Methods For The Estmation of Mean Particle Size D50 Using The Matlab Curve Fitting Technique

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Methods for the calculation of Mean Particle size D50 using the Matlab Curve fitting Technique Steps:

We have the results of particle size anal zer in e!cel sheet having particle size in a colu"n and
other having the abundance in #

abundance Diameters

$pen ne% blan& M file in "atlab %here ou %ill %rite the code

Write clear; then clc; to re"ove the previous variables Select a variable x=[]; Cop the colu"n of dia"eters fro" e!cel and paste it in x Si"ilarl select a variable and paste the colu"n of abundance in it i'e' q Then %rite cftool; then run the function fro" run &e select change folder and a %indo% of curve fit %ill appear

Run Key

Select ! "atri! in ! data and "atri! in data and select and also select the "ethod of "ethod of curve fitting and degree of fitting curve so that the ne% curve "ust be opti"ized

(ethod Data %oints Degree of &ur'e

)quation of &ur'e &oefficient of )quation

The result part of the %indo% indicate the equation and coefficients of equation %e %ill use this to calculate the particle size (o% open another blan& " file and generate a variable x %ith the dia"eters as done before Then cop all the coefficients fro" the curve fitting %indo% as sho%n and paste it in the ne% file Then initialize variables as ps= ; product= ; and y= ; Then generate a for loop for the nu"ber of iteration equal to the data points of "atri! ! )n that loop* paste the function as y= as sho%n in fig %ith ! changes to x!i" Multipl %ith the sa"e ordinate of ! in variable product and add it in a variable of ps as sho%n then close the loop $ut of loop divide the variable ps b # "aterial and print the variable ps$ This %ill give ou the particle size of

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