I have always been interested in the Holocaust. When the opportunity for us to enter National History Day, we knew we had to find a suitable topic for this years theme Rights and Responsibilities. We decided that Nazi Germany would be a good topic considering Hitler, his military, and the citizens of Germany all had different sets of responsibilities and rights. How did you conduct your research? Hearing about the annotated bibliographies about gave us all a heart attack, but we decided if we divided up the research we could get enough to do a decent project. We each branched off and took different subjects. I researched the rights and responsibilities of Hitlers military and tied together ideas of nationalism into the Holocaust. Kevin researched general information about the time period. Anastasia researched rights of the German citizens, and Danielle researched the rights of the Jews. How did you select your presentation category and create your project? We had the option to do a website, a research paper, a display board, or a play. We decided creating a website would be easiest for us. This day and time everything is done electronically. Plus we live far away from each other, doing everything over the internet. We wouldnt have been able to get together enough to put together a whole display board or play. How does your project relate to the NHD theme? Our project related to the NHD theme because all people in the holocaust had different rights and responsibilities. The military had the right to be free, but had the responsibility of following Hitlers every command. The German citizens were less affected than the Jews but their rights and responsibilities were also limited after the holocaust began. The Jews had little to no rights, and were treated like animals during this time.

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