Spellingh W Feb 24-27

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Febiuaiy 24, 2u14
Seconu uiaue
!"#$% '()' *+$ ,+
#- )+$ .-
Wiite all the
woius in ABC
Wiite all the
woius thiee times
Biaw what each
woiu means.
Wiite a simile
sentence foi all
the even woius.
Spelling Pie-Test
This shoulu be
uone on Thuisuay
to help you stuuy
foi the test.
Spelling Sentences
with all the woius.
0se inteijections.

Multiplying Chapter 5
Social Studies: Read and answer questions.
Who Was George Washington: Read and complete daily
activities like, the summary or searching for words.

Tell your parents to CHECK your work.
1. summei S. tiavel 9. Novembei 1S. flowei
2. wintei 6. coloi 1u. evei* 14. people*
S.little 7. apple 11. latei* 1S. mumble*
4. 0ctobei 8. able 12. puiple 16.

Spelling Bee:
February 24-27, 2014
Choose fiom the following spelling
assigments to complete foi homewoik.
Eveiyuay has to be a new anu uiffeient
iuea fiom the twelve pioviueu.
!"#$% '()' *+$ ,+ #- )+$ .-

1.Look up the
uefinitions on all the
woius. Incluue the
paits of speech.
2. Spelling
Pietest: This one
can only be uone
on Thuisuay.
S.Choose 8 woius
anu wiite a simile
sentence foi each.
4. Wiite
sentences with
the spelling
S. Spelling
Sentences : Incluue
a noun,veib,
aujective iuentify
the pieuicate
6. Spelling
Inteiiogative oi
7.Wiite a lettei to
the cieatois of the
Lego movie use
atleast 1u of the
8. Wiite thiee
ihyming woius
foi each of the
spelling woius.
9.Wiite a song using
atleast 7 woius. You
can use a cuiient
song to help you
think of an iuea. Foi
example, 0ne
Biiection's "The
Stoiy of Ny Life" oi
any othei song.
1u. Cieate a
simile sentence.
Remembei to use
the woius like
anu as.0se atleast
1u woius.
11. Illustiate all the
spelling woius.

Sx Each

1. summei S. tiavel 9. Novembei 1S. flowei
2. wintei 6. coloi 1u. evei* 14. people*
S.little 7. apple 11. latei* 1S. mumble*
4. 0ctobei 8. able 12. puiple 16.

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